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目的:探讨肺内孤立结节球形状棘突CT征对周围型肺癌的诊断与鉴别诊断价值。方法:47例经临床手术病理和抗炎治疗后证实的孤立型肺结节中,周围型肺癌32例,肺良性病变15例。所有病例从肺尖至肺底扫描,层厚8mm,依病灶大小,加扫薄层4mm,部分病例(35例)经肘静脉注射对比剂对病灶行增强薄层扫描。对棘突CT征与周围肺癌CT表现的病理基础及鉴别诊断进行了讨论。结果:周围型肺癌的棘突CT征发生率为66%(21/32),比其它肺良性病变20%(3/15)高。结论:肺内孤立结节灶棘突CT征对周围型肺癌的诊断与鉴别诊断具有重要价值,是诊断肺癌的一个指征。  相似文献   

CT增强扫描高密度点条征在周围型肺癌诊断中的意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的 采用CT增强扫描评价“高密度点条征”在周围型肺癌诊断中的意义。材料与方法 89例经手术或穿刺病理证实的孤立性肺结节(直径1-5cm)中,周围型肺癌63例,良性肺结节26例,分别于注射100ml碘对比剂前后注射后35秒、2分钟及5分钟对病灶进行薄层系列扫描。采用纵隔窗观察病灶的强化特征,并进行CT-病理对照研究。结果 27肺癌出现“高密度点条征”,表现为增强后在肿块内、尤其是在其周边部出现显著高密度的点、条状影、所有良性结节均未见此征象。CT-病理对照证实:该点、条状高密度影响是由于癌肿内较大的血管充盈对比剂所致。结论 CT增强扫描“高密度点条征”在周围型肺癌的诊断中具有非常重要的价值,是诊断肺癌的一个指征。  相似文献   

本文复习了经手术病理证实的直径≤3cm的肺内孤立性球形病灶60例(肺癌42例、良性结节18例)的CT像。CT像显示结节边缘粗糙者小肺癌占81%,良性结节占28%。结节主要CT像层面上多毛刺(多于6根)结节小肺癌占71%,良性结节仅占11%。CT像见结节边缘有锯齿征9例,病理证实均为肺癌,此征与癌灶边缘不等速浸润生长有关。CT-病理对照结果显示锯齿征是诊断周围型小肺癌很重要的一个CT征象,CT像上结节边缘光滑程度及毛刺数的多少有助于肺周围球形小病灶的良、恶性鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

60例3厘米以下肺内球形病灶瘤—肺界面CT—病理对照分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
本文复习了经手术病理证实的直径≤3cm的肺内孤立性球形病灶60例(肺癌42例,良性结节18例)的CT像。CT像显示结节边缘粗糙者小肺癌占81%,良性结节占28%。结节主要CT像层面上多毛刺(多于6根)结节小肺癌占71%,良性结节仅占11%。CT像见结边缘有锯齿征9例,病理证实均为肺癌,此征与癌灶边缘不等速浸润生长有关。CT-病理对照结果显示锯齿征是诊断周围型小肺癌很重要的一个CT征象。CT像上结节  相似文献   

含气支气管征在CT诊断周围型小肺癌的价值   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
目的:探讨周围型小肺癌内含气支气管的病理基础、CT表现及其诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析经手术病理证实的46例周围型小肺癌(直径≤3 cm)及22例孤立性良性结节含气支气管征的薄层CT表现,其中腺癌31 例,细支气管肺泡癌6例,鳞癌5例,腺鳞癌3例,小细胞癌1例。结果:46 例肺癌中,CT上显示含气支气管征20 例(43.5%),其中腺癌显示含气支气管征17例、肺泡癌2例、鳞癌1例,其他类型的肺癌未见此征。病灶内含气支气管影形态改变主要表现为管腔不规则狭窄、扭曲、扩张与中断。22例良性结节中,CT显示含气支气管征1例,其影像表现为管腔通畅,形态无明显异常。结论:孤立性肺结节内含气支气管征的出现,特别是形态学改变对周围型小肺癌的诊断具有重要的临床价值。  相似文献   

