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Six portals are made at the sides of the Achilles tendon. The plantaris tendon is harvested and retrieved to the distal-medial portal. The investing fascia of the Achilles tendon is released at the medial border of the tendon. The suture is passed through the tendon end through the medial portal and exits at the tendon surface and then the fascia and skin. The suture is retrieved at the tendon surface through the medial portal. The loops of the suture are retrieved through the proximal-medial, proximal-lateral, and lateral portals, and a loop of suture is then formed at the surface of the tendon and beyond the boundary of the tendon. The suture is passed through the tendon again in a deep-to-superficial direction within the loop and is retrieved through the proximal-medial portal. The suture is tensioned, and a locking stitch is formed. The loops of the suture are retrieved through the medial, lateral, and proximal-lateral portals. The suture is then passed through the tendon in a deep-to-superficial direction and is retrieved again through the proximal-medial portal, and the second locking stitch is formed. This is repeated 3 to 4 times over the medial side of the proximal tendon through the proximal-medial portal, and the suture is then passed to the proximal-lateral portal at the surface of the tendon. Locking stitches are then applied to the lateral side of the tendon. The same procedure is then repeated over the distal tendon with another suture. The tendon ends are approximated with the pair of sutures tied through the medial and lateral portals. The plantaris tendon is passed through the Achilles tendon with a pointed tendon passer through the proximal and distal portals. The plantaris tendon is then looped around the Achilles tendon and sutured to it.  相似文献   

Ossification of the Achilles tendon is a rare condition to be distinguished from the more frequently occurring tendon calcification. Achilles tendon ossification is more common in males and is usually associated with prior surgery or trauma to the tendon. A case history of a ruptured ossified Achilles tendon in an elderly diabetic female is presented. Although Achilles tendon rupture with subsequent ossification and fracture of the ossified Achilles tendon have been reported individually, there is evidence to suggest that this patient may have both ruptured and fractured an ossified Achilles tendon.  相似文献   

It is well known that rupture of the flexor hallucis longus tendon can be associated with open injuries and that closed rupture of the flexor hallucis longus tendon is rare. Tendon injuries of the foot can occur secondary to direct, indirect, or repetitive injury. Repetitive tendon injuries can cause tendinitis or stenosing tenosynovitis. Tendinitis is associated with internal tendon injury that can present with tendon thickening, mucinoid degeneration, nodule development, or in situ partial tears. Stenosing tenosynovitis is the development of tendon adhesions within the tendon sheath that interfere with tendon gliding, known as trigger toe. The flexor hallucis longus tendon is susceptible to injury along its entire course. A total of 35 cases of complete or partial closed ruptures of the flexor hallucis longus tendon have been reported. We present the case of complete subcutaneous rupture of the flexor hallucis longus tendon associated with trauma at the proximal phalangeal head.  相似文献   

目的 回顾性研究手指腱鞘内屈肌腱损伤急诊显微外科修复的效果.方法应用显微外科技术急诊修复手指腱鞘内屈肌腱损伤151例382条肌腱.结果优98例、良37例、可9例、差7例,优良率89.4%.结论手指腱鞘内屈肌腱损伤采用显微肌腱缝合方法并修复腱鞘,一期修复可获得较好疗效.  相似文献   

The Achilles tendon is believed to have first developed two million years ago enabling humans to run twice as fast. However if the Achilles tendon is so important in terms of evolution, then why is this tendon so prone to injury – especially for those more active like athletes. The Achilles tendon had an integral role in evolving apes from a herbivorous diet to early humans who started hunting for food over longer distances, resulting in bipedal locomotion. Evolutionary advantages of the Achilles tendon includes it being the strongest tendon in the body, having an energy-saving mechanism for fast locomotion, allows humans to jump and run, and additionally is a spring and shock absorber during gait. Considering these benefits it is therefore not surprising that studies have shown athletes have thicker Achilles tendons than subjects who are less active. However, contradictory to these findings that show the importance of the Achilles tendon for athletes, it is well known that obtaining an Achilles tendon injury for an athlete can be career-altering. A disadvantage of the Achilles tendon is that the aetiology of its pathology is complicated. Achilles tendon ruptures are believed to be caused by overloading the tensed tendon, like during sports. However studies have also shown athlete Achilles tendon ruptures to have degenerative changes in the tendon. Other flaws of the Achilles tendon are its non-uniform vascularity and incomplete repair system which may suggest the Achilles tendon is on the edge of evolution. Research has shown that there is a genetic influence on the predisposition a person has towards Achilles tendon injuries. So if this tendon is here to stay in our anatomy, and it probably is due to the slow rate of evolution in humans, research in genetic modification could be used to decrease athletes’ predisposition to Achilles tendinopathy.  相似文献   

