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目的观察比较硬膜外麻醉与全身麻醉对剖宫产术新生儿的影响。方法选择足月妊娠行剖宫产术的中国孕妇100例和赞比亚孕妇100例。ASA(美国麻醉医师协会分级法)Ⅰ~Ⅱ级,无妊高征,无产前子痫,无胎儿宫内窘迫,胎儿发育良好。中国孕妇,在硬膜外麻醉下行剖宫产手术(EA组);赞比亚孕妇,在硫苯妥钠、氟烷加肌松剂全身麻醉下行剖宫产手术(GA组)。两组产妇术中均监测ECG、HR、BP和SpO2;观察比较两组自麻醉开始至胎儿娩出时间,新生儿体重,新生儿Apgar评分。结果两组产妇术中ECG均为窦性心律;EA组术中HR显著慢于GA组,P<0.05;EA组BP显著低于GA组P<0.05,两组SpO2均可维持在96%~100%,两组相比差异无统计学意义,P>0.05;两组自麻醉开始至胎儿娩出时间GA组短于EA组;新生儿体重两组间比较差异无统计学意义,P>0.05;新生儿Apgar评分,EA组显著高于GA组,P<0.05。结论硬膜外麻醉对剖宫产术新生儿的影响显著小于全身麻醉。  相似文献   

硬膜外阻滞剖宫产术中静脉输液预防低血压的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
硬膜外阻滞剖宫产术中发生低血压可使产妇子宫胎盘血流量降低,导致胎儿缺氧及酸中毒[1,2],故常以静脉输液、左侧30度卧位、应用麻黄碱等预防。等渗电解质液输入机体后约有80%可进入组织间隙,加重液体潴留,影响组织供氧,干扰细胞正常代谢,不利于术后康复,故探讨有效预防低血压的最低输液量很有必要。资料和方法选择ASA1级,单胎、足月妊娠、术前血压正常(收缩压13.3~17.3kPa、舒张压<12kPa)、在硬膜外阻滞下行择期剖宫产术的病例469例,经L2~3穿刺,使用2%利多卡因。于麻醉诱导至胎儿娩出…  相似文献   

目的:探讨瑞芬太尼用于硬膜外麻醉下行剖宫产术中的有效性和安全性。方法:40例手术患者ASAⅠ级,随机分为2组,每组20例:瑞芬太尼组(R组)和对照组(D诅)。硬膜外阻滞后麻醉平面达T6后开始手术,即静脉微泵注瑞芬太尼。记录血压、心率、SPO2.VAS评分.胎儿娩出时间新生儿1min,5min Apgar评分及脉搏氧饱和度(SpO2)。结果:R组用药后血压、心率有轻微下降,与用药前比较无显著性差异,新生儿Apgar评分及脉搏氧饱和度两组无显著性差异。产妇安静程度,对手术牵拉反应抑制,麻醉效果的评价,R组明显优于D组,VAS评分两组有显著性差异。结论:瑞芬太尼作为硬膜外麻醉下行剖宫产术的辅助静脉用药,效果明显,能减轻手术带来的不适,提高麻醉满意度,且未发现对母婴有不良反应。  相似文献   

妊娠合并重症肝炎剖宫产术的麻醉处理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的分析晚期妊娠合并重症肝炎行剖宫产术围麻醉期的麻醉处理。方法我院1990~2004年合并重症肝炎产妇行剖宫产术12例,ASAⅢ~Ⅳ级,按麻醉方式分为两组:全身麻醉组(G组,6例),硬膜外麻醉组(E组,6例)。收集资料包括两组产妇术前一般情况;术中出血量、尿量、输液量、手术时间、胎儿娩出时间;新生儿Apgar评分;两组手术前后肝功能指标的变化;两组凝血物质使用及凝血功能的比较。术后母婴恢复情况。结果两组产妇术前的凝血功能比较,G组Plt值明显小于E组(P<0.05),PT、APTT则大于E组(P<0.05)。两组凝血物质使用无显著性差异。术中出血量、尿量、输液量、手术时间、胎儿娩出时间无显著性差异。两组新生儿Apgar评分无显著性差异。两组术前、术后肝功能指标无显著性差异。结论应根据患者的凝血功能选择麻醉方式。麻醉处理的要点在于维持呼吸循环的稳定,改善凝血功能及尽量应用对肝功能损害少的药物。  相似文献   

