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A case of exclusive adult lesbianism and manic-depressive illness associated with Turner's syndrome mosaicism is reported. Turner's syndrome women are described as hyperfeminine without problems in gender identity, gender role, or arousal pattern. Adult lesbianism has never previously been reported in these women. The significance of lesbianism in association with Turner's syndrome mosaicism is discussed.  相似文献   

This essay traces the modern history of vaginal douching in the United States from its widespread adoption as the first clinical form of birth control in the nineteenth century, through the marketing success of cosmetic douches in the late twentieth century. Women's changing and often overlapping motivations for douching in the past provide insight into contemporary women's choices about douching. The persistence of the practice today despite its association with adverse health consequences is a troubling phenomenon that can only be fully understood by considering this complex history.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to review research on age-period-cohort (APC) analysis of mortality and to trace the effects of contemporary and historical factors on mortality change in the former USSR. Several events in USSR history have exerted a lasting influence on its people. These influences may be captured by an APC model in which the period effects measure the impact of contemporary factors and the cohort effects the past history of individuals which cannot be attributed to age or stage in the life cycle. APC models are extensively applied in the study of mortality. This article presents the statistical theory of the APC models and shows that they belong to the family of generalized linear models. The parameters of the APC model may therefore be estimated by any package