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OBJECTIVE: To study laryngopharyngeal anastomosis and fixing methods of super-cricoid laryngectomy with reconstruction of functions in lightening aspiration and increasing decannulation rate. METHODS: Recovering conditions of laryngeal functions in 66 patients who underwent supracricoid laryngectomy and anastomosis of cricoid cartilage and base of tongue (epiglottis) in recent eight years were summarized. Some relevant caliber distances in 21 residual larynges were measured. RESULTS: All cases restored their phonation. In 36 cases that underwent anastomosis of cricoid cartilage and base of tongue, 15 cases without aspiration, 18 with mild aspiration, 3 moderates. Decannulation rate is 94.4%. In 30 cases who underwent anastomosis of cricoid cartilage and base of tongue, 10 with mild aspiration, 17 moderate, 3 serious. All cases overcame aspiration within 3 weeks. 7 cases were cannulated. 3, 5, 10 year survival rates were 80.3%, 74.4%, and 3/7. The longitudinal and transverse calibers of epiglottis were 1.5-2.0 times longer than that of the entrance of cricoid cartilage. After anastomosis of cricoid cartilage and base of tongue (epiglottis), the epiglottis can exactly cover the entrance of cricoid cartilage to prevent aspiration fully and increase decannulation rate. Previously the cricoid cartilage was anatomized and fixed under the hyoid bone. Because some spaces exist between cricoid cartilage, base of tongue and epiglottis, aspiration is likely to occur. That hyoid bone covers the entrance of cricoid cartilage will bring constriction of the new laryngeal orifice and make decannulation difficult. Hyoidectomy and anastomosis of cricoid cartilage and base of tongue (epiglottis) overcame the two shortcomings and had good effects. CONCLUSION: Cricoid-hyoid-anastomosis was the main reason of severe aspiration and low decannulation rate. The ideal methods to lighten aspiration and increase decannulation rate are hyoidectomy and anastomosis of cricoid cartilage and base of tongue (epiglottis).  相似文献   

目的探讨改良环状软骨上喉次全切除术的可行性及优越性。方法随机选取25例早中期喉癌患者,行改良环状软骨上喉次全切除术,并以残存的披裂黏膜翻转进行发音重建,同时将环状软骨或环甲膜直接与下拉的会厌缝合,完成环会厌吻合,重建喉功能,术后随访,并3年估疗效。结果术后随访1~3年,25例患者无一例死亡,拔管率为100%,平均拔管时间为45 d;误吸发生率为52%,所有患者发音较清晰,均能进行正常的言语交流;1例患者出现术后颈部淋巴结转移,再次行功能性颈淋巴结清扫;1例患者喉癌局部复发,再次行全喉切除。结论改良环状软骨上喉次全切除术,该术式操作简单,易掌握,可有效提高术后拔管率,降低喉狭窄发生率,提高发音质量,改善患者术后的生存质量。  相似文献   

环状软骨上喉次全切除术及其疗效   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目的 探讨环状软骨上喉次全切除术的可行性及其适应证。方法 选择自1988~1996年不宜行常规水平或垂直半喉部分切除术的T2和T3喉鳞癌患者21例行环状软骨上喉次全切除术。声门上型9例,声门型10例,跨声门型2例。临床分级:T2期16例,T3期5例。手术切除范围;舌骨、甲状软骨板、会厌前间隙和声门旁间隙,保留环状软骨和至少一侧杓状骨或部分正常会厌软骨。吹功能重建主要采用环状软骨舌根(会厌舌根)吻合  相似文献   

