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放射状角膜切开术(radical keratotomy,R K)是上世纪80年代由前苏联引入我国的一项屈光不正矫正手术,曾广泛应用于低、中度近视的矫正。由于其手术方式本身的缘故,术后常出现视觉质量不佳,屈光回退以及不规则散光等问题困扰患者[1]。随着屈光手术的不断丰富与发展,人们越来越希望能够再次手术矫正R K术后屈光回退、散光等并发症。针对这部分人群,临床医生们曾通过角膜表层屈光术及角膜板层屈光术进行矫正,术后获得一定成效,但仍存在角膜相关问题无法解决。  相似文献   

近30年来成人近视屈光手术飞速发展,手术量逐年增加。手术方式主要有眼外激光角膜屈光手术和眼内有晶体眼后房型人工晶体植入术(ICL)。激光角膜屈光手术安全、有效、可预测性强、远期稳定性好,适应于中低度近视和高度近视个性化的矫正,为现今主流屈光手术方式;但对于"四高一低"即屈光度数高、角膜曲率高、角膜散光高、角膜地形图不对称性高和角膜厚度薄,以及角膜直径过小、形态不规则的近视患者不宜首选。ICL具有矫正范围广、效果稳定、无需去除角膜组织、像差影响小和视觉质量佳等诸多优点,但是对于前房深度不足、角膜像差大、眼内结构变异和特殊职业等情况不推荐选择ICL。两者相辅相成,使屈光手术适应证和矫正范围越来越广,术者根据患者不同特点而推荐适合的最佳术式,使其获得最满意疗效。  相似文献   

安全性、有效性、可预测性和远期稳定性是角膜屈光手术取得良好效果的前提,其中最重要的因素就是术前严格筛查和合理选择手术适应证。本文就角膜屈光手术术前的筛查要点做一阐述,目的在于合理地选择手术适应证,有效规避医疗隐患和风险,使得接受角膜屈光手术的患者获得安全、有效及满意的术后效果,进一步提升术后的视觉质量。  相似文献   

干眼是一类由多种因素引起的以泪膜稳态失衡为特点的眼表疾病,同时伴有泪膜不稳定、泪液渗透压升高、眼表炎性损伤以及眼表神经感觉异常导致的眼表症状。近年来随着环境污染、视频终端普及和生活方式的改变,干眼已成为临床最常见的眼科疾病之一,严重影响患者的视觉健康和生活质量,且发病有逐年增高和年轻化的趋势。虽然随着白内障手术技术和人工晶状体设计的不断进步,屈光性白内障手术已经被越来越多的医生和患者接受并取得了满意的效果,然而在临床实践中仍有部分患者未达到期望值,干眼是造成这类患者满意度降低的重要且常见的原因之一。屈光性白内障手术患者在围手术期不同的干眼干预措施,直接影响人工晶状体测算的准确性和术后屈光状态的稳定性。述评干眼在白内障患者中的发病率、白内障患者干眼的危险因素、术前干眼对屈光性白内障手术的影响、围手术期干眼干预对屈光性白内障手术的影响、屈光性白内障患者术后干眼的治疗,提出了重视干眼在屈光性白内障手术中的影响并科学合理地干预,是提高屈光性白内障手术安全性、准确性和患者满意度的重要措施。  相似文献   

正目前,国内外流行的眼部屈光手术,当属激光角膜屈光手术和眼内有晶体眼后房型人工晶状体植入术。但二者有爪同的手术适应证。近年来,飞秒激光角膜屈光手术的安全性和疗效更为手术者推崇。全飞秒SMILE手术中啁啾脉冲放大技术获得2018诺贝尔物理学奖。我国的屈光手术无论在设备上、手术数量和论文发表数量均居世界之最,医生也积累了丰富的临床  相似文献   

