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内分泌腺血管内皮生长因子在女性生殖系统的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
内分泌腺血管内皮生长因子(EG-VEGF)是近年发现的血管生成促有丝分裂家族新成员。目前研究表明,EG-VEGF在女性生殖系统表达,而且其表达具有明显的时空特性。同时发现,EG-VEGF与另外一种促血管内皮有丝分裂因子-血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)在组织细胞定位上是互补表达的。现就EG-VEGF与女性生殖系统生理和病理关系的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

综述内分泌腺源性血管内皮生长因子(EG-VEGF)在妇产科领域的表达和意义,发现EG-VEGF与血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)一样有强大的促血管生成作用,但EG-VEGF在卵巢中的表达却具有高度的选择性,与VEGF在卵巢的表达有其时间和空间上的差异和互补,为卵巢生理和病理研究开辟了又一新思路。  相似文献   

血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)是一种极强的血管生成促进剂,研究发现VEGF在卵泡液中浓度极高,因而近10年来它在生殖医学领域倍受关注,本文就VEGF的理化特征,在卵泡发育、黄体的形成、子宫内膜的增生、胚胎的着床等过程中的作用及其作用机理,VEGF表达的调节机制,VEGF类似因子及其与VEGF的关系等方面作一综述。  相似文献   

血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)是一种极强的血管生成促进剂.研究发现VEGF在卵泡液中浓度极高,因而近10年来它在生殖医学领域倍受关注.本文就VEGF的理化特征,在卵泡发育、黄体的形成、子宫内膜的增生、胚胎的着床等过程中的作用及其作用机理,VEGF表达的调节机制,VEGF类似因子及其与VEGF的关系等方面作一综述.  相似文献   

内分泌腺来源的血管内皮生长因子(EG-VEGF),也称为prokineticin 1,属于最新发现的细胞因子prokineticin家族。EG-VEGF主要表达于内分泌组织,包括前列腺、卵巢、肾脏、胎盘等。在合适的条件下,EG-VEGF可以被低氧、人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)等调控,以及激活MAPK和PI3K/AKT等主要的信号通路或诱导IL-8等血管生成因子,以促进细胞的增殖、迁移、小管形成等。目前大量研究表明,EG-VEGF在胎盘发育过程中发挥着很重要的作用,一旦失调会导致一些胎盘妊娠性疾病。本文现将EG-VEGF在病理性妊娠疾病中的作用做一综述。  相似文献   

血管内皮生长因子在妇产科生殖领域中的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文综述血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)近年来在妇产科生殖领域的研究进展,较完整地阐述了VEGF的基本结构与功能,在女性内生殖器,主要是卵巢和子宫,VEGF表达随月经周期的改变,在正常妊娠中的改变,在辅助生殖中的改变,着重阐述VEGF与卵巢过度刺激综合征(OHSS)的关系及其临床应用价值。  相似文献   

血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)是重要的促血管生成因子,在人类正常子宫内膜的生理性血管生成中有重要作用.子宫内膜VEGF来源于内膜组织中的腺上皮细胞、间质细胞、血管内皮细胞和螺旋血管平滑肌细胞,另外中性粒细胞、巨噬细胞、自然杀伤(NK)细胞等亦能分泌VEGF.对人类正常月经周期中VEGF在子宫内膜血管生成中的作用和有关调节因素综述.  相似文献   

血管内皮生长因子与妊高征的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
血管内皮生长因子 (VEGF)是一种特异性血管生长因子 ,在血管生发中发挥重要作用。胎盘部位有丰富的VEGF及其受体的表达 ,这对胎盘血管的发育和功能维持起重要作用 ,妊高征是一种以血管内皮损伤为发病中心环节的高血压综合征 ,近年来 ,国外有学者发现 VEGF的异常表达与妊高征的发生密切相关  相似文献   

血管内皮生长因子与子宫内膜血管生成的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)是重要的促血管生成因子,在人类正常子宫内膜的生理性血管生成中有重要作用。子宫内膜VEGF来源于内膜组织中的腺上皮细胞、间质细胞、血管内皮细胞和螺旋血管平滑肌细胞,另外中性粒细胞、巨噬细胞、自然杀伤(NK)细胞等亦能分泌VEGF。对人类正常月经周期中VEGF在子宫内膜血管生成中的作用和有关调节因素综述。  相似文献   

