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目的 评估极低出生体重(very low birth weight,VLBW)儿童学龄期行为适应状况并探讨相关的影响因素。方法 采用BASICS行为适应量表对235名就读主流学校的极低出生体重儿童和396名正常出生体重儿童的家长进行问卷调查。 结果 调查的631个家庭中570个家庭完成问卷,应答率90.3%。极低出生体重儿童组成就[(3.06±0.93)分]、自我关系[(3.62±0.88)分]、内在状态[(4.11±1.18)分]得分及行为适应总分[(3.19±0.71)分]高于正常出生体重儿童组,分别为[(2.29±0.85)分],[(2.27±0.78)分],[(2.45±0.86)分]和[(2.31±0.75)分],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多元线性回归分析结果显示,家庭收入高、主要管教者受教育程度高的VLBW儿童行为适应较好,新生儿期患颅内出血及使用激素总量较多的VLBW儿童行为适应较差。 结论 极低出生体重儿童存在行为适应问题,应进行早期的行为评估和干预。  相似文献   

目的 了解城市低出生体重儿童学龄期主观生活质量状况.方法 从某城市已建立的出生队列中整群抽取6~12岁低出生体重儿童作为观察组,共随访101例,并按1:1匹配选择同性别和年龄的正常出生体重儿童作为对照,采用儿少主观生活质量问卷评价其主观生活质量水平.结果 城市低出生体重儿童学龄期主观生活质量问卷平均得分为(161.670±16.567)分,生活质量的8个维度、认知成分、情感成分和总得分与正常出生体重儿童差异均无统计学意义.学龄儿童总的生活质量满意度集中在一般水平,且差异无统计学意义.结论 城市低出生体重儿童学龄期主观生活质量与同龄正常出生体重儿童无明显差别.  相似文献   

【目的】 探究学龄前期低危晚期早产儿认知发育状态和视觉-运动整合能力,比较其与同龄正常儿童的差异,为实施针对性干预方案提供依据。 【方法】 以上海-Wechsler学前及初学儿童智能测验量表和中国修订Beery视觉-运动整合测验工具评估69例学龄前期儿童(其中早产儿31例,正常足月儿38例)的智能和视觉运动整合能力。 【结果】 早产儿组的语言、操作和总智能分均值为:97±21、107±15、102±18;正常足月儿组依次为112±15、128±12、122±11。两组儿童智能虽处于平均水平,但早产儿组的认知能力远低于正常足月儿组(t=5.53,P<0.01),尤其在高级语言能力和操作能区上表现的更为薄弱。早产儿和正常足月儿组的视觉-运动整合能力均值分别为:88±16、109±18,两组间差异有高度统计学意义(t=4.93,P<0.01),且其差距较操作能区的差异还要大,达到了24%。将视觉-运动整合分值与总智商做相关分析发现,两者存在着正相关(r=0.6,P<0.05)。 【结论】 低危晚期学龄前期早产儿,虽具备正常认知能力,但仍较正常足月儿落后,尤其在高级语言功能和视觉感知运动方面,差距甚大。应在学龄前期对这类儿童加强随访评估,实施针对性干预措施。  相似文献   

极低出生体重儿青春期时学习困难   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:比较极低出生体重儿和足月儿在青春期时的心理测试结果及其所遇到的学习困难,并判定8~10岁少儿的心理学测试结果的稳定性。研究方法:选择固定区域受试者及采用纵向连续研究方法。受试者:选择1977~1982年出生并存活的169名出生体重为501~1000g的极低出生体重儿中150名作为研究对象(占总数的89%),同时随机抽取145名足月出生正常体重儿中124名作为对照组(占总数的86%)。按社会人口统计学即性别、年龄、社会阶层等方面,将对照组与极低出生体重儿组相匹配,两组年龄均为12~16岁,心理学测试工具:两组观察对象均采用改良版儿童韦氏智力量表…  相似文献   

我国每年出生2 000万新生儿,其中早产儿发生率占活产婴儿5.6%,极低出生体重(VLBW)儿占新生儿0.5%~1.2%,重度窒息儿伤残发生率为10%~75%,高危儿出现智能障碍发生率为20.3%[1]。随着现代医学的发展,极低出生体重儿的存活率不断上升,但是存活下来的低出生体重儿往往因体重极低,娩出较早,身体各器官,尤其是大脑尚未完全发育成熟,出生后容易造成脑损伤,生存质量下降。极低出生体重儿的学习困难、注意力缺陷多动障碍、认知缺陷和行为问题等发生率较同龄儿童高[2-5]。即使到了成年期,极低出生体重儿的智力和学习成绩常常较同龄人低[6]。越来越多…  相似文献   