腰麻与硬膜外麻醉对剖宫产母婴安全及应激反应的影响   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:37  
目的:研究椎管内麻醉对剖宫产母婴安全和应激反应。方法:选择ASA1级剖宫产42例,随机分腰麻组和硬膜外组各21例。腰麻组用重比重0.5%丁哌卡因3ml,硬膜外组用0.75%丁哌卡因12 ̄15ml。两组产妇于入手术室、麻醉后、胎儿娩出、手术结束,新生儿脐静脉抽取血样,检测儿茶酚胺、血糠、乳酸、血气。结果:两组儿茶酚胺麻醉后不同期间均比麻醉前明显降低(P〈0.01),两组产妇血糠、乳酸不同期间均无显著  相似文献   

瘢痕子宫剖宫产的风险与麻醉处理   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的 探讨瘢痕子宫剖宫产手术产妇和围产儿的风险与麻醉处理.方法 瘢痕子宫剖宫产术100例,年龄24~43岁.硬膜外麻醉90例(A组),全身麻醉10例(B组).术中连续监测ECG、BP、HR、SpO_2;危重产妇监测CVP.记录切皮至胎儿娩出(I-D)时间、切开子宫至胎儿娩出(U-D)时间和新生儿Apgar评分.结果 A组硬膜外阻滞不全20例(22%).B组I-D时间短于A组L(7.5±2.0)min vs.(12.3±2.6)min](P<0.01).全组术中低血压32例(32%);新生儿窒息21例(21%);Apgar评分低于3分11例(死亡5例),4~7分10例,8~10分79例.产妇子宫次全切除2例、膀胱损伤修补1例、术中大量出血15例.结论 瘢痕子宫剖宫产手术产妇和新产儿的风险明显增加,硬膜外阻滞不全发生率较高,有效预防和正确处理高危因素是降低瘢痕子宫剖宫产产妇及新生儿并发症和死亡率的关键. gar评分.结果 A组硬膜外阻滞不全20例(22%).B组I-D时间短于A组L(7.5±2.0)min vs.(12.3±2.6)min](P<0.01).全组术中低血压32例(32%);新生儿窒息21例(21% ;Apgar评分低于3分11例(死亡5例),4~7分10例,8~10分79例.产妇子宫次全切除2例、膀胱损伤修补1例、术中大量出血15例.结论 瘢痕子宫剖宫产手术产妇和新产儿的风险明显增加,硬膜外阻滞不全发生率较高,有效预防和正确处理高危因素是降低瘢痕子宫剖宫产产妇及新生儿并发症和  相似文献   

目的:评价硬膜外阻滞对产程中肾素活性(PRA)、血管紧张素Ⅱ(AⅡ)、醛固酮(ALD)和皮质醇(COR)应激水平的影响。方法:麻醉组12例初产妇接受硬膜外阻滞,另选12例条件相似、未接受麻醉的初产妇与麻醉组产妇配对作对照组。用放免法测定两组产妇宫口开大3cm、宫口开全及胎儿娩出时血浆PRA、AⅡ、ALD和COR浓度。结果:麻醉组产妇PRA、AⅡ和COR水平在宫口开全时明显降低(P〈0.05),而对照组四种激素水平在各时点均无明显变化(P〉0.05)。结论:硬膜外阻滞可以抑制产妇产程中的应激激素分泌。  相似文献   

