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目的 回顾性分析90例中耳炎患耳鼓室窦CT分型,旨在探讨耳内镜与显微镜手术处理后鼓室病变的适应证。 方法 所有患者术前行颞骨高分辨CT检查,记录鼓室窦CT分型(鼓室窦与面神经的关系),统计各型的例数和比例。 结果 90例患耳的鼓室窦CT分型:A型43耳(47.78%),B型45耳(50%),C型2耳(2.22%)。 结论 鼓室窦CT分型以A型和B型居多, 内镜中耳手术适合在中耳炎手术中推广,但C型鼓室窦的最佳手术方式仍是显微镜中耳手术。  相似文献   

耳显微外科学需要对中耳尤其是后鼓室解剖有全面的认识,因为该处有许多不规则的隐窝.并且易受胆脂瘤侵犯。在后鼓室的后壁围绕着面神经骨管有四个凹陷的隐窝,在面神经骨管的外侧有面神经隐窝(上  相似文献   

目的 探讨前壁外耳道-鼓膜瓣应用于开放式鼓室成形术中,能否提高鼓膜修补成功率和手术疗效.方法 对慢性化脓性中耳炎及中耳胆脂瘤伴中、下鼓室自行封闭患者66例(66耳),予开放式鼓室成形术治疗,其中31例术中应用前壁外耳道-鼓膜瓣内植法鼓室成形(前瓣组),35例应用软骨和筋膜内植法鼓室成形(软骨组),测定术前及术后6个月气导(AC)、气骨导差(ABG),比较两组的临床疗效.结果 前瓣组成功率为96.8%(30/31),软骨组88.6%(31/35),两组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);前瓣组有效率为88.46%,软骨组为65.52%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),即前瓣组优于软骨组.结论 伴有中、下鼓室封闭的慢性中耳炎患者,行开放式鼓室成形术中应用前壁外耳道-鼓膜瓣鼓室成形能提高筋膜成活率,术后鼓膜穿孔率低,较好成形鼓室,并能同期听力重建,提高听力.  相似文献   

目的 探讨儿童先天性梨状窝瘘的诊断、手术适应证及内镜下低温消融术的疗效。 方法 回顾分析郑州大学第一附属医院内镜下低温消融术治疗的232例儿童先天性梨状窝瘘的临床资料。 结果 217例(93.5%)为左侧梨状窝瘘,14例(6.0%)为右侧梨状窝瘘,1例(0.4%)双侧梨状窝瘘。男女比约1.1∶1.0。232 例均行内镜下梨状窝瘘口低温消融术。术后复发17 例(7.3%)、声音嘶哑12例(5.2%),均无呛咳、食管损伤或咽瘘。 结论 内镜下梨状窝瘘口低温消融术治疗先天性梨状窝瘘具有微创、并发症较少、复发率低等优点,是治疗先天性梨状窝瘘的首选手术方案之一。  相似文献   

目的 探讨中耳手术后迟发性面瘫出现的可能病因、处理措施及结果。 方法 收集自2017年1月至2018年12月接受中耳手术病例资料1 124例,回顾性分析迟发性面瘫发生时间、相关因素、治疗经过及恢复情况。 结果 1 124例中耳手术术后出现迟发性面瘫17例,发生率为1.51%;术后3~20 d出现迟发性面瘫,平均(10.00±4.11)d;按照各术式分布如下:鼓室成形术Ⅰ型(8/348, 2.30%),鼓室成形术Ⅱ型(4/247,1.62%),开放式乳突切开+鼓室成形术(5/529,0.95%),各术式之间迟发性面瘫发生率差异无统计学意义;按照面神经骨管情况分布如下:面神经骨管部分缺失348例,术后迟发性面瘫(5/348, 1.44%),面神经管完整776例,术后迟发性面瘫(12/776, 1.55%),面神经骨管是否完整,术后迟发性面瘫发生率差异无统计学意义;1例发生术后术腔感染,细菌培养提示铜绿假单胞菌感染,对症处理感染控制后,行面神经探查、耳大神经切取面神经吻合术,术后1年面神经功能恢复至Ⅲ级;其余16例全部予以激素等保守治疗,治疗后0.5~3个月后功能完全恢复。 结论 中耳术后迟发性面瘫与手术方式、面神经是否裸露等因素无关,保守治疗效果好。  相似文献   

