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目的:探讨不同类型假体及置入层次对隆胸术后包囊挛缩发生的影响。方法:回顾本院2011年1月-2013年12月间假体隆胸术临床病例资料;分别按照假体的类型(圆形或解剖型、光面或毛面)及置入层次(乳腺后、胸大肌后及双平面)随机分组;统计各组术后1年包膜挛缩的分级及其发生率;分析不同类型假体及置入层次对包膜挛缩形成的影响。结果:圆形假体组与解剖型假体组术后1年BakerⅢ-Ⅳ级包膜挛缩发生率差异无统计学意义(P0.05);毛面假体组术后1年Ⅲ-Ⅳ级包膜挛缩发生率明显低于光面假体组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。乳腺后组包膜挛缩发生率明显高于胸大肌后及双平面组(P0.05)胸大肌后及双平面组之间包膜挛缩发生率差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:假体的光面或毛面、置入层次是假体隆胸术术后包膜挛缩的发生的重要影响因素;使用毛面假体和采取胸大肌后或双平面隆乳有利于降低术后包膜挛缩的发生率。  相似文献   

假体隆乳术后并发症与乳房下皱襞的解剖关系   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
仇树林  胡国栋  李兵  谢祥  韩胜 《中国美容医学》2006,15(2):137-138,i0002
目的:明确假体置入隆乳术后并发症与乳房下皱襞的解剖关系,探讨减少假体隆乳术并发症的方法。方法:通过对13例女性19个假体置入隆乳术后并发症的处理,分析假体隆乳术并发症的发生与乳房下皱襞的关系。①假体向外侧移位3例3侧。②纤维囊挛缩4例6侧。③假体向下移位3例5侧。④假体向上移位7例11侧。分别采用切除包膜,剥离扩大腔隙,修复解剖结构,重新置入假体等方法治疗。结果:临床症状消失,术后效果满意。结论:在假体隆乳术中不必刻意保护所谓的乳房下皱襞韧带结构,只要解剖清楚,操作细致,完全可避免并发症的发生。  相似文献   

目的:探讨鼻侧Medpor假体置入矫正鼻唇沟凹陷、减轻法令纹的临床效果。方法:鼻唇沟凹陷、法令纹明显患者26例,采用鼻侧Medpor假体置入矫正鼻唇沟凹陷,术后评价矫正效果,记录不良反应。随访至手术后6个月。结果:所有受术者鼻唇沟凹陷矫正效果明显,法令纹减轻,患者对术后外观满意,无感染、血肿等并发症发生,随访6个月后,假体稳定,与骨贴合紧密,无移位、外露、变形,效果维持持久。结论:Medpor假体矫正鼻唇沟凹陷效果确切,改善法令纹满意,效果可以长期维持,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的:探讨针对假体隆乳术后Ⅲ、Ⅳ级包膜挛缩的综合处理措施及其临床效果。方法:选择2014年5月至2017年5月本院收治的假体隆乳术后Ⅲ/Ⅳ级包膜挛缩68例(136侧),采用乳晕切口或下皱襞切口,包膜完整切除、部分切除或腔隙封闭,重新剥离腔隙,置换假体,组织覆盖困难者延期假体置入。观察术后伤口愈合情况、乳房外形、手感、乳头感觉、患者满意度及包膜挛缩复发及其分级。结果:68例求美者中,采取一期包膜处理及假体置换66例(占97.0%),采取一期包膜处理、二期假体置入2例(占2.9%);采用乳晕切口者60例(占88.2%),下皱襞切口者8例(占11.8%);术后7d伤口均甲级愈合;6个月随访率为97.0%;术后6个月发生包膜挛缩Ⅲ级2例、Ⅳ级1例(共占4.4%);求美者满意度95.6%。结论:乳晕或下皱襞切口是假体隆乳包膜挛缩综合处理的理想入路;原假体置入腔隙及乳腺、胸大肌厚度等覆盖组织情况是Ⅲ、Ⅳ级包膜挛缩综合处理策略的重要参考;正确处理挛缩包膜和假体置换是减少包膜挛缩复发和提高患者满意度的关键。  相似文献   