随着白内障手术技巧的不断发展和人工晶体的不断开发,白内障手术进入屈光性白内障手术时代。屈光性白内障手术不仅涵盖精细的手术过程,还包括不断更新的手术设备、准确完善的术前检查、精确的人工晶状体测算以及术前、术后视功能分析、个性化的屈光性人工晶状体的选择。现就近年来屈光性白内障手术术前及术后评估、手术操作与设计和人工晶体优选情况做一综述。  相似文献   

早产是指妊娠不足37周分娩,此时娩出的新生儿称为早产儿。早产儿视网膜病变是一类发生于早产儿和低体质量儿的视网膜血管异常增生性眼病,是全球范围内儿童致盲的主要原因。早产儿视网膜病变患儿发生屈光不正的风险高,其影响因素包括孕周、出生体质量、屈光参数以及治疗方式等,早期发现及干预ROP对患儿的视力预后至关重要。正文就可能影响早产儿视网膜病变患儿视觉发育及屈光状态的因素进行归纳与总结。  相似文献   

在白内障患者日益增长的视觉期望和人工晶状体设计进步的推动下,白内障手术现在已经发展成为一种屈光手术,眼的高阶像差是影响视觉质量的重要因素,球差、彗差、三叶草差等高阶像差反映不同的光学特性,可从多方面影响视觉质量,进行屈光性白内障手术需尽可能减少高阶像差。非球面人工晶状体通过补偿球差、降低总高阶像差较球面人工晶状体改善了视觉质量。多焦点与单焦点人工晶状体的选择需结合患者使用需求及术前评估,多焦点人工晶状体植入术后并发症的解决手段也在探究中;回顾人眼高阶像差的作用机制,就人眼高阶像差与视觉质量的关系及影响、不同类型人工晶状体对高阶像差的影响进行综述,以期为白内障患者个性化选择人工晶状体提供新的参考,改善患者术后视觉质量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨表层角膜屈光手术不同手术方式术后疼痛以及角膜刺激症状的差异.方法 选取行表层角膜屈光手术的近视患者600例(1 200眼),根据不同手术方式分为准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术(PRK)组、乙醇法准分子激光上皮瓣下角膜磨镶术(LASEK)组和微型上皮刀法准分子激光上皮瓣下角膜磨镶术(Epi-LASIK)组,比较三组之间的疼痛指数以及角膜刺激症状.结果 术后第1天,PRK组与LASEK组疼痛指数及角膜刺激症状差异无统计学意义,Epi-LASIK组与其余两组差异有统计学意义.术后第2天、第3天,PRK组与其余两组相比差异有统计学意义,LASEK组与Epi-LASIK组相比差异无统计学意义.术后第5天三组之间疼痛指数以及角膜刺激症状差异均无统计学意义.结论 表层角膜屈光手术后疼痛是导致患者术后不适的主要因素.手术方式不同,患者术后的疼痛指数以及角膜刺激症状存在差异.  相似文献   

白内障超声乳化吸除后人工晶状体(IOL)植入手术是目前公认有效的白内障治疗方式,现在白内障手术的目标已向获得良好视觉质量的屈光手术转变。IOL术后的偏心和倾斜可以增加高阶像差,降低视觉质量,但不同类型IOL因设计等因素,对术后偏心和倾斜所造成的视觉质量影响并不一致,偏心和倾斜对非球面IOL及多焦点IOL的视觉质量影响较其他类型IOL大。回顾近年来研究白内障IOL植入术后倾斜和偏心的相关文献,并对其产生原因和影响不同类型IOL视觉质量的结果进行综述,以求提供更多的治疗选择和研究方向,改善患者预后。  相似文献   

手术为甲状腺肿瘤的主要治疗手段,常用的手术方式包括传统开放手术、腔镜手术及达芬奇机器人手术,不管采取哪种手术方式,都有严格的质量控制标准,即尽可能减小手术创伤,缩短术后恢复时间以及取得良好恢复效果。随着甲状腺手术数量日益增多,其术后康复效果引起医患双方的高度重视。在甲状腺围手术期管理工作中,采取基于加速康复外科理念的管理方法,可以大大提高围术期患者恢复效果,加快患者康复,这一先进理念及方法必将成为未来主要发展方向,就加速康复外科在甲状腺围术期应用情况进行综述。  相似文献   