胆脂瘤型骨疡型中耳乳突炎外科治疗的合理选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨并评价胆脂瘤型/骨疡型中耳乳突炎外科治疗的合理选择和术式改进.方法对61例(6 2耳)胆脂瘤型和/或骨疡型中耳乳突炎住院病例施行完整骨桥式乳突手术(intact-bridge tympanomastoidectomy,IBM),对原术式进行若干改进.开放上鼓室、鼓窦及乳突,切除骨性外耳道后壁、经面神经隐窝开放后鼓室.保留低位骨桥以维持中耳腔容积,去除不可逆病灶,同期或分期进行鼓室成形术. 结果随访12~38个月,其中51/ 62耳(82.2%)≥2年,干耳时间5~13周(平均6周).术后纯音测听气骨导差(air-bone gap, ABG)≤20dB HL 15/62耳(24.2%),21~30dB HL26/62耳(41.9%),≥31dB HL1 0/62耳(16.1%). 结论 IBM手术将开放式与闭合式技术相结合,兼备二者的优点,符合清除病灶并保存听力的耳外科原则,为慢性化脓性中耳乳突炎的外科治疗提供了又一合理的选择.  相似文献   

目的 探讨Ⅰ期钛质人工听小骨听力重建在慢性中耳炎和中耳胆脂瘤患者中的临床疗效及应用体会。 方法 回顾性分析行开放式鼓室成形术并接受Ⅰ期钛质人工听小骨听力重建的慢性中耳炎或中耳胆脂瘤患者65例临床资料,比较术前及术后1、3、6个月听力情况和气骨导差(ABG)。 结果 术后第1、3、6个月,纯音气导听阈均值(PTA)较术前降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);术后6个月ABG均值较术前降低,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);术后ABG≤20 dB者达39耳(P<0.05)。 结论 开放式鼓室成形术加Ⅰ期钛质人工听小骨行听骨链重建治疗慢性中耳炎和中耳胆脂瘤能够有效提高患者的听力水平;选择适当的手术适应证、良好的手术技巧及围手术期处理是取得成功的保证。  相似文献   

目的探讨并评价保留骨桥乳突鼓室成形术治疗慢性化脓性中耳炎(胆脂瘤型)的临床效果。方法对22例(22耳)慢性化脓性中耳炎(胆脂瘤型)患者施行保留骨桥乳突鼓室成形术(intact-bridgetympanomastoi-dectomy,IBM)。开放上鼓室、中鼓室及乳突,切除骨性外耳道后壁,经面隐窝开放后鼓室,保留低位骨桥以维持中耳腔容积,去除不可逆病灶,同期进行鼓室成形术。结果随访12~28个月,干耳时间7~13周(平均9周)。术后纯音测听气骨导间距≤20dB者占36.3%(8/22),21~30dB者占36.3%(8/22),≥31dB者占27.4%(6/22)。结论IBM手术在根除病灶的基础上保存或提高听力,为治疗慢性化脓性中耳炎(胆脂瘤型)较佳的选择。  相似文献   

鼻内镜下中鼻道联合泪前隐窝入路治疗真菌性上颌窦炎   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨鼻内镜下经中鼻道上颌窦自然口扩大联合泪前隐窝入路治疗真菌性上颌窦炎的适应证及疗效。 方法 回顾分析2008年6月至2014年6月行鼻内镜下经中鼻道上颌窦自然口扩大联合泪前隐窝入路治疗真菌性上颌窦炎32例患者的临床资料,分析联合入路的适应证、疗效及并发症。 结果 患者均完整彻底清除病变,无并发症发生。随访1年半以上,均无复发。 结论 鼻内镜下经中鼻道上颌窦自然口扩大联合泪前隐窝入路视野清晰,对上颌窦暴露充分,上颌窦霉菌清除彻底,创伤小,疗效确切,可作为鼻内镜下经中鼻道行上颌窦扩大或辅助下鼻道开窗仍无法彻底清除窦内霉菌的首选方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨两种途径进行鼓室注入地塞米松治疗分泌性中耳炎的有效性和安全性,方式分别为电子鼻咽喉镜下咽鼓管注药、鼓膜穿刺鼓室注药。方法 将药物治疗1周~1个月但疗效欠佳的分泌性中耳炎患者65例(69耳),分成两组进行治疗,治疗组32例(33耳)行电子鼻咽喉镜下咽鼓管注药治疗,对照组33例(36耳)行鼓膜穿刺鼓室注药治疗,每2~3 d注药1次, 共治疗3次。随访10~12个月,比较两组患者的疗效以及并发症的发生情况。结果 疗程结束后3个月,治疗组和对照组总有效率分别为93.9%(31/33)和83.3%(30/36)。随访10~12个月,治疗组和对照组复发率分别为15.2%(5/33)和33.3%(12/36),治疗组总有效率高于对照组,复发率低于对照组,但差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),两组病例未见并发症发生。结论 电子鼻咽喉镜下经咽鼓管注药和鼓膜穿刺注药两种方法鼓室注入地塞米松治疗分泌性中耳炎有相同疗效,电子鼻咽喉镜下咽鼓管注药疗法可作为分泌性中耳炎治疗的新途径。  相似文献   

