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24例髁突骨折经下颌后进路行坚强内固定的疗效观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:介绍发生于髁突颈和髁颈以下髁突骨折用小型钛板经下颌后进路行解剖复位、坚强内固定术的方法和经验。方法:发生于髁突颈和髁颈以下骨折24例30侧,经下颌后进路以小型钛板行坚强内固定术。术后3~6个月后复查并评价疗效,复查内容包括:张口度、张口型、咬合关系、X线表现、面神经损伤情况。结果:张口度较术前明显增大,张口型偏移明显改善,错牙合3例,面神经下颌缘支损伤2例。X线检查:髁突骨折复位良好,髁突无移位。结论:下颌后进路是一种治疗髁突颈和髁颈以下骨折的有效方法。  相似文献   

髁突骨折解剖复位及小型接骨板坚强内固定   总被引:40,自引:2,他引:38  
目的 探讨髁突骨折解剖复位和小型接骨板坚强内固定的技术要点和并发症的发生因素。方法 髁突骨折72例97侧(单侧47例,双侧25例)。陈旧性骨折12例,髁颈和髁颈下骨折81例,移位和脱位骨折90例。8侧未手术,7侧髁突摘除,6侧升支垂直截骨间接复位,76侧直接复位。59侧单板固定,21侧双板固定,2侧螺钉穿接固定,有22侧髁突呈游离再植,68例经颌后入路,21侧经耳屏前入路。术后1~3个月复查9例,3~6个月36例,6个月以上27例,复查内容包括骨折复位准确性、固定稳定性、骨折愈合改建,伤口愈合、面型、he关系、下颌运动、关节症状、神经损伤。结果 感染2侧,错he2例,假关节2侧,接骨板断裂3侧,接骨板变形2侧,骨折块再移位7侧,髁突吸收6侧,张口受限7例,关节疼痛5侧,关节杂音5侧,面神经损伤9例。并发症发生率33%(24/72例),排除医源性因素后的并发症率14%(10/72例)。结论 切开复位及小型接骨板坚强内固定是治疗髁颈和髁颈下移位及脱位骨折的效方法,升支垂直截骨髁突游离再植是治疗髁突陈旧性骨折的可选择方法。低位髁颈和髁颈下骨折应采用颌后入路,接骨板应沿后外缘作张力带固定,髁颈下严重移位和陈旧性骨折需在髁颈前或乙状切迹处增加补偿固定。  相似文献   

目的:探讨手术治疗髁突骨折的适应证、技术要点和并发症的发生因素。方法:回顾分析5年来采用手术治疗的116例髁突骨折病例的临床资料,分别采取切开复位内固定术和髁突摘除术,随访3个月至3年,复查内容包括患者咬合关系、开口度、开口型、神经损伤、颞下颌关节症状、面型和X线检查。结果:外形和功能均显著恢复,113例咬合关系恢复正常,占97.4%;115例张口度恢复正常,占99.1%;X线复查髁突骨折解剖复位率94.8%;15例儿童患者恢复良好,无下颌骨发育障碍等严重并发症发生。结论:坚强内固定技术是治疗髁突骨折的较好方法,严重移位或脱位的儿童髁颈和髁颈下骨折应采用可吸收接骨板进行内固定。  相似文献   

目的 了解中国颌面外科高年资医师在髁突骨折治疗观点上的分歧及其影响因素,分析国内外同行间的观点差别.方法 依据骨折类型、移位程度、发生部位和患者年龄,从85例髁突骨折中逐步筛查出18种不同损伤情况的病例.采用现场问卷形式,对46位长期从事颌面创伤治疗的高年专科医师进行髁突骨折"手术"与"非手术"治疗观点的调查,并在讨论中与Baker的调查结果进行比较分析.结果 46位调查对象对18例骨折的治疗方案选择中,3例治疗观点具有一致性,9例观点具有倾向性,6例观点严重分歧.18例髁突骨折中,选择8例手术,4例非手术,其余治疗方案不确定.儿童骨折均主张非手术治疗,青少年髁颈下脱位性骨折主张手术治疗,与国外学者观点趋于一致.成人矢状和粉碎性骨折、髁颈和髁颈下轻度错位骨折争议较大,国外学者观点不主张手术.双侧髁颈下脱位性骨折国内外医师均主张手术.单侧髁颈和髁颈下移位性骨折,国内医师主张手术,国外医师不主张手术.结论 髁突骨折手术与非手术治疗观点方面,约1/3的国内高年资医师间存在严重分歧.对儿童骨折采用非手术治疗和成人双侧髁颈下脱位性骨折手术治疗的观点较为一致.与国外相比,国内医师更倾向于手术治疗.  相似文献   

