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20世纪80年代初,Gauderer等[1]首次应用了经皮内镜下胃造口术(PEG),之后又发展经皮胃镜下空肠造口术(PEJ)[2],即在完成PEG后,沿PEG管("G"管)置入空肠营养管("J"管),在胃镜活检钳的辅助下,逐渐将营养管送入空肠上段.PEJ技术虽然操作简便,并发症少,并以轻微并发症为主[3-4],但有时也可能发生严重的并发症[5-6].最近,我科遇到1例因"J"管缠绕成团,导致肠梗阻的病人,现报道如下.  相似文献   

内镜下胃肠造口在术后危重病人中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨内镜下胃肠造口在术后危重病人中的临床应用. 方法:对22例外科手术后出现并发症的危重病人进行经皮内镜下胃肠造口,并总结其手术指征、相关并发症、操作过程和临床疗效等. 结果:22例病人经皮内镜下胃肠造口术(PEG/PEJ)均获得成功,未发生与PEG/PEJ操作相关的死亡和严重并发症.21例(95%)病人放置PEG/PEJ管后进行肠道营养的时间超过30天.3例(14%)出现胃造口部位感染和渗漏,经局部换药、引流和全身应用抗生素后治愈.6例(27%)在后期出现空肠造口管的阻塞. 结论:外科术后危重病人,经皮内镜下胃肠造口术是建立长期胃肠道营养通路的安全、微创、简便、高效的方法.  相似文献   

经皮内镜下胃/空肠造口术并发症的预防与治疗   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:重点探讨经皮内镜下胃肠造口术并发症的预防及治疗. 方法:对2002年10月至2003年12月间85例恶性肿瘤病人共行88例次经皮内镜下胃造口(PEG)和经皮内镜下空肠造口(PEJ),回顾性统计并发症的发生情况.所有PEG/J均采用拉出法. 结果:85例病人PEG/J术后无操作相关死亡,无严重并发症,但微小并发症发生率为8.2%(7/85).7例病人发生8次微小并发症,分别为切口感染2例、导管断裂2例、导管尖端移位2例、导管缠绕1例、导管渗漏1例,均通过非手术治疗后治愈. 结论:经皮内镜下胃/空肠造口术操作简便、安全,加强围手术期的处理是控制并发症的关键.  相似文献   

<正>经皮内镜下胃造口置管(PEG)术是在内镜引导下,经腹部皮肤穿刺放置胃造口管,直接给予肠内营养(EN)支持的一种手术,具有操作简单、只需局部麻醉、安全、并发症少的特点,对营养状况差和危重症病人也可进行该项手术。对需要空肠营养的病人,还可采用经皮内镜下胃造口空肠置管(PEJ)术。我院自2008年3月至2014年6月共开展PEG/PEJ术85例,其中有3例出现严重并发症,现报道如下。  相似文献   

目的比较不同肠内营养置管方法的优缺点。方法1996年9月-2008年6月,共有2092例患者接受肠内营养支持。肠内营养置管方法包括床旁经鼻置螺旋型鼻肠管、X线引导下经鼻置鼻肠管、胃镜引导下经鼻置鼻肠管、术中经鼻置鼻肠管、空肠切开造口置空肠管、空肠穿刺造口置空肠管、胃切开造口术及内镜引导下经皮胃穿刺造口术。结果床旁经鼻置肠管32例,第2天23例鼻肠管的远端通过幽门到达小肠,另9例鼻肠管盘曲在胃腔内。X线引导下直接经鼻置鼻肠管61例,顺利通过幽门57例,另4例鼻肠管盘曲胃腔内。胃镜引导下经鼻置鼻肠管186例,术后经x线检查显示177例鼻肠管的远端位于小肠。腹部手术时,经鼻放置鼻肠管1628例,7例鼻肠管远端离开手术时放置的位置。空肠切开术放置空肠营养管56例,术后出现不全性肠梗阻2例、肠瘘1例。空肠穿刺造口术98例,2例空肠穿刺管移位脱出小肠。传统胃切开造口术19例,出现胃瘘1例。胃穿刺造口术12例,无并发症。结论肠内营养置管的方法有多种,具体采取哪种方法,需根据患者的原发病以及营养支持的时间决定。经鼻置鼻肠管是一种安全、简便、实用的方法。经皮穿刺胃造口术、空肠穿刺造口术将逐步替代传统的造口方法。  相似文献   