目的本研究拟评价静脉注射右美托咪定与硬膜外注射右美托咪定联合硬膜外麻醉用于实施剖宫产术产妇的临床效果。方法 2016年6月至2017年6月拟于本院行剖宫产术的产妇共计109例,年龄21~35岁,ASA分级Ⅱ~Ⅲ级,拟行剖宫产术的单胎初产妇。右美托咪定硬膜外注射组(Epidural injection of dexmedetomidine group,E组)和右美托咪定静脉注射组(Intravenous injection of dexmedetomidine group,Ⅰ组),其中E组55例,Ⅰ组54例。两组产妇均于硬膜外麻醉下行剖宫产术,E组产妇硬膜外注射0.75%罗哌卡因15ml+1μg/kg右美托咪定;I组产妇硬膜外注射0.75%罗哌卡因15ml,并于硬膜外麻醉后静脉注射1μg/kg右美托咪定。评估产妇术中麻醉效果及Ramsay镇静评分。记录产妇感觉阻滞起效时间、感觉阻滞持续时间及术中恶心呕吐、低血压、寒战等不良反应情况,并记录胎儿娩出后1分钟、5分钟的Apgar评分。结果 E组产妇麻醉效果I级人数明显高于I组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);E组产妇感觉阻滞起效时间显著小于I组产妇,差异有统结论与静脉注射右美托咪定联合硬膜外麻醉相比,硬膜外注射右美托咪定配伍罗哌卡因能够为行剖宫产术的产妇提供更为良好的麻醉效果。  相似文献   

目的 研究腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉(CSEA)对剖宫产母婴肾素-血管紧张素-醋固酮系统(RAAS)的影响。方法 将60例ASA Ⅰ级行择期剖宫产的健康产妇随机分为硬膜外麻醉组(EA组,n=30)和CSEA组(n=30)。分别于注射局麻药前(T0)、切皮后即刻(T1)、胎儿晚出后即刻(T2)、术毕即刻(T3)和术后24h(T4)取母体静脉血和胎儿娩出后胎儿脐动、静脉血测定血清素活性(PRA)、血管紧张素Ⅱ(AT-Ⅱ)和醛固酮(ALD)浓度;评定麻醉效果,记录痛觉阻滞平面达T7水平的时间,注射局麻药至胎儿娩出时间(I-DI)及新生儿娩出1min、5min的Apgar评分。结果 两组术中SP、DP、HR、SpO2的变化及新生儿娩出1min、5min的Apgar评分。结果 两组术中SP、DP、HR、SpO2的变化及新生儿娩出1min、5min的Apgar评分差异无显著性(P>0.05)。同EA组相比,CSEA组麻醉起效时间明显缩短(P<0.01)。两组母体于T1、T2、T4的PRA、AT-Ⅱ、ALD值均比T0、T3值明显降低(P<0.01),胎儿脐动、静脉血中三者值差异不明显,但明显低于母体T0、T3值(P<0.01)。结论 CSEA用于剖宫产手术时,只要运用得当,不会对母婴AAS产生不良影响。  相似文献   

观察20例硬膜外阻滞剖宫产术产妇及胎儿ANP和ET的变化,发现足月妊娠产妇ANP较青年妇女为高,统计学处理无明显差异(P>0.05)。产妇在分娩时ANP较麻醉前增加21.5%(P>0.05),较术毕增加29.7%(P<0.05)。ET在各阶段无明显变化,可能是由于硬膜外阻滞有效地抑制创伤刺激的结果,这对产妇及胎儿是有益的。  相似文献   

The maternal and neonatal metabolism and acid-base balance were investigated in 20 parturients undergoing combined spinal and epidural anesthesia for cesarean delivery. Patients received intravenous infusion at a rate of either 25 ml.kg-1.h-1 of lactated (LR group, n = 10) or acetated (AR group, n = 10) Ringer's solution before anesthesia, to prevent hypotension during anesthesia. We obtained venous blood samples as follows; maternal control before anesthesia, maternal sample A after the infusion, umbilical sample B, and neonatal pedal sample C 5 h after birth, and determined lactate, pyruvate, bicarbonate, and base excess concentrations, and pH in each sample. In sample A, the lactate level was significantly higher and base excess level was significantly lower in the LR group than in the AR group. The pH of sample A and B was significantly higher in the AR group than in the LR group. However, no differences in all parameters of sample C between the two groups were observed. These results demonstrated that acetated Ringer's solution is better than lactated Ringer's solution in rapid infusion before cesarean section because of the correction of neonatal lactic acidosis.  相似文献   

