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在大鼠背部皮下注入巴豆油,诱发无菌性炎症(AI)发热,致炎后第一天动物体温上升达高峰,第二天体温开始回降,在第八天体温回降至正常。实验分四组,第一组为对照组,不做致炎处理,第二组为发热高峰组,第三组为发热恢复组,观察大鼠AI发热高峰期及恢复期时不同脑区cAMP含量和腺苷酸环化酶(AC)活性的变化。第四组为发热恢复正常组.观察致炎后第一天至第八天动物体温从高峰障至正常的变化曲线,不做脑组织取材。结果发现:大鼠在发热高峰期与对照组比较,丘脑下部cAMP含量明显增加(P<0.01),并与体温变化呈正相关关系(r=0.893);AC活性显著增强(P<0.001),也与体温变化呈正相关关系(r=0.824),脑皮质、脑干cAMP含量与AC活性均无明显变化。发热恢复组与对照组比较:丘脑下部cAMP含量明显增加(P<0.05),丘脑下部、脑干AC活性均显著增强(P<0.05),而脑皮质cAMP含量和AC活性均无明显变化。作者推论:大鼠AI发热很可能是由于丘脑下部AC活性增强使局部cAMP含量增多所致。  相似文献   

用精制大肠杆菌内毒素(ET)复制发热模型,观察ET性发热时,家兔血浆、不同脑区(脑皮层、丘脑下部及脑干)组织cAMP含量的变化,并且观察穴位电针及封闭“穴位”电针的影响。结果发现:(1)给家兔静脉注射ET引起发热反应,穴位电针可抑制其发热反应,而封闭穴位电针则无这种抑制效应。(2)ET发热时,丘脑下部组织cAMP含量显著升高,并且与体温变化呈正相关关系,而血浆、脑皮层、脑干组织cAMP含量与体温变化无一致性。(3)“穴位”电针抑制发热反应时,伴有丘脑下部组织cAMP含量特异性下降,而封闭穴位电针对丘脑下部组织cAMP含量无影响。作者推论:家兔ET性发热可能由于丘脑下部组织cAMP的合成增加所致,电针抑制ET性发热可能是作用于穴位周围的神经末梢或感受器将冲动传入体温调节中枢,使其cAMP合成受到抑制,从而影响发热反应。  相似文献   

给大鼠腹腔注射大肠杆菌内毒素(endotoxin, ET)复制发热模型,观察大鼠ET性发热时不同脑区组织cAMP含量和腺苷酸环化酶(adenylate cyclase, AC)活性的变化。结果发现:大鼠在发热高峰时与对照组比较,丘脑下部cAMP含量明显增加(P<0.01),并与体温变化呈正相关关系(r=0.827);丘脑下部AC活性也显著增强(P<0.001),也与体温变化呈正相关关系(r=0.774)。脑干AC活性显著增强(P<0.05),但与体温变化无正相关关系(r=0.203),cAMP含量也无明显变化。脑皮质cAMP含量和AC活性均无明显变化。以上结果显示:ET可能是通过共同信息物质——内生致热原(EP),以一定方式作用于丘脑下部视前区神经元的细胞膜内AC,使其活化作用于ATP,使ATP分解生成cAMP,从而使局部cAMP含量增加,再通过某种方式使体温调定点上移,导致体温升高。  相似文献   

家兔血浆性激素对电针抑制内毒素发热效应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用内毒素(ET)复制家兔发热模型,将动物分为电针组和对照组,按性别分别统计处理实验结果,雌兔电针组体温上升受到明显抑制,比较两组动物的发热高峰(ΔT)及体温反应指数(TRI)其差异性均显著。雄兔电针组的AT和TRI均低于对照组,但其差异性不显著。给雄性家兔去势,去势后1个月、3个月分别用ET复制发热模型,去势后1个月比较电针组及对照组动物的ΔT其差异性显著,而TRI去势后3个月差异显著。去势后1个月血浆雌二醇水平较去势前有明显增加。而血浆睾酮水平去势后3个月明显减少。表明针刺抑制ET发热效应和血浆性激素水平有关。  相似文献   

目的和方法:采用放射性同位素法观察发热和低体温大鼠下丘脑腺苷酸环化酶(AC)及磷酸二脂酶(PDE)活性的经时变化。结果:鲜酵母皮下注射后4 h引起体温明显升高(P<0.01),并长时维持在高位水平,AC活性在造模后3 h达峰值(P<0.05),其后活性下降并渐至正常,PDE活性在整个过程中略有上升;安痛定腹腔注射后15 min动物即呈现低体温状态(P<0.01),AC活性15 min时有一短暂上扬后至45 min降到最低点(P<0.05),之后活性逐步回升,而PDE活性则在正常水平上下小幅波动。结论:下丘脑AC活性的增强可能是动物体温升高的重要因素,而PDE活性并未相应显著升高则又造成了体温长时的偏高;在低体温模型中,AC活性的明显下降表明cAMP可能与动物的低温状态有关。  相似文献   

