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<正>围术期气道的管理是麻醉管理的重要内容,常与患者的生命息息相关。然而,在临床工作中,麻醉医师常常会遇到各种各样困难气道的挑战。有报道显示,困难气道的发生率可高达l%~4%[1],麻醉死亡病例中约30%是因困难气道处理失败造成。Koerner等[2]认为纤维支气管镜(FOB)是处理困难气道的金标准,美国麻醉医师学会(ASA)建议在遇到困难气道时应首先想到FOB[3]。因此,本研究结合对34例困难气道的处理,浅谈FOB在困难气管插管  相似文献   

喉罩在小儿困难气道中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于小儿气道独特的解剖和生理特性,其困难气道的评估与管理对每一个麻醉医师而言都是一项具有挑战意义的考验.随着Brain在1981年喉罩的发明及其在临床中的越来越广泛的应用,为麻醉医师对困难气道的处理提供了一条简单、便捷、有效的途径.现将我院近两年来应用喉罩解决小儿困难气道的经验报道如下.  相似文献   

正困难气道是麻醉中常遇到的紧迫而危险的境况,许多严重麻醉并发症和死亡的发生由困难气道管理失当引起~([1-3])。对未预料的困难气道,后果更为严重。虽然可视喉镜的应用使气管插管变得容易,插管困难的发生率也明显降低~([1~4]),但对全麻患者气道评估和对困难气道的处理是麻醉医师的临床基本技能,需要熟练掌握和应用,况且传统喉镜仍为目前的主要工具。临床麻醉有多种方法用来评估困难气道风险,其中LEMON法是一种相对简便的综合性气道风险评  相似文献   

目的调查分析广西公立医院麻醉科的气道管理现状, 并探讨其改进方法。方法以微信的方式发放腾讯问卷给广西公立医院麻醉医师填写。问卷内容包括:麻醉医师一般信息;麻醉科人员、设备配置, 气道工具配置, 气道管理培训及掌握情况, 气道管理需要改进的方面等。结果收到广西126家公立医院(三级医院57家, 二级医院69家)的有效问卷共637份, 其中三级医院508份(79.7%), 二级医院129份(20.3%)。每个手术间可配置麻醉医师1.4名, 麻醉机1.1台, 呼气末二氧化碳分压监护仪0.8台。喉罩配置率为80.2%, 参加过困难气道培训班的麻醉医师为48.0%, 22.8%~55.7%麻醉医师对不同版本的困难气道处理流程有了解, 35.5%的麻醉医师掌握使用纤维支气管镜/电子软镜。结论广西公立医院麻醉医师短缺情况仍然存在, 气道管理资源配置仍需进一步提高。  相似文献   

气道管理是麻醉管理的重要组成部分.美国麻醉医师协会统计资料显示,术前经过气道评估仍无法预计的困难气道比例大约占8.5%,因此,准备充分的气道管理设备尤为重要.  相似文献   

麻醉中困难气道的管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
麻醉医师在他们的日常临床实践中面对各种各样影响气道的复杂问题。因此,困难气道的管理是麻醉学的重要课题。本文着重讨论困难气道的定义和分类,建立气道的专用技术,常用的术前估计方法以及处理困难气道的规则。 1 困难气道的定义和分类 1.1 困难气道的定义 1993年ASA从临床应用的角度创造了困难气道的定义如下:①困难气道:是这样一种临床情形,即经过正规训练的麻醉医师在行面罩通气和(或)气道插管时遇到了困难。②困难气管内插管:即一个经过正规训练的麻醉医师使用常规喉镜正确地进行气管插管时,经3次尝试仍不能完成。③面罩通气困难:即一个麻醉医师在无他人帮助的情况下不能维持正常的氧合  相似文献   

目的 探讨Sturge-Werber综合症(SWS)的麻醉管理。方法 回顾分析1例Sturge-Werber综合症(Ⅲ型)患儿的麻醉管理,并对相关文献进行复习。结果 经过充分的术前评估,了解患者的抗癫痫病史并排除困难气道、眼压增高等风险后,患儿在静吸复合麻醉下顺利完成手术,术后恢复良好。结论 困难气道、口腔和上呼吸道血管瘤、中枢神经系统病变、青光眼等是SWS麻醉管理所面临的主要问题。麻醉医师应该充分了解这些问题,并对Sturge-Werber综合症患者进行适当的术前评估从而制定合适的麻醉管理方案。  相似文献   

目的 探讨Sturge-Werber综合症(SWS)的麻醉管理。方法 回顾分析1例Sturge-Werber综合症(Ⅲ型)患儿的麻醉管理,并对相关文献进行复习。结果 经过充分的术前评估,了解患者的抗癫痫病史并排除困难气道、眼压增高等风险后,患儿在静吸复合麻醉下顺利完成手术,术后恢复良好。结论 困难气道、口腔和上呼吸道血管瘤、中枢神经系统病变、青光眼等是SWS麻醉管理所面临的主要问题。麻醉医师应该充分了解这些问题,并对Sturge-Werber综合症患者进行适当的术前评估从而制定合适的麻醉管理方案。  相似文献   