目的:探讨环状软骨上喉部分切除环舌根会厌吻合术中保留一侧杓状软骨的手术方法及在改善患者术后发声的作用。方法:26例双声带受累的声门型喉癌(T1b、T2和T3分别为11、12和3例)病变重侧均行半喉全部切除,病变轻侧声带受累未超过膜部的2/3,离杓状软骨的声带突尚有3mm的安全界,在保留杓状软骨的同时保留该侧甲状软骨板后下1/3,以防喉返神经损伤,从而确保杓状软骨的正常运动。上提修复后的残喉体与舌根、会厌吻合,重建新喉。结果:全部病例术后7~23d内恢复正常饮食。25例拔除气管套管,拔管率为96.2%(25/26)。全部病例恢复了发声功能,术后有不同程度的声嘶,18例发声时有响声,能胜任室内言语交流,言语可被清楚理解;8例发声时响度较低,1m内近距离言语交流无障碍,在安静环境下言语可被清楚理解。术后无咽瘘和肺部并发症,2例局部感染者7d内治愈。术后局部复发率为3.8%(1/26),颈部淋巴结转移率为3.8%(1/26)。用直接法计算生存率,术后满3年者17例,死亡1例、失访1例,3年生存率为88.2%(15/17);术后满5年者10例,死亡2例,5年生存率为80.0%(8/10)。结论:经过选择的双声带受累病例,保留一侧杓状软骨有助于改善患者术后发声质量。杓状软骨主动的前内方向运动和会厌的相向运动可能是发声质量得以改善的原因。  相似文献   

喉癌喉大部切除后功能恢复及生存率评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of supracricoid partial laryngectomy with laryngoplasty in treating laryngeal cancer and reconstructing its functions. METHODS: One hundred and fifty-nine patients receiving subtotal laryngectomy from 1993 to 1999 were analysed. 4 kinds of operations were performed for them. 46 cases underwent supracricoid partial laryngectomy with the reconstruction of laryngeal function by pedicled flaps. RESULTS: Among the 46 cases receiving supracricoid partiallaryngectomy with laryngoplasty, aspiration did not occur in 40 cases. The decannulation rate was 91.3%, 3, 5 year survival rates were 84.8%, 75%. 41 cases resumed enjoyed satisfactory phonation. CONCLUSION: This form of laryngeal reconstruction in supraericoid partial laryngectomy with laryngoplasty is helpful to restore laryngeal function. It can prevent aspiration and improve the decannulation rate as well as the quality of life in partial laryngectomy patients.  相似文献   

目的 评价喉环上部分切除术带蒂软骨膜或肌膜整复喉腔、并重建“杓区”的临床应用价值 ,探讨提高治疗中晚期喉癌生存率及生存质量的方法。方法 回顾分析 15 9例喉次全切除术的临床资料 ,其中喉环上部分切除喉腔成形术 46例 ,喉水平垂直部分切除术 ( 3 / 4喉切除 ) 5 8例 ,喉环上部分切除术 2 6例 ,Pearson手术 2 9例。比较各术式术后喉的呼吸、发音、吞咽功能恢复情况。结果 喉环上部分切除喉腔成形术 3、5年生存率分别为 84 8% ( 3 9/ 46) ,75 0 % ( 2 7/ 3 6) ;拔管率 91 3 % ( 42 /46) ,3周内恢复吞咽功能 86 9% ( 40 / 42 ) ,语言响亮清晰者 89 1% ( 41/ 46)。 3、5年生存率与其他术式相比较 ,差异无显著性 ( χ2 值 =1 0 2 ,P >0 5 ) ,拔管率及语言清晰方面均优于其他 3种术式 (Hc =12 3 69,P <0 0 5 ) ,3周内吞咽功能恢复情况好于喉环上部分切除术及喉水平垂直部分切除术 (Hc =40 914,P <0 0 0 1)。结论 喉环上部分切除喉腔成形术在不影响生存率的同时 ,有效恢复喉的全部功能 ,拔管率高 ,误吸低 ,语言响亮清晰 ,提高了患者生存质量  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to analyze the incidence, treatment, and prevention of early and late respiratory complications in a series of patients who had supracricoid partial laryngectomies with either cricohyoidoepiglottopexy or cricohyoidopexy. From medical charts, we retrospectively reviewed 101 patients who underwent supracricoid partial laryngectomies, from 1980 to 2006, for laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma, and recorded the various postoperative complications and the time of decannulation. The mortality rate was 3.96%. Early complications included broncho-pulmonary infections and laryngeal stenoses which occurred in 9.9%. Univariate analysis showed a statistically significant relationship between the pulmonary complications and neck dissections (p < 0.04). Later, they were due to laryngeal obstruction (neolaryngeal mucosal flap, residual false vocal cord fold or arytenoid edema). The median decannulation time was 8 days, and there was a significant relationship between the decannulation delay and the pulmonary complications. Only two patients had a later definitive tracheotomy. Respiratory complications after supracricoid partial laryngectomy are frequent, but can be easily managed in most cases. A preoperative pulmonary assessment is necessary to select patients. During surgery, a precise impaction of the hyoid bone with the cricoid cartilage and a repositioning of an arytenoid can avoid some postoperative stenoses.  相似文献   

