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目的本研究是第一个关于恐笑症在中国的实证研究,主要在于验证恐笑症量表在中国大陆的适用性。方法第一次测试:中文译本的15道题恐笑症量表施测于429名大学生(其中男180人,女249人)。第二次测试:中文译本的15道题恐笑症量表和9道题生活满意度量表施测于352名大学生(其中男88人,女264人)。结果中文译本的15道题恐笑症量表显示了可接受的心理测量特性(Cronbach alpha=0.82),且两次样本数据支持恐笑症的一维结构。恐笑症与被试的年龄和性别无关,但与生活满意度显著负相关(r=-0.29,P〈0.01)。有11.65%以上的被试得分都超过了临界值,表现出至少轻微的恐笑症症状。结论恐笑症量表适用于中国人群。  相似文献   

学校恐惧症是恐怖症的一种,恐惧是个体面临危险时的情感体验,通常人认为自己无力克服这种危险,因而试图逃避。恐校症就是以学校为具体对象的恐怖症。恐校症患者在谈到上学或进入学校时往往伴有头痛、恶心、呕吐、震颤等反应。  相似文献   

恐人症临床表现的性内容及心理治疗的要点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
恐人症临床表现的性内容及心理治疗的要点北京首钢医院古城门诊心理咨询研究室钟友彬恐人症(anthropophobia)是我国青少年常见心理病。初发于青春期,病人长期耻于求治。在用自我克制方法失败后,才不得不去见医生。在已定型的病例中,除了赤面恐怖、对视...  相似文献   

恐人症多发生在青少年期,常与幼年的性经历有一定联系[1]。笔者对一例恐人症进行认识领悟治疗过程中,发现幼年性行为作为一个潜在的因素,对恐人症的形成起了关键性作用。患者男,22岁,94届大专毕业生。1994年7月由家人陪同就诊,介绍患者在大学二年时,某日与一女同学约会时突然出现紧张、口吃,表达困难,受到女友的讥笑,称之“有毛病”,拒绝了恋爱要求。自此,该生不敢在公众切会说话,不敢进公共浴室,不敢进公厕,痛苦异常,但还能坚持学业。1993年实习时,紧张感加剧,与人接触常面红耳赤,头皮发麻,有时不自主抖动,因怕见人,…  相似文献   

对社交恐怖症的临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对40例社交症病人临床资料的分析,提出东方文化中恐人症的病理心理本质,是病态的人耻感和与文化相关的错误认知观念相结合的产物,与西方社交恐怖症相比,损害更严重的是他们的认知观念。  相似文献   

正小李第一次走进咨询室的时候,几乎是哭着对我说:"老师,救救我吧!"坐在我眼前的小李,是一个人高马大的大四男生,将近1米8的个头,身体非常壮实,但是整个人看上去非常憔悴。"别急,慢慢说,你遇到了什么困扰你的事情了吗?"我说。"老师,您听说过恐艾症吗?我得了恐艾症……"小李急切地说着,眉毛拧成了一团,开始讲述起自己的故事。小李大三的时候,有一次和一群朋友到外地游玩,那天晚上  相似文献   

见人害怕谓“恐人症”。是恐怖症中多见的一种心理疾病,以年轻人居多。患者在人面前表现不自然、紧张、脸红、心慌,不敢与人对视,似乎有别人看出了自己内心的“肮脏”想法。尽管知道荒唐可笑,但却不能自拨,内心极为痛苦。  相似文献   

为了继续向同行们介绍、推广本人设计的认识领悟心理疗法并说明认识和领悟的治疗作用,再将一例严重恐人症的全部治疗过程扼要地报告于下,供参考。病人男性,1965年生,职员,大学专科毕业。第一次会见(1988年11月14日)病人由外地医生介绍一个人来北京看病。叙述病历如下:  相似文献   

认识领悟疗法是钟友彬先生根据心理分析的原理设计的,其方法是帮助病人认识恐人症症状和内心想法的幼稚性,并学会用成年人的态度来对付自己心中的恐惧[1]。本文应用认识领悟疗法加少量药物治疗和单纯药物治疗的方法分别治疗两组患者,并对其半年至两年的疗效进行了随...  相似文献   

我国的中医理论认为,喜、怒,忧、思、悲、恐、惊这七种情绪会对人体内脏功能产生影响。早在2000多年前,中国古代医学典籍《黄帝内经》就指出:怒伤肝,悲胜怒;喜伤心,恐胜喜;思伤脾,怒胜思;忧伤肺,喜胜忧;恐伤肾,思胜恐。这不但明确地指出了。隋绪可致病,而且提出了相应的治疗方法。养生专家认为,所谓最健康的养生之道,不是饮食也不是运动,而在于心静。调整好心态是最重要最有效的预防疾病的措施,其次才是其他。  相似文献   

The relative specificity of the structure of psychological traits has presented the clinical psychologist with a very difficult problem; it means that generalized test procedures are of limited use. This paper suggests: (1) that the interview presents one way of beginning to solve this problem, and (2) that the findings of psychological research may provide the means of arriving at a distinctive style of valid interviewing for assessment purposes. This style has two main features: (1) it facilitates self-exploration and self-disclosure and (2) it maximizes the accuracy of the information obtained. An outline of some of the research findings is presented; some of the methodological problems are discussed; and a brief example is given.  相似文献   

