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创伤性肩关节脱位合并骨折临床常见,可导致肩关节不稳定,在处理骨折的同时应注意检查肩关节软组织结构是否有损伤。Bankart损伤是指肩关节盂唇前下方在前下盂肱韧带复合体附着处的撕脱性损伤,多由肩关节前脱位引起,是造成习惯性前方不稳定和脱臼的常见损伤。Bankart损伤经常发生关节囊的异常,多数患者会有前下盂肱韧带复合体的延长及松弛。由于盂肱韧带复合体在维持肩关节稳定中起重要作用,当患者首次脱位时年龄30岁,再次脱位的可能性80%,建议手术治疗。目前经典的修复方式是肩关节镜下修补撕裂的韧带及盂唇。对于骨性Bankart损伤应引起大家的重视,这种损伤下盂肱韧带盂唇复合体损伤同时伴有关节盂前下方的撕脱性骨折。由于关节盂前下方的骨质缺损,可以导致梨形的肩盂变为"倒梨形"结构(inverted pear),是出现肩关节不稳的主要因素。当肩胛盂骨性结构缺损25%时,单纯依靠软组织重建,往往不能达到稳定,应进行肩胛盂骨性结构重建。常用的修复方法有Latarjet手术,异体肩胛骨移植等。对于创伤性肩关节脱位的患者,应注意排除有无肩袖损伤、Bankart损伤、大结节骨折等。对于年轻肩关节脱位患者,应着重关注患者肩胛盂前下方结构有无损伤,而老年患者应注意排除后上方大结节、肩袖等有无损伤。  相似文献   

肩关节由肩胛骨的关节盂和肱骨头构成,属球窝关节,是人体诸多关节中活动度最大的关节,也是脱位发生率最高的关节。肩关节前方不稳定的病理基础是肩胛盂前缘的骨性缺损和前方关节囊韧带软组织的损伤,是常见的肩关节损伤。其治疗方法大致可分为解剖型和非解剖型的手术方法,前者包括Bankart修复术及ICBG术等,后者包括Remplissage技术及Bristow-latarjet术等。并根据是否存在关节窝骨性缺损,而选取不同的治疗方案,若没有关节窝骨性缺损,且没有HillSachs损伤的肩关节前方不稳定,一般选用Bankart修复术;伴有Hill-Sachs损伤,一般选用Bankart修复术联合Remplissage手术治疗。若存在关节窝骨性缺损,且关节窝骨性缺损40%,选用ICBG术;关节窝骨性缺损20%~40%,选用latarjet术;关节骨性缺损20%,且存在明显的Hill-Sachs损伤,选用Bankart修复术联合Remplissage手术治疗;关节骨性缺损20%,无明显的Hill-Sachs损伤,选用Bankart修复术。该病的关节镜检查与治疗日益成熟,但金标准仍是关节镜下Bankart修补术。在选取治疗方案时,骨性因素仍以肩胛盂的骨性缺损最为重要,所以存在肩关节前方不稳时,一定要考虑骨性缺损因素,尤其在国内存在大量多次脱位的患者,所以骨性因素尤为重要。  相似文献   

肩关节不稳定临床常见,肩关节前方软组织损伤如Bankart损伤、HAGL损伤、肩袖损伤、GAGL损伤等是引起肩关节不稳的常见原因。Bankart损伤是创伤性肩关节前向不稳定的常见损伤,其损伤机制为肩关节过度外展时关节盂受到轴向压力而无外旋,包括纤维Bankart损伤和骨性Bankart损伤。影响其修复效果的因素包括肩关节盂缺损的大小、有无Hill-Sachs损伤、有无肩关节囊松弛、盂肱下韧带有无牵拉以及术中修复损伤时使用锚钉的数量。ALPSA损伤是指肩关节盂唇关节囊骨膜袖状撕脱损伤,临床诊断较为困难,需注意与Bankart损伤进行鉴别。HAGL损伤指肩关节囊从肱骨侧撕裂,其损伤机制为肩关节过度外展、外旋。盂肱下韧带是肩关节外展90°外旋时的主要前方稳定结构,其前部起点为2点到4点,后部起点为7点到9点。该结构在肱骨侧的止点可分为两种类型:一种是围领型,其止点均至于关节面边缘;一种是V型,其前后束止于关节面边缘。有研究表明,盂肱下韧带可能撕裂的3个位置分别是肩胛盂起点(40%)、体部(35%)、肱骨侧止点(25%)。Wolf前瞻性观察了64例肩关节前方不稳定患者,发现Bankart损伤47例(73.5%)、关节囊松弛11例(17.2%)、HAGL损伤6例(9.3%)。导致创伤性肩关节不稳软组织损伤的类型多样,根据其损伤类型不同,其治疗方法也有所区别,不同类型的损伤术后复发率也不同。  相似文献   