A reconstructive technique and physical therapy protocol is presented for the treatment of extensor hallucis longus (EHL) lacerations with critical size defects caused by tendon retraction. The primary goal of treatment was to restore EHL structure and function without the use of a bridging allograft or tendon transfer. The technique is performed by split lengthening the distal segment of the lacerated EHL and rotating the lengthened segment proximally 180° to bridge the tendon defect. The lengthened tendon is then sutured to the proximal segment of the EHL. The EHL is then tubularized with an acellular dermal scaffold at the region of tendon rotation to improve tendon strength, minimize the probability of tendon overlengthening or re-rupture, and improve the tendon gliding motion, which can be compromised by the tendon irregularity caused by rotation of the tendon. Postoperative range of motion therapy should be initiated at 3 weeks postoperatively. A case report of this technique and postoperative mobilization protocol is presented. The American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society midfoot score at 3 and 6 months postoperatively was 90 of 100. The patient regained active dorsiflexion motion of the hallux without functional limitations, deformity, or contracture of the hallux. The advantages of this technique include that a large cadaveric allograft is not needed to bridge a critical size tendon defect and tendon lengthening provides a biologically active tendon graft without the secondary comorbidities and dysfunction commonly associated with tendon transfer procedures.  相似文献   

陈滨  王钢  张晟  郭刚 《实用骨科杂志》2010,16(4):258-260
目的探讨利用保留止点半腱肌、股薄肌肌腱重建修复陈旧性髌韧带断裂的的治疗方法和疗效。方法采用保留止点半腱肌、股薄肌腱横穿髌骨隧道后重叠缝合重建髌韧带并加用减张钢丝固定方法治疗2例陈旧性髌韧带断裂。结果2例患者均得到随访,分别随访18个月与24个月。术后2、3、6、12、18个月及2年分别对2例病人进行Lysholm评分,术后1年平均分达到80分以上,显示治疗结果为优。结论对于陈旧性髌韧带断裂患者,取半腱肌及股薄肌对其加强重建辅以钢丝内固定手术为临床操作方便、疗效较为可靠的方法。  相似文献   

In patients with rheumatoid arthritis, flexor tendon ruptures are much less common than extensor tendon ruptures. The most common cause of flexor tendon rupture is direct abrasion on a bony prominence. The most common flexor tendon rupture is the flexor pollicis longus (FPL) attritional rupture within the carpal canal. The best treatment for flexor tendon rupture is prevention. Flexor tenosynovectomy is indicated when medical management does not control wrist tenosynovitis. A variety of techniques are available for reconstruction of flexor tendon ruptures. Irrespective of the reconstructive method, the results of reconstruction for rheumatoid flexor tendon rupture are poor.  相似文献   

The objective of the two-staged flexor tendon method is to improve the predictability of final results in difficult problems dealing with tendon reconstruction. This article reviews the evolution and benefits of this procedure. It also considers the use of the technique to help deal with problems requiring pulley and skin reconstruction simultaneously with re-constituting the flexor tendon system.KEY WORDS: Flexor tendon surgery, secondary flexor tendon surgery, flexor tendon grafting, two-stage tendon grafting, tendon rod  相似文献   

Soft tissue and tendon reconstruction after Achilles tendon rupture:Adipofascial sural turnover flap associated with cryopreserved gracilis tendon allograft for complicated soft-tissue tendon losses.A case report and literature review Achilles tendon rupture is often complicated by skin substance loss around the tendon, which is a poorly-vascularized site. Treatment may be conservative or surgical, but the former is not generally accepted by the orthopedic community and is reserved for selected cases, while surgery remains the most widely-used approach. Soft tissue repair at this site is a crucial reconstruction problem, and becomes very complex if skin reconstruction has to be associated with a complex tendon repair. The Authors describe a new approach to the repair of Achilles tendon substance loss compounded by a soft tissue defect, using a cryopreserved gracilis tendon allograft in combination with a distally-based adipofascial sural flap.  相似文献   

