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目的 调查分析放射工作人员个人剂量异常原因,并据此采取应急处理措施。方法 现场调查核实2004年湖南省个人剂量异常原因、实际受照剂量。结果 55.6%的剂量异常并非实际受照,实际受照主要是放射诊断人员,受照原因是由于设备陈旧、防护差、工作人员不注意自身防护。结论 加强法制与防护知识宣传,对剂量异常非实际受照人员,给出名义剂量;对剂量异常实际受照人员,健康体检,估算其受照剂量,改善防护水平。  相似文献   

切尔诺贝利核事故和福岛核事故表明严重核事故对参与应急救援的人员会产生巨大的心理效应,他们会与事故受害者一样产生一系列的精神心理问题。本文通过分析切尔诺贝利核事故和福岛核事故后应急救援人员产生的精神心理健康问题,借鉴重大自然灾害、疫情等救援人员心理危机干预的方法,结合核事故应急救援人员面临的特殊情况,提出核事故应急救援人员的心理危机干预方法。 这套方法包括事故前应急救援人员的心理健康评估与培训、事故中应急救援人员的心理救助、自我调试和心理危机干预以及事故后的长期心理援助。通过有效的心理危机干预,降低核事故对应急救援人员的心理影响。  相似文献   

<正>核或辐射紧急情况下,为避免不必要的辐射照射风险和有效支持现场减灾活动,应急工作人员的防护与安全是必须考虑的一个关键问题[1]。政府必须制定关于管理、控制和记录应急工作人员在紧急情况下所受剂量的计划,该计划必须由响应组织和雇主实施[2]。文献[3]介绍了日本东京电力公司(TEPCO)福岛第一核电站特大事故(以下或简称福岛事故)期间放射工作人员的受照情况和剂量管理措施,对改善应急照射剂量管理应关注的问题也进行了有益的探讨。现对其所涉问题进一步补充说明如下。1关于应急照射情况下的个人剂量参考水平  相似文献   

电离辐射作用于机体可以引起甲状腺炎、甲状腺良性结节、甲状腺癌和甲状腺功能减低[1] 。甲状腺功能减低是辐射引起的最常见的远期确定性效应[2 ] 。为进一步探讨低剂量电离辐射对人的甲状腺远期效应的影响 ,本文对 5 6名在事故中受低剂量照射人员照后 15~ 2 6年三碘甲状腺原氨酸 (T3 )、甲状腺素 (T4 )水平变化进行了远期随访。1 对象与分组   5 6名观察对象均为男性 ,他们在事故中受到外照射和裂变产物13 7Cs内污染 ,按受照时间和受照剂量、受照方式不同分为四组。Ⅰ组是 1966年受照 ,Ⅱ组是 1975年受照 ,Ⅲ组是 1972~1977年受照…  相似文献   

目的 了解137Cs放射源误照事件误照人员的受照剂量水平及医学检查结果 .方法 对137Cs放射源误照事件的医学应急处理及医学检查结果 进行分析.结果 此次137Cs放射源误照人员受照剂量均在公众照射年有效剂量限值1mSv以下,医学检查结果 与对照组比较差异无显著性.结论 此次137Cs放射源误照事件虽未造成人员伤害,但对企业造成了一定的经济损失,放射单位应接受教训,加强管理,强化放射场所的监督检查.  相似文献   

目的了解核医学人员的受照剂量水平及防护中的薄弱环节。方法采用热释光剂量计(Thermoluminescent Dosimeter,TLD)和光致发光剂量计(Optically Stimulated Luminescence,OSL)对核医学人员佩戴的H_p(10)、H_p(3)和H_p(0.07)剂量计进行月受照剂量监测,并以此评估核医学职业人员全身有效剂量、眼晶体当量剂量和手部当量剂量;利用COMO170表面污染仪对核医学人员的体表进行表面污染监测。结果 ~(18)F注射人员的全身有效剂量和眼晶体剂量值最高,分别为0.34和0.35 mSv,回旋制药人员手部剂量值最高,为48.2 mSv;部分人员核素操作后手部和工作服有放射性核素污染。结论 ~(18)F操作人员应加强自身防护,手部剂量应引起重视。  相似文献   

