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目的:设计可以利用无线通讯方式进行步数传输的计步鞋。方法:通过足底的发射端采集压力信号,经信号转换、放大、比较处理后连接到单片机。以AT89S52单片机为核心进行计步,并把步数通过nRF905发送到接收端。结果:接收端具有显示时间、步数信息的第1种计步模式,具有秒表功能、显示路程的第2种跑步模式.具有显示路程、消耗能量的第3种提示模式。结论:基于无线嵌入式的计步鞋的设计具有查看方便、运用灵活、计步准确、功能多样、易于操作的特点。  相似文献   

Liu B  Wu K  Wu X  Chai X 《中国医疗器械杂志》2011,35(4):239-42, 245
介绍了一种基于E类功率放大电路的无线传输装置.通过电磁耦合的方式,为人工视觉假体的体内装置传输能量与数据。该装置采用调制深度为25%、载波频率为10MHz的幅移键控调制.通过一对耦合线圈同时传输能量与数据.减小了装置的体积.提高了可植入性。实验表明.该装置能同时为16通道微刺激器提供足够的能量.同时不归零码的传输速率可达到2Mbps。  相似文献   

本文依据心电图机原理设计了一种新型的无线遥测心电监测系统。系统以低功耗单片机MSP430为核心,通过无线发射芯片NRF2401把采集的心电信号发射出去,并由接收端将心电信号传输给PC机以供进一步分析和处理。在实验室环境中测试,达到了设计效果。  相似文献   

介绍无线摄像药丸直径11mm,长30 mm,包括CMOS图像传感器、光学系统、电池、发射电路及天线等.利用MEMS工艺将CMOS图像传感器和驱动电路微型化,也可将发射电路集成化.图像信号有模拟和数字两种传输方式.数字方式使用串行数据接口传输图像.最后介绍药丸外壳的加工工艺.  相似文献   

目的:设计内窥镜无线采集系统,用于内窥镜检查的图像采集。方法:内窥镜无线采集系统的发射端和接收端均采用单片机STC12LE2052AD为主控制芯片,nRF24L01为无线传输模块,采集图像时按下发射模块的按键,霍尔传感器接通后发射模块输出无线信号,接收模块收到信号后三极管接通,通过采集软件功能完成图像的采集,对300例患者分别进行电子胃镜检查(100例)、喉镜检查(100例)和腹腔镜检查(100例),并进行图像采集测试。结果:设计的内窥镜无线采集系统,经临床对患者的电子胃镜、喉镜和腹腔镜检查各100例的图像采集测试,系统能够采集到各内窥镜检查的清晰图像,实现内窥镜无线图像采集时操作简单、故障率低和系统性能稳定,可满足临床科室的使用。结论:内窥镜无线采集系统适用于内窥镜检查的图像采集,提高内窥镜检查系统采集图像的自由度,降低内窥镜采集系统的故障和医疗风险。  相似文献   

目的:经颅磁刺激技术在精神、心理疾病治疗方面具有优势,但由于达到神经电位阈值所需的刺激能量较大,对电源功耗的要求限制了磁刺激的高频应用,设计一种磁刺激电路降低功率消耗是必要的。方法:设计了由单片机控制的两组开关.分剐控制对无极性电容的正反向充放电.通过电压检测等手段控制充放电时序;对系统软硬件的设计进行了初步实验验证,实验参数包括采用电容为25.1μF,电感为0.29mH,回路电阻为1.87n,电源输出电压最高为100V.输出功率最高为200W.刺激频率为1~100Hz,放电时间250μs。结果:磁刺激电路使用正反双向充放电电路与单向充放电电路进行对比试验,结果表明其能量消耗降低了11%。结论:设计的正反双向充放电方法可以有效降低高频磁刺激仪的功耗.提高磁刺激仪器能量利用率。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种新型恒温式听诊头。通过改造听诊器胸件,增加加温装置实现听诊头的恒温。其原理是,采用外置的无线发射模块通过发射线圈发射电磁波,发出的电磁波被胸件内的接收线圈接收并转化为热能来控制听诊头保持恒温。  相似文献   