背景 Klippel-Feil综合征(klippel-Feil syndrome,KFS)临床极为少见,是一种以颈椎融合为主要特征的先天性畸形,多数患者合并有其他器官系统的异常,属于困难气道的高风险人群.目的 针对KFS的临床特点,讨论此类患者麻醉管理的特殊性.内容 综述KFS的临床表现与诊断,以及麻醉管理特点,重点讨论该类患者的气道处理.趋向 充分的麻醉前颈部畸形和气道的评估,有助于合理制定麻醉及气道处理方案,避免神经损伤,提高麻醉安全性.  相似文献   

气管插管失败及过长时间尝试气管插管是导致麻醉相关病死率的主要原因之一~([1]).为了能够快速有效地控制气道.特别是对于那些利用常规方法存在困难的患者,各种各样的辅助器械不断被发明,为麻醉医师处理困难插管提供了多种手段.B0nfils纤维喉镜自1983年首次报道应用于临床困难气道处理以来,已成为解决困难插管有效手段之一.现就我科应用Bonfils纤维喉镜完成的19例困难插管报道如下.  相似文献   

Due to the anatomical location, vallecular cyst is a rare but well-recognized cause of upper airway obstruction and death in newborn. This cyst can be accurately diagnosed by echography in utero and by MR imaging. Prenatal diagnosis allows for early consultation with surgical specialist, so that the time and place of the delivery can be addressed for neonatal preoperative planning. We report the first prenatal diagnosis of a vallecular cyst at 25 weeks of gestation. At birth, the cyst was drained and then marsupialized. We believed that, in cases of oropharyngeal tumors discovered in utero, elective delivery should be realised in a tertiary referral center in which emergency ventilation and tracheostomy are possible.  相似文献   

Adult vallecular cyst: thirteen-year experience.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To assess the characteristics of adult vallecular cyst. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTINGS: A retrospective chart review from a university affiliated hospital. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Clinical manifestations and airway management of 38 consecutive adult patients with vallecular cyst admitted between 1992 and 2004 were studied. RESULTS: Two distinct groups were identified: infected (n = 24) and noninfected (n = 14). Twenty-two (91.7%) patients of the former group had acute epiglottitis with an abrupt onset culminating in abscess formation in 19 (79.2%) and airway compromise in 9 (37.5%) compared with none in the noninfected group (P = 0.006). In 4 (18.2%) of 22 patients, the origin of the infected vallecular cyst was evident only after symptoms subsided. Three patients had recurrent acute epiglottitis. The noninfected group had a relatively prolonged mild clinical course. CONCLUSIONS: Two types of vallecular cysts were characterized. Abscess formation was the hallmark of adult infected vallecular cyst. SIGNIFICANCE: To improve patient care, endoscopic follow-up is advocated. In patients with recurrent episodes of acute epiglottitis, imaging is recommended.  相似文献   

Cheng KS  Ng JM  Li HY  Hartigan PM 《Anesthesia and analgesia》2002,95(5):1248-50, table of contents
IMPLICATIONS: This report describes difficulties encountered in the airway management of six infants with concurrent vallecular cyst and laryngomalacia. It is hoped that our experience will assist others in the management of such patients.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To report on the airway management of three cases of asymptomatic lingual tonsillar hypertrophy (LTH). MATERIAL: On three separate occasions, patients presenting for elective surgery were subsequently found to have asymptomatic LTH. In all cases preoperative airway examination was essentially unremarkable and no unusual difficulties were anticipated. In the first case, despite an inability to visualize the glottic opening, the patient was intubated successfully on the initial attempt and had no further problems in the perioperative period. In the second case, neither direct laryngoscopy, utilizing the MacIntosh and McCoy blades, nor fibreoptic visualization enabled successful intubation. Ventilation was maintained with a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) until the anesthetic was reversible. Upon awakening and removal of the LMA, the patient totally obstructed and could not be ventilated, necessitating emergency cricothyroidotomy. The third patient was an elderly gentleman in whom successful intubation was eventually achieved, with considerable difficulty, by the otorhinolaryngologist (ENT surgeon) utilizing a straight blade. On a second occasion, he was again intubated by the same ENT surgeon, this time utilizing the anterior commissure blade. All three patients were subsequently discharged without further sequelae. CONCLUSION: Asymptomatic LTH can cause varying degrees of unexpected difficulty in securing the airway and, at present, no single method will necessarily improve the chances of successful intubation. Therefore, strategies to manage unanticipated difficult intubation secondary to supraglottic airway pathology need to be performed and practiced, including the establishment of a transtracheal airway.  相似文献   