宋庆法  崔国庆 《中国骨伤》2021,34(6):489-492
正肩关节是体内最不稳定及最常脱位的关节,肩关节前向不稳是指肩关节前方不稳定引起的肩关节复发性前脱位,一般是由外伤引起。肩关节前向不稳发生的机制是外伤发生脱位后,肱骨头与前下方关节盂撞击导致前下关节囊韧带复合体损伤(Bankart损伤),甚至关节盂骨缺损(骨性Bankart损伤)。  相似文献   

复发性肩关节前脱位的手术治疗是运动损伤医学领域中的一个难题,其主要原因在于无法较好地恢复肩关节动力性及骨性约束。目前国内外大多采用关节镜手术治疗,术后总体效果满意,但具体术式的选择仍存在较大争议。临床中需根据关节盂及肱骨头骨性缺损的有无及大小,选择不同方案治疗。笔者建议:无关节盂骨性缺损或关节盂骨性缺损20%,选用Bankart术;关节盂骨性缺损20%伴Hill-Sachs骨性缺损40%,选用Bankart术联合Remplissage术或ASA术;关节盂骨性缺损20%~25%,选用"Sling"术;关节盂骨性缺损25%~40%,选用Bristow-Latarjet术;关节盂或Hill-Sachs骨性缺损40%或Bristow-Latarjet术修复失败,选用骨移植术。此外,若存在盂肱韧带肱骨撕脱(humeral avulsion of glenohumeral ligaments,HAGL)损伤,则选用HAGL损伤修复术。除考虑骨性缺损这一重要因素外,还需结合患者年龄、运动水平及术者技术来综合选择最佳术式。  相似文献   

肩关节稳定由多个因素协同维持,当脱位发生时,可能会造成骨性Bankart损伤,甚至伤及肩盂前方及下方的关节软骨、盂唇组织和肩关节盂的骨质,使肩胛盂直径缩小、深度减少、前倾增加,破坏了凹面-挤压机制及盂肱平衡,导致肩关节不稳定,在较小的作用力下就会引起复发性肩关节脱位,增加关节盂骨的损伤.当关节盂骨缺损范围达到20%~2...  相似文献   

骨性Bankart损伤是与肩关节前方不稳定相伴随存在的肩盂前缘的骨折或骨缺损,其发生率在肩关节前脱位中占4%~70%,临床及生物力学研究显示,当骨缺损的面积20%~25%时,单纯行软组织的修复如Bankart修复术效果不佳,建议行骨质重建,如Latarjet术、取自体髂骨或异体骨植骨术等。目前行切开手术修复治疗已十分娴熟,但开放手术存在创伤大、出血多、对关节活动度影响大等缺点。随着关节镜工具及技术的发展,目前可以在全关节镜下处理骨性Bankart损伤。本文就骨性Bankart损伤的分类、生物力学背景、临床评估及关节镜下处理骨性Bankart损伤的手术方法及临床疗效作一综述,为临床骨科医师在行肩关节镜治疗此病时提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