Fifty-two neonates delivered by elective cesarean section were evaluated using the Neonatal Neurologic and Adaptive Capacity Scores. Twenty of the mothers received general anesthesia, 14 received epidural, and 18 received spinal anesthesia. All mothers receiving regional anesthesia were prehydrated with 1000 ml of lactated Ringer's solution and were given oxygen via a transparent face mask. All mothers undergoing general anesthesia received thiopental for induction followed by N2O-O2 (4 L:4 L) and 0.5% enflurane until delivery of the baby. All mothers were healthy, not in labor, and were scheduled for elective cesarean section. All neonates weighed 2500 g or more, had Apgar scores of 7 or more at 1 and 5 min, and had normal acid base and blood gas data. Neonates delivered with general anesthesia scored significantly lower on some of the test items for adaptive capacity, passive tone, active tone, primary reflexes, and total scores at both 15 min and 2 hr of age (P less than 0.05) than those delivered with either epidural or spinal anesthesia. Neonates delivered with epidural anesthesia scored lower than those delivered with spinal anesthesia on supporting reaction and motor activity at 2 hr of age (P less than 0.05). All neonates had high scores at 24 hr, at which time there were no significant differences between the three groups.  相似文献   

A randomized double-blind study of 40 women was performed to compare blood pressure changes between two groups of women following induction of spinal anaesthesia for elective caesarean section. One group received a 1 L Ringer's solution preload, administered over 10 min, before spinal anaesthesia while the other group received no preload. In both groups a prophylactic infusion of ephedrine (60 mg in Ringer's solution 1000 ml) was started immediately following intrathecal injection of local anaesthetic. There was no significant difference either in the ephedrine requirements or the incidence of hypotension between the two groups. There were no differences between the groups in terms of neonatal outcome as assessed by Apgar score, umbilical arterial and venous blood pH, and Neonatal Adaptive Capacity Scores. When ephedrine is infused prophylactically immediately following spinal anaesthesia for elective caesarean section, a 1000 ml crystalloid preload confers no advantages in terms of maternal blood pressure control or neonatal outcome.  相似文献   

There are few consistent guidelines in choosing anesthesia for cesarean section for a parturient with placenta previa. This prospective randomized trial was organized to compare the maternal hemodynamics, blood loss and neonatal outcome of general versus epidural anesthesia for cesarean section with the diagnosis of grade 4 placenta previa. After giving informed consent, 12 patients received general anesthesia and 13 received epidural. Intraoperative blood pressures demonstrated a more stable course in the epidural group than in the general group. Blood loss did not differ significantly between the groups (1622 +/- 775 mL vs. 1418 +/- 996 mL). General anesthesia resulted in lower immediate postoperative hematocrit level (28.1 +/- 3.5% vs. 32.5 +/- 5.0%, P < 0.05). The patients in the general group received a significantly larger transfusion than the epidural group (1.08 +/- 1.6 vs. 0.38 +/- 0.9 units, P < 0.05). The Apgar scores at 1 and 5 min were similar in the two groups (8 [4-9] vs. 8 [7-9] and 10 [6-10] vs. 9 [9-10], respectively). We concluded that epidural anesthesia is superior to general anesthesia in elective cesarean section for grade 4 placenta previa with regard to maternal hemodynamics and blood loss. There was no difference in neonatal outcome.  相似文献   