目的 评估在硅凝胶乳房假体置入后并发严重包膜挛缩时进行超声检查对手术方式选择的临床意义.方法 将51例(89侧)手术治疗的硅凝胶假体隆乳术后并发严重包膜挛缩(BakerⅢ~Ⅳ级)者,按术前是否接受超声检查分为超声组和非超声组.超声组25例(45侧)假体置入年限均≥5年的受术者,接受包膜顶部或全部切除术.非超声组26例(44侧)采用包膜切开松解术或包膜旷(留)置术,假体置入年限≥5年的占53.8%(14/26).结果 89个乳房假体手术中发现假体破裂或渗漏的55个,发生率为61.7%.超声组手术证实假体破裂或渗漏的达到86.7%(39/45),超声诊断手术符合率92.1%(35/38),术后6个月随访包膜挛缩复发率为5.3%(2/38).非超声组经手术证实的假体破裂或渗漏率为36.4%(16/44),术后6个月随访包膜挛缩复发率为25.9%(7/27).两组的假体破裂或渗漏的手术符合率和术后包膜挛缩复发率差别有统计学意义(P<0.001和P<0.05).结论 超声检查有助于包膜挛缩的评估、假体破裂或渗漏的诊断和手术治疗方式的选择.严重包膜挛缩者,置入5年以上的乳房假体破裂或渗漏率明显增加.建议在严重包膜挛缩者的超声诊断提示乳房假体破裂或渗漏时应用包膜切除术,以提高治疗效果和降低术后复发.  相似文献   

目的:探讨磁共振成像技术结合线性测量法在乳腺癌术后一期假体置入乳房再造中的临床应用价值.方法:共纳入34例乳腺癌患者,采用磁共振成像技术结合线性测量法测量乳房,选取合适规格大小的假体.术后随访6~24个月,分析患者双侧乳房对称性指标、美容效果及术后并发症情况.结果:患者患侧与健侧乳房相关对称性参数(SN-N、C-N、N...  相似文献   

隆乳术后乳房形态不佳的处理   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
刘荣清  余志宏  张秀平  张斌 《中国美容医学》2005,14(3):292-293,i004
目的:分析隆乳术后乳房形态不佳的原因,探讨手术纠正的方法。方法:采用原腔穴针刺定位缝扎法,调整假体位置后,纠正乳房形态。结果:11例(13侧)乳房假体位于胸犬肌下的病例,皆经本法手术处理,4例(5侧)乳房假体位于乳腺下的病例,改作胸犬肌下置入,随访6~18个月,效果满意。结论:针刺定位缝扎在纠正隆乳术后乳房假体位置偏移,缩小隆乳腔穴中具有操作简便,定位准确,效果满意,便于推广应用等优点。  相似文献   

三种不同层次假体隆乳术的适应证和优缺点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
相对于其他隆乳手术方法,假体隆乳由于其术后对人体健康损害极微且取出容易、并发症少等优点,而成为当前的隆乳手术中当之无愧的首选方案。然而,为追求其术后的形态更加逼真,手感更加自然,这又给美容医师在手术方法上提出了更一步的要求。作者于2007年度完成27例隆乳手术,根据美容就医者自身乳腺组织量多少及乳房基底大小不同,分别采用胸大肌下、乳腺下、联合层次下3种不同假体置入层次的方法施行手术,术后均获得美容就医者的较满意效果,同时观察到不同的假体置入层次所具有的术后形态及手感的差异。一、临床资料27例美容就医者,按假体置入…  相似文献   