Authors review the possibilities of the use of conserved tendon, especially on the field of flexor tendon reconstruction--a problem that can not be considered to be solved entirely. The requirements of the conserved tendon are reviewed, the question of the antigenicity is emphasized and the process of tendon regeneration, using conserved tendon, is described. The various procedures of conservation e.g. freeze drying and different chemical methods are compared and the criteria of the use of conserved tendon are discussed. The possibilities of the use of conserved tendon are mentioned, several questions, requiring further investigations, are posed. A wider use of conserved tendon in the future is recommended.  相似文献   

The Achilles tendon is the strongest and largest tendon in the body. It is the conjoined tendon of the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscles, and may have a small contribution from the plantaris. The muscles and the Achilles tendon are in the posterior, superficial compartment of the calf. Through the Achilles tendon, they are the main plantar flexors of the ankle. The Achilles tendon is subjected to the highest loads in the body, with tensile loads up to ten times body weight during running, jumping, hopping, and skipping. This article discusses the anatomy of the Achilles tendon.  相似文献   

吻合血管大收肌肌腱游离移植修复跟腱缺损的初步报告   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 为跟腱缺损修复提供一种新的有效手术方法。方法 通过对42侧下肢标本解剖、观测大收肌肌腱的形态和供血的来源、走行和分布情况,设计了吻合膝降血管的大收肌肌腱游离移植修复跟腱缺损的术式。临床应用10例,其中陈旧性跟腿缺损8例,跟腱伴皮肤缺损2例,分别采用吻合血管的大收肌肌腱和大收肌肌腱-皮瓣游离移植修复。结果 全部病例随访2~8个月,Thompson征阴性10例,双足提踵试验阴性10例,单足提踵试  相似文献   

目的较全面地了解目前肌腱修复水平与现状,就肌腱修复中常遇到的几个问题进行分析、探讨,为今后肌腱修复的相关研究与临床应用提供必要的参考。方法广泛查阅近几年的国内外相关文献并结合我院500余例肌腱修复病例,就肌腱修复中发生的问题、肌腱缝合后早期功能练习、肌腱粘连与松解、肌腱缝合材料与方法、肌腱移植以及异体肌腱应用现状进行分析。结果肌腱愈合中肌腱存在内愈合与外愈合两种方式,加强肌腱的内愈合,减少外愈合,干预其愈合过程,可以减少肌腱粘连。通过选择合适的肌腱缝合材料与缝合方法,早期牵引支具的合理应用,可以降低肌腱的粘连的发生几率。肌腱粘连松解术应严格掌握适应证,以减少肌腱再粘连及断裂的发生。异体肌腱应用技术较为成熟,特别是多条肌腱移植以及分类肌腱移植滑膜与非滑膜肌腱、复合肌腱移植方面有优越性。结论通过新技术与方法的应用,加强对肌腱基础研究与临床实践,预防与避免不必要的技术失误,提高肌腱修复质量与水平。  相似文献   

Intrinsic healing of severed tendons shows a delay in a gain in breaking strength and the tendon becomes translucent. The cause of tendon translucence was investigated in suture-repaired rat Achilles tendon. The repair site with adjacent translucent tendon were evaluated histologically on day 10 by immunofluorescence and transmission electron microscopy. The healing tendon translucent region by hematoxylin-eosin staining had few inflammatory cells, polarized light birefringence showed thinner collagen fibers, immunofluorescence showed few myofibroblasts, and transmission electron microscopy revealed frayed, irregular thin collagen fibers. During embryogenesis, tendon fibers grow by the addition of discreet collagen fibril segment structures. The speculation is that collagen fibril segment structures are released from collagen fibers within the translucent tendon region for reuse during the regeneration of tendon collagen fibers during intrinsic tendon repair. Healing tendon translucence is related to a decrease in the diameter of collagen fibers by the release of collagen fibril segments within tendon bundles/fascicles.  相似文献   