目的评价肩盂前下方骨性结构在肩关节前方稳定性中的生物力学特性和作用,为临床治疗肩盂骨性缺损提供理论依据。方法于自愿捐献的成年男性新鲜尸体取带肩胛骨的肩关节-肱骨标本10具,制备为"骨-韧带"标本;左侧4具,右侧6具。分别于肩关节外展0、90°位时,采用Instron 8874液压伺服生物力学测试系统给予肱骨头50 N的单轴压缩,每个标本按照完整肩关节、盂唇缺损、骨性缺损10%、骨性缺损20%、骨性缺损修复顺序,测量标本位移值。结果肩关节外展0°位时,完整组、盂唇缺损组、骨性缺损10%组、骨性缺损20%组、骨性缺损修复组位移分别为(10.73±2.93)、(11.43±3.98)、(13.58±4.86)、(18.53±3.07)、(12.77±3.13)mm;90°位时,分别为(8.41±2.10)、(8.55±2.28)、(9.06±2.67)、(12.49±2.32)、(8.55±2.15)mm。除骨性缺损20%组与完整组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)外,其余各组与完整组比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论肩盂前下盂唇缺损或骨性缺损<20%时,如关节囊韧带复合体未损伤或已修复,肩关节前方稳定性无明显下降;肩盂骨性缺损≥20%时,即使修复关节囊韧带复合体,肩关节前方稳定性仍明显下降;而同时修复骨性缺损和关节囊韧带复合体可恢复肩关节前方稳定性。  相似文献   

目的总结肩关节前向脱位及合并损伤的手术治疗进展。方法查阅国内外肩关节前向脱位及合并损伤手术治疗方法及疗效的相关文献,并进行总结分析。结果肩关节前向脱位可合并前下关节囊韧带复合体损伤(Bankart损伤)、关节盂骨缺损(骨性Bankart损伤)以及Hill-Sachs损伤。对于Bankart损伤,可选择关节镜下修复或者联合喙突截骨转位术、移植物行骨性重建。对于Hill-Sachs损伤,根据骨性缺损范围选择保守、软组织修复或骨性重建等。对于双极损伤(肩胛盂以及肱骨头骨缺损),可根据骨缺损范围选择Bankart术、Remplissage术或肱骨头置换等。结论随着关节镜的发展以及手术理念的改进,针对肩关节前向脱位及合并损伤临床已有一套完善手术方案,可通过综合评估患者伤情及年龄、运动水平等因素选择恰当术式,以求达到最佳疗效。  相似文献   

<正>骨性Bankart损伤为肩关节盂唇前方的骨折或伴有肩关节复发性前脱位的盂唇缺损~[1-2],常见于创伤性肩关节前脱位或前下脱位,占盂肱关节创伤性不稳中的5.4%~70%~[3-5]。一、骨性Bankart损伤分类Porcellini等~[4]将骨性Bankart损伤分为急性与慢性损伤,病程3个月者为急性损伤,3个月者为慢性损伤。多数学者认为,损伤在3个月内的急性盂肱关节脱位合并前方  相似文献   

The treatment of recurrent shoulder instability in the presence of large bony defects of the glenoid and/or the humeral head is evolving. The young patient with significant glenohumeral arthrosis presents unique challenges in terms of management. In the presence of large glenohumeral bony defects, several authors have reported poor outcomes with attempted soft tissue stabilization only. Therefore, some type of bony reconstruction is generally recommended. Glenohumeral arthrosis is a known complication of recurrent shoulder dislocation. The role of arthroplasty and glenoid resurfacing options in young patients is controversial given the demands in this group. This article presents a case of a 35-year-old patient who presented with coexisting bony defects-an engaging Hill-Sachs defect and a bony Bankart defect causing recurrent shoulder instability-and post-dislocation glenohumeral arthritis with resultant pain. He underwent a humeral hemiarthroplasty, glenoid structural bone grafting, and a glenoid graft jacket. At 2-year follow-up, he reported a favorable outcome. This case represents an encouraging treatment approach for a young patient with recurrent instability caused by coexisting bony defects and significant arthrosis.  相似文献   