目的:研究125I粒子装载过程中工作人员受照剂量。方法:选择测量粒子为前列腺癌治疗所用的14.8MBq的125I粒子,测量粒子周围的剂量率,按照平均装载速度及前列腺癌平均的植入粒数86粒,评估125I粒子装载过程中工作人员的受照剂量。结果:在无屏蔽防护情况下,操作人员全身有可能受到高于剂量限值的照射。不同的操作方式,操作人员手部的受照剂量不同,分批倒出粒子装载可以降低手部的受照剂量,分批装载次数越多,手部的受照剂量越低。结论:建议在125I粒子装载中,在L型铅防护屏下或防护通风橱中进行,以降低全身剂量;采用分多次装载的方法,以降低手部的剂量。  相似文献   

目的:研究125I粒子装载过程中工作人员受照剂量.方法:选择测量粒子为前列腺癌治疗所用的14.8 MBq的125I粒子,测量粒子周围的剂量率,按照平均装载速度及前列腺癌平均的植入粒数86粒,评估125I粒子装载过程中工作人员的受照剂量.结果:在无屏蔽防护情况下,操作人员全身有可能受到高于剂量限值的照射.不同的操作方式,操作人员手部的受照剂量不同,分批倒出粒子装载可以降低手部的受照剂量,分批装载次数越多,手部的受照剂量越低.结论:建议在125I粒子装载中,在L型铅防护屏下或防护通风橱中进行,以降低全身剂量;采用分多次装载的方法,以降低手部的剂量.  相似文献   

目的 评价医用伽玛刀对放射环境的影响和放射源的安全。方法 通过对伽玛刀治疗设备和治疗室防护性能的对比测量及推算。结果 给出了工作人员及公众受照剂量估算结果,并从放射源的辐射安全、运行安全、事故及应急响应几方面对放射源可能存在的安全隐患作出评价。结论 头刀、体刀自身防护性能良好,治疗室防护满足设计要求,医用伽玛刀对放射环境的影响是可以接受的,放射源运行安全可靠的。  相似文献   

目的观察某次钴源丢失事故中受照人员健康损害情况。方法应用常规染色体畸变分析技术,利用本实验室建立的低剂量率离体照射人外周血染色体畸变的剂量—效应曲线进行生物剂量估算。结果2名事故受照人员的“双着丝粒体 着丝粒环”(d ic r)畸变频率明显高于自发频率,其中1人为均匀照射,另1人为不均匀照射,根据“d ic r”估算的受照人员生物剂量分别为0.53 Gy和1.09 Gy。结论本次事故中,2名受照人员已观察到明显的染色体损伤。  相似文献   

切尔诺贝利和福岛核事故的今昔对比及引发世人的深思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 重点介绍历史上发生的多起核事故中最为严重的1986年切尔诺贝利核事故和2011年福岛核事故。方法 回顾性分析了切尔诺贝利和福岛两次特大七级核事故的发生及抢险、核事故的剂量及对健康的影响。结果 切尔诺贝利核事故与福岛核事故的发生时间先后相距25年。就近期辐射损伤而言,福岛核事故可能仅次于切尔诺贝利核事故对人员的危害。从远期效应测评,切尔诺贝利核事故对抢险人员、附近居民、受放射性污染的不同年龄段人员带来的健康危害的现状也可能是福岛人明天的预警。结论 切尔诺贝利和福岛这两次特大七级核事故对当地居民健康及核工业发展等带来的负面影响是惨痛的,只有尽可能遏制核事故的发生,才能确保核安、辐安、民众心安。  相似文献   

2021年4月,日本政府决定向海洋排放福岛第一核电站核污水,引起全世界的广泛关注.核污水中的放射性物质可能随着海洋环流、地下水或碳循环等作用对环境造成影响.此外,核污水排海可能会使人们面临长期低剂量污染带来的健康影响.基于此,本文将从宏观上论述核污水可能带来的全球性环境影响,从个体的角度阐述核污水可能带来的健康影响,以...  相似文献   