0 引言 1980年,Gauderer和Ponsky首次报道了经皮内镜下胃造口术(PEG),之后该技术不断被改进.传统的胃造口术并发症多,目前已被PEG取代.经皮内镜下胃造口空肠置管术(PEG/PEJ)简单、安全,病人易耐受.目前,有许多食物和营养制品适合管饲使用.现今的PEG管道系统是由多氯基甲酸乙酯或硅酮橡胶制成,易置入,病人能耐受.PEG管饲因而迅速在世界范围内广泛开展,已成为中-长期EN支持的首选方法.欧洲肠外与肠内营养学会(ESPEN)召集了相关领域多学科的专家(包括营养学家、胃肠病学家、护理人员、开业医师)共同拟订该指南,对当前成人和儿童通过PEG管饲进行EN支持的临床问题达成共识.  相似文献   

介绍三种肠内营养管固定的方法   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
0 引言 EN支持作为常规治疗手段已在临床广泛应用.EN的途径主要包括鼻胃(肠)管、空肠造口管、经皮内镜下胃/空肠造口(PEG/PEJ)管[1],而这些导管的妥善固定非常重要.  相似文献   

目的:探讨经皮内镜下胃造口术(PEG)对于肌萎缩侧索硬化(ALS)伴有吞咽困难病人的安全性和有效性.方法:回顾性分析46例行PEG的ALS伴有吞咽困难病人的临床资料,分析PEG置管时间、成功率、并发症及处理方法.结果:本研究纳入了46例病人,男30例,女16例.平均置管时间为(8.8±1.6)min,成功率为100%,未发生置管相关并发症,置管后并发症的发生率为17.39%(8/46),包括造口感染2例,造口管堵塞2例,肺炎2例,造口管近腹壁处折断1例,造口渗漏1例.术后30 d死亡1例,死亡率为2.17%.结论:PEG操作简便、安全、有效、易于护理、并发症少等优点,适合ALS伴有吞咽困难的病人.  相似文献   

目的分析高龄老年患者经皮内镜下胃造口术(percutaneous endoscople gastrostomy,PEG)/经皮内镜下空肠造口术(percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy,PEJ)术后并发症的特点、治疗方法及其疗效。方法收集2014年7月~2018年10月在解放军总医院老年心内科长期住院、因各种原因造成经口进食困难、施行PEG/PEJ手术的高龄(年龄≥80岁)患者12例次的临床资料,动态观察其术后并发症的类型及特点,基于对患者的综合评估制定治疗方案,观察个体化干预方案对PEG/PEJ术后并发症防治的疗效。结果术后患者营养状态改善,误吸减少,较经鼻胃管置入更易耐受。术后均有不同类型、不同程度的并发症发生,均经治疗痊愈或明显改善。结论高龄患者PEG/PEJ术后并发症发生率高,正确、规范、有预见性的干预能有效缓解PEG/PEJ术后并发症,防止严重并发症的发生,延长管路的使用时间,提高患者的生存质量。  相似文献   

<正>经皮内镜下胃造口置管术(percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy,PEG)喂养是管饲喂养的一种方式,即内镜下经腹壁穿刺胃腔,置入导丝,应用导丝引导胃造口管经口腔、食管进入胃腔的微创造口手术。经皮内镜下胃造口空肠置管术(percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy,PEJ)是另一种造口方法。这些手术以操作简便易行、并发症少、耐受性好等优势  相似文献   