The Hill-Sachs lesion is an osseous defect of the humeral head that is typically associated with anterior shoulder instability. The incidence of these lesions in the setting of glenohumeral instability is relatively high and approaches 100% in persons with recurrent anterior shoulder instability. Reverse Hill-Sachs lesion has been described in patients with posterior shoulder instability. Glenoid bone loss is typically associated with the Hill-Sachs lesion in patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability. The lesion is a bipolar injury, and identification of concomitant glenoid bone loss is essential to optimize clinical outcome. Other pathology (eg, Bankart tear, labral or capsular injuries) must be identified, as well. Treatment is dictated by subjective and objective findings of shoulder instability and radiographic findings. Nonsurgical management, including focused rehabilitation, is acceptable in cases of small bony defects and nonengaging lesions in which the glenohumeral joint remains stable during desired activities. Surgical options include arthroscopic and open techniques.  相似文献   

Arthroscopic treatment of bony Bankart lesions can be challenging. We present a new easy and reproducible technique for arthroscopic reduction and suture anchor fixation of bony Bankart fragments. A suture anchor is placed medially to the fracture on the glenoid neck, and its sutures are passed around the bony fragment through the soft tissue including the inferior glenohumeral ligament complex. The sutures of this anchor are loaded in a second anchor that is placed on the glenoid face. This creates a nontilting 2-point fixation that compresses the fragment into its bed. By use of the standard technique, additional suture anchors are used superiorly and inferiorly to the bony Bankart piece to repair the labrum and shift the joint capsule. We call this the “bony Bankart bridge” procedure.  相似文献   

目的评估切开复位联合Latarjet手术治疗陈旧性肩关节前脱位的临床疗效。 方法自2012年1月至2018年1月共14例陈旧性肩关节前脱位患者(16个肩关节)纳入本研究,其中男8例、女6例;年龄30~70岁,平均51.2岁;脱位时间为8~22周,平均10.2周。受伤原因为:摔伤10例,车祸伤4例。合并Hill-Sachs损伤12例,缺损占肱骨头的比例平均为32%。合并骨性Bankart损伤11例,缺损占肩胛盂的比例平均为13%。合并肩袖损伤9例,合并肱骨近端骨折6例,无一例合并神经血管损伤。术前检查肩关节活动度(前屈、外展、内旋、外旋)并记录视觉模拟评分法(visual analogue scale,VAS)、美国肩肘外科(American shoulder elbow surgeons’form,ASES)评分、美国加州大学肩关节系统(University of California at Los Angeles,UCLA)评分。术中均采用胸大肌三角肌间沟入路,彻底松解挛缩的关节囊和周围软组织,清除盂窝内的瘢痕组织后复位,再行Latarjet术重建肩胛盂弧度维持复位,同时依据损伤情况处理伴随的Hill-Sachs损伤、肩袖损伤和肱骨近端骨折等。 结果14例患者均获随访,随访时间10~22个月,平均18个月。随访期间肩关节均未出现再脱位。1例患者术后出现肩部麻木,考虑腋神经损伤,1个月后恢复正常。无感染、医源性骨折及其他血管神经损伤等并发症。与术前相比,末次随访时平均前屈角度由(65.9±10.4)°升至(112.1±13.3)°(P=0.000),平均外展角度由(41.1±9.7)°升至(63.3±13.6)°(P=0.000),平均内收位外旋角度由(10.7±4.3)°升至(22.1±5.1)°(P=0.000),平均内收位内旋角度由(52.6±5.3)°升至(54.0±6.0)°(P=0.081),VAS评分由(5.4±1.4)分降至(1.7±1.1)分(P=0.000),ASES评分由(34.1±10.6)分升至(70.8±12.3)分(P=0.000),UCLA评分由(10.1±3.2)分升至(22.6±4.6)分(P=0.000)。除内旋外,手术前后肩关节活动度和功能评分的差异均有统计学意义。 结论对于陈旧性肩关节前脱位,切开复位联合Latarjet手术可有效重建肩关节前方稳定性。同时术中正确处理伴随损伤及术后早期规范康复锻炼也是提高手术疗效的重要因素。  相似文献   