This study assesses the effects of infusion of 1200 ml of four different intravenous solutions before epidural anesthesia for cesarean section on maternal and neonatal whole blood lactate (L), pyruvate (P), excess lactate (XL), L/P ratio, and base excess (BE) in four equal groups of patients. Patients in group I (n = 15) received normal saline; those in group II, Ringer's lactate (RL); those in group III, RL with 20 g of glucose; and those in group IV, Plasma-Lyte A. Maternal venous concentrations of L increased significantly in all groups after infusion, but P increased only in group III. Both XL concentrations and L/P ratios remained unchanged after infusion in group III mothers, but increased in the other three groups. Umbilical venous (UV) and arterial (UA) blood L concentrations (1.85 +/- 0.13, 1 SEM mmol/L in both) were greater in group III than in groups I and II, and P concentrations (0.12 +/- 0.01 mmol/L in both) were significantly greater in group III than in groups I, II, and IV. Both UV XL (0.9 +/- 0.1 mmol/L) and L/P ratio (32 +/- 8) were significantly greater in group IV neonates than in the other groups. However, neither neonatal Apgar scores nor maternal and neonatal BE significantly differed among the four groups. No neonate developed hypoglycemia. It is concluded that all the four intravenous fluids, despite differences in their effects on blood L and P concentrations, produce clinically satisfactory maternal and neonatal outcome.  相似文献   

Background:  Hypotension associated with spinal anesthesia for cesarean section is still a clinical problem. Colloid solutions seem preferable to crystalloid solutions for preloading. In most studies the overall rate of hypotension is reported. Few studies have, however, investigated the maternal and neonatal consequences of different levels of maternal hypotension.
Methods:  In this randomized, double-blinded study 110 patients presenting for elective cesarean section received either 1000 ml acetated Ringer's solution or 1000 ml 3% dextran 60 solution immediately before spinal anesthesia. The effect on overall hypotension, clinically significant hypotension (hypotension associated with maternal discomfort defined as nausea, retching/vomiting, dizziness or chest symptoms) and severe hypotension (systolic arterial pressure <80 mmHg) was studied.
Results:  Dextran reduced the incidence of overall hypotension from 85 to 66% ( P =  0.03), reduced the incidence of clinically significant hypotension from 60 to 30% ( P =  0.002) and reduced the incidence of severe hypotension from 23 to 3.6% ( P =  0.004) compared to Ringer's solution. There were neither differences in neonatal outcome between treatment groups nor between neonates grouped after severity of maternal hypotension.
Conclusion:  Clinically significant hypotension seems to be a more suitable outcome variable than overall hypotension. The protective effect of the colloid solution increased with increased severity of hypotension.  相似文献   

One hundred healthy parturients scheduled for elective cesarean section were studied prospectively. Fifty patients received spinal anesthesia with 12mg of hyperbaric tetracaine and were defined as the spinal group. Other fifty patients received epidural anesthesia with 300mg of lidocaine and were defined as the epidural group. A half of patients in each group were given 1,000ml of Ringer's lactate immediately before the regional anesthesia (prehydrated). Rapid hydration was not given to another half of them (non-prehydrated). In the spinal group, ephedrine administration was needed significantly less frequently for prehydrated patients than for non-prehydrated ones. And the mean dose of this drug for prehydrated patients was significantly less than that for non-prehydrated ones. In the epidural group, though prehydration tended to prevent maternal hypotension, neither rate of ephedrine administration nor mean doses of this drug showed any significant difference between prehydrated and non-prehydrated patients. Prehydration did not improve significantly neither acid-base balances of umbilical arterial and venous blood nor Apgar scores of the neonates in either group. We conclude that massive fluid load is not indispensable immediately before the regional anesthesia for the parturient. Furthermore, because this method is not reliable, its advantages and disadvantages including the possibility of enhancing pulmonary edema should be evaluated.  相似文献   

