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介绍了转化医学概念及社区护理模式,分析了学院式社区护理的特点及学院式社区护理模式,旨在促进转化医学在护理专业领域的推广。  相似文献   

介绍了转化医学概念及社区护理模式,分析了学院式社区护理的特点及学院式社区护理模式,旨在促进转化医学在护理专业领域的推广。  相似文献   

【】 目的 了解和分析我国社区护理试行方式的现状。方法 综述国内已有的社区护理模式试行实践的情况。结果 我国不同地区都在摸索和总结社区护理方式,如三级甲等综合医院实施社区护理模式,妇幼社区护理模式,乡村社区护理模式,社区老年公寓护理模式,社区一学校志愿合作社区护理模式等。结论 现主要实施的是“家庭病床”模式、社区卫生服务模式、 “学院一社区”模式、特殊人群(老人,妇幼等)的社区护理模式.,后三者更值得推广  相似文献   

蔡舒  李静芝  李敏 《全科护理》2010,8(29):2706-2707
指出目前社区护理实践教学主要存在实践教学时间短、教学内容欠全面、师资力量薄弱、实践基地少4方面的问题和不足,介绍了学院式社区护理中心和社区-学校合作性护理服务站两种社区护理教学新模式,认为该两种社区护理教学模式能激发护生的学习兴趣,提高其创新能力、独立思考和分析解决问题的能力,增强其社区服务的能力。  相似文献   

指出目前社区护理实践教学主要存在实践教学时间短、教学内容欠全面、师资力量薄弱、实践基地少4方面的问题和不足,介绍了学院式社区护理中心和社区-学校合作性护理服务站两种社区护理教学新模式,认为该两种社区护理教学模式能激发护生的学习兴趣,提高其创新能力、独立思考和分析解决问题的能力,增强其社区服务的能力.  相似文献   

介绍日本、美国、澳大利亚等国发展较成熟的社区老年护理模式,对比分析我国老年社区护理存在的不足。提出家庭病床、访视护理、老年日托护理中心是我国社区老年护理的主要组织形式;我国老年社区护理存在的不足主要表现在社区老年护理人员不足且缺乏专业知识、服务模式不健全和缺乏有效的政策支持等。解决社区护理领域的诸多问题,最根本的是解决管理和人才问题,通过多途径培养社区护理人才、完善社区护理组织形式、建立长期护理险将是改善我国老年社区护理的主要途径。  相似文献   

介绍日本、美国、澳大利亚等国发展较成熟的社区老年护理模式,对比分析我国老年社区护理存在的不足.提出家庭病床、访视护理、老年日托护理中心是我国社区老年护理的主要组织形式;我国老年社区护理存在的不足主要表现在社区老年护理人员不足且缺乏专业知识、服务模式不健全和缺乏有效的政策支持等.解决社区护理领域的诸多问题,最根本的是解决管理和人才问题,通过多途径培养社区护理人才、完善社区护理组织形式、建立长期护理险将是改善我国老年社区护理的主要途径.  相似文献   

国内外社区护理发展现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会的进步、科学的发展、健康观念的更新、医学模式的转变、社会的老龄化和医疗制度的改革,都对护理工作提出了新的要求。原有的以疾病治疗为中心的卫生服务体系已经无法满足现代的健康需求,因此必须寻找一种“低投入,高产出”的新型服务模式。社区护理正是适应了这种模式的需要,使健康服务从医院走向社会、走向家庭。社区护理是由基层护理人员立足社区、面向家庭,以社区内居民的健康为中心,以老年人、妇女、儿童和残疾人为重点人群,提供集预防、医疗、护理、康复、保健、健康教育和计划生育技术为一体的综合性、连续性、便捷的健康护理服务。  相似文献   

借鉴国外社区护理经验 发展中国特色社区护理   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
张萌  崔华  池旭英 《护理学报》2006,13(6):90-91
介绍了国外社区护理的特点,其多数具有系统的社区护理机构,完善的社区护理教育和多元化的社区护理服务方式。我国社区护理起步较晚,发展速度缓慢,可借鉴国外社区护理模式,从提高居民健康意识,健全社区护理机构和社区护理保障,重视社区护理教育,转变现在社区护理的角色和职能等方面促进我国社区护理的发展。  相似文献   