重要内容是了解咨询改变过程的重要切入点之一.本文对咨询过程中关于重要内容的研究进行了系统回顾.从已有的研究结果、研究方法两方面总结了自1985年以来的重要内容研究,对以往研究的局限进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了未来的研究展望.  相似文献   

疼痛是一种涉及感觉、运动和认知的复杂体验。传统的疼痛评估方法有主观偏倚性较强的特点,但激发了人们对客观疼痛评估成像技术的兴趣。研究表明,在体时大脑痛觉可被定量评估,其中的功能性近红外光谱(fNIRS)技术,因其具有时间分辨率高、成本低、便携等特点,及其可在复杂临床环境中可实时观测疼痛的优势,已被疼痛研究所关注。为了进一步揭示疼痛在临床环境中的潜在皮质作用机制,以构建优化的实验范式设计为基础,综述了与疼痛相关的脑部区域、fNIRS探针定位和数据处理算法的研究进展,特别是现有fNIRS技术在疼痛研究中的主要发现;探讨fNIRS成像与人工智能算法相结合用于疼痛研究和客观评估的相关进展,并对未来发展方向和尚待优化的问题提出建议。  相似文献   

J G Greene 《Maturitas》1992,14(2):95-101
Hitherto the bulk of psychosocial and sociological research on the menopause has been based on cross-sectional studies, in which the research strategy has been to compare women of different ages and/or different menopausal status by reference to various parameters. This paper summarizes the main findings of these studies, which relate to a variety of countries. A consistent finding has been that much of the variance in the symptoms and complaints reported by women during the climacteric can in fact be accounted for by a number of different adverse sociodemographic and psychosocial factors. It is postulated that the mechanism whereby these factors exercise their effect can best be conceptualized in terms of a vulnerability model. Although cross-sectional studies, have obvious limitations, their findings have now been complemented by those from a number of ongoing longitudinal studies in which the same cohort of women is being followed through this transitional period of their lives.  相似文献   

Previous social support research had demonstrated the presence of either main (network) or buffering (interaction) effects as factors that mitigated the impact of life stress. To date, two studies have assessed both types of social supports in the same subjects at the same time. One study found a main effect, and both studies reported buffering effects. The present study (N = 74) extended this type of inquiry with a more comprehensive assessment of both social support resources that addressed previous methodological limitations. This study found buffering effects, but no main network effect. Possible explanations for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Comparability of morphological lung findings depends on the greatest possible consistency in assessment and verbal definition. It is for that purpose that a classification of perinatal pulmonary morphology is proposed, based on latest knowledge in foetal and paediatric pathology and established with due consideration of findings from clinical and physiological research as well as of the author's own experience. The findings have been subdivided into five main groups, each of them with several sub-groups, and have been pathomorphologically so characterised that the new classification can be easily used in prosector practice.  相似文献   

Following recent scientific interest in the quality of life (QoL) of individuals with eating disorders (EDs), this paper aims to provide a summary of the relevant evidence. A literature review on QoL in EDs (EDQoL) was carried out and relevant articles are described in six main sections. Following an introduction to the area and a summary of the methods used in the review, assessment of QoL in EDs is discussed. The third section represents the body of the review and appraises EDQoL in more detail, discussing what idiosyncratic features of EDs might be important in affecting QoL. The review concludes with suggestions for further research in this evolving area and summarizes the main findings. An evidence base is constructed supporting the idea that those with EDs have impaired QoL compared to other psychiatric and physical health conditions. However, what determines impairments in QoL is yet to be delineated although ideas for such variables, such as the presence of bingeing and purging, are suggested. Development of ED-specific measures has aided greatly in the pursuit of clarity, although equivocal conclusions in this complex area necessitate further research.  相似文献   

Selective mutism (SM) is a rare childhood disorder characterized by a lack of speech in one or more settings in which speaking is socially expected. A comprehensive and uniform theory about the etiology, assessment, and treatment of SM does not exist. Historically, varying definitions and criteria have been applied to children with SM, therefore making comparisons between studies somewhat difficult. Accumulating findings on the phenomenology of SM point to a complex and multidetermined etiology. Developmental psychopathology represents a useful heuristic for conceptualization of SM and serves as an integrative framework for organizing the sometimes disparate findings that permeate the SM literature. The purpose of this review is to summarize the literature on SM, including phenomenology, assessment, and treatment, with the main goals of clarifying its clinical presentation, offering a theoretical understanding of SM from a developmental psychopathology perspective, and highlighting both research and practice gaps that may exist. Recommendations for future research are made with the goal of expanding the current knowledge base on the etiology of SM.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to present a succinct review and evaluation of the main areas of contention in the false memory debate and, from this basis, to suggest ways in which the best from both sides can be utilized. We examine the potential pitfalls of therapy in terms of the fallibility and suggestibility of autobiographical memory and therapists and therapeutic techniques as the architects of false memories. We then evaluate the case for false memory formation examining if some researchers hold misconceived views of psychotherapy, if experimental studies lack ecological validity, and the effect of trauma on memory. Finally, we explore how the potential pitfalls of therapy can be avoided in practice, reflecting on the usefulness of British Psychological Society guidelines, how clinicians can implement research findings, and how research on the false memory debate can be improved. We conclude that the way forward is researcher–clinician collaboration in the development of ecologically valid research paradigms. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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