经皮内镜下胃造瘘术及其临床应用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨经皮内镜下胃造瘘术 (PEG)的方法及有关临床问题。方法 对需胃肠营养而无法经口进食的 2 4例患者行PEG术。结果 行PEG术后置管 3d~ 3个月 14例 ;置管 3个月以上 10例 ,其中置管 1年以上 4例 ;并发造瘘口周围感染 2例 ,造瘘管脱落 2例 ,胃潴留 1例 ,脾破裂 1例。结论 PEG术后无肺部感染并发症 ,能有效改善病人的营养状况 ,促进康复 ,提高生活质量 ,是内镜治疗的经典之作  相似文献   

We performed a prospective randomised study of two different sized percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tubes to determine if tube size influenced the incidence of PEG-related complications. Patients were given prophylactic cefuroxime, if not already on antibiotics at the time of PEG insertion. Fifty-two PEGs were successfully placed, 26 in each group. Most patients who required a PEG had suffered a cerebrovascular event (82.7%). There were no procedure-related deaths. The mean ages (standard deviation) for the 12 and 20 French Gauge (FG) groups were 78.7 (8.9) and 73.9 (14.4) years, respectively, with no statistical difference. There were no significant differences in mortality (9 deaths in the 12 FG and 11 deaths in the 20 FG groups), number of peristomal infections (8 infections in the 12 FG and 12 infections in the 20 FG groups), episodes of leakage (12 leakages in the 12 FG and 17 leakages in the 20 FG groups) or tube blockage (2 blockage episodes in the 12 FG and 1 blockage episode in the 20 FG groups) between the two groups over a follow-up period of 190 days. The incidence of insertion- and feeding-related complications was thus not influenced by tube size. As the smaller PEG tubes were easier and less traumatic to insert we conclude that there are grounds for considering the more widespread use of the narrower diameter 12 FG PEG tubes.  相似文献   

Enteral feeding through the percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube is usually initiated about 12 to 24 hours after insertion of the tube. There have been earlier studies evaluating the efficacy of early initiation of enteral feedings that had encouraging results. However, delayed initiation of feeding following PEG placement continues to be practiced widely. We believe that feeding can be done earlier without any increase in associated morbidity or mortality and with obvious reduction in the need for parenteral nutrition and healthcare costs. We evaluated a protocol to initiate enteral nutrition 4 hours after the PEG tube insertion with subsequent discharge of the outpatients on the same day. We conducted a prospective study to assess the efficacy of early initiation of PEG feeding. We enrolled 77 patients in our study who were having PEG tubes placed for enteral feeding. Only patients who had a PEG placed for gastric venting procedures were excluded from our study. During the course of our study, no patient had to be excluded for the latter reason. Patients were evaluated by the physician performing the procedure, 4 hours after the tube was inserted. Their vital signs were checked, and a thorough abdominal examination was performed. Minimal tenderness around the PEG site was the most frequent finding. Otherwise, all the patients had a benign abdominal examination. The tube was flushed with 60 mL of sterile water. Following the examination, orders were given to restart the feedings. These patients were followed for a 30-day period to evaluate complications associated with PEG tube placement and early initiation of PEG feeding. There was one case of aspiration pneumonia (1.3%) and one death that was attributed to the underlying disease out of our 77 patients. Early initiation of enteral feeding after PEG tube placement can be successfully completed with a systematic protocol and close observation. Not only was this protocol found to be safe, it can also have significant cost savings by eliminating the need for inpatient hospitalization for the procedure.  相似文献   