社区护理护理程序 1社区护理评估 1.2社区护理评估内容综合以上各社区评估模式的内容,在进行健康评估时,社区护士应收集的资料包括三个大的部分,即社区内的人群特征、社区的地理环境以及社区的社会环境。  相似文献   

Nursing faculty and students have a vital role to play in promoting adolescent health at the community level. However, few nursing education programs have developed programs which provide nursing students with the skills and hands-on experiences they need to work with adolescents in community settings. A successful model for integrating community-based adolescent health promotion into nursing education is described in this article. Developed by nursing faculty from Medgar Evers College Department of Nursing, teachers and staff from a large middle school in Brooklyn, New York serving economically disadvantaged Black and Hispanic youth, and Education Development Center, Inc., the Reach for Health (RFH) Nursing Program-Middle School Collaboration has two mutually reinforcing components: (a) classroom-based health instruction taught by teachers with assistance from nursing students and faculty, and (b) community youth service in which middle school students spend approximately 3 hours per week providing assistance in health-related facilities under the guidance of nursing faculty and student nurse mentors. As part of an evaluation study, the authors conducted focus groups with nursing students involved in this program and administered an identical survey before and after intervention to assess potential benefits of participation. Compared to a control group of nursing students, those who participated in the RFH program reported increased skills and comfort working in school and community settings and with young adolescents, their teachers, and their parents. An example of other benefits was a greater understanding of the health and developmental needs of adolescents. At the same time they provided a service to the community, nursing students gained the skills and experience needed to be effective in community health promotion efforts.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To present an interdisciplinary, community-oriented primary care nursing model that effectively draws upon the strengths of advanced practice nurses (APNs), both nurse practitioners and community health nurses. DATA SOURCES: Articles in professional nursing journals, international data sources, and the clinical experiences of the authors, both domestic and international. CONCLUSIONS: The model, developed domestically, was utilized successfully by APNs internationally in a medical mission endeavor in rural Haiti. Many partners, domestic and Haitian, worked as an interdisciplinary team to deliver quality health care to an impoverished population. Graduate nursing students participated in the program, which offered opportunities and challenges for both novice and expert nurses. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Nurse practitioners, community health nurses, and nursing faculty members can use this model to enhance their professional practice. They can learn that clients can be optimally cared for whether the community served is domestic or international. Nursing faculty can teach graduate nursing students about the value of partnerships and collaboration.  相似文献   

The Integrative Clinical Preceptor Model was designed to provide a framework for undergraduate clinical education in community health nursing. The model is based on reciprocal collaboration between students, preceptors, and faculty. Implementation of the model has resulted in individualized, population-focused experiences for students based on the principles of service-learning, empowered preceptors who are able to increase their scope of service, and increased productivity for the faculty in research and scholarship. The authors describe the collaborative partnership between a school of nursing and nurses in community health settings that has resulted in excellent clinical experiences for undergraduate nursing students.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Many factors are contributing to a decline in the number of nurses who opt to choose public health nursing as a career option. One factor is the lack of preceptors in public health, which has led to the placement of nursing students in nontraditional clinical settings. Thus, many nursing students are not exposed to public health nursing while still in school. Graduating students may not have a clear idea of what a public health nurse is or does. The purpose of the study was to describe a collaborative project between three schools of nursing aimed at increasing interest in public health nursing among undergraduate nursing students. The study method involved analysis of student, faculty, and staff feedback received after an orientation to public health nursing. Nursing students found the experience valuable. Participation in the collaborative project has increased clinical experiences for nursing students in public health, increased exposure of nursing students to public health nursing, and has led to opportunities for both students and faculty within an urban public health department.  相似文献   