低出生体重儿学龄期体格发育的随访研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】了解6~12岁低出生体重儿童体格发育状况和营养状况,并探讨低出生体重对早产儿和足月小样儿学龄期生长发育的影响。【方法】采用出生队列结合巢氏病例对照方法,铜陵市某医院于2006年6月对1994年6月~2000年6月间建立的出生队列随访了101例出生体重低于2 500 g的单胎低出生体重儿作为研究对象的观察组,按照1∶1匹配在同队列中选择对照。通过问卷调查研究对象的人口统计学特征及家庭环境状况,测量身高、体重等指标评价其6~12岁生长发育状况。【结果】直至学龄期足月小样儿的身高、体重和坐高均落后于同龄儿童,且中度和轻度营养不良的发生率也较早产低体重组高。早产低出生体重儿童体重和胸围的发育也较同龄足月正常出生体重儿童低。【结论】早产低出生体重儿和足月小样儿可能具有不同的生长潜能;加强孕期营养和保健,开展针对低出生体重儿生命早期干预,对改善儿童生长发育状况具有积极意义。  相似文献   

该文从解剖学角度叙述了正常足月儿大脑中动脉长穿支的生长和自动调节能力,以及突触的"修剪"形成有效的工作网络是大脑发育的基础.在早产儿中此发育则明显不足,导致认知能力下降、脑容量较小和大脑发育未成熟.影响早产儿认知功能发展的生物学因素中,胎龄越小、出生体重越轻,愈易发生认知功能障碍.适于年龄控制姿势的能力可反映认知相关大脑区域的完整性,并促进认知的发育,同时刻板运动、重复单一动作是大脑认知发育受损的表现,又进一步阻碍认知发育.围生期的各种并发症,如发育迟缓、感染等加剧了认知功能的损伤程度.此外,在性别中,男孩则是影响认知发育的潜在因素,在早产儿认知发育的评估和干预中应引起关注.  相似文献   

低出生体重儿的认知发展及其预后   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
低出生体重儿往往存在不同程度的认知发育障碍,随着低出生体重儿存活率的提高,他们的认知发展及其预后遂成为发育儿科学关注和研究的焦点。本文对近年来有关低出生体重儿认知发展的一些研究作了综述。  相似文献   

低出生体重儿的认知发展及其预后   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
低出生体重儿往往存在不同程度的认知发育障碍,随着低出生体重儿存活率的提高,他们的认话发展及其预后遂成为发育儿科学关注和研究的焦点。本文对近年来有关低出生体重儿认知发展的一些研究作了综述。  相似文献   

目的了解社区老年人认知能力状况及采取相应的干预措施。方法对社区≥60岁的无语言障碍老年人应用蒙特利尔认知评估量表(MoCA量表)评定,经过测试筛选。结果有102例轻度认知功能障碍的老年人,通过对这些老人的分析显示认知功能随年龄增加而递减的趋势明显,受教育程度对认知功能的有正面影响,男性认知健全比例高于女性。结论老年人认知能力随年龄增加而递减、随教育程度增高而增加、其中男性认知能力障碍比女性较少。  相似文献   

目的 探讨早产对婴幼儿智力、运动发育及视觉认知能力的影响,为开展早产儿早期干预提供依据。方法 采用纵向随访方法,选取曾在本院新生儿科住院的55例早产儿(其中:极早产儿 25例,中晚期早产儿30例)作为研究组,40例正常足月儿作为对照组,应用Bayley-Ⅱ婴幼儿发育量表在12月龄、18月龄、24月龄和36月龄时进行评估,用智力发育指数(Mental Developmental Index,MDI)、运动发育指数(Psychomotor Developmental Index,PDI)和视觉项目通过率表示。结果 极早产儿各校正月龄MDI、PDI均较正常足月儿落后(P<0.05);中晚期早产儿仅在校正12月龄和24月龄MDI得分与对照组存在显著性差异(P<0.05),各校正月龄PDI得分与对照组无显著性差异(P>0.05)。极早产儿组视觉项目通过率为46.3%,中晚期早产儿为61.5%,对照组为74.4%。 结论 早产对婴幼儿的智力、运动及视觉认知发育存在显著负面影响,在极早产儿中尤为明显,应尽早实施早期干预,促进早产儿发育。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Very low birth weight premature children often show cognitive development abnormalities. There is scarce information about the outcome of these children at preschool age in Brazil.The objective of the study is to describe the cognitive development of a population of premature newborns and to assess possible prognostic factors for abnormalities. METHODS: A cohort study was conducted in a preschool children population whose subjects were very low birth weight premature babies born between January 1991 and September 1993. WPPSI-R Test was used for cognitive evaluation and it was applied by psychologists. Two cut-offs were set to describe abnormality: scores below 1 and 2 standard deviations (SD). RESULTS: Seventy-nine children aged 4 and 5 years were studied. The mean full WIPPSI-R score was 75.6 (+/-11.9). The incidence of abnormal 1 and 2 SD full score was 77.2% and 32.9%, respectively. After adjusting for the method of delivery, small for gestational age (OR=6.19, 95% CI 1.60-23.86), abnormal cerebral ultrasound exam (OR=5.90, 95% CI 1.04-9.83) and male sex (OR=3.20, 95% CI 1.32-26.35) were predictors of full score <70. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to the literature, these children showed a more severe cognitive development impairment. Small for gestational age, abnormal cerebral ultrasound exam and male sex were prognostic factors for worse outcome.  相似文献   