目的:评价全景片对髁突骨折的诊断价值,探讨全景片易出现漏诊的髁突骨折的特点.方法:对163例220侧由CT确诊为髁突骨折病例的全景片进行读片,根据CT进行分类,统计各类髁突骨折全景片的检查结果.按骨折类型是否为囊内骨折进行分组,比较两组资料在全景片上的检出率,应用SAS6.12软件包进行统计学分析.结果:囊内骨折、髁颈骨折和髁突下骨折分别为155侧、45侧和20侧,全景片未检出及检出髁突骨折分别为38侧和182侧,囊内骨折中有33侧全景片未检出骨折,122侧检出骨折但均无法定位骨折位置.囊内骨折组检出率显著低于髁颈骨折及髁突下骨折组(P=0.0149).结论:全景片可初步诊断髁突骨折,但对于囊内骨折,特别是细微骨折及无移位的骨折漏诊率较高.对于骨折线的定位、骨折块内外向移位角度的确定,全景片作用有限.  相似文献   

目的:为减少明显的瘢痕和面神经损伤的机会,采用内镜辅助经口内入路进行成年人髁突下骨折的复位与固定。方法:从2003年4月—2005年12月就诊的11例髁突下骨折病例,全麻下口内切开,内镜辅助下进行髁突下骨折的复位与内固定,同期行其他部位骨折的复位与固定。结果:11例患者中有9例获得了良好的解剖复位,另2例因存在骨质缺损未能达到精确的解剖复位。手术后恢复较快,均无面神经损伤症状。随访期为1.5~3.8a,平均2.2a。术后6个月内关节功能正常,瘢痕不明显;随访期末,平均开口度为3.6cm,2例患者出现关节弹响,但不影响生活。结论:经口内入路内镜辅助的下颌骨髁突下骨折复位与固定可达到开放性手术类似的疗效,并可减少瘢痕的形成和面神经损伤的发生。  相似文献   

下颌髁状突骨折治疗的临床研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :探讨髁状突骨折的治疗方法选择及其疗效。方法 :对我科收治的 6 8例髁状突骨折 ,38例无移位或轻度移位者行保守治疗 ,30例中度或重度移位、脱位、粉碎性或陈旧性骨折行手术治疗。结果 :保守组随访 34例 ,31例获得满意效果 ,7例出现颞颌关节紊乱症 ,1例关节强直 ;手术组随访 2 8例 ,2 6例面形与关节功能正常 ,5例出现关节紊乱症。结论 :无移位或轻度移位宜采用保守治疗 ,中度或重度移位、脱位、粉碎性或陈旧性骨折并影响颌运动者须采用手术治疗  相似文献   

Twenty-five patients with 28 condylar or subcondylar fractures, sustained during their growth period and treated nonsurgically, have been followed for an average period of 15 years. The fractures were classified as intracapsular, high condylar neck and low condylar neck fractures. In 5 patients, two weeks of intermaxillary fixation, followed by elastic traction in order to achieve a proper occlusion, was applied. All the other patients were treated by instruction, exercises and observation. In 4 patients, subsequent orthodontic treatment was provided. It is not advocated to perform orthodontic aftercare as a routine action in all patients. Satisfaction with the treatment results, as measured on a visual analogue scale (VAS), was very high. The masticatory function of all patients at last follow-up was good to excellent. From this study, it appears that especially the commonly occurring high condylar fractures (64%) show good regeneration tendency as observed on radiographs. Low condylar and intracapsular fractures may give rise to some asymmetry. In 4 cases this asymmetry was clearly visible to the experienced observer, but did not concern the patient. One patient (low condylar neck fracture) showed obvious malocclusion and facial asymmetry, which needed to be corrected by orthognathic surgery. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict which type of fracture is at risk of facial asymmetry. It is concluded that nonsurgical management of condylar fractures of the mandible in children is still the method of choice.  相似文献   