Spinal anesthesia for the cesarean delivery of triplets is associated with an increased incidence of maternal hypotension and placental hypoperfusion. We performed a retrospective case series analysis between January 1992 and June 2000 to evaluate the effects of regional anesthetic techniques for cesarean delivery in triplet pregnancies on maternal and neonatal outcome. Spinal and epidural anesthesia were compared with respect to intraoperative hemodynamics and neonatal outcomes. Ninety-six triplet pregnancies were delivered by cesarean section, of which 91 received regional anesthesia. A statistically significant decrease in systolic blood pressure was demonstrated immediately after the induction of spinal as compared with epidural anesthesia. The total volume of IV crystalloid used was significantly larger in the Spinal Anesthesia group. The number of patients receiving more than 15 mg of ephedrine and the cumulative dose of ephedrine was significantly larger in the Spinal group compared with the Epidural group. There were no differences in the rate of perioperative complications between the Spinal and Epidural Anesthesia groups. Neonatal Apgar scores were similar in both groups. The data suggest that both epidural and spinal anesthesia for triplet cesarean delivery are safe techniques, but the latter is associated with a larger initial decrease in systolic blood pressure. This decreasing of systolic blood pressure, however, remained within the physiological range and did not seem to be clinically significant. The need for more crystalloid fluids and ephedrine should be anticipated when spinal anesthesia is used for these cases. IMPLICATIONS: A large retrospective case series of the effects of spinal and epidural anesthesia on maternal hemodynamic profile during cesarean delivery for triplet gestation was performed. Our findings suggest that spinal anesthesia results in outcomes comparable to epidural anesthesia for both mother and newborns.  相似文献   

Lidocaine with epinephrine and sodium bicarbonate has a rapid onset of action. We therefore wished to compare its use with that of chloroprocaine for urgent cesarean delivery. Thirty parturients for cesarean section under epidural anesthesia were divided into three groups. Group 1 required elective cesarean section and served as the control group for neonatal lidocaine levels. Groups 2 and 3 had been receiving epidural infusions of 0.125% bupivacaine with epinephrine 1:400,000 and required urgent cesarean section. They were randomized to receive either 1.5% lidocaine with epinephrine or 3% chloroprocaine, both with sodium bicarbonate 2 ml in a total volume of 25 ml. All patients had adequate anesthesia and none required supplementation. The time from completion of injection to the achievement of a T4 sensory level was significantly shorter in the chloroprocaine group (3.1 vs. 4.4 min). There were no differences in Apgar scores or Neurologic and Adaptive Capacity Scores between the lidocaine and chloroprocaine groups. Lidocaine was detectable in maternal serum from four of the urgent cases and all of the elective cases. It was detectable in five neonates from the elective group but none from the emergency group. In parturients with preexisting epidural catheters and a baseline epidural infusion to maintain a T10 sensory level, chloroprocaine is faster in onset than lidocaine, but the difference in this study was only 1.3 min, and both agents provided excellent anesthesia.  相似文献   

This prospective double-blind study was designed to determine whether the fetal heart rate (FHR) changes that have been reported after epidural administration of bupivacaine and lidocaine during labor are present when larger doses of these drugs are given during elective cesarean section. Prior to inserting an epidural catheter, FHR and maternal vital signs were monitored during a control period in 60 healthy term parturients. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either 0.5% bupivacaine with 0.1 mEq sodium bicarbonate added to each 20 ml (n = 30) or 2% lidocaine with 1:300,000 epinephrine (n = 30). A 3-ml test dose of the study solution was injected via the catheter and was followed by an additional 17 ml, in increments; additional doses were administered as necessary to obtain surgical anesthesia. FHR and maternal vital signs were monitored for at least 20 min and the characteristics of the anesthetic block noted. At delivery, neonatal status was evaluated, and maternal and cord blood samples were obtained for local anesthetic assays and neonatal blood gases. The groups were similar with respect to maternal characteristics, onset of surgical anesthesia, time to delivery, and uterine incision-delivery interval. Maternal blood pressure decreased from control values in both groups (P less than 0.05), but there was no difference between the groups in either the incidence of hypotension or ephedrine requirements. Analysis of FHR tracings by a perinatologist blinded to the study group revealed no changes after anesthesia and no significant differences between the groups at any time in basal FHR, short- or long-term variability, or the incidence of accelerations or decelerations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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