缺氧诱导因子lα(HIF-1α)是缺氧条件下广泛存在于哺乳动物和人体内的一种转录因子,其能启动靶基因转录,使机体适应缺氧的微环境,在肿瘤血管生成等方面起重要作用.血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)的基因是HIF-lα重要的靶基因,而VEGF受体(KDR)是VEGF的主要功能受体.近年研究表明,HIF-1α,VEGF,KDR在...  相似文献   


This study was undertaken to compare the concentrations of pro- and anti-angiogenic growth factors, nitric oxide (NO) stable metabolites in maternal serum and embryonic left ventricular (LV) isovolumic relaxation time (IRT, ms) during the first trimester in two groups of women: with pregnancy conceived by assisted reproductive technologies (ART, n?=?39) and normally conceived (control group, n?=?68) pregnancy. The concentration of vasoconstrictor endothelin 1 was 45.5 times more in ART than in control group. On the contrary, the concentrations of NO stable metabolites in ART were 1.9 times less than in control women. The assessment of angiogenic suppressors in ART women demonstrates the decrease in s-endoglin concentration was 1.6 times and in soluble receptor to vascular endothelial growth factor concentration was 2.0 times in comparison with control group. There was a significant increase in LV IRT in ART embryos in comparison to control ones. These data suggest significant changes in pro- anti-angiogenic factors balance and increase in vascular impedance in ART-conceived embryos.  相似文献   

我国常见生殖系统疾病流行概析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
梅毒、淋病和前列腺癌、宫颈癌等是我国常见额生殖系统疾病。生殖系统传染性疾病多病种流行特征各异,表现为梅毒疫情严峻,存在胎传梅毒流行风险;淋病流行减缓显著;艾滋病感染途径转为以性传播为主。生殖系统恶性肿瘤发病和死亡整体呈上升趋势,存在显著城乡差异,表现为前列腺癌在城市地区明显高发,中老年男性为高危人群;宫颈癌发病死亡上升趋势较缓,农村负担重于城市,贫困地区女性为易感人群。除社会文化观念改变和人口流动频繁外,母婴传播阻断困难、艾滋病难以治愈等多种原因导致性传播疾病流行;多种肿瘤危险因素多重累积暴露可能是肿瘤发病趋势增加的重要原因。我国正面临常见生殖系统传染性疾病和慢性非传染性恶性肿瘤流行的双重负担。需倡导个体安全性行为,减少肿瘤危险因素暴露,完善生殖健康教育、服务及监测体系,遏制生殖系统疾病负担进一步加重。  相似文献   

目的:探讨血管生长因子受体3(vascular endothelial growth factor 3,VEGFR3)在ART妊娠胎盘组织中的差异表达及其安全性研究中的意义。方法:收集11例自然妊娠(对照组)和10例ART妊娠(ART组)的单胎足月妊娠选择性剖宫产分娩的胎盘组织,分析比较组间的临床资料;并应用免疫组织化学技术和实时荧光定量PCR技术,观察VEGFR3在胎盘组织的细胞定位,比较VEGFR3在ART和对照组胎盘组织中的差异表达。结果:VEGFR3在胎盘组织中定位于胎盘绒毛合体滋养层细胞胞质。与对照组相比,VEGFR3细胞定位一致,ART妊娠的胎盘组织中VEGFR3 mRNA表达水平有上升趋势,但无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:ART妊娠的胎盘组织中VEGFR3细胞定位和表达水平未见明显变化。  相似文献   

This paper gives an overview of the global commercialised market in assisted reproduction treatment in low-resource countries in Asia and raises concerns about access and equity, the potential commercial exploitation of the bodies of subaltern women to service the demand for donated ova and surrogate pregnancy, and the need for protections through regulations. A lack of systematic data about cross-border reproductive care is a significant obstacle to debate and policy intervention. Little is known about the extent, experience or conditions of cross-border reproductive care outside of Europe and the United States. Further research is needed in Asia on the local effects of this trade upon local health systems, couples seeking care, and those women whose body tissues and nurturing capacities facilitate it. More attention needs to be paid to the provision of publicly funded reproductive health services to address the inequitable distribution of treatment and to investigate means to regulate this trade by governments, international NGOs, professional organisations and civil society groups in developing countries. The global trade in assisted reproduction challenges us to balance the rights of individuals to pursue health care across national borders with the rights of those providing services to meet their needs, especially vulnerable groups in situations of economic disparity.  相似文献   