为验证内毒素(ET)发热时脑脊液(csf)cAMP含量增高的来源以及cAMP的中枢发热介质作用,本文应用ET复制发热模型,同时测定不同脑区组织中cAMP含量并与csf,血浆中cAMP含量进行同步比较。结果发现:ET发热时,丘脑下部组织中cAMP含量和csf cAMP含量均明显增加,与发热的体温变化呈明显正相关关系,而脑干、脑皮质组织中cAMP含量以及血浆中cAMP含量则变化无规律性。表明:ET发热时csf cAMP含量增加可以反映出丘脑下部组织中cAMP含量变化。其主要来源于丘脑下部组织。脑内cAMP作用的相对特异性部位亦在丘脑下部。  相似文献   

本研究选用65只新西兰白兔,观察经口灌入柴葛解肌汤(柴葛汤)对家兔白细胞致热原(LP)性发热效应及脑脊液cAMP含量的影响。结果表明:(1)柴葛汤经口灌入对家兔正常体温没有明显影响(P>0.05)。(2)单独静脉注射LP组,体温上升0.93±0.07℃,静注LP前1小时经灌口注柴葛汤,体温上升仅0.29±0.07℃,两组均数比较有非常显著的差异(p<0.01),说明柴葛汤具有明显的解热作用。(3)静注LP 1小时(LP性发热高峰期),脑脊液cAMP含量为141.18±23.04pmol/ml,静注LP前1小时经口灌入柴葛汤,脑脊液cAMP含量为94.37±6.20pmol/ml,两者比较有显著差异(P<0.05)。相关检验表明,柴葛汤 LP组的体温上升高度与脑脊液cAMP含量变化呈明显正相关。表明柴葛汤不仅抑制LP引起的发热反应,而且明显低降LP引起的脑脊液cAMP含量增多。根据这些实验绪果,作者推论,柴葛汤可能是通过降低脑内上升的cAMP含量而导致解热效应的。  相似文献   

目的和方法:采用放射性同位素法观察发热和低体温大鼠下丘脑中腺苷酸环化酶(AC)活性与cAMP含量的经时变化。结果:(1)鲜酵母皮下注射后4h引起体温明显升高(P<0.01),并长时间维持在高位水平,AC活性在造模后3h达峰值(P<0.05),其后活性迅速下降,历3h又再度上扬超出正常水平(P<0.01);cAMP含量的变化是由低渐高,且与体温的变化趋势相似。(2)安痛定腹腔注射后15min动物即呈现低体温状态(P<0.05),在造模后45minAC活性及cAMP含量均降至最低点(P<0.05),其后AC活性及cAMP含量均逐步回升至正常水平。结论:(1)在发热模型中,下丘脑AC活性的增强使细胞内cAMP含量增多是动物体温升高的重要原因。(2)在低体温模型中,AC活性的明显下降以及cAMP含量的明显减少表明cAMP与动物的低温状态有关,但降温的始动环节不依赖于cAMP。  相似文献   

牛磺酸对ET和EGTA性发热的降热效应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本实验用40只封闭群新西兰白兔,观察了侧脑室灌注Tau、CaCl_2对家兔ET性发热及EGTA性发热的影响。结果表明:侧脑室灌注Tau能明显抑制家兔ET性发热及EGTA性发热;一旦停止灌注Tau,体温又上升,后者可被侧脑室灌注CaCl_2所阻断。结果提示:Tau很可能是通过增加丘脑下部脑组织Ca~( )含量,使Na~ /ca~( )比值回降而抑制发热的。  相似文献   

本文报道离断家兔双侧眶下神经,观察电针家兔“山根穴”的降热效应和脑脊液cAMP含量变化的影响。实验结果表明:电针家兔“山根穴”使白细胞致热原(Leukocytic pyrogen, LP)性发热效应显著受到抑制,此时脑脊液cAMP含量的明显上升也受到抑制。而双侧眶下神经离断后的动物,电针该部位,则不能抑制LP性发热效应,同时脑脊液cAMP含量的明显增加也不受影响。根据实验结果作者推论:电针家兔“山根穴”对LP性发热的降热效应,很可能与神经传入冲动影响cAMP的生成有关。  相似文献   

Summary The ACTH content of the hypophysis of rats rises from a minimum in the morning to a maximum in the evening hours. These fluctuations are associated with the diurnal rhythm of light and darkness, and are abolished under conditions of continual light or darkness for 30 days. Rhythmic fluctuations of the ascorbic acid content of the adrenals are also found, with maximum values in the evening, and these are likewise abolished by maintenance under conditions of constant illumination.Presented by Active Member AMN SSSR V. V. Parin  相似文献   

Seventy pancreatoduodenal complexes of 55 patients with chronic pancreatitis and tumours of this zone and 15 patients died from other diseases are studies histotopographically . The pieces of the pancreatic head tissue in the medial wall of the duodenum were found in 12 cases of the first group and in 4 control cases. The pancreatic tissue consisted either of all elements of this organ or cystically dilated ducts and seemed to infiltrate different layers of the duodenum wall. Three variants of the pancreatic head structure are suggested on the basis of anatomo-topographical interrelationships of the pancreatic head and duodenum. In 12 out of 14 cases chronic pancreatitis and carcinoma of organs of this zone were combined with the variants of the pancreatic head structure, in 2 cases there was a true heterotopy . Pathogenetic significance of these variants for the development of chronic pancreatitis is discussed.  相似文献   