Patients who are not able to eat do need tube feeding. The most preferred way of artificial enteral nutritional support is feeding via percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tubes. Head and neck cancer patients do represent a special group of patients needing a PEG. On the one hand at the time of admission to the hospital they are mainly undernourished. On the other hand the failure rate of placing a PEG is the highest among them. Furthermore in the perioperative period nasogastric tubes do cause a lot of complications in these settings. 188 PEG placements were carried out from July 1995 till November 1998. Indications: head and neck cancer (n = 171), neurologic disorders (n = 17). PEG tubes were placed 76 times during intratracheal narcosis and 112 times following local anaesthesia. 39 times there was a prior abdominal surgery in our patients medical history. The pull-through, the push-wire and the introducer techniques were used. Beside the usual oro-gastric way of endoscopying (n = 163), 25 times the following alternative ways of entering the upper gastrointestinal tract were used: transnasal route (n = 4), through a Kleinsasser type direct laryngoscope (n = 7) and via the opened pharynx (n = 14). No immediate or late onset procedure related complications occurred. During a follow-up of 22,480 tubedays 26 minor (dermatitis n = 24, ulcer n = 2) and 8 major (abscess n = 4, perforation/peritonitis n = 3, stomach and bowel wall necrosis n = 1) complications occurred. The success rate of placing a PEG was 98.9%. In head and neck cancer patients placing a PEG is suggested when there is a need for at least a 7 days time tube-feeding. Using the described alternative ways, a PEG tube can be placed almost always. Because of the uncertain outcome, nutritional support via PEG tubes is suggested also in cachectic patients and in vegetative state as well.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study aimed to establish whether 15-Fr gauge percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tubes can be safely removed by "cut and push." METHODS: Patients were prospectively recruited who were found to be without significant intestinal dysfunction requiring removal of Freka (Fresenius Kabi) 15-Fr gauge PEG tubes. The PEG tube was cut close to the stoma and the remnant pushed into the gastric lumen with a 14-Fr nasogastric tube. Patients were asked to observe their stool for the remnant. Patients were contacted at day 7 and an abdominal x-ray was arranged for those who had not seen the remnant in the stool. If the remnant was still present as seen on plain x-ray, the patient was contacted on day 14. A second x-ray was ordered if the patient reported that they had still not seen the remnant. Outcome measures were PEG remnant observed in stool or not seen on plain abdominal x-ray, and adverse events. RESULTS: Forty-two patients were recruited over 29 months: 38 head and neck patients and 4 others (stroke, head injury, cystic fibrosis [CF], and lung cancer). Of these, 41 had passed the remnant by day 8 and all by day 14. No adverse events occurred. CONCLUSIONS: We have concluded that cut and push is a safe method of removal for Freka 15-Fr PEG tubes in ambulant patients without significant gastrointestinal history.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It has been the authors' clinical experience that hypothyroid patients who achieve a euthyroid state on a steady dose of oral levothyroxine often become hypothyroid over time if the medication is given via a feeding tube. The authors hypothesize that the tubing and enteral feeds may adsorb a significant percentage of the levothyroxine and thereby reduce its bioavailability. To the authors' knowledge, no previous research has been reported on this subject. They therefore performed an in vitro assessment of the degree of levothyroxine adsorption to quantify the amount of drug adsorbed to the percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube and how enteral tube feeds mitigate or exacerbate this adsorption. METHODS: Using levothyroxine radiolabeled with an I 125 tracer, a known dose of levothyroxine was passed through 60 new PEG tubes. One-half of the tubes were pretreated with Jevity feeds, and the other half were not. The authors measured the activity of the radiolabeled levothyroxine before and after it had passed through the tubes and, using a subtraction analysis, inferred the amount of thyroxine left within the tube. RESULTS: Tubes presoaked with feeds had a greater uptake in radioactivity by 326.4 cpm (95% confidence interval, 226.7-426.1), corresponding to a 45.08% relative increase in uptake compared with virgin PEG tubes without feeds. CONCLUSIONS: Although the authors found statistically significant differences in mean drug concentrations, they conclude that the amount of uptake of levothyroxine by PEG tubes and adsorption of levothyroxine by PEG tubes is probably clinically insignificant. The differences found may be attributed to the amount of drug lost during crushing and transfer.  相似文献   