目的:设计一种无线供电模块,解决急救装备的充电电池得不到有效维护保养的问题.方法:比较现有4种无线充电技术的优劣,结合应用实际,基于电磁共振技术,采用HY0018元件为急救装备设计无线供电模块.结果:模块可采用直流、交流、车载等多种方式供电,设计输出电压为15 V,输出电流为600mA,输出功率为6W,无线传输距离为2~3 mm,最大传输距离可达100 mm,供电效率最高可达70%.结论:该无线充电模块的运用可以使急救装备始终处于供电充足的状态,提高了急救装备在恶劣环境下的电气安全,为急、危、重患者和突发事件伤员的救护提供了有力的保障.  相似文献   

目的:研制一种用于监测水下作业潜水员实时心率参数的便携式装置。方法:硬件系统设计为2个部分,包括心率检测单元和心率接收单元。心率检测单元位于潜水服之内,心率接收单元位于潜水服之外,2个单元之间采用无线通讯方式,心率接收单元与船上计算机之间采用有线的485传输方式,可进行长距离传输。结果:样机完成后经过反复测试,基本达到设计要求,成功实现陆上心率实时传输和水下模拟心率信号实时传输功能。无线传输模块水下可靠传输的最大距离可达10 m,且无线信号的传输距离和深度、压力无关。结论:硬件装置改进耐压和防水性能后,完全可以实现潜水员水下心电、心率信号的实时监测,并可扩展到其他生理信号的实时监测。  相似文献   

高校学生中结核病不仅影响了患者的健康和学习,也对周围同学产生不良影响。为了控制结核病的发生和进行有效的预防,我们对1993~1995年入学新生进行了PPD试验。1对象与方法1.1对象:洛阳工学院1993、1994、1995年入学新生共3068人。1.2方法:用50u/ml卡介苗纯蛋白衍生物(PPD),采用益氏法于受试者的左前臂掌侧皮内注射PPD0.1ml(5u)于48~72h测量皮肤红斑直径。判定标准如下:直径小于5mm为阴性反应(-),5~9mm为弱阳性反应(+),10~19mm为阳性反应(++),20mm以上或局部皮肤发生水泡与坏死者为强阳性反应(+++)…  相似文献   

医用电源变压器在医疗器械设备或系统中起到非常重要的作用,医用电源变压器匝间和层间的绝缘对整个医疗设备绝缘系统来说,甚至能决定整个医疗设备绝缘系统的性能。GB9706.1-2007标准中对网电源变压器的匝间和层间的电介质强度试验的试验电压只是给了一个笼统的范围,没有给出确定的数值,本文主要根据GB9706.1中57.9的要求,通过绕组的基准电压分段确定医用电源变压器绕组匝问层间的试验电压。  相似文献   

25 volunteers aged 18 to 70 were examined. Bilateral EMG was performed of m. m. biceps brachii et flexores digitorum profundus using surface pick-up electrodes. The evoked potentials were recorded on Nicolet Pathfinder II. Magstim 200 Novametrix was used for stimulation with A and B sides of a coil with mean diameter of 9 cm. The examinees were sitting on chairs, their forearms flexed voluntarily to approximately 90 degrees, resisting a standing pressure of 5 Nm exerted by the torque motor. Three groups were examined. In the first, we recorded the amplitude, the latencies and spreading of potentials in the muscles on the left and right stimulating with the A and B sides and positioning the coil on the vertex (Cz), 2 and 4 cm forwards and backwards. Moving the coil away from Cz brought about reduction of the amplitudes of the evoked potentials or resulted in the disappearance of potentials. This was better seen in backward shift of the coil. The latencies did not change. The responses were bilateral in 10 out of 11 subjects the amplitudes being higher on the side corresponding to the destination of stimulation. In the second group we wanted to see what the effect of the shift of stimulation away from the meddle line would be. C-P1, C-P2, Cz1 and Cz2 are not suitable sites for obtaining potentials. Stimulation at C-F1 and C-F2 yielded potentials which, contrary to the expectation, evoked ipsilateral responses. In the third group stimulation was combined with focal sensor influence. At the beginning it was a focused attention which, however, was difficult to define.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