不典型肺结节的螺旋CT与临床病理诊断的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的: 探讨螺旋CT在不典型肺结节诊断中的应用价值.材料和方法: 回顾性分析36例经手术(33例)、穿刺(7例)确诊为不典型肺结节的CT图像和临床病理学资料.结果: CT表现: 浅分叶征(17/36)、形态不规则(25/36)、长毛刺征(5/36)、空气支气管征(1/36)、空泡征(1/36)、部分非实性结节(3/36)和实性结节(33/36).螺旋CT拟诊肺癌19例、肺结核瘤11例和肺炎性假瘤6例.病理证实: 肺癌15例(腺癌8例、鳞癌4例、肺泡癌2例和类癌1例)、肺结核瘤15例和肺炎性假瘤6例.诊断符合率: 肺癌为10/15、肺结核瘤为9/15和肺炎性假瘤为1/6.结论: 螺旋CT对不典型肺结节的定性诊断较局限,常需穿刺活检或手术病理确诊.但其对不典型肺内结节具有很好的定位、密度分辨、形态描述和复查对比价值.  相似文献   

目的:分析早期周围型肺癌的CT表现,以提高早期周围型肺癌CT诊断的准确性。方法:收集经病理证实的直径≤3cm以下周围型小肺癌36例,均行螺旋HRCT扫描,重点对病灶中出现的“空泡征”进行分析总结。结果:12例病灶直径在1cm以下出现“空泡征”的有6例。11例病灶直径在1~2cm之间出现“空泡征”的有4例。13例病灶直径在2-3cm之间出现“空泡征”的有3例。结论:病灶越小“空泡征”出现率越高。“空泡征”对早期周围型肺癌具有重要的诊断价值。  相似文献   

目的 进一步提高对周围型小肺癌(SPLC)及早期肺癌的CT诊断水平.方法 收集经手术或穿刺病理证实直径小于等于2 cm SPLC 29例,经临床证实3例.全部病例先行常规扫描,病灶区再行薄层或高分辨率CT扫描,21例做了增强扫描,增强扫描前先平扫.结果 32例CT均表现为单发结节,其中,实性软组织密度结节23例,中心实性周边磨玻璃密度结节5例,不均匀较低密度结节4例.病灶具有毛刺征25例,分叶征21例,胸膜凹陷征10例,血管集束征8例,棘状突起征6例,小泡征5例,支气管气相征3例,脐凹征3例,小结节堆砌征1例,高密度点条征1例.结论 CT,特别是HRCT对SPLC及早期肺癌具有重要的诊断价值,征象出现越多肺癌的可能性越大;合理的窗技术对SPLC征象的显示有重要帮助.  相似文献   

肺内球形灶多结节聚合CT征与病理对照研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨肺内球形灶多结节聚合CT征的病理基础及诊断价值。材料与方法 选择9例肺内球形灶多结节聚合CT征进行病理对照研究,所有病灶大小为3-6cm。机型为Elscient CT Twin和GE Prospeed CT机。9例均经肘静脉注射对比剂后,从肺尖扫描至肺底,层厚10mm,依病灶大小,加扫薄层3-5mm,手术标本按Heitzman法制作,根据CT横断扫描特点,将标本病灶部分进行横断,作5-10mm厚组织切片,然后,对“兴趣区”取材作石蜡切片,HE染色,光镜观察,进行病理对照。结果 9例肺内球形灶多结节聚合CT征分为2型:A型,呈桑葚形,5例;B型,呈宝塔形,4例。除B型1例外,其他8例均为肺癌。结论 肺内球形灶多结节聚合CT征对肺恶性肿瘤有诊断价值。  相似文献   

