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目的比较医生与护士对工作负荷、人力配置、工作压力和满意度自我感知的差异;探讨工作负荷、工作压力、工作满意度与收入满意度之间的相关关系;了解影响工作压力与工作满意度的因素。方法采取整群抽样方法,对2所三级医院按科室分布抽取科室,对所选科室的所有在编医生与护士进行问卷调查。结果工作负荷重、工作压力大、工作满意度不高是护士与医生普遍感知的问题。与医生相比,护士认为工作负荷重、工作压力大的人比例较高;护士数量不足的问题更为突出;护士工作满意度低于医生的工作满意度。结论医院管理人员及有关部门应制定医院医疗护理人力资源的管理对策,以合理配备与使用医疗护理人员,减轻医护人员工作负荷与压力,提高其工作满意度。  相似文献   

目的:了解医生与护理人员对工作压力和满意度自我评价的差异;探讨工作满意度与工作压力的影响两素。方法:整群抽样方法对某市2所三级医院按科室分布抽取科室,对所选科室的所有在编医生与护士进行问卷调查。结果:工作压力大,工作满意度不高是护理人员与医生普遍感知的问题,而护理人员报告工作负荷重、工作压力大的人数比例高于医生;护士工作满意度低于医生工作满意度。结论:凋查结果对医院管理人员及有关部门制定医院护理人力资源管理对策,合理配备与使用护理人力,减轻医护人员工作负荷与压力,提高其工作满意度有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨手术室护理人员配置对护士工作满意度影响的相关性。方法对1200名手术室护理人员进行问卷调查,调查内容包括护士的一般情况与护理满意度四个指标情况。结果护士对工作负荷不满意占65.0%;感到工作压力不满意占70.0%,主要原因是工作量大、负荷重;对工作不满意度占50.0%,对收入不满意度占66.7%。年龄、配置情况、职称和学历是影响工作满意度的主要因素(P<0.05),其中人员配置情况是最主要的影响因素(P<0.01)。结论当前我国护士存在普遍的对工作不满意的情况,护士的合理配置是保证护士满意度提升的基础。  相似文献   

目的:调查山东省三级综合性医院优质护理服务示范病房不同学历、职称、工作年限护理人员工作现状。方法:采用问卷调查法,对山东省6所三级医院优质护理服务示范病房546名护士工作现状进行调查。结果:优质护理服务示范病房护理工作的主力是大专学历、初级职称及工作年限1~3年的护士,夜班护理工作主要由大专学历、护士职称及工作年限1~3年的护士承担;不同学历、职称、工作年限护士从事各护理项目有所侧重,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001),但均从事所有工作项目。结论:不同学历、职称、工作年限护士任职标准、岗位职责不明确,应构建合理的优质护理服务示范病房护理人员能级体系,确保护理质量的持续改进。  相似文献   

目的:了解北京市护士的职业认同感、工作压力和满意度及离职意愿状况。方法:采用方便抽样法抽取北京市19家不同级别医院的1272名护士,用自行设计的护士职业认同感、工作压力和工作满意度及离职意愿问卷对其进行调查。结果:1272名护士认为目前护士的社会地位平均分为36.5±19.7分(中位数为35.0),27.8%的护士感觉患者对护士比较尊重或非常尊重,57.2%的护士认为工作压力较大或很大,压力来源主要为职业风险高、工作强度大、社会评价不高,30.7%的护士对工作比较满意或非常满意,不满意的原因主要为收入低、职业风险高、工作强度大;35.2%的护士表示不愿意继续从事护理工作,原因主要为收入低、职业风险高和工作强度大;多元线性逐步回归显示护士职业认同的影响因素有护龄和学历,工作压力的影响因素有婚姻状况和医院级别,工作满意度的影响因素有医院级别、职称和职务;Logistic回归显示护士离职意愿的影响因素为医院级别。结论:目前北京市护士的职业认同感评分低,工作压力大,工作满意度低,离职意愿强烈;相关管理部门应采取有效措施,减轻护士工作压力,提高护士工作满意度和职业认同感,减少有离职意愿护士的数量,以稳定护士队伍,保证临床护理质量。  相似文献   