通过将天津市第三医院住院部地下室改造成为医疗行政办公室的工程实例,简要介绍“风冷式冷水机组+风机盘管+机械排风”空调方案的设计过程。该方案实施后,取得了院方满意、空调专业检测达标的效果,证实本设计方案技术先进,经济实用,具有推广使用价值。  相似文献   

李雨明 《医疗装备》2008,21(4):10-13
本文根据多个行业国家标准规定的变压器绕组电介质强度(感应耐压)测试要求,列出了变压器绕组电介质强度测试不同判别要求,叙述了目前变压器绕组电介质强度测试判别中存在的不统一和难操作性.分析了变压器绕组电介质强度测试和变压器空载电流测试对绝缘性能影响程度,提出了解决变压器绕组电介质强度测试判别的具体测试方法,供探讨。  相似文献   

A simple flow-through system has been developed which makes use of wasted heat generated in traditional clay ovens (chullis) to pasteurize surface water. A hollow aluminium coil is built into the clay chulli, and water is passed through the coil during normal cooking events. By adjusting the flow rate, effluent temperature can be maintained at approximately 70 degrees C. Laboratory testing, along with over 400 field tests on chulli systems deployed in six pilot villages, showed that the treatment completely inactivated thermotolerant coliforms. The chulli system produces up to 90 litres per day of treated water at the household level, without any additional time or fuel requirement. The technology has been developed to provide a safe alternative source of drinking-water in arsenic-contaminated areas, but can also have wide application wherever people consume microbiologically-contaminated water.  相似文献   

切除脑深部肿瘤内窥镜的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
切除脑深部肿瘤的内窥镜由内窥镜镜体、导向管、有关手术器械、光源及术中录像显示装置五部分组成。内窥镜呈枪状,长200mm,外径10mm,工作道最大径9.6mm;导向管有筒状和伞状两种;有关手术器械保证镜下直视取瘤和确切止血;术中屏幕显示对手术操作起到放大作用。通过内窥镜及引道作持续吸引和间断冲洗,保证术野清晰。该镜与立体定向术相结合可以准确地小创伤地切除脑深部肿瘤,其适应症是丘脑基底节肿瘤和脑室内肿瘤。  相似文献   

Drilling large holes (e.g., 10–20?mm diameter) into concrete for structural upgrades to buildings, highways, bridges, and airport runways can produce concentrations of respirable silica dust well above the ACGIH® Threshold Limit Value (TLV® = 0.025?mg/m3). The aim of this study was to evaluate a new method of local exhaust ventilation, hollow bit dust extraction, and compare it to a standard shroud local exhaust ventilation and to no local exhaust ventilation. A test bench system was used to drill 19?mm diameter x 100?mm depth holes every minute for one hour under three test conditions: no local exhaust ventilation, shroud local exhaust ventilation, and hollow bit local exhaust ventilation. There were two trials for each condition. Respirable dust sampling equipment was placed on a “sampling” mannequin fixed behind the drill and analysis followed ISO and NIOSH methods. Without local exhaust ventilation, mean respirable dust concentration was 3.32 (±?0.65) mg/m3 with a quartz concentration of 16.8% by weight and respirable quartz dust concentration was 0.55 (±?0.05) mg/m3; 22 times the ACGIH TLV. For both LEV conditions, respirable dust concentrations were below the limits of detection. Applying the 16.8% quartz value, respirable quartz concentrations for both local exhaust ventilation conditions were below 0.007?mg/m3. There was no difference in respirable quartz dust concentrations between the hollow bit and the shroud local exhaust ventilation systems; both were below the limits of detection and well below the ACGIH TLV. Contractors should consider using either local exhaust ventilation method for controlling respirable silica dust while drilling into concrete.  相似文献   