Surgical anatomy of the hypotympanum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anatomical characteristics of the hypotympanum were tested on 50 temporal bones. The hypotympanum has the shape of an irregular bony groove which is surrounded by five walls. The outer wall is formed by the tympanic part of the temporal bone. In 65 per cent of the cases the inner wall is formed by part of the petrous bone which extends under the promontory; in 25 per cent it is formed only by the lower part of the promontory; and in 10 per cent it corresponds to the juncture of the promontory and the petrous bone. The lower wall is clearly defined in 48.2 per cent of cases and corresponds to the juncture of its inner and outer walls. In 65 per cent of cases a recess of the inferior hypotympanic sinus is found on the floor of the hypotympanum. In 25.3 per cent of cases the jugular bulb protrudes into the tympanic cavity. In 73.4 per cent of cases the front wall is formed by part of the petrous bone which extends from its floor towards the tympanic opening of the protympanum, and in 26 per cent of the cases it is formed by the wall of the internal carotid artery. On the front wall, in 22.4 per cent of cases, a recess of the anterior hypotympanic sinus is found. The back wall is formed by elements of the styloid complex and in five per cent of the cases a recess or posterior hypotympanic sinus is found on it.  相似文献   

目的 探讨中国人额隐窝气房变异种类及额窦引流通道类型,指导鼻科医生安全开放额窦。 方法 100例尸头标本行解剖前薄层轴位CT扫描,按照额隐窝气房分类及“搭积木”式额窦引流通道分析方法,分析额窦引流通道,并通过解剖得以证实。 结果 中国人额隐窝气房发育变异较大,包括前方外侧的鼻丘气房、鼻丘上气房、鼻丘上额气房;内侧的额窦间隔气房;后方的筛泡、筛泡上气房、筛泡上额气房;100例标本中,鼻丘气房发生率95%;鼻丘上气房发生率为32%;鼻丘上额气房发生率为19%;筛泡上气房发生率为53.5%;筛泡上额气房(额泡气房)发生率为22%;额窦间隔发生率为23.5%;额窦引流通道形式有多种,按出现情况,从多到少为:前内侧型(右侧34例,左侧35例);前方型(右侧18例,左侧17例);内侧型(右侧14例,左侧13例);前外侧型(右侧10例,左侧10例);后方型(右侧6例,左侧7例);外侧型(右侧6例,左侧5例);直接型(右侧3例,左侧5例);后内侧型(右侧3例,左侧4例);夹缝型(右侧2例,左侧0例);后外侧型(双侧均有1例)。 结论 采用额隐窝气房分类法,按照“搭积木”方式分析额窦引流通道,是一个“以不变应万变”的方法,可以帮助鼻科医生术前了解额窦引流通道形式,术中安全、彻底开放额窦。  相似文献   