目的评价乳腺癌术后即刻应用假体和生物膜进行乳房Ⅰ期重建的临床效果。方法随访2012年至2014年28例保留皮肤的乳房腺体全切术(SSM)患者,其中Ⅰ期用硅胶假体置入胸大肌后生物膜重建乳房下皱襞的患者19例(A组);单纯硅胶假体置入,未使用生物膜的患者9例(B组)。比较两组患者术后1年内,假体外露、假体移位、血肿、包膜挛缩、感染和异物反应等并发症的发生率。结果 A组仅有1例发生血肿(5.26%),其他并发症均未发生;而B组有1例发生假体外露(11.11%)、2例发生假体移位(33.33%)、1例血肿(11.11%)、4例包膜挛缩(44.44%),未发生感染和异物反应。B组假体移位和包膜挛缩率明显高于A组(P<0.05)。术后随访1年,所有病例均无乳腺癌局部复发和远处转移。结论联合应用假体和生物膜重建乳房,形态良好,满意度较高,并发症少,是SSM术后安全有效的乳房重建方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶(PAHG)注射隆乳取出术后继发乳房畸形的治疗策略.方法 2003年3月至2008年3月,我科共收治PAHG注射隆乳术后患者100例,年龄35~50岁,均为双侧注射,术前常规行乳腺B超和MRI检查,明确注射物的分布层次和周围组织浸润等情况.术中根据注射物分布的层次、肌肉变性的程度、皮肤弹性情况、是否有乳房感染、注射物残留情况,将患者分为即刻置入假体、二期置入假体、不置入假体3组,分别给予相应治疗.结果 本组患者随访6个月至3年,满意、基本满意和不满意率分别为90%、9%和1%,治疗效果良好.基本满意组3例3只乳房出现轻度包膜挛缩(BakerⅠ级),6例8只乳房下极可触及假体部分边缘.不满意组为1例二期置入假体中年患者,患者自行选择高突乳房假体,术后感到乳房外形与年龄不符,再次手术取出假体.除上述并发症外,无假体疝出、感染、切口裂开,双侧乳房不对称等畸形.结论 根据PAHG取出术后乳房畸形特点,选择恰当的再隆乳策略.既可改善胸部外观,又可缓解心理压力,可取得良好的效果.  相似文献   

Augmentation mammaplasty is generally associated with a high degree of patient satisfaction, but many studies now suggest that silicone gelfilled implants leak and that free gel migrates. A series of saline-filled augmentations is presented with technique that results in a small and inconspicuous incision and superior hemostasis. The advantages of these implants with regard to spherical capsular contraction are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:探索处理隆乳术后并发症同时行二次隆乳术适应证,选择适合手术切口,放置适当组织间隙。方法:36例隆乳并发症患者(其中硅胶假体隆乳13例,聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶注射隆乳23例)行即时二次隆乳,采用乳房下皱襞切口或乳晕切口,隆乳材料均选用硅胶假体。结果:该方法具有安全、易操作、痛苦小,出血少的优点,经随访3个月至3年取得满意效果。结论:严格掌握手术适应证,聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶(PAHG)尽可能洗净,选择硅胶假体置入胸大肌下间隙,是即时二次手术隆乳术的最佳方法。  相似文献   