The recurrence of shoulder instability is a challenging complication after anterior open or arthroscopic stabilization in patients with glenohumeral instability. Use of the arthroscopic Bankart procedure has increased over the last decade, because of its less invasiveness and low complication rates compared with the Latarjet procedure. However, arthroscopic repair has the possibility of a greater recurrent instability rate. The Instability Shoulder Index Score (ISIS) has been developed to predict the success of isolated arthroscopic Bankart repair for the management of recurrent anterior shoulder instability. The risk factors associated with the recurrence of instability are age, level and type of sports participation, shoulder hyperlaxity, and humeral and glenoid bony lesions. The ISIS is a validated tool to predict the recurrence of dislocation after arthroscopic surgery in patients with shoulder instability. The arthroscopic Bankart procedure can be performed in patients with ISIS ≤3 with a low risk of recurrence of glenohumeral instability. The Latarjet procedure should be recommended in patients with ISIS >6. The management of patients with ISIS between 4 and 6 is still controversial and ranges from arthroscopic Bankart procedure with the addition of remplissage to the Latarjet procedure. Because advanced imaging techniques, such as computed tomography scans, allow us to assess appropriately the glenoid and humeral bone defect, their use is recommended in addition to ISIS.  相似文献   

The shoulder is the most frequently dislocated joint in the body owing to its large range of motion and small area of articulation between the humeral and the glenoid surfaces. Traumatic shoulder dislocations, especially those associated with injury to the labroligamentous or bony stabilizers of the joint, lead to further reduction of articular surface contact with resultant glenohumeral instability and recurrent shoulder dislocations. Classification of instability mechanism and direction is important for the choice of the right treatment.  相似文献   

Although the Bankart lesion is accepted as the primary pathology responsible for recurrent shoulder instability, recognition of other soft-tissue lesions has improved the surgical treatment for this common problem. Whereas humeral avulsion of the glenohumeral ligaments has been acknowledged as a cause of anterior shoulder instability, we have not found any reported cases of glenoid avulsion of the glenohumeral ligaments. We describe 3 cases of recurrent anterior shoulder instability due to glenoid avulsion of the glenohumeral ligaments. The avulsed ligaments were repaired to the labrum and glenoid, restoring the glenohumeral ligament–labral complex.  相似文献   

During throwing motion the athlete puts enormous stress on both the dynamic and the static stabilisers of the shoulder. Repetitive forces cause adaptive soft tissue and bone changes that initially improve performance but ultimately may lead to shoulder pathologies. Although a broad range of theories have been suggested for the pathophysiology of internal impingement, the reasons are obviously multifactorial. This review aims to critically analyse the current literature and to summarise clinically important information. The cardinal lesions of internal impingement, articular-sided rotator cuff tears and posterosuperior labral lesions, have been shown to occur in association with a number of other findings, most importantly glenohumeral internal rotation deficit and SICK scapula syndrome, but also with posterior humeral head lesions, posterior glenoid bony injury and, rarely, with Bankart and inferior glenohumeral ligament lesions. Extensive biomechanical and clinical research is necessary before a complete understanding and reconciliation of the varying theories of the pathomechanisms of injury can be developed.  相似文献   

The presence of either a Hill–Sachs or a bony Bankart defect has been indicated as a possible cause of subluxation and anterior shoulder dislocation. Previous studies investigated only the effects of isolated humeral or glenoid defects on glenohumeral instability. We investigated the effects on shoulder stability of both glenoid and humeral defects in the glenohumeral joint. A computer‐based finite element approach was used to model the joint. A generic model was developed for cartilage and bone of the glenoid and humerus, using previously published data, and experiments were analyzed using static analysis with displacement control in the anterior‐inferior direction. Simulations were run with a 50‐N compressive load in the presence of both isolated and combined defects to analyze reaction forces and distance to dislocation. The distance to dislocation for normal joint was 13.6 mm at 90° abduction, which reduced to 9.7, 0, and 0 mm for largest isolated humerus defect, glenoid defect, and certain combined defects, respectively. For combined defects, stability ratio was decreased to 0% from 43%. Our results suggest that in the setting of combined bone defects, stability may be reduced more than what is known for isolated defects alone. © 2012 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 31: 601–607, 2013  相似文献   

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