Airway problems are easiest to manage when they are anticipated. Difficult intubation might, however, occur in patients with no obvious signs or symptoms suggesting airway difficulty. We describe a case where laryngeal inlet was obscured by a large vallecular cyst that was discovered during rapid-sequence induction of general anesthesia, causing difficulty in tracheal intubation. Once the patient was allowed to recover from general anesthesia, the trachea could be safely intubated using a fiberoptic bronchoscope.  相似文献   

Endotracheal intubation remains the "goldstandard" in airway management. If with use of conventional techniques intubation of the patient fails, or if an anticipated difficult airway is present, video-assisted techniques may help to increase intubation success. Video-assisted techniques give the possibility to indirectly visualise the laryngeal structures with fibreoptical or camerachip-technique, and to display the videopicture on an external or integrated monitor. For the anticipated difficult airway, awake flexible fibreoptical intubation still is the first choice. However, if Oxygenation and Ventilation can be established with bag-mask ventilation or supraglottic airways, the use of an endoscopic optical stylet or a videolaryngoscope may be alternatives. If the algorithm for the unanticipated difficult airway can be safely administered, the latter techniques may also be used as emergency intubation devices.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ludwig's angina (LA) is a dangerous surgical condition that can cause severe airway compromise and death. There is controversy regarding the best way to manage the airway of patients with LA. Options range from conservative management involving close observation and i.v. antibiotics to airway intervention, including tracheostomy and endotracheal intubation using fibre-optic nasoendoscopy. We present evidence supporting a role for conservative airway management in a select subset of patients. METHODS: This paper reviews 9 years' experience of treating patients with LA at Liverpool Hospital. RESULTS: Twenty-one out of 29 (72%) of our patients were treated conservatively following initial clinical assessment. One of these patients subsequently deteriorated requiring emergency intubation. Of those treated non-conservatively at initial presentation, seven patients were able to be intubated using fibre-optic nasoendoscopy and one patient required tracheostomy under local anaesthesia. CONCLUSION: A general discussion of issues related to the management of LA is presented. Based on our experience we conclude that there is a subset of patients with LA who can be managed safely with conservative management.  相似文献   

Management of the difficult airway and maintenance of the oxygenation are the most important tasks of the anaesthetist.Respiratory problems are still the most important single cause for anaesthesia-related accidents with poor outcome.Algorithms are step-wise procedures developed from a great number of recommendations and are well suited to automation and training procedures.There is strong agreement among consultants that specific strategies lead to improved outcome, although, strictly speaking the degree of benefit on airway management cannot be clearly determined.Several anaesthesia societies, including the American Society of Anesthesiology,have developed their own algorithms for management of the difficult airway.The comparison of published algorithms shows that the management of the anticipated difficult airway has to be performed in the awake patient and fiberoptic intubation is a crucial part of that procedure. There are different techniques (different blades, guide wire, laryngeal mask, fiber optics) for the management of the unanticipated difficult airway.The laryngeal mask, transtracheal access and the Combitube are recommended for the management of the cannot intubate, cannot ventilate situation. More important than the questions which algorithm, which technique and which instruments should be used,is that each department has and practices its own algorithm. This strongly depends on local circumstances and personal preferences.Daily practice is the condition for the successful use in an emergency situation.The management is easier if one uses a simple algorithm and as few instruments as possible.  相似文献   

A 'can't intubate, can't oxygenate' airway crisis is a rare event which most anaesthetists will never experience during their career(1,2). This report highlights the outcome of time-critical decisions in a potential airway catastrophe. Rocuronium was used as an alternative muscle relaxant for rapid sequence induction. The use of sugammadex in 'can't intubate, can't oxygenate' crises is discussed and highlights how, despite adequate reversal of neuromuscular blockade, the 'can't intubate, can't oxygenate' situation failed to resolve. An asymptomatic vallecular cyst was the causal factor in this scenario. Anaesthetic issues surrounding this pathology are discussed.  相似文献   

Huge laryngeal cyst is rare, but may cause difficulty or inability in tracheal intubation during induction of general anesthesia. A 69-year-old patient was scheduled for laryngomicroscopic cystectomy. In this patient, we examined two methods of oro-tracheal intubation either with rigid laryngoscopy or flexible fiberscopy using transnasal fiberoptic monitoring. Direct laryngoscopy failed to expose the epiglottis because of large cyst being fragile and easy to bleed. And even oral fiberscopy intubation was also difficult since a large mass hindered acquiring a suitable view. However, trans-nasal fiberscopy monitoring could guide the oro-tracheal fiber into the trachea for intubation. When an anesthesiologist can predict the abnormality of epiglottis, this combination might be recommended for difficult airway and intubation. Postoperative respiratory management under intubating state was necessary because of bleeding, airway edema, and deviation of the larynx after tumor resection. We reported anesthetic management of a patient with epiglottis gigantic cyst occupying the laryngopharyngeal airway. It is a rare tumor leading to difficulty of induction of anesthesia and necessitating postoperative intubated respiratory care.  相似文献   

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