目的 探讨鼻内翻性乳头状瘤(NIP)的手术治疗策略及相应疗效情况。 方法 回顾性分析2010年10月至2016年10月收治的181例NIP患者的临床资料。患者术前均行鼻内镜、CT或MRI检查,明确病变范围,根据Krouse分期系统进行临床评级,综合评估并制定手术方法,其中鼻内镜手术124例,鼻侧切开术27例,鼻内镜联合柯-陆式手术30例。术后随访1~6年。 结果 181例NIP患者术后总复发率为17.7%(32/181),其中鼻内镜手术复发率为15.3%(19/124),鼻侧切开术复发率为25.9%(7/27),鼻内镜联合柯-陆式手术复发率为20.0%(6/30),差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。对不同分级患者术后复发率进行统计,其中Ⅰ级复发率为11.8%(2/17),Ⅱ级复发率为11.6%(8/69),Ⅲ级复发率为17.2%(11/64),Ⅳ级复发率为35.5%(11/31),级别越高复发率相对越高;各级之间术后复发率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 鼻内镜手术已成为NIP主要治疗方式,疗效与鼻外径路术式相仿。高分级NIP复发率较高,而合理选择术式彻底切除肿瘤及严格的术后随访则是其治疗成功的关键。  相似文献   

目的 探讨中青年与老年慢性化脓性中耳炎及中耳胆脂瘤患者听力学特点及区别。方法 回顾性研究单侧慢性化脓性中耳炎或中耳胆脂瘤中青年(18~59岁)患者74例、老年(≥60岁)患者68例(语频段0.5、1.0、2.0、4.0 kHz)纯音测听结果, 分析其患耳与对侧耳、不同年龄组间患者听力学特征和区别。结果 中青年患者患耳各语频气、骨导阈值均高于对侧耳, 老年患者患耳气导、除4.0 kHz外的骨导高于对侧耳。老年患者各语频气、骨导耳间差均明显大于中青年患者。非胆脂瘤组、听骨链正常组老年患者耳间差在0.5、1.0、2.0 kHz气导、4.0 kHz骨导高于中青年患者。胆脂瘤组、听骨链中断组老年患者各语频气、骨导耳间差均明显大于中青年患者。结论 慢性化脓性中耳炎及中耳胆脂瘤对中青年、老年患者的气、骨导均可产生损害, 对老年患者的损害比中青年患者严重。中耳病变越严重, 老年患者比中青年患者听力受损的程度越高。  相似文献   

《Acta oto-laryngologica》2012,132(5):474-478
The aim of this study was to examine the anatomical landmarks of the retrotympanum using two different techniques, virtual endoscopy (VE) and fiberoptic endoscopy, and to correlate the results furnished by the two methods. Ten otosclerotic patients who were due to undergo stapedectomy were scanned using high-resolution spiral CT. Selected CT datasets were processed with Navigator 2.0 software to obtain virtual endoscopic views of the retrotympanum. Subsequently, during the surgical procedure, fiberoptic endoscopy was performed with 2.7-mm 0° and 30° rigid endoscopes. The ability of the two imaging methods to identify specific anatomical structures was then compared. In all cases the pyramidal eminence, pyramidal crest and sinus tympani were clearly identified in both VE images and otoendoscopy recordings, while fiberoptic endoscopy seemed to be less satisfactory than VE for studying the facial sinus, sinus of Proctor and fossula of Grivot. The two techniques proved to be equally sensitive for visualizing the ponticulus and subiculum, while the stapedius tendon could be visualized only by means of fiberoptic endoscopy. Overall, VE imaging appears promising for rendering important anatomical details of the retrotympanum, allowing identification of osseous landmarks and exploring recesses that are difficult to visualize via otoendoscopy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the anatomical landmarks of the retrotympanum using two different techniques, virtual endoscopy (VE) and fiberoptic endoscopy, and to correlate the results furnished by the two methods. Ten otosclerotic patients who were due to undergo stapedectomy were scanned using high-resolution spiral CT. Selected CT datasets were processed with Navigator 2.0 software to obtain virtual endoscopic views of the retrotympanum. Subsequently, during the surgical procedure, fiberoptic endoscopy was performed with 2.7-mm 0 degrees and 30 degrees rigid endoscopes. The ability of the two imaging methods to identify specific anatomical structures was then compared. In all cases the pyramidal eminence, pyramidal crest and sinus tympani were clearly identified in both VE images and otoendoscopy recordings, while fiberoptic endoscopy seemed to be less satisfactory than VE for studying the facial sinus, sinus of Proctor and fossula of Grivot. The two techniques proved to be equally sensitive for visualizing the ponticulus and subiculum, while the stapedius tendon could be visualized only by means of fiberoptic endoscopy. Overall, VE imaging appears promising for rendering important anatomical details of the retrotympanum, allowing identification of osseous landmarks and exploring recesses that are difficult to visualize via otoendoscopy.  相似文献   