髁颈及髁颈下骨折术后非骨源性咬合关系紊乱因素探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 总结髁颈及髁颈下骨折解剖复位、坚强内固定术后影响咬合关系的非骨源性因素。方法 分析23例髁颈及髁颈下骨折经解剖复位、小型接骨板坚强内固定术后出现咬合紊乱的原因,并提出相应的处理措施。结果 23例术后咬合紊乱者均经曲面断层片及瓦氏位片复查,未发现小型接骨板变形、断裂以及骨折片再移位,但伴其他并发症(一过性面瘫2例;一过性下颌缘支损伤3例;感染2例;关节区疼痛2例;关节弹响及杂音1例)。结论 髁颈及髁颈下骨折虽经解剖复位、小型接骨板坚强内固定,且术后并无导致咬合紊乱的骨源性因素,仍有发生咬合紊乱的可能性。其原因为肌源性和关节源性。这时,不需再次手术复位,只需颌间弹性牵引及功能锻炼,个别情况下调He治疗即可恢复正常咬合关系。  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate incidence, patterns and epidemiology of mandibular condylar fractures (MCF) to propose a treatment strategy for managing MCF and analyze the factors which influence the outcome. One hundred and seventy-five MCF’s were evaluated over a four year period and their pattern was recorded in terms of displacement, level of fracture, age of incidence and dental occlusion. Of the 2,718 facial bone fractures, MCF incidence was the third most common at 18.39 %. Of 175 MCF 58.8 % were unilateral and 41.12 % were bilateral. 67 % of bilateral fractures and 43.8 % of unilateral fractures were associated with midline symphysis and contralateral parasymphysis fractures respectively. Most of the MCF was seen in the age group of above 16 years and 50 % of them were at subcondylar level (below the neck of the condyle). Majority of MCF sustained due to inter personal violence were undisplaced (72.7 %) and contrary to this majority of MCF sustained during road traffic accident were displaced. 62.9 % of total fractures required open reduction and rigid fixation and 37.1 % were managed with closed reduction. 80 % of MCF managed with closed reduction were in the age group of below 16 years. From this study it can be concluded that the treatment algorithm proposed for managing MCF is reliable and easy to adopt. We observed that absolute indication for open reduction of MCF is inability to achieve satisfactory occlusion by closed method and absolute contraindication for open reduction is condylar head fracture irrespective of the age of the patient.  相似文献   

成人髁突骨折保守治疗与手术治疗的系统评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价保守治疗或手术治疗成人髁突骨折的疗效。方法:运用循证医学方法,选用开口度、咬合关系2个结局变量,利用SPSS11.0软件包中R×C列联表的妒检验对不同骨折部位治疗方法的选择是否相同进行假设检验。综合评价国内外已公开发表的关于成人髁突骨折经保守治疗或手术治疗的疗效研究。总样本361例,手术例数共246例,非手术例数115例。其中,高位骨折手术例数49例,非手术例数71例;中位骨折手术例数70例,非手术例数19例;低位骨折手术例数127例;非手术例数25例。结果:(1)高位骨折,手术组开口度恢复情况好于非手术组;中位骨折,手术组开口度恢复情况与非手术组相同;对于低位骨折,手术组开口度恢复情况与非手术组亦相同。(2)高位骨折,手术组咬合关系恢复率高于非手术组:中位骨折,手术组咬合关系恢复情况与非手术组相同:低位骨折.手术组咬合关系恢复情况与非手术组相同。结论:髁突高位骨折经手术治疗后,开15度及咬合关系均优于非手术治疗:中位骨折及低位骨折经手术治疗与非手术治疗后,开口度及咬合关系无显著差异。  相似文献   