喉环上部分切除喉腔成形术   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
目的 探讨提高中晚期喉癌生存率,避免或减轻术后呛咳程度,提高发音质量的方法。方法 40例中晚期喉癌采用次全喉切除术,保留一侧或两侧杓状软骨,用带蒂甲状软骨膜或肌膜,于一侧杓状软骨和环状软骨或第一气管环5点或7点处之间缝合重建声带,并将切除的杓状软骨处加高成形再建杓区。环舌固定。结果 3年、5年生存率分别为85.0%(34/40)和76.2%(16/21)。 吞咽无呛咳36例(90.0%),轻度呛咳4例;发音良好37例(92.5%);拔管率为92.5%(37例)。结论 喉次全切除带蒂软骨膜环杓连接喉功能重建术,在不影响生存率和拔管率的同时,有效防止了误吸,提高了发音质量。  相似文献   

环状软骨上喉次全切除术及疗效分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的探讨环状软骨上喉次全切除术(简称环上喉次全切除术)的可行性及其疗效。方法回顾性分析1990—2001年43例行环上喉次全切除术的T1b~T4及术后放疗后复发的喉癌患者,声门上癌16例,声门癌21例,声门下癌2例;外院术后复发3例,放疗后复发1例。临床分级:T1b6例,T213例,T316例,T44例。应用3种不同的环上喉次全切除术进行治疗(17例行环上喉次全切除环舌骨固定术,24例行环上喉次全切除环舌骨会厌固定术,2例采用环上喉次全切除气管环舌骨会厌固定术)。16例患者辅以放疗。结果KaplanMeier法统计生存率,随诊中位时间57个月。全组总的3年累积生存率为90.7%,5年累积生存率83.7%。术后拔管率为95.3%(41/43)。保留双侧杓状软骨的拔管时间为14d,保留单侧杓状软骨的拔管时间为43d。术后8周评价误咽发生率为14.0%(6/43),切除会厌增加了术后的误咽及拔管时间(P<0.05)。结论环上喉次全切除术是一种在肿瘤根治和喉功能保全上能达到临床应用水平的术式。  相似文献   

The partial horizontal supracricoid laryngectomy with cricohyoidopexy consists of resection of the whole thyroid cartilage and paraglottic space, as well as the epiglottis and the whole pre-epiglottic space. The cricoid cartilage, the hyoid bone, and at least one arytenoid cartilage are spared. Sixty-eight patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the supraglottis who underwent this procedure during the period from 1974 through 1986 are presented. Conventional horizontal supraglottic laryngectomy was contraindicated in all cases. All but three patients (95.4%) recovered physiologic deglutition, and none required a permanent tracheostomy. The 3-year actuarial survival rate was 71.4%. No local recurrences were encountered. The indications for the procedure are carcinomas of the supraglottis that 1. involve the glottis and anterior commissure, 2. invade the ventricle, 3. present with a marked limitation of true vocal cord mobility (transglottic lesions), and 4. invade the thyroid cartilage. The procedure is presented as a useful alternative to radiation therapy, horizontal supraglottic laryngectomy, and total laryngectomy in select cases of supraglottic carcinoma.  相似文献   

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