目的:探讨指背腱膜滑动距离与近侧指间关节(PIP)屈曲关系,为临床修复提供解剖学基础。方法:男性成人新鲜尸体标本10侧30指(示、中、环指各10指),切除手指皮肤,不破坏腱鞘、屈肌支持带、伸肌支持带、内在肌及外在肌,使肌腱保持正常的生理状态,分别测量各指中央束(CS)、侧束(LB)在PIP屈曲45°和90°时的滑动距离。结果:当PIP屈曲45°时,CS滑动距离为(2.7±0.4)mm,LB滑动距离为(2.8±0.6)mm;当PIP屈曲90°时,CS滑动距离为(4.3±0.7)mm,LB滑动距离为(4.8±0.6)mm。结论:指背腱膜滑动距离减少,严重影响手指的屈曲功能。对于指背腱膜的新鲜性损伤应予以精确修复;对于陈旧性损伤的修复应确保指背腱膜的正常滑动范围。  相似文献   

目的结合我院特点,测定来我院进行产后检查妇女的骨源性碱性磷酸酶(ABAP)活性以及全血钙。方法采用金标法测定产妇3031人骨源性碱性磷酸酶(ABAP)的活性,并从中随机选择855人采用BH-5100型多通道原子吸收光谱仪检测全血钙。结果经测定,3031名产妇中679人骨源性碱性磷酸酶(ABAP)的活性异常,异常者检出率为22.4%,其中83.5%的产妇轻度缺钙,而16.5%的产妇严重缺钙;而全血钙异常检出率为17.0%。结论ABAP活性检测方法比全血钙检测方法测定体内钙营养水平更具敏感性,可作为检测评价产妇钙营养状况的一种简易可靠的方法,为产后骨质疏松提供了一种可靠、便捷、科学合理的指标。  相似文献   

Rotation of a display in the frontal plane evokes a conjugate nystagmic rotation of the eyes (cycloversion) about the visual axes, with slow phases in the direction of stimulus motion — a response known as torsional optokinetic nystagmus (TOKN). Antiphase rotation of large dichoptic displays evokes a disconjugate rotation of the eyes about the visual axes, a response known as cyclovergence. Using the scleral-coil technique for monitoring eye movements we recorded TOKN evoked by black-and-white sectored displays rotating about the visual axis at an angular velocity of 30°/s. The display was confined to central areas with diameters ranging from 5° to full field or with the central 5° to 75° occluded. A 5° central display evoked TOKN with 40% of the gain for the full-field display and gain increased as a function of the size of the display. The gain of TOKN decreased with increasing size of a central occluder. These characteristics of TOKN are similar to those of horizontal OKN. Cyclovergence was virtually absent with a 5° display but was immune to occlusion of the central 40°. Cyclovergence therefore differs from cycloversion in showing no preference for centrally placed stimuli. These effects are free from the influence of stationary edges, since these were concentric with the stimulus motion. The effects are also free from the influence of voluntary pursuit, since humans do not normally have voluntary control over torsional eye movements.  相似文献   

The upper cervical esophagus is exerted on swallowing and peristalsis by somatic and visceral motoneurons, whereas the lower esophagus is exerted on only peristalsis by visceral motoneurons. We examined the origin of the esophageal motoneurons and whether there were any differences between the distributions of the upper and the lower esophageal motoneurons in the medulla and the spinal cord using cholera toxin subunit b (CTb) as the retrograde tracer. Following injection of CTb into the cervical esophagus resulted in heavy labeling of the neurons in the nucleus ambiguus including the compact (AmC), semicompact (AmS) and loose (AmL) formations, and the medial column of lamina IX at the C1-C5 levels of the cervical spinal cord corresponding to the spinal accessory nucleus. A few labeled neurons were found in the inferior salivatory nucleus, the rostral division of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMX), the accessory facial nucleus and the lateral column of lamina IX at the C2 and C3 levels. All these labeled neurons showed ChAT immunoreactivity. When CTb was injected into the cut end of the unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve, many labeled neurons were found in the ipsilateral AmC, the AmL, and the bilateral medial column at the C1 and C2 levels. Following injection of CTb into the subdiaphragmatic esophagus resulted in heavy labeling of the neurons only in the AmC and the DMX. When CTb was injected into the sternomastoid muscle, many labeled neurons were found in the medullary reticular formation, the facial nucleus, the medial column at the C1-C3, C5 and C6 levels, and the lateral column at the C2, C3, C5 and C6 levels. Injections of a Fluoro-Gold into the cervical esophagus and a CTb into the sternomastoid muscle or the subdiaphragmatic esophagus in the same animal showed many double labeled neurons in the medial column of the accessory nucleus at the C1 and C2 levels, but no double labeled neurons in the AmC. These results indicated that the upper cervical esophagus is innervated by the visceral medullary vagal motoneurons as well as the somatic spinal accessory motoneurons. The lower esophagus is innervated only by the visceral medullary vagal motoneurons.  相似文献   

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