翼外肌-髁突解剖复位内固定治疗髁突骨折的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨髁突骨折进行解剖复位和小型钛板坚强内固定的手术适应证、方法和治疗效果。方法:以髁头脱位骨折、髁颈和髁颈下骨折移位角度大于30°~45°、下颌支垂直高度降低超过4~5mm为适应证,对收治的23例28侧髁突骨折患者采用改良耳颞部"拐杖"型切口或颌后进路,行翼外肌-髁突解剖复位及张力带小型钛板坚强内固定。术后3~6个月复诊,检查面型、开口度、开口型、咬合关系、咀嚼力,并以此进行疗效评价。结果:所有患者面型对称,开口度较术前明显增大,开口型显著改变。2例术后错牙合患者经1周颌间牵引,恢复正常。影象学检查示髁突无移位,骨折无错位。钛板无移位,髁突表面无明显吸收现象。患者咀嚼有力。2例面瘫患者经治疗后3个月恢复。结论:选择合适病例,进行翼外肌-髁突开放性解剖复位固定,是一种既能恢复解剖形态又能恢复咀嚼功能的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的 采用Meta分析法系统评价下颌骨髁突骨折保守治疗和手术治疗的远期疗效。方法以“下颌骨”、“髁突”、“骨折”、“治疗”为关键词,检索Medline、荷兰医学文摘(Embase)、Coehrance图书馆临床对照试验注册资料库(CCTR)和中国期刊网(CNKI)数据库中4种口腔医学杂志,按标准筛选文献,然后进行文献评价和Meta分析。结果共检出172篇相关文献,入选的10篇。10篇论著所含临床样本711例。随诊6个月和2年时,手术组张口度小于非手术组,且差异有统计学意义;随诊1年和2年时,手术组关节疼痛的发生率与非手术组间差异无统计学意义;手术组错[牙合]的发生率小于非手术组,差异有统计学意义。结论年龄〉16岁的患者低位髁突骨折有严重移位或脱位时,建议采用手术治疗。与非手术治疗相比,手术治疗能更好地恢复咬合关系。手术组与非手术组术后关节疼痛无差别。张口度的恢复有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

We acknowledge the difficulties that arise when attempting to reduce and stabilise some condylar fractures, particularly those that are high or intracapsular. This paper highlights retrieval of the proximal fragment with a screw, and its benefit for reduction and stabilisation of the fractured condylar head before fixation. Eight patients with condylar fractures were treated at two centres, Morriston Hospital, Swansea, South Wales, and the General Hospital St. Jan, Brugge, Belgium between 1998 and 2007. The proximal fragment was retrieved by insertion of a screw in all cases. Three patients had unilateral, and five had bilateral high or intracapsular fractures. In all cases postoperative scans showed excellent anatomical repositioning and fixation of the condylar fragments. Postoperative follow-up showed good, stable occlusion, excellent mouth opening, and no facial nerve weakness even for a temporary period. Once the screw is in position the operator can gain precise control of the reduction, and the ease of manipulation reduces operating time considerably. The technique provides an excellent solution to the difficult task of reduction and stabilisation of the displaced fragment in condylar fractures, particularly in high fractures, and can be extended to other areas of maxillofacial trauma and corrective bone surgery.  相似文献   

目的:评价颌间牵引钉在治疗髁突囊内骨折中的应用价值。方法:以颌间牵引钉颌间牵引固定,治疗18例髁突囊内骨折患者。结果:18例患者均恢复良好的外形和功能,骨质愈合好,效果满意。结论:颌间牵引钉治疗髁突囊内骨折为一种安全有效、简便易行的治疗手段。  相似文献   

Ephraim Rikhotso  Carlo Ferretti 《SADJ》2008,63(4):222-5, 228-9
OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of occurrence, patterns, aetiology and outcome of treatment of mandibular condylar fractures at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All patients with condylar fractures seen at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital over a six-month period from January to June 2003 were included in the study. Data was recorded on sex, age, date of injury, cause of trauma, status of the occlusion and presence of associated facial injuries. The type of condylar fracture was recorded and classified following the radiographic examination according to Spiessl and Schroll. The type of treatment rendered and its outcome were also documented. Patients were followed up from 1 week to 6 months post-treatment. RESULTS: The sample comprised 84 patients with 95 condylar fractures; 69 (82%) males and 15(18%) females. 73.8% of the fractures were caused by interpersonal violence followed by road traffic accidents (16,67%) and falls (7.14%). 73 (87%) patients had unilateral fractures and 11 (13%) had bilateral condylar fractures. Of the 95 condylar fractures, there were 16 medially dislocated condylar fractures in 13 patients. Type I, Type II and Type III fractures accounted for 31%, 26% and 25% of the total fractures respectively. CONCLUSION: A relationship exists between the type of condylar fracture and the cause of the fracture: road traffic accidents and falls produce more bilateral and dislocated fractures than interpersonal violence. Prolonged intermaxillary fixation, failure to use training elastics, absence of active physiotherapy and poor patient compliance results in increased risk of hypomobility.  相似文献   