A multi-compartment contraceptive vaginal ring system has been designed for the simultaneous zero-order release of contraceptive steroids, the rates of which can be programmed independently. This vaginal ring system consists of two or more drug-containing SilasticR tubes with an outer diameter of 5 mm. The tubes with different lengths, with a total length of 16.5 cm are connected with specially-shaped glass stoppers to obtain a ring with an outer diameter of 60 mm. The stopper prevents migration of the steroids from one compartment to the other and guarantees optimal release characteristics of both steroids even after long-term storage. An additional advantage of glass is the good adherence to SilasticR, enabling construction of systems with sufficient tensile strength. The release characteristics have been followed in vitro and can be programmed independently by changing the wall thickness of the tube (membrane thickness) and/or the length of each individual steroid-containing compartment. Multi-compartment vaginal rings were made and tested with 3-keto-desogestrel and ethinylestradiol.

The rings had an outer diameter of 60 mm, and were fabricated with independent in vitro release rates ranging from 75 to 300 ug/day and 10 to 30 ug/day for, respectively, 3-keto-desogestrel and ethinylestradiol.

Using the multi-compartment vaginal ring system, contraceptive devices can be fabricated relatively simply with pre-programmed release rates for a progestogen and an estrogen to investigate the optimal daily doses for vaginal hormonal contraception.  相似文献   

目的比较不同剂量来曲唑诱导排卵的临床效果。方法将121例多囊卵巢综合征(polycystic ovary syndrome,PCOS)不孕妇女分为A组57例,B组64例,分别口服来曲唑2.5 mg、5 mg,共5天。阴道B超监测卵泡和子宫内膜生长,内膜薄时口服戊酸雌二醇。最大卵泡平均直径≥18 mm时肌肉注射绒毛膜促性腺激素(human chorionic gonadotrophin,HCG)10 000 U,观察各种临床指标。结果两组子宫内膜厚度、A型内膜比例、戊酸雌二醇用量比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。注射HCG日优势卵泡数、排卵数B组多于A组,卵泡生长时间B组短于A组(P<0.05),成熟卵泡数、最大卵泡平均直径、排卵率、卵巢过度刺激综合征(ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome,OHSS)发生率、自然流产率两组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。妊娠率B组显著高于A组(P<0.05)。结论 5 mg来曲唑更适合多囊卵巢综合征不孕症患者诱导排卵。  相似文献   

郑虹  于小平  陈炜  杨双 《中国医师杂志》2012,14(9):1193-1197
目的探讨多层螺旋CT血管造影(MSCTA)在肝移植中的临床应用价值。方法选择行肝移植术的10例肝癌和22例肝硬化患者为病例组,在移植前后分别行多层螺旋cT多期扫描,并于肝动脉期和门脉期进行血管3D成像,重建方法包括MPR、MIP、VR,于MIP图像上分别测量腹腔动脉、胃左动脉、肝总动脉、肝固有动脉、肠系膜上动脉及门静脉、脾静脉、肠系膜上静脉的管径。结果肝动脉期血管成像可清晰显示腹腔干、胃十二指肠动脉,肝固有动脉、肝左、右动脉及其分支;门静脉期血管成像能清晰显示门静脉系统情况;利用MIP能准确测量腹腔大动脉血管管径及门静脉、肠系膜上静脉及脾静脉的管径;CTA显示对照组与肝硬化组及肝癌组动脉管径比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);而门脉高压患者门静脉主干、脾静脉及肠系膜上静脉管径[(16.7±2.4)mm、(13.1±1.9)mm及(10.8±2.1)mm]均高于对照组[(13.8±1.6)mm、(8.9±1.1)mm及(8.2±1.7)mm,P〈0.05]。结论肝脏MSCTA是了解肝脏供血动脉和门静脉系统情况的无创性检查方法。联合应用MIP及VR准确显示血管解剖、变异及病变情况,为手术方式及制订术中血管吻合方案提供客观依据,并可监测术后血管并发症。  相似文献   

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