《Auris, nasus, larynx》2023,50(4):499-506
ObjectiveThe caloric test (C-test) and video head impulse test (vHIT) are known to occasionally show contradictory results in patients with Meniere's disease (MD). The reasons underlying this discrepancy between the two tests are currently unclear. We aimed to reveal the mechanisms responsible for this discrepancy by performing volumetric evaluation of the endolymphatic space (ELS) by using endoluminal contrast-enhanced inner ear MRI (ieMRI).MethodsWe enrolled 136 patients (174 ears) who visited the vertigo/dizziness center of our university and underwent the C-test and vHIT between February 2018 and February 2020. Inner ear MRI was also performed to determine the presence of endolymphatic hydrops (EH). The percentage of patients diagnosed with each vestibular disease was as follows: MD, 23.0%; benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), 17.8%; bilateral vestibular disorder (BVD), 9.2%; sudden deafness with vertigo (SD), 8.0%; peripheral dizziness (PD), 7.5%; unilateral vestibular disorder (UVD), 6.9%; vestibular neuritis (VN), 6.3%; delayed endolymphatic hydrops (DEH), 3.4%; central dizziness (CD), 2.9%; Hunt syndrome (Hunt), 1.2%; and other disorders (OD), 13.8%.ResultsAmong the ears in the present study, 46.0% (80/174) showed a discrepancy in the results of the C-test and vHIT, and the disease-related distribution of patients showing this discrepancy was as follows; MD, 38.8% (27/80; p = 0.0019); BVD, 13.8% (11/80); UVD, 12.5% (10/80); SD, 7.5% (6/80); BPPV, 6.3% (5/80); PD, 6.3% (5/80); VN, 3.8% (3/80); DEH, 3.8% (3/80); CD, 2.5% (2/80); Hunt, 0.0% (0/80); and OD, 10.0% (8/80). In all cases, the discrepancy presented as a positive C-test result and negative vHIT result. The ELS ratio was measured for the whole inner ear, cochlea, vestibule, and semicircular canal, and the relationships between the rates and the presence of discrepancy was examined. Inner ear ELS ratio was 17.9% ± 10.8% in patients with the discrepancy and 15.2% ± 8.8% in those without the discrepancy (p = 0.036). Cochlear ELS ratio was 14.9% ± 11.3% in patients with the discrepancy and 11.9% ± 10.3% in those without the discrepancy (p = 0.0012). Vestibular ELS ratio was 22.3% ± 16.2% in patients with the discrepancy and 17.2% ± 12.7% in those without the discrepancy (p = 0.032). Semicircular canal ELS ratio was 18.0% ± 11.0% in patients with the discrepancy and 16.5% ± 9.6% in those without the discrepancy (p = 0.442).ConclusionThe volume of the ELS may affect the discrepancy of results between the C-test and vHIT.  相似文献   

目的 探讨带蒂扩张皮瓣加带蒂筋膜瓣“两瓣法”在先天性小耳畸形患者耳郭再造中的应用及效果。 方法 总结2012年1月至2018年1月期间712例(756耳)先天性小耳畸形患者,全部采用“两瓣法”行耳郭再造。 结果 术后随访1~6年,712例(756耳),其中15例(15耳)术后出现钢丝外露,经及时处理,拆除钢丝后治愈;10例术后出现再造耳郭皮下血肿,经更换负压引流管,引流通畅后,血肿消失;3例因术后患者保护不当,再造耳郭受压、碰伤导致软骨支架外露,经局部皮肤拉拢缝合,带蒂筋膜瓣覆盖表面植皮,及时处理后治愈。全部病例最终效果均满意,再造耳郭的大小、形态、位置与健耳对称,再造耳郭皮肤颜色正常,耳郭软骨支架无外露及吸收,细微凹凸结构显示清晰。 结论 “两瓣法”耳郭再造效果确切,术后并发症少,是先天性小耳畸形行耳郭再造较好的方法。  相似文献   

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