We analyzed previously unavailable data to describe the national health status in 1981 of noninstitutionalized children who were low birth weight infants. They were compared with normal birth weight children. All data contained in the analysis were based on weighted national estimates. Low birth weight children in general were found to have more chronic conditions, more hospitalizations, more days in bed because of illness, more limitations of activity, poorer health status as perceived by parents, and more school days lost because of illness. However, numbers of physician visits were not different even for low birth weight children younger than 2 years, which is inconsistent with the higher proportions of multiple hospitalizations, chronic conditions, and other illness measures. The proportions of children in the younger age groups at risk for health problems associated with low birth weight should be increasing. The proportion of very low birth weight children in the younger age groups with higher excessive morbidity measures tends to support the possibility. The increased survival of high-risk infants raises concern about their future requirements for special medical and educational services, and about the resulting stress on their families. Normal birth weight children were found to make a major contribution to the prevalence of morbidity. It is not the children identified as at risk as a result of low birth weight that comprise most of those with illnesses. The physical, social, and psychological environment after birth probably has the largest impact on the health status of our children. The attributable risk of excessive morbidity associated with low birth weight and very low birth weight reinforces the concept that while the overall impact is not large, the consistent pattern of poorer health for children born with low birth weight, compared to those of normal birth weight, shown in this analysis, is striking. The pattern reinforces concerns with the many factors associated with low birth weight and their effects on the present and future health of the population.  相似文献   

目的探讨对极低体重儿的护理方法,降低极低体重儿的死亡率。方法选取本院2009年12月到2011年12月收治的73例极低体重儿,对这73例极低体重儿的临床护理资料进行回顾性分析,总结护理体会。结果经本院有针对性的护理治疗后,所有73例极低体重儿均治愈出院,经随访6个月,一般情况良好,有5例存在体格发育迟缓,其余正常。结论对极低体重儿进行合理的、有针对性的护理,可有效提高极低体重儿的生存率,减少死亡病例发生,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的 了解不同分类新生儿的骨矿代谢状况,并对比各项骨矿代谢指标在骨营养代谢异常中的诊断价值,为早期干预提供依据。方法 选取90例新生儿,其中足月儿62例、早产儿28例(极低出生体重儿12例,低出生体重儿16例)作为研究对象。检测血清骨钙素(OC)、β胶原分解片段(β-CTx)、血清钙(Ca2+)、25-羟胆骨化醇[25-(OH)D3]及甲状旁腺素(PTH)浓度,并采用两组独立样本t检验及Pearson相关分析对检测结果进行统计学分析。结果 早产儿组血清β-CTx浓度高于足月儿组(P<0.05),血清Ca2+和PTH浓度低于足月儿组(P分别<0.01和<0.05);早产儿组血清OC水平与Ca2+、25-(OH)D3呈正相关,血清β-CTx水平与Ca2+和25-(OH)D3呈负相关;极低出生体重(VLBW)组血清OC与Ca2+浓度低于低出生体重(LBW)组(P均<0.05),血清β-CTx浓度高于LBW组(P<0.05); VLBW组血清OC水平与Ca2+、25-(OH)D3呈正相关,血清β-CTx水平与Ca2+、25-(OH)D3呈负相关;新生儿血清OC、Ca2+水平与胎龄、体重正相关,血清β-CTx水平与胎龄、体重负相关。结论 新生儿血清骨矿代谢指标水平主要受胎龄、体重因素的影响,早产儿易出现骨营养代谢异常,且胎龄越小(体重越轻)越易出现骨营养代谢异常,临床上应尽早发现并及时合理补充VitD和钙。  相似文献   

Cognitive impairment is a neurodevelopmental sequela that is more prevalent in very low birth weight (VLBW) premature children. There are few Brazilian studies on this group's cognitive development at school age. The current study proposes a theoretical discussion on the determinants of cognitive development at school age in VLBW preterm children, using a hierarchical analytical model. According to this model, biological and environmental factors interrelate on several levels (distal, intermediate, and proximal), resulting in changes in cognitive development. The aim is to investigate the possible mediation of variables and their interrelationships and the resulting events that could lead to cognitive impairment as the outcome. Selection of risk factors was based on a literature review of factors associated with adverse cognitive outcomes. Better understanding of the interrelationships between these factors could lead to more appropriate prevention and intervention in this group, thereby increasing their chances of educational and social inclusion.  相似文献   