目的了解不同学历层次护理队伍分工模式的现况,为探讨科学合理的护理人员分工模式提供参考依据。方法采用自编问卷,对四川、湖北2省和重庆市的4所三级甲等医院、2所二级甲等医院的1 609名护士进行调查,内容包括护理人员的分工情况、工作满意度、工作负荷、对所在单位分工模式的认可情况4个方面。结果1 609名不同学历层次护士的分工情况,除硕士以外无论中专、大专还是本科护士,认为生活护理和技术性护理比例相当达40.0%以上,生活护理5.0%;护理人员对所在单位分工模式的认可度较差,多数集中在"较合理"和"一般";60.0%以上护士均认为所承担的工作负荷较重;护理人员对所从事的工作满意度不高,大多数表示"较满意"和"一般";不同学历层次护士对所在单位分工模式的认可、对自己所承担工作负荷状态的认知、对自己对所从事工作的满意度方面差异均有统计学意义(P0.05),除硕士外,高学历护士对所在单位分工模式认可差,明显感觉工作负荷重,对所从事的工作不满意。结论护理管理者应改革旧的护理队伍分工模式,形成按护理人员学历和职称层次分工的新模式,分层使用护士,科学编配护理人力,稳定护理队伍。  相似文献   

神经外科手术护士工作压力及工作满意度的调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 了解神经外科手术护士的工作压力、压力程度及压力源状况,分析工作满意度的现状,为医院及护理管理者采取有效应对措施提供参考.方法 选取天坛医院神经外科手术护士71名为调查对象,使用一般资料调查表、护士工作压力源量表、护士工作满意度量表(MMSS)进行调查研究.结果 71名神经外科手术护士平均压力水平(2.47±0.97)分,为中度.首要的工作压力源来自工作量及时间分配问题方面,其次为患者护理方面和护理工作及专业方面问题,护士工作满意度处于一般水平,其中在福利待遇、专业发展机会、家庭-工作的平衡方面工作满意度最低 年龄、职称、学历、护龄、婚姻状况是影响工作压力源的主要因素,而年龄、职称、学历、护龄、婚姻状况、夜班情况有无是影响工作满意度的主要因素 护士工作压力与工作满意度呈负相关.结论 神经外科手术护士护理工作量大、负荷重、满意度低是护理工作中存在的主要问题.面对各种工作压力源,应该积极地进行心周调适,保持身心健康,建立良好文化氛围 医院及护理管理者应采用有效措施,以减轻护士的工作压力,提高工作满意度,促进积极的工作态度,提高工作质量及工作效率.  相似文献   

目的 了解护理人员对工作量、工作满意度及人力资源配置的认识情况及其影响因素.方法 对2所三级医院各科室所有在编正式护士252人进行问卷调查,内容包括护理人员的工作量、工作满意度,对人力资源配置的认知及影响因素,并对结果进行分析.结果 83.7%的护理人员认为工作量大,平均工作满意度为30.0%;90.5%的护理人员认为医院护士配置数量不足,75.4%的护理人员认为职称结构不合理.结论 护理人员工作量大,工作满意度不高,护士数量不足、职称结构不合理是护理人力资源配置存在的主要问题.合理配备与使用护理人员,可减轻其工作负担与压力,提高工作满意度.  相似文献   

目的 比较不同特征的护士对工作的满意度,为护理管理者的管理行为提供参考.方法 应用护士工作满意度量表对某综合性三级甲等医院1109名护士进行问卷调查.结果 护理人员对工作比较满意,平均分为(3.46±0.50)分,其中对工作的直接领导、同事及领导和下属的关系较满意,对自己收入、将来提升的机会和工作时数不满意,不同年龄、工作年限、婚姻状况、职称、编制和职务的护理人员对工作的满意度有所不同.结论 护理管理者要根据护士的不同特征进行管理,以提高护士工作绩效和满足感.  相似文献   

上海市部分社区护士工作满意度的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解上海市部分社区护士对护理工作的满意度及相关因素。方法采用问卷调查的方法对上海市4所社区卫生服务中心工作1年以上的119名社区护士进行工作满意度调查。结果被调查护士对工作的总体满意度较高;在工作满意度8个影响因素中,满意度由高到低依次排序为:与同事关系、家庭/工作的平衡、工作被认可、管理、工作负荷、工作本身、个人成长及发展、工资及福利。结论社区护士对工资及福利、个人成长及发展、工作本身等方面的满意度较低,不同学历、年龄、工作年限及不同科室和职称的护士工作满意度也不同;护理管理者应针对所存在的问题采取相应的措施,以提高社区护士的工作满意度,从而提高社区护理服务质量。  相似文献   