Throughout the twenty-first century, robotic surgery has been used in multiple oral surgical procedures for the treatment of head and neck tumors and non-malignant diseases. With the assistance of robotic surgical systems, maxillofacial surgery is performed with less blood loss, fewer complications, shorter hospitalization and better cosmetic results than standard open surgery. However, the application of robotic surgery techniques to the treatment of head and neck diseases remains in an experimental stage, and the long-lasting effects on surgical morbidity, oncologic control and quality of life are yet to be established. More well-designed studies are needed before this approach can be recommended as a standard treatment paradigm. Nonetheless, robotic surgical systems will inevitably be extended to maxillofacial surgery. This article reviews the current clinical applications of robotic surgery in the head and neck region and highlights the benefits and limitations of current robotic surgical systems.  相似文献   

The basic surgical guidelines for mastoid segment control are described in chronic ear disease. Dense cortical bone paté and mastoid tip bone chips are collected for possible obliteration of the surgical cavity produced. A meatally based musculoperiosteal flap is raised if "canal wall-down" surgery is anticipated. Mastoid bone surgery must be meticulous and the sigmoid, cerebellar and dural plates are first exposed. This is followed by a perilabyrinthine dissection. Tympanic or epitympanic surgery is connected with mastoidectomy as needed. All cavities are then obliterated.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe aim of this review is to evaluate complications in patients undergoing surgical control of bleeding after thyroid surgery. Secondly, we have analyzed the rate of the main complications.MethodsThe databases PubMed and EMBASE were searched for articles regarding complications after revision thyroid surgery for bleeding. A Systematic review methodology based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis was performed.ResultsNine studies met the inclusion criteria, six are retrospectives and three retrospectives controlled. The overall rate of bleeding after thyroid surgery was 1.38%. In these patients, the most common complication after revision surgery for bleeding is hypoparathyroidism 24.9% (95% CI: 20.7–29.5) followed by recurrent laryngeal nerve injury 8.1% (95% CI: 6.4–10.1) and wound infection 4.5% (95% CI: 2.5–7.6). Tracheostomy and other lethal complications are rarely described.ConclusionAlthough rare, complications after surgical control of bleeding in patients undergoing thyroid surgery can be serious. Therefore, in order to optimize the surgical outcomes, standardized protocol providing early detection and precise hemostasis procedure, is needed. Specific patient-informed consent for this condition should be created.  相似文献   

The review of recent history shows that since the initial discovery of the principle of the laser, rapid dissemination and application of this modality in the field of medicine have occurred. The use of laser energy has become an established technique in microsurgery and endoscopic surgery, particularly in the field of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery. Laser instruments and surgical techniques and experience are becoming increasingly widely appreciated. All these developments are a tribute to the imagination and determination of a few individuals who were instrumental in recognizing the potential of laser energy for surgical application and in developing and using this new modality in clinical surgery. The major developments in laser surgery include early laboratory studies of laser surgical applications and their effects, the invention and development of instruments allowing application of laser energy in a variety of surgical settings, particularly the upper aerodigestive tract, and clinical studies confirming the efficacy of laser surgery. Other significant developments include the successful application of laser surgery in the eradication or control of selected cancers in the upper aerodigestive tract, including the tracheobronchial tree. Although a firm foundation for laser surgery is well established, its future offers a wide vista of new opportunities.  相似文献   