We evaluated the safety, efficacy, and morbidity associated with the treatment of displaced mandibular condylar neck fractures using a retromandibular transparotid approach to reduce and rigidly fix using two 2.0-mm locking miniplates. Our surgical inclusion criteria were: patient selection of open reduction and fixation, displaced unilateral condylar fractures with derangement of occlusion, and bilateral condylar fractures with an anterior open bite. The study group consisted of 19 patients who underwent surgery for 19 mandibular condylar neck fractures; patients were analyzed prospectively, with more than 6 months of follow-up, and were evaluated in terms of functional results, scar formation, postoperative complications, and stability of fixation. The results showed that functional occlusion identical to the preoperative condition and correct anatomical reduction of the condylar segments in centric occlusion, followed by immediate functional recovery, was achieved in all patients. No patient suffered from any major or permanent complication postoperatively, although there were two cases (11%) of temporary facial nerve palsy, which resolved completely within 3 months. Surgical scars were barely visible. The retromandibular transparotid approach with open reduction and rigid internal fixation for displaced condylar neck fractures of the mandible is a feasible and safe, minimally invasive surgical technique that provides reliable clinical results.  相似文献   

MRI examination of the TMJ after surgical treatment of condylar fractures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The position of discs in 20 adult patients whose unilateral condylar fractures were treated by open reduction was investigated by means of magnetic resonance imaging. In four (20%) of the 20 cases, the disc was anteriorly displaced in both the closed mouth and open mouth positions. Three of the four cases had a high condylar neck fracture with dislocation and one had a high condylar neck fracture with displacement. The results of this study showed that repositioning the dislocated condyle did not always lead to anatomical restoration of the joint structures.  相似文献   

We know of no universally accepted classification for intracapsular condylar fractures. We propose here a new classification based on the concept of a “disc-condyle” unit, and validate the classification based on outcomes of treatment. From 1 January 2010 - 31 December 2014, 55 patients with unilateral intracapsular condylar fractures were classified into three types: type A has no reduction in mandibular height or displacement of the disc (n = 7); type B has displacement of the disc with no reduction in mandibular height (n = 17); and type C has reduced mandibular height with or without displacement of the disc (n = 31). We treated types B and C by open reduction and fixation, while type A fractures were managed non-surgically. At six month follow-up, we found no significant differences in the vertical height of the ramus, mandibular deviation, protrusion, or lateral protrusion between the fractured and healthy sides. All patients had normal occlusion postoperatively and only one patient (type C) reported pain. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography showed good osseous healing and disc-condylar relations in all cases. Our results show that this new classification of intracapsular condylar fractures is a safe and easy way to obtain satisfactory outcomes of treatment. However, it needs further independent validation.  相似文献   

Mandibular condyle fractures: determinants of treatment and outcome.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to analyze the principal variables that determine the choice of the method of treatment and the outcome in condylar fractures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a retrospective analysis of 104 mandibular condyle fractures to analyze and determine the relation between the principal clinical variables and the postoperative results. All patients underwent a clinic-radiologic investigation focusing on fracture remodeling, evolution, dental occlusion, and symmetry of the mandible. We analyzed the influence of the preoperative clinical variables (level of fracture, treatment, postoperative physical therapy, displacement and dislocation, comminution, loss of ramus height, patient age, gender, etiology, occlusion, status of dentition, and presence of facial and mandibular fractures) over the postoperative results and outcome. RESULTS: The principal factors that determined the treatment decision were the level of the fracture and the degree of displacement. The level of the fracture influenced the degree of preoperative coronal and sagittal displacement (neck fractures had greater medial and anterior displacement than head and subcondylar fractures) and the treatment applied. The functional improvement obtained by open methods was greater than that obtained by closed treatment. Open treatment increased the incidence of postoperative condylar deformities and mandibular asymmetry. CONCLUSION: The variables that influenced the method of treatment and predicted the prognosis are the level of fracture, degree and direction of displacement of the fractured segments, age, medical status of the patient, concomitant injuries, and status of dentition.  相似文献   

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