Hospital nurses' job satisfaction, individual and organizational characteristics Using the Ward Organizational Features Scales (WOFS), relationships between aspects of the organization of acute hospital wards, nurses' personal characteristics and nurses' job satisfaction are examined among a nationally representative sample of 834 nurses in England. The analysis contributes to a growing body of evidence demonstrating the importance of interpersonal relationships to nurses' job satisfaction. In particular, the positive contribution of the cohesiveness of ward nursing staff is highlighted, but the potential for many current NHS staffing strategies and work environments to undermine the development of cohesive working relationships is also noted. Other influential factors are nurses' relationships with medical staff, perceptions of their workload and their evaluation of the appropriateness of the system of nursing being practised. The importance of measuring nurses' subjective assessments of their work environment is emphasized. A weak association was found between grade and job satisfaction. Individual nurse characteristics were found not to be associated with job satisfaction.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate direct and indirect relationships among the practice environment, nurse-physician (RN-MD) communication, and job satisfaction, as is posited in the nursing role effectiveness model (NREM). DESIGN: Survey. METHODS: Surveys were sent to a random sample of 500 hospital nurses throughout Michigan, and 332 (66%) responded. Main study instruments were the Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire-II (CWEQ-II), the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index (PES-NWI), the ICU Nurse-Physician Questionnaire, and the Index of Work Satisfaction (IWS), Part B. Inferential statistical tests included multiple regression, t tests, and one-way analysis of variance. FINDINGS: Practice environment (PES-NWI) and empowerment (CWEQ-II) scales explained 20% of the variance in RN-MD communication. The combination of both environment scales (PES-NWI and CWEQ-II) and RN-MD communication explained 61% of the variance in nursing job satisfaction scores. RN-MD communication was also a significant mediating variable in the relationship between structure (practice environment and empowerment scales) and outcome (nursing job satisfaction). CONCLUSIONS: Factors in the practice environment contributed both directly to nursing job satisfaction and also indirectly through RN-MD communication. Study findings showed that a practice environment favorable to nurses improved both nurses' perceptions of their communications with physicians and their job satisfaction.  相似文献   

Studies of nurses and other health professionals indicate that autonomy is an important determinant of job satisfaction and turnover. This study analyzed selected characteristics of hospital nursing units to identify those features of the work setting that influence staff nurses' perceptions of autonomy: comparisons among nurses who work in different clinical areas were made. Data were collected by interviewing 789 nonsupervisory registered nurses who were employed full time at one large university-affiliated hospital. Personal and job-related information was obtained for each nurse. Structural features of units, such as workload, were gathered from head nurse reports and hospital records. Findings indicated that nurses' perceptions of autonomy are influenced by both personal characteristics of the nurse and structural features of the units. The nurse's sense of personal efficacy and the relationship she has with her head nurse are two important determinants of autonomy across all units. Workload, primary nursing, and staffing patterns are influential factors in predicting autonomy for nurses who work in critical care areas. Implications of these findings for nursing administrators are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study investigates the level of satisfaction of Lebanese nurses in their job and the influence of their personal characteristics. BACKGROUND: Given the current difficulties experienced by Lebanese hospitals in recruiting and retaining a sufficient number of nurses, the need to understand the reasons of nurses' dissatisfaction became urgent. Moreover, satisfaction at work is essentially a personal experience also affected by cultural factors. Therefore, it was necessary to study the links between personal characteristics and nurses' dissatisfaction. METHODS: The study included 421 registered nurses. A modified version of Measure of Job Satisfaction, developed by Taynor and Wade, was used to assess the effect of the personal characteristics, namely educational level, age, years of work experience, position, and marital and parental status, on 5 dimensions of satisfaction: personal satisfaction, workload, professional support, pay and prospect, and training. RESULTS: The findings suggest that personal characteristics have important influences on nurses' job perceptions. University graduate nurses reported more dissatisfaction with the quality of supervision and with respect and treatment they receive from their superiors. Nurses younger than 30 years and the technically trained were more dissatisfied with the available opportunities to attend continuing education courses. Results of staff nurses and unmarried nurses showed trends of more dissatisfaction than the married and nurses of higher positions. Moreover, the whole sample perceived that nursing provided a high level of personal satisfaction, but nurses were most dissatisfied with salary and lack of prospects for promotion. CONCLUSION: The results indicate the importance of personal characteristics on nurses' retention. Furthermore, intrinsic factors related to the nature and experience of nursing are more job satisfying than extrinsic factors.  相似文献   

The aim was to assess the interrelationships between nurses' work environment and nursing outcomes. A cross-sectional survey of 664 registered nurses (RN) on 34 acute care inpatient hospital wards was used to measure nurses' perceptions. Patient data (n = 4045) consisting of a total patient satisfaction indicator were collected simultaneously with the nurse data during year 2005. RN's assessments of staffing adequacy, respect and relationships were the most important factors of work environment having an influence on job-related stress, job satisfaction, patient satisfaction and adverse events to patients and nurses. Some 77% of the RN reported adverse nurse events and 96% reported adverse patient events during a 3 month retrospective period. Ensuring sufficient and suitably qualified nurses' availability in delivering nursing care is an important management issue. Nurses are concerned about the quality of care, and the concerns perceived by nurses can influence their clinical work.  相似文献   