目的 了解上海市浦东新区低出生体重儿童0~3岁体格生长状况,并掌握早产低出生体重儿和足月小样儿不同的生长轨迹。方法 选取2014年10月-2016年9月出生并在浦东新区各社区卫生服务中心接受保健管理的387名低出生体重儿为观察组,并在同社区选取同性别同年龄段的386名正常儿童作为对照组,对其0~3岁期间的体重、身长/身高进行对比研究。结果 0~3岁期间,低出生体重儿的体重、身长/身高发育均落后于对照组(P<0.01);随着年龄增长,高危早产儿和低危早产儿的体重、身长/身高均赶超足月小样儿,且有差异统计学意义(P<0.05);高危早产儿和低危早产儿两组间的体重和身长/身高差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);三组低出生体重儿在0~3岁期间整体体重差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但身高差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);高危早产儿和低危早产儿的体重、身长/身高长速均超过足月小样儿和足月正常儿童。结论 低出生体重儿在0~3岁期间存在追赶性生长;早产低体重儿与足月小样儿呈现不同的生长轨迹,早产低体重儿可能具有更大的生长潜能。  相似文献   

目的 了解上海市浦东新区低出生体重儿童0~3岁体格生长状况,并掌握早产低出生体重儿和足月小样儿不同的生长轨迹。方法 选取2014年10月-2016年9月出生并在浦东新区各社区卫生服务中心接受保健管理的387名低出生体重儿为观察组,并在同社区选取同性别同年龄段的386名正常儿童作为对照组,对其0~3岁期间的体重、身长/身高进行对比研究。结果 0~3岁期间,低出生体重儿的体重、身长/身高发育均落后于对照组(P<0.01);随着年龄增长,高危早产儿和低危早产儿的体重、身长/身高均赶超足月小样儿,且有差异统计学意义(P<0.05);高危早产儿和低危早产儿两组间的体重和身长/身高差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);三组低出生体重儿在0~3岁期间整体体重差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但身高差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);高危早产儿和低危早产儿的体重、身长/身高长速均超过足月小样儿和足月正常儿童。结论 低出生体重儿在0~3岁期间存在追赶性生长;早产低体重儿与足月小样儿呈现不同的生长轨迹,早产低体重儿可能具有更大的生长潜能。  相似文献   

The authors estimated the influence of familial factors and community disadvantage on changes in children's intelligence quotient (IQ) scores from age 6 years to age 11 years. Data were obtained from a longitudinal study of the neuropsychiatric sequelae of low birth weight in two socioeconomically disparate, geographically defined communities in the Detroit, Michigan, metropolitan area. Representative samples of low birth weight and normal birth weight children from the City of Detroit (urban) and nearby middle-class suburbs (suburban) were assessed at age 6 years (in 1990-1992) and age 11 years (in 1995-1997) (n = 717). Children's IQs were measured using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised. The familial factors considered included maternal IQ, education, and marital status. Multiple regression analysis applying generalized estimating equations was used. The IQs of urban children, regardless of birth weight, declined from age 6 years to age 11 years. The downward shift increased by 50% the proportion of urban children scoring 1 standard deviation below the standardized IQ mean of 100. A negligible change was observed in suburban children. Maternal IQ, education, and marital status and low birth weight predicted IQ at age 6 years but were unrelated to IQ change. Growing up in a racially segregated and disadvantaged community, more than individual and familial factors, may contribute to a decline in IQ score in the early school years.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To compare PedsQL scores in young children who were very low (< or =1,500 g) or normal birth weight (>2,500 g) and to examine the relationship of the PedsQL score to behavioral and functional scores. METHODS: The PedsQL, Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist and the PEDI functional scales were telephone administered to parents of a regional cohort of 672 very low birth weight and 455 normal birth weight children, 2- and 3-years old. PedsQL scales were regressed on behavior, function and health conditions. RESULTS: Mean (SD) overall PedsQL score was 91 (8.4) for normal birth weight and 87 (12) for very low birth weight children, and changed little when standardized to the race/ethnicity and maternal education of corresponding Wisconsin births. Mobility function and the CBCL explained 58% of the variance in PedsQL, but the relationship was curvilinear. CONCLUSION: The PedsQL is sensitive to health problems of very low birth weight in young children. The PedsQL is quite strongly related to mobility and behavior problems, but scales these differently than do standard instruments. Parents either do not think of subtle issues with child function and behavior without specific prompting or do not perceive them as problems affecting quality of life.  相似文献   

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