Public health clinical educators and practicing public health nurses (PHNs) are experiencing challenges in creating meaningful clinical learning experiences for nursing students due to an increase in nursing programs and greater workload responsibilities for both nursing faculty and PHNs. The Henry Street Consortium (HSC), a collaborative group of PHNs and nursing faculty, conducted a project to identify best practices for public health nursing student clinical learning experiences. Project leaders surveyed HSC members about preferences for teaching‐learning strategies, facilitated development of resources and tools to guide learning, organized faculty/PHN pilot teams to test resources and tools with students, and evaluated the pilot team experiences through two focus groups. The analysis of the outcomes of the partnership engagement project led to the development of the Partnership Engagement Model (PEM), which may be used by nursing faculty and their public health practice partners to guide building relationships and sustainable partnerships for educating nursing students.  相似文献   

As the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic became clear, it was evident that higher education schools and Universities, including schools of nursing were facing enormous challenges to create a safe environment for educational instruction to continue. Clinical education in particular was affected as clinical sites were increasingly unable to accommodate student clinical rotations due to crushing volumes and overwhelming care needs of COVID patients. This article outlines the innovative efforts of one university that set up a robust surveillance testing program that required and provided weekly COVID-19 testing of all students, faculty and staff that were on-campus. The testing center is nurse led and nurse managed, providing a clinical experience for over 50 nursing students each semester, allowing them to accrue community clinical hours so that they can progress through their nursing program. Clinical quality and patient experience outcomes are shared, and lessons learned described.  相似文献   

To describe experiences of student nurses and faculty who participated in COVID-19 vaccine delivery through a multischool collaboration. Cross-sectional survey. Student nurses and faculty members from five university schools and colleges of nursing who participated in one or more COVID-19 vaccination or education events in 2021. Surveys were designed for students and faculty to document process and outcome experiences associated with project participation. Surveys were administered through an online survey platform. Overall, 648 students and 68 faculty members participated in the project. The evaluation survey was completed by 115 students (18%) and 58 faculty members (85%). Students valued increasing their clinical skills and reported the experience influenced their perspectives on nursing, fueling their passion and informing future career choices. Students reported that it was personally important to contribute to the vaccination effort. Few students reported challenges in participating in the project. Faculty reported positive experiences including gaining knowledge about public health and their communities, fueling their passion for nursing education, feeling a deeper connection with students, and experiencing personal satisfaction from contributing to the pandemic response. This project resulted in meaningful student learning opportunities, enhanced capacity for the public health emergency response, and strengthened partnerships among nursing programs and between academia and public health community partners.  相似文献   

This article describes a model of teaching community health nursing that evolved from a long‐term partnership with a community with limited existing health programs. The partnership supported RN–BSN students' integration in the community and resulted in reciprocal gains for faculty, students and community members. Community clients accessed public health services as a result of the partnership. A blended learning approach that combines face‐to‐face interactions, service learning and online activities was utilized to enhance students' learning. Following classroom sessions, students actively participated in community‐based educational process through comprehensive health needs assessments, planning and implementation of disease prevention and health promotion activities for community clients. Such active involvement in an underserved community deepened students' awareness of the fundamentals of community health practice. Students were challenged to view public health from a broader perspective while analyzing the impacts of social determinants of health on underserved populations. Through asynchronous online interactions, students synthesized classroom and community activities through critical thinking. This paper describes a model for teaching community health nursing that informs students' learning through blended learning, and meets the demands for community health nursing services delivery.  相似文献   

To create new and sustainable approaches for development of the perioperative nursing workforce, perioperative nursing leaders at a hospital collaborated with administrators and faculty at a school of nursing to create an innovative learning model that reintroduces perioperative experiences to students in a nursing baccalaureate program. Key components of the initial approaches included an externship for nursing students and a revised internship for experienced nurses who wished to work in perioperative nursing. Project leaders then expanded the nursing student learning opportunity by adding two additional elective perioperative courses to the curriculum. Formation of perioperative clinical placement sites within the senior-level adult acute care course was an additional positive outcome of these initial initiatives. These initiatives resulted in decreased use of agency nurses at the clinical site where the externships take place and increased numbers of younger nurses working in the perioperative areas where they externed, with high levels of satisfaction reported by nurses involved in the program. Through this innovative collaboration, the perioperative nurse shortage at the hospital has abated, and the opportunity to continually recruit new colleagues into the practice of perioperative nursing has been established.  相似文献   

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