A retrospective review of 45 patients with Stage III and IV malignant tumors of the major salivary glands was undertaken to determine tumor control and patient survival after treatment with surgery and conventional ionizing-radiation therapy. Eight of the 23 patients received early postoperative radiotherapy after initial surgical resection, with a local control rate of 75%. Twelve of 23 patients had surgery as definitive treatment and the tumor recurred locally in all; seven of these 12 patients were subsequently salvaged by further surgery plus postoperative radiotherapy or by radiotherapy alone, with 58% ultimate local control. The remaining three patients had unresectable tumors at diagnosis and received radiation alone, with a local tumor control rate of 33%. Patients were also analyzed according to the extent of surgical resection prior to radiation therapy and according to radiation dose. Eighty-eight percent of completely resected, 50% of partially resected, and 44% of unresected tumors were locally controlled for an overall local control rate of 61%. The 5-year survival rate was significantly higher for patients with local tumor control than for patients who failed locally (31% vs. 0%).  相似文献   

IntroductionThe Modena bleeding score is a categorical rating scale that allows the assessment of the surgical field in relation to bleeding during endoscopic surgery. It has recently been presented and validated in the field of endoscopic ear surgery by the present authors. The Modena bleeding score provides five grades for rating the surgical field during endoscopic procedures (from grade 1 ? no bleeding to grade 5 ? bleeding that prevents every surgical procedure except those dedicated to bleeding control).ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to validate the Modena bleeding score in the setting of endoscopic sinus surgery.MethodsFifteen three-minute videos of endoscopic sinus surgery procedures (each containing three bleeding situations) were evaluated by 15 specialists, using the Modena bleeding score. Intra and inter-rater reliability were assessed, and the clinical validity of the Modena bleeding score was calculated using a referent standard.ResultsThe data analysis showed an intra-rater reliability ranging from 0.6336 to 0.861. The inter-rater reliability ranged from 0.676 to 0.844. The clinical validity was α = 0.70; confidence limits: 0.64 ? 0.75, corresponding to substantial agreement.ConclusionThe Modena bleeding score is an effective method to score bleeding during endoscopic sinus surgery. Its application in future research could facilitate the performance and efficacy assessment of surgical techniques, materials or devices aimed to bleeding control during endoscopic sinus surgery.  相似文献   

《Auris, nasus, larynx》2020,47(1):42-47
Pain after tonsil surgery is troublesome because it causes discomfort. In addition, handling patients with postoperative pain is challenging to otolaryngologists. Many laboratory studies have assessed the use of analgesics and surgical techniques to discover methods for effective control of postoperative pain associated with tonsil surgery. In this review article, we summarize and provide a comprehensive overview of current methods for the control of pain after tonsil surgery based on findings of recent studies. Although powered intracapsular tonsillotomy is not popular yet, it seems to be an effective option among various surgical techniques. More discussion about powered intracapsular tonsillotomy should be done in the future. On the other hand, surgery with a harmonic scalpel, fibrin glue, or cryoanalgesia seems ineffective. When reviewing medical treatment methods, the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, and/or gabapentin/pregabalin seems to be effective. However, the use of opioid (especially codeine) for children should be avoided because of possible respiratory insufficiency. Ketorolac is dangerous because of the risk of hemorrhage. We should continue to focus on the development of novel postoperative pain control techniques with no or low complications.  相似文献   

上颌窦囊肿手术治疗的方式多种多样,比较目前诸多手术方法,各有优缺点,缺乏理想的外科手术治疗方法。经过长期随访和对照研究后认为,外科手术治疗首选功能性鼻内镜手术。本文就目前常用的手术治疗研究进展综述如下。  相似文献   

We report a case of predominantly facial neurofibromatosis type I in a 7-year-old girl, exposing the difficulties encountered in surgical management. Infiltration of facial soft tissues by plexiform neurofibroma is difficult to control. Resection of large areas of facial skin is unconceivable, facial functions must be preserved. Orbitocranial surgery is reserved for orbital manifestations of neurofibromatosis with osseous sphenoid dysplasia and pulsatile exophthalmos. Despite progress in tumor imaging and surgery, facial neurofibromatosis remains a challenge for the surgeon. We discuss surgical technique and indications for surgery in these cases.  相似文献   

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