目的 探讨经皮内镜下胃造瘘术在肌萎缩侧索硬化症导致吞咽困难患者中的应用价值.方法 回顾性分析2005年4月至2010年7月65例住院经皮内镜下胃造瘘术的肌萎缩侧索硬化症患者的临床资料.结果 65例患者中共有63例操作成功,成功率96.9%(63/65).操作时间8~17 min.操作失败2例,均为操作过程中窒息.术后感染2例.术后3个月随访,63例患者体重均有所增加,体质指数由术前的(18.3±1.0)kg/m2增加到(19.7±1.2)kg/m2,两者比较差异有统计学意义(t=15.8,P<0.01),无其他术后并发症.结论 经皮内镜下胃造瘘术可以明显改善肌萎缩侧索硬化症患者的营养状况,安全而且有效.窒息是导致操作失败的主要原因.
Objective To evaluate the value of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) in the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients with dysphagia. Method Sixty-five ALS patients underwent PEG from April 2005 to July 2010 were analysed retrospectively. Results All the 65 patients underwent PEG,and 2 patients failed because of dyspnea. Totally 63 patients were intubated successfully,the successful rate was 96.9%(63/65). The operation time was 8-17 min. Two patients had local infection.After 3 months, the body mass index was increased from (18.3 ± 1.0) kg/m2 to (19.7 ± 1.2) kg/m2(t = 15.8,P < 0.01), without peritonitis, migration of the gastrostomy tube and other complications. Conclusions PEG is a safe method with a low complication for ALS patients to get enteral nutrition. Dyspnea is the main reason of failure.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The standard method of removing percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes is by gastroscopy. This has implications for endoscopy time and resources, and we believe is not always necessary. Depending on the type of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube used we often used the 'cut and push' method. This involves cutting the catheter at skin level and allowing the tube and internal bumper to spontaneously pass. The cut and push method also represents a considerable resource saving compared to the endoscopic method that we think warrants further discussion. METHOD: We reviewed all the files of the percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes removed in our unit over the last 4 years. RESULTS: During the period of July 1995 to July 1999, we have inserted 384 percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes. Seven tubes have been removed endoscopically and 73 tubes have been removed with the cut and push method. Only two possible complications have been recorded (2.7%). CONCLUSIONS: We believe that we have provided further evidence that percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes can be removed safely using the cut and push method. Patients who are often frail and who have multiple medical problems are saved an often-long journey to the endoscopy unit as well as the hazards of an endoscopy. The saving in resources in what is already an overworked system by not performing endoscopies is also considerable.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Because the insertion of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes (PEG) involves disruption of the gastrointestinal tract with potential peritoneal contamination, patients with indwelling ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunts could be at increased risk of meningitis, a potentially devastating infection. The safety of PEG placement in the presence of a VP shunt is unclear. METHODS: A retrospective chart review was performed that included all adult patients with existing VP shunts requiring PEG placement at a single university medical center over an approximate 9-year period from July 1995 to March 2004. RESULTS: Thirty-nine patients who underwent PEG placement 2-564 days after shunt placement were identified. Two patients (5%) subsequently developed meningitis. Cerebrospinal fluid cultures demonstrated Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis. These infections occurred 2 and 15 months after PEG placement, respectively. At the time of PEG placement, 17 patients (44%) were receiving antibiotics for reasons other than operative prophylaxis, and 11 patients (28%) received prophylactic antibiotics. Both infected patients had received antibiotics at the time of PEG placement. CONCLUSIONS: These data constitute the largest series of patients with existing VP shunts undergoing PEG placement reported to date. When compared with the published 2%-5% infection rate for patients with VP shunts alone, our data do not suggest an increased risk of infection for patients after PEG placement. As the total number of adult patients requiring a PEG after VP shunt placement is low, multicenter studies should be carried out to better stratify this risk.  相似文献   

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