This research used Herzberg et al. 's two-factor theory as a framework with which to examine job satisfaction in a sample of 161 registered psychiatric nurses in the states of Connecticut, Maine and Massachusetts (USA). Weiss et al. 's Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire short form was used to measure possible relationships between ability utilization, compensation, co-workers, achievement and job satisfaction. Findings support Herzberg et al. 's theory, showing moderate correlations among nurses' ability utilization, achievement and job satisfaction. Mean general satisfaction of respondents was closer to satisfied than neutral; respondents indicated greatest satisfaction with ability utilization (86%) and achievement (83%); 67% were satisfied with co-workers, and 52% with compensation. Respondents were least satisfied with compensation, with 14% indicating that they were very dissatisfied. Although compensation was an issue, it is possible that other factors, such as safety, management conflict, and balancing the needs of job and family, if addressed, may help increase job satisfaction and retention of psychiatric nursing staff.  相似文献   

Abstract   Patient safety is an ongoing challenge in the design and delivery of health-care services. As registered nurses play an integral role in patient safety, further examination of the link between nursing work and patient safety is warranted. The present study examines the relationship between nurses' perceptions of job demands and nurses' perceptions of patient safety. Structural equation modeling is used to analyze the data collected from a survey of 430 registered nurses at two community hospitals in the USA. As hypothesized, nurses' perception of patient safety decreases as the job demands increase. The level of personal control over practice directly affects nurses' perception of the ability to assure patient well-being. Nurses who work full-time and are highly educated have a decreased perception of patient safety, as well. The significant relationship between job demands and patient safety confirms that nurses make a connection between their working conditions and the ability to deliver safe care.  相似文献   

岳鑫彦  王冬华 《护理学报》2021,28(19):59-66
目的 探讨伦理敏感性、工作嵌入在护士感知的管理关怀对工作满意度影响机制中的多重中介作用。方法 采用便利抽样法,于2020年7-8月选取湖南省5所医院的护士作为调查对象。采用一般资料问卷、管理关怀性量表、伦理敏感性量表、工作嵌入量表、工作满意度量表对773名研究对象进行调查,构建并检验链式中介模型。结果 本组773名护士感知的管理关怀总分为152.00(134.50,165.00),伦理敏感性总分为39.00(36.00,44.00),工作嵌入总分为26.00(22.00,28.00)分,工作满意度总分为74.00(67.00,80.00)分。护士感知的管理关怀对工作满意度的间接效应成立,总的间接效应为0.284;伦理敏感性的特定中介效应占总间接效应的20.8%;工作嵌入的特定中介效应占总间接效应的70.4%;伦理敏感性和工作嵌入在护士感知的管理关怀和工作满意度间的链式中介效应占总间接效应的8.8%。结论 伦理敏感性、工作嵌入在护士感知的管理关怀和工作满意度间的多重中介效应成立。建议管理者重视对护士实施的关怀举措,制定不同培训计划,提升其伦理敏感性,提高对组织的认同感和依赖性,进而提高工作满意度水平。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: High levels of stress and the challenges of meeting the complex needs of critically ill children and their families can threaten job satisfaction and cause turnover in nurses. OBJECTIVE: To explore the influences of nurses' attributes, unit characteristics, and elements of the work environment on the job satisfaction of nurses in pediatric critical care units and to determine stressors that are unique to nurses working in pediatric critical care. METHOD: A cross-sectional survey design was used. The sample consisted of 1973 staff nurses in pediatric critical care units in 65 institutions in the United States and Canada. The following variables were measured: nurses' perceptions of group cohesion, job stress, nurse-physician collaboration, nursing leadership, professional job satisfaction, and organizational work satisfaction. RESULTS: Significant associations (r = -0.37 to r = -0.56) were found between job stress and group cohesion, professional job satisfaction, nurse-physician collaboration, nursing leadership behaviors, and organizational work satisfaction. Organizational work satisfaction was positively correlated (r = 0.35 to r = 0.56) with group cohesion, professional job satisfaction, nurse-physician collaboration, and nursing leadership behaviors. Job stress, group cohesion, job satisfaction, nurse-physician collaboration, and nursing leadership behaviors explained 52% of the variance in organizational work satisfaction. Dealing with patients' families was the most frequently cited job stressor. CONCLUSIONS: Job stress and nursing leadership are the most influential variables in the explanation of job satisfaction. Retention efforts targeted toward management strategies that empower staff to provide quality care along with focal interventions related to the diminishment of stress caused by nurse-family interactions are warranted.  相似文献   

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