周围型小肺癌的CT诊断(附33例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨周围型小肺癌的CT表现,以提高CT诊断的准确性.方法:对33例经病理证实的周围型小肺癌CT表现作回顾性分析.结果:33例周围型小肺癌中腺癌19例,肺泡癌10例、鳞癌2例,小细胞肺癌1例,肺泡癌合并腺癌1例.病灶CT表现为边缘分叶征24例(72.7%),毛刺征15例(45.5%),空泡征10例(30.3%),空气支气管征9例(27.3 %),磨玻璃征9例(27.3%),胸膜凹陷征8例(24.2%),血管聚集征5例(15.2%),瘤周气肿5例(15.2%),病灶内空洞5例(15.2%0).结论:]原发性周围型小肺癌螺旋CT征象有助于定性诊断.  相似文献   

阑尾炎的CT诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
目的:探讨阑尾炎的CT诊断价值。方法:搜集CT提示或诊断阑尾炎并经手术病理证实者30例,回顾性分析其CT征象。结果:18例CT表现为阑尾增粗,壁增厚,包括1例远端增粗,近端正常;22例表现为右下腹或盆腔炎性改变(如脂肪线增粗、肠周积液、蜂窝织炎、脓肿、腔外气体、淋巴结肿大、相邻肠管增厚);4例盲肠末端有局限性增厚。结论:CT诊断阑尾炎有独到之处,对临床诊断不明的病例有一定帮助。  相似文献   

目的:研究射频毁坏傅立叶采集稳态技术(RFFAST)的动态增强及延迟增强扫描MRI对肝血管瘤的诊断价值。方法:34例肝血管瘤患者行常规MRT1WI和T2WI横断面扫描。经肘静脉团注GdDTPA0.1mmol/kg,后推入10ml生理盐水冲洗(推入时间5~6s),再行射频毁坏傅立叶采集稳态技术T1WI动态增强扫描及延迟增强扫描,分析病灶及邻近肝实质增强。结果:共发现肝血管瘤病灶67个,T1WI上呈低信号,T2WI上呈高信号;动态增强显示46个病灶呈边缘不连续的结节样强化,21个病灶呈周边不规则强化或迅速强化充填;5个病灶动态增强早期见引流静脉较早强化,14个瘤周肝实质强化。结论:磁共振成像检查中,射频毁坏傅立叶采集稳态技术T1WI动态增强扫描能够显示肝血管瘤及邻近实质强化方式,与其他成像序列结合更有利于肝血管瘤的诊断。  相似文献   

血管内支架置入术治疗Stanford B 型主动脉夹层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:总结主动脉血管支架置入术治疗Stanford B型主动脉夹层的临床经验。方法:术前对15例Stanford B型主动脉夹层患者进行主动脉全程薄层增强CT扫描及血管成像,以获得主动脉夹层病变解剖学特征。在局麻下行主动脉造影,并与CT结果比较,选取支架血管型号。全麻下切开左股动脉或右股动脉,置入支架血管,封堵原发破口,重复造影检查有无内漏。术后1周及1年行CT随访,观察有无内漏、支架移位和假腔变化。结果:15例均获临床成功。1例见少量近端内漏,未发生其他并发症。CT随访,5例主动脉夹层消失,余者假腔内血栓形成。结论:与传统手术相比,腔内隔绝术治疗Stanford B型主动脉夹层具有创伤小、并发症少、安全性高等优点,近期疗效满意。  相似文献   

目的研究火箭液体推进剂偏二甲基肼(UDMH)和四氧化二氮(N2O4)吸入性急性肺损伤(ALI)中肺泡表面活性物质(PS)的变化及其与ALI的关系。方法84只大鼠分为对照组和5个实验组。实验组在静式染毒柜内分别吸入UDMH(0.98g/m^3)和N2O4(0.19g/ms)各10min,间隔10min。实验组在吸入后2、6、12、24、48h分别处死。测定各组大鼠常压下支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)的表面张力(γ)、加压下最低表面张力(γmin)、磷脂酰胆碱(PC)和磷脂酰乙醇胺(PE)。同时测定肺组织湿/于重比(W/D)、BALF中总蛋白和乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)等肺损伤指标,评价病理学改变。结果UDMH-N2O4吸入性ALI表现为肺W/D比值增加、BALF中总蛋白和LDH升高,以及肺水肿、肺间隔增厚等病理变化。PS的异常表现为:①在UDMH—N2O4吸入后2hBALF中γ和γmin。即明显升高,至24-48h尚未恢复到对照组水平;②吸入后24hBALF中PC明显低于对照组,PE含量明显高于对照组。以BALF中总蛋白作为肺损伤指标与PS异常的指标γ和γmin分别做直线相关分析,相关系数分别为0.435(P〈0.01)和0.419(P〈0.01)。结论UDMH—N2O4吸入性ALI中存在PS异常,PS异常可能参与了UDMH—N2O4吸入性ALI的发生发展过程。  相似文献   