辐射环境航空监测具有快速、高效、覆盖面大的特点,是核事故应急监测中不可替代的重要技术手段。本文重点介绍了前苏联切尔诺贝利核电站核事故、美国三哩岛核电站核事故及日本福岛核电站核事故后开展的辐射环境航空监测行动。辐射环境航空监测技术在确定辐射污染范围、辐射环境调查及为国家相关部门快速提供技术支持方面发挥重要作用,是核事故应急响应行动中重要组成部分。建议有序开展核应急航空监测新型装备技术研究、核事故应急航空监测分析研判研究;有效应对核事故,开展全国核设施周围详细辐射环境水平摸底的航空监测研究。  相似文献   

目的 探讨日本福岛核事故发生四年来的影响及其教训。方法 2011年因日本大地震引发海啸而导致的福岛核事故。此事件是人类史上继切尔诺贝利核事故后的第二个被评为第七级事件的核事故。分析福岛核事故四年来对生物和环境的影响,并总结应该从中吸取的教训。结果 福岛核事故后,环境外照射剂量率增高,主要来自福岛核电站泄露的134Cs和137Cs,同时也在人母乳中检测到131I的污染,对人和环境产生最严重影响的放射性核素131I和137Cs的范围分别为100~500 PBq和6~20 PBq。经过调查,发现日本福岛县中、重度污染区野生小鼠(Apodemus argenteus)和家鼠(Mus musculus)的脾脏淋巴细胞的染色体畸变率明显增加。结论 福岛核事故四年来对人类健康、其他生物和环境造成了较大影响。从事故后的人员撤离、健康管理、信息沟通和灾后重建等方面应该吸取诸多教训。  相似文献   

随着核能发展不断推进,居住在核电站周围的公众数量越来越多,但是他们普遍缺乏对核辐射的基础知识,对核事故的防护行动也知之甚少。而及时、正确的防护行动可以将核电站事故对公众的健康危害降到最低。本文介绍了核电站事故后,公众的防护行动:隐蔽、体表污染去污、撤离、服用稳定性碘、食品和饮用水控制、个人防护措施、宠物照料、心理援助等,以指导公众在事故后开展正确的自救与互救,提高公众对核电站事故的应急响应能力。  相似文献   

目的建立核应急监测的组织管理体系,以有效防控日本福岛核事故对北京地区的影响。方法明确应对福岛核事故的防控目标与应急工作方针,采取有效的防控途径与实施程序,依据有关核事故实况信息、应急处置条例和技术规程进行核监测工作的组织管理。结果严密的组织管理体系,为核事故污染监测和防控提供了保障;防控队伍较高的专业素质和应急能力,保障了各项核污染监测工作的有序进行;密切的信息沟通、适度的公众宣传,有效稳定了社会环境和民众心态。结论在防控日本福岛核事故对北京地区影响的工作中,北京市疾病预防控制中心(CDC)的组织管理体系发挥了应有的职能,并取得了积极的成效,但仍需实施长期的应对计划并采取更强有力的应对策略。  相似文献   

核能和平利用已有将近80年的历史,我国的核能发展也在积极稳步的推进。截止到目前为止,人类历史上共发生了3起影响巨大的核电站事故:美国的三哩岛核事故,前苏联的切尔诺贝利核事故和日本的福岛核事故。但是,我国公众对这3起核事故所知甚少。本文介绍一些关于这3起核事故及其相关的图书,帮助公众从非专业的角度来了解核事故。  相似文献   