在女性生殖活动中,kisspeptin参与调控下丘脑-垂体-性腺(HPG)轴的功能,并通过介导雌激素的正负反馈调节促性腺激素释放激素(Gn RH)的分泌,解除促性腺激素抑制激素(Gn IH)对HPG轴的负性调控作用,继而调节促性腺激素(Gn)的分泌及类固醇甾体激素的分泌,并与多种卵巢功能异常疾病的病理过程密切相关。Kisspeptin可调控卵泡发育和排卵发生,并影响子宫内膜容受性的形成。此外,在辅助生殖技术(ART)过程中kisspeptin可代替传统h CG扳机,并降低接受ART治疗的不孕症女性卵巢过度刺激综合征(OHSS)的发生。  相似文献   

Using data from the National Family Health Survey of 1992-93 and the individual reproductive histories of a cross-section of 70 women from rural Tamil Nadu, this paper exposes the limited extent to which women in India have been able to achieve their reproductive intentions and the failure of health services to meet their considerable reproductive health needs. Of the 70 women, 69 had been unable to achieve their reproductive intentions, not only non-users of contraception but also ever-users, and all 69 had an unmet need for reproductive health services. Sterilisation is often the first and only method of contraception taken up and only after a series of wanted, mistimed and unwanted pregnancies, miscarriages, induced abortions and neonatal and infant deaths. Women who wanted to have more children than they were able to were also found. Given the paradigm policy shift in India from promoting fertility reduction only to meeting women's reproductive and sexual health needs, a more useful concept for measuring 'unmet need' for services in programme planning is required, one such as the HARI index, that would capture the extent to which individual women are achieving their reproductive intentions in good health. Without this, the same problems will only recur in younger women.  相似文献   

Crossing national borders to have children is a rapidly growing phenomenon, fuelled by restrictions on access and technologies in some countries and for some patients, by high costs in others, and all generating a burgeoning multibillion dollar international industry. Cross-border gestational surrogacy is one form of family building that challenges legal, policy and ethical norms between countries and puts both intended parents and gestational surrogates at risk, and can leave the offspring of these arrangements vulnerable in a variety of ways, including parent–child, immigration and citizenship status. The widely varying political, religious and legal views amongst countries make line drawing and rule making challenging. This article reviews recent court decisions about and explores the legal dimensions of cross-border surrogacy.Crossing national borders to have children is a rapidly growing phenomenon, fuelled by restrictions on access and technologies in some countries and for some patients, by high costs in others, and all generating a burgeoning multibillion dollar international industry. Cross-border gestational surrogacy is one form of family building that challenges legal, policy and ethical norms between countries and puts both intended parents and gestational surrogates at risk, and can leave the offspring of these arrangements vulnerable in a variety of ways, including parent–child, immigration and citizenship status. The widely varying political, religious and legal views amongst countries make line drawing and rule making challenging. This article reviews recent court decisions about and explores the legal dimensions of cross-border surrogacy.VIDEO LINK: http://sms.cam.ac.uk/media/1401580  相似文献   

Fertility Treatment in the Forty and Older Woman   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Purpose: To determine the outcomes and logical progression of fertility treatment in women forty years and older using their own oocytes. Methods: This was a retrospective study in which 401 completed treatment cycles in 152 women aged forty and older were reviewed. Results: Assisted reproductive technology (ART) cycles (n = 58) were reviewed, comprising both in vitro fertilization (IVF) and gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT). Intrauterine insemination (IUI) cycles (n = 343) were reviewed, consisting of 38 unstimulated natural cycle–IUI (NC-IUI), 194 clomiphene citrate–IUI (CC-IUI), and 111 injectable gonadotropins–IUI (INJ-IUI) cycles.The live birth rate of 15.5% for ART cycles was significantly higher than the live birth rate of 3.2% seen for all IUI cycles (p = 0.0007). There were no differences among treatment groups in spontaneous abortion, preterm delivery, or ectopic pregnancy rates. Conclusions: For women 40 years of age who wish to use their own eggs, ART offers the best chances for conception and delivery.  相似文献   

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