ObjectivesMarathoners rely on expert-opinion and the anecdotal advice of their peers when devising their training plans for an upcoming race. The accumulation of results from multiple scientific studies has the potential to clarify the precise training requirements for the marathon. The purpose of the present study was to perform a systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of available literature to determine if a dose-response relationship exists between a series of training behaviours and marathon performance.DesignSystematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression.MethodsA systematic search of multiple literature sources was undertaken to identify observational and interventional studies of elite and recreational marathon (42.2 km) runners.ResultsEighty-five studies which included 137 cohorts of runners (25% female) were included in the meta-regression, with average weekly running distance, number of weekly runs, maximum running distance completed in a single week, number of runs ≥32 km completed in the pre-marathon training block, average running pace during training, distance of the longest run and hours of running per week used as covariates. Separately conducted univariate random effects meta-regression models identified a negative statistical association between each of the above listed training behaviours and marathon performance (R2 0.38-0.81, p < 0.001), whereby increases in a given training parameter coincided with faster marathon finish times. Meta-analysis revealed the rate of non-finishers in the marathon was 7.27% (95% CI 6.09%–8.65%).ConclusionsThese data can be used by athletes and coaches to inform the development of marathon training regimes that are specific to a given target finish time.  相似文献   

No research currently exists investigating the effect of acute injury on single‐limb landing strategies. The aim of the current study was to analyze the coordination strategies of participants in the acute phase of lateral ankle sprain (LAS) injury. Thirty‐seven participants with acute, first‐time LAS and 19 uninjured participants completed a single‐leg drop landing task on both limbs. Three‐dimensional kinematic (angular displacement) and sagittal plane kinetic (moment‐of‐force) data were acquired for the joints of the lower extremity from 200 ms pre‐initial contact (IC) to 200 ms post‐IC. The peak magnitude of the vertical component of the ground reaction force (GRF) was also computed. Injured participants displayed a bilateral increase in hip flexion, with altered transverse plane kinematic profiles at the knee and ankle for both limbs (P < 0.05). This coincided with a reduction in the net‐supporting flexor moment of the lower extremity (P < 0.05) and magnitude of the peak vertical GRF for the injured limb (21.82 ± 2.44 N/kg vs 24.09 ± 2.77 N/kg; P = 0.013) in injured participants compared to control participants. These results demonstrate that compensatory movement strategies are utilized by participants with acute LAS to successfully reduce the impact forces of landing.  相似文献   

No research exists predicating a link between acute ankle sprain injury‐affiliated movement patterns and those of chronic ankle instability (CAI) populations. The aim of the current study was to perform a biomechanical analysis of participants, 6 months after they sustained a first‐time acute lateral ankle sprain (LAS) injury to establish this link. Fifty‐seven participants with a 6‐month history of first‐time LAS and 20 noninjured participants completed a single‐leg drop landing task on both limbs. Three‐dimensional kinematic (angular displacement) and sagittal plane kinetic (moment of force) data were acquired for the joints of the lower extremity, from 200 ms pre‐initial contact (IC) to 200 ms post‐IC. Individual joint stiffnesses and the peak magnitude of the vertical component of the ground reaction force (GRF) were also computed. LAS participants displayed increases in hip flexion and ankle inversion on their injured limb (P < 0.05); this coincided with a reduction in the net flexion‐extension moment at the hip joint, with an increase in its stiffness (P < 0.05). There was no difference in the magnitude of the peak vertical GRF for either limb compared with controls. These results demonstrate that altered movement strategies persist in participants, 6 months following acute LAS, which may precipitate the onset of CAI.  相似文献   



To assess the value of whole body MR imaging in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1).