It is now more than six months since the beginning of the accident on 11 March 2011 at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan. The Japanese government and local health authorities have started to collect the information necessary to estimate radiation doses received by those living in the area around the plant, drafted plans for the health care of residents, and started to implement some of them. This paper reviews and discusses the studies necessary for risk evaluation of cancer and non-cancer diseases, including those already planned, mainly from the view point of evaluating health risk using epidemiological approaches. In the long run, it is important to establish a cohort with a control group. Even if the cumulative doses are estimated to be so low that it is difficult to evaluate the risk of cancer and non-cancer diseases, it is necessary to conduct such a study to reassure residents. The health care programme of the Fukushima Prefecture government, including health check-ups of residents, will help to assess indirect effects of radiation exposure, including psychological problems. The success of any studies of radiation epidemiology depends on the collection of accurate information on radiation doses received by the study subjects. However, some of the dosimetry surveys were not conducted in a timely manner. (It should be recognised, though, that such a problem might have been inevitable, considering the chaotic condition after the nuclear accident.) Accurate estimation of the radiation dose received by each resident is not only important for scientific risk evaluation but also to inform each resident about his or her potential risk. Otherwise, residents will bear an undue psychological burden from uncertainties regarding their radiation exposure and its health consequences. One of other important tasks in Fukushima is the improvement of the quality of the regional cancer registry in this prefecture. It is also important to start thyroid cancer screening in a year or two since the expected minimum latent period among those exposed in early childhood is about 4 years. Recently, local health authorities decided to start a thyroid screening programme for those aged 18 years or younger. Any scientific efforts in Fukushima, which need to gain the trust of study subjects about the objectivity of research, may suffer from the fact that residents in Fukushima Prefecture have begun to suspect that the Japanese government and local authorities are keeping important information from them. It seems necessary to make more effort to reflect the opinions of residents when planning health care programmes and to gain the understanding of the public for the programme. In summary, there are many problems that make the evaluation of cancer and non-cancer disease risk in Fukushima difficult. The help of international colleagues will be invaluable for overcoming those problems. In this paper, these efforts are briefly summarised and some comments are made.  相似文献   

Cardis E 《Health physics》2007,93(5):542-546
Twenty years after the Chernobyl accident, there is no clearly demonstrated increase in the incidence of cancers in the most affected populations that can be attributed to radiation from the accident, except for the dramatic increase in thyroid cancer incidence among those exposed in childhood and adolescence. Increases in the incidence of cancers and other diseases have been reported in Belarus, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine, but much of the increase appears to be due to other factors, including improvements in diagnosis, reporting, and registration. Recent findings indicate a possible doubling of leukemia risk among Chernobyl liquidators and a small increase in the incidence of premenopausal breast cancer in the very most contaminated districts. Increased risks of cardiovascular diseases and cataracts have also been reported. These findings, however, need confirmation in well-designed analytical epidemiological studies with careful individual dose reconstruction. The absence of demonstrated increases in cancer risk--apart from thyroid cancer--is not the proof that no increase has in fact occurred. Based on the experience of atomic bomb survivors, and assuming that there is a linear, no-threshold dose-response relationship between exposure to ionizing radiation and the development of cancer in humans, a small increase in the relative risk of cancer is expected, even at the low to moderate doses received. Given the large number of individuals exposed, the absolute number of cancer cases caused could be substantial, particularly in the future. It is therefore essential to continue to use population registries to monitor trends in disease morbidity and mortality in the most contaminated areas, as well as among liquidators, in order to assess the public health impact of the accident. Studies of selected populations and diseases are also essential in order to study the real effect of the accident and compare it to predictions. Careful studies may in particular provide important information on the effect of exposure rate and exposure type in the low to medium dose range and on factors that may modify radiation effects. As such, they may have important consequences for the radiation protection of patients and of the general population in case of further nuclear emergencies.  相似文献   

Balonov M 《Health physics》2007,93(5):383-409
The accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986 was the most severe in the history of the nuclear industry, causing a huge release of radionuclides over large areas of Europe. The recently completed Chernobyl Forum concluded that after a number of years, along with reduction of radiation levels and accumulation of humanitarian consequences, severe social and economic depression of the affected regions and associated psychological problems of the general public and the workers had become the most significant problem to be addressed by the authorities. The majority of the >600,000 emergency and recovery operation workers and five million residents of the contaminated areas in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine received relatively minor radiation doses which are comparable with the natural background levels. An exception is a cohort of several hundred emergency workers who received high radiation doses and of whom 28 persons died in 1986 due to acute radiation sickness. Apart from the dramatic increase in thyroid cancer incidence among those exposed to radioiodine at a young age and some increase of leukemia in the most exposed workers, there is no clearly demonstrated increase in the somatic diseases due to radiation. There was, however, an increase in psychological problems among the affected population, compounded by the social disruption that followed the break-up of the Soviet Union. Despite the unprecedented scale of the Chernobyl accident, its consequences on the health of people are far less severe than those of the atomic bombings of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Studying the consequences of the Chernobyl accident has made an invaluable scientific contribution to the development of nuclear safety, radioecology, radiation medicine and protection, and also the social sciences. The Chernobyl accident initiated the global nuclear and radiation safety regime.  相似文献   

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