生物衍生材料构建组织工程肌腱体内植入的实验研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
目的 探讨用同种异体肌腱细胞与生物衍生肌腱材料体外联合培养后植入体内,构建组织工程肌腱的可行性。方法 选用四川锦猴15只,手术造成纤维鞘管内屈指深肌腱2.5cm缺损后,分三组。A组:生物衍生肌腱材料构建的组织工程肌腱移植组;B组:单纯生物衍生肌腱材料移植组;C组:自体肌腱移植组。术后1、2、3、6和12周分期观察植入物的大体形态、组织学和超微结构,BrdU标记表达。结果 A组植入体内后肌腱细胞能继续增殖,细胞形态随着时间增加而逐渐趋于正常,形成的肌腱呈白色且有光泽、致密,组织学可见胶原纤维排列较为规则,12周肌腱细胞仍成活并分泌胶原,BrdU表达为阳性;B组植入体内3周后材料逐渐变细,12周后材料被逐渐降解吸收出现中断;C组植入体内2周后桥接部有纤维连接,排列较为规则,肌腱愈合。A组分别于3、6、12周进行扫描电镜观察可见肌腱细胞排列均匀,胶原纤维相互连接形成网状,主体趋势与肌腱走行方向一致;透射电镜下可见细胞核仁清晰,细胞器丰富。随时间的增加A、C组与B组的差异明显增大。结论 同种异体肌腱细胞与生物衍生肌腱材料复合构建的组织工程肌腱,植入免疫功能正常的动物体内能够再生出肌腱样组织,植入的肌腱细胞具有生命力,新生的肌腱组织在大体、组织学方面与正常肌腱相似。  相似文献   

Tendon surgery is unique because it should ensure tendon gliding after surgery. Tendon surgery now can be performed under local anesthesia without tourniquet, by injecting epinephrine mixed with lidocaine, to achieve vasoconstriction in the area of surgery. This method allows the tendon to move actively during surgery to test tendon function intraoperatively and to ensure the tendon is properly repaired before leaving the operating table. I applied this method to primary flexor tendon repair in zone 1 or 2, tenolysis, and tendon transfer, and found this approach makes tendon surgery easier and more reliable. This article describes the method that I have used for tendon surgery.  相似文献   

A neglected Achilles tendon rupture is often characterized by muscle weakness and an overlengthened repair by scar tissue. Reconstructive surgery is usually performed taking into account the patient’s required level of function. Two surgical cases of neglected Achilles tendon rupture are presented in this article. In both instances it was expected that central fibrosis, possibly after neglected tendon rupture, would be found. However, after longitudinal opening of the tendons, a thickened plantaris tendon was evident at the insertion on the calcaneus in both cases. This hypertrophic tendon occupied most of the diameter of the Achilles tendon. Due to partial or complete rupture of the Achilles tendon, there was notable weakening and tendon transfer-augmentation was performed. A thickened plantaris tendon as a reaction to a neglected rupture of the Achilles tendon is a rare presentation. It can be detected preoperatively by MRI and subsequently preoperative planning can be optimized.  相似文献   

Elastosonography is an evolution of ultrasound that maps the biomechanical and elastic properties of tissues by measuring their stiffness. Over the past five years, the number of studies on elastosonography in tendon pathologies raised. Indeed, this technique is promising, but how can radiologists use it in daily practice? The purpose of this review article is to summarize the data available to date about elastosonography focused on the calcaneal tendon in order to provide physicians with an overview that may help them understand and use elastosonography routinely. The physical principles of elastosonography are described. The aspects of normal, physiological and pathologic calcaneal tendon are discussed. Transient Shear Wave Elastography (SWE), which is the most recent elastosonographic technique, allowed to quantify tendon stiffening when tendon stress increases, confirmed tendon softening in case of tendinopathy, and shown tendon strength loss when calcaneal tendon is completely ruptured. SWE is still a wide research field on viscoelastic properties of normal, pathologic, aging and operated calcaneal tendon.  相似文献   

QUESTION: Is the long-standing use of androgenes able to cause tendon lesions with pathological tendon ruptures? METHOD: In a case of a rupture of the distal biceps tendon after long-standing testosterone-substitution it is tried to show the connection between the use of androgenes and pathological tendon rupture by the help of the patients treatment documents, the X-rays and sonograms, the histological findings and the results of the clinical examination. RESULTS: For the first time a case with a rupture of the distal biceps tendon after long-standing testosterone-substitution for the support of a genital transformation is described. Since other tendon damaging factors could be excluded the suspicion of tendon alteration caused by androgenes is obvious. CONCLUSION: Looking at tendon ruptures of professionals and even amateur sportsmen the possible connection between long-standing use of androgenes and tendon damage has to be considered.  相似文献   

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