Materials and methods

24 patients (15–59 years; mean and median 36 years; 7 males; 17 females) with genetically proven neurofibromatosis type 1 were examined with whole body MR imaging. Axial and coronal T1- and fat-suppressed T2-weighted images (slice thickness 6–12 mm) were acquired on a 1.5 T MR unit (Symphony; Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). The images were reviewed by 2 radiologists: 1 senior, 1 junior. The criterion for a neurofibroma was a mass lesion with low signal intensity on T1 and high signal intensity on T2, along the course of a nerve. The location, size, general morphology and course along plexuses and nerves were evaluated. Cutaneous and subcutaneous neurofibromas were defined as “superficial” neurofibromas. The other neurofibromas were regarded as “deep” neurofibromas.


There were no major problems to differentiate neurofibromas from lymph nodes, vessels or cysts. The latter three were easily recognised by their typical shape and location, whereas neurofibromas occurred in regions where no mass lesion was anatomically expected. There was no relation between age and total number of neurofibromas throughout the body. Classification according to location and number of neurofibromas: 8 patients had only superficial neurofibromas, 1 only deep and 15 both superficial and deep lesions. Twelve patients had less than 15 neurofibromas and 12 had more. Classification according to course: in 8 patients the neurofibromas occurred along plexuses or proximal part of the intercostal nerves; in 16 patients the lesions were more peripheral. Classification according to morphology: 4 patients had plexiform neurofibromas and 20 patients had multiple solitary lesions. Twelve of these 20 patients had less than 15 lesions, and 8 had more. In 2 patients multiple solitary neurofibromas occurred along the nerve in a chain configuration. In one patient a clinically unsuspected brain tumour was found.


Whole body MR imaging is a reliable method to evaluate the distribution, size and morphology of neurofibromas in patients with NF1.  相似文献   

The first purely chemical method for automated no-carrier-added synthesis of [1-(11)C]-labeled d(R)- and l(S)-2-hydroxypropanoic acid (lactic acid) was developed for experimental neurophysiology studies and position emission tomography (PET) diagnosis. Starting from sodium 1-hydroxyethanesulfonate and [(11)C]HCN (trapped as [(11)C]KCN) the intermediate dl-(R,S)-[1-(11)C]-2-hydroxypropanenitrile was prepared. Its rapid acid hydrolysis gave dl-(R,S)-[1-(11)C]lactic acid, which was isolated by preparative reversed phase HPLC and automatically injected on a second preparative C(18) HPLC column coated with a chiral selector, where both [1-(11)C]lactic acid enantiomers were separated by chiral ligand-exchange chromatography. Two novel chiral selectors for HPLC enantiomeric separation of alpha-hydroxy acids, namely d(R)- or l(S)-2-amino-3-methyl-3-(5-phenylpentylsulfanyl)-butanoic acid were utilized for the preparative HPLC separation of the [1-(11)C]lactic acid enantiomers. The preparation of the selectors and the coating procedure for the manufacturing of the preparative chiral HPLC columns are described. A highly efficient trap for [(11)C]HCN is presented. The whole radiosynthesis is automated, takes about 45 min and leads to more than 80% decay corrected overall radiochemical yield of each enantiomer (up to 2.5 GBq) with over 99% radiochemical, chemical and enantiomeric purity. The specific activity at the end of the synthesis is about 400 GBq/micromol.  相似文献   

The reduction of [11C]carbon dioxide with lithium aluminium hydride in diethyl ether at temperatures ranging from −56°C to 19°C was studied. In contrast to what others have reported, considerable amounts of [11C]formic acid were found at all studied temperatures.  相似文献   

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