Specific immunomodulatory strategies are required to eliminate the need for lifelong dependence on debilitating immunosuppressants. One proposed strategy is to simultaneously transplant the kidney and infuse donor-specific bone marrow cells. We prospectively studied the effect of unmodified donor-specific bone marrow infusion (DSBMI) on rejection, infection, graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), and graft survival. We performed 57 kidney transplants in mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC)-reactive, outbred pigs. The groups of recipient pigs differed according to the use of (1) indefinite versus short-term tacrolimus-based immunosuppression, (2) DSBMI, and (3) recipient preconditioning (RPC: whole body irradiation with 400 rads on day 0 and horse anti-pig thymocyte globulin (ATG) on days –2, –1, and 0). In all, we studied eight groups: group 1, nonimmunosuppressed control pigs (n = 8); group 2, nonimmunosuppressed DSBMI pigs (n = 7); group 3, nonimmunosuppressed RPC + DSBMI pigs (n = 5); group 4, tacrolimus (indefinite) pigs (n = 11); group 5, tacrolimus (10 days only) pigs (n = 5); group 6, DSBMI + tacrolimus (indefinite) pigs (n = 8); group 7, DSBMI + tacrolimus (10 days only) pigs (n = 6); and group 8, RPC + DSBMI + tacrolimus (indefinite) pigs (n = 7). DSBMI alone (group 2) or in combination with RPC (group 3) did not prolong graft survival, as compared with nonimmunosuppressed controls (group 1). In groups 1, 2, and 3, all but one pig died from rejection; in group 3 only, 45 % of the pigs died from concurrent infection or GvHD, indicating that RPC in combination with DSBMI aggravated the risk of generalized infection and GvHD. Post-transplant immunosuppression – irrespective of indefinite or short-term administration – was required for prolonged graft survival. With indefinite use of immunosuppression, graft survival rates and death rates from rejection were not different for pigs with (group 6) versus without (group 4) DSBMI; however, the death rate from infection was higher in group 6, suggesting that the bone marrow inoculum increased the risk of systemic infection. With short-term use of immunosuppression, graft survival rates were higher and death rates from rejection lower for pigs with (group 7) versus without (group 5) DSBMI. But DSBMI and short-term immunosuppression (group 7) failed to prolong survival beyond that achieved with indefinite immunosuppression (groups 4 and 6). Although the combination of DSBMI and short-term immunosuppression (group 7) reduced the risk of infection, it did not avert severe rejection. The addition of RPC to DSBMI and indefinite immunosuppression (group 8) significantly decreased graft survival, as compared with groups 4, 6, and 7. It also increased the incidence of death from rejection, GvHD, and infection, or a combination thereof. Unmodified DSBMI did not prolong graft survival after kidney transplantation, nor did it decrease the incidence of rejection. But it aggravated the risk of GvHD and infection. Short-term immunosuppression with DSBMI reduced the incidence of death from infection or GvHD, but it resulted in a higher incidence of death from rejection (as compared with indefinite use of immunosuppression). RPC, combined with DSBMI and indefinite immunosuppression, increased the death rate from rejection, GvHD, infection, or a combination thereof. In this large animal study, the effect of unmodified DSBMI has been disappointing. The search continues for the optimal way to successfully perform bone marrow augmentation in solid organ transplants. Received: 6 June 2000 Accepted: 28 December 2000  相似文献   

A critical comparison of the contracture rate in subglandular versus subpectoral augmentations was done in a personal series (senior author's) of 100 consecutive augmentation patients, 50 with subglandular augmentation and 50 with subpectoral augmentation. The average followup for the series was 27 months. Baker's classification of capsule contracture was utilized. Overall contracture rate in the subglandular group was 58% (29 of 50 patients) while in the subpectoral group it was 22% (11 of 50 patients),p<0.0002. Considering only the more severe contractures (Baker III & IV), the subglandular patients had 48% (24/50) while the subpectoral patients had 14% (7/50),p<0.0002. Comparing the more severe contractures in individual breasts, the subglandular group had 41% and the subpectoral group had 8%,p<0.0001. We conclude that in this personal series of patients, subpectoral placement of the prosthesis has significantly reduced but not eliminated the occurrence of capsule contracture without sacrificing a normal breast appearance.Presented at the American Association of Plastic Surgeons 65th Annual Meeting May 7, 1986, Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

Nasal augmentation is a highly popular technique used among Asian patients to change the characteristic flat Asian nose to a more prominent nose. The extent of augmentation is determined by the aesthetic desires of the patient, and the method of augmentation is provided by the surgeon, who takes into account the technical limitations of his or her preferred technique and the proposed surgical result. Although a silicone prosthesis is the most common implant used to improve the nasal appearance, the author prefers an autogenous approach with the olecranon bone used as a dorsal implant and conchal cartilages used to improve nasal tip projection because of the long-term stable results. A series of 31 cases over 15 years is reviewed. The technique varies little from that described for saddle nose by Hodgkinson in 1992 [5]. The procedure is a variation of the ulnar donor site originally described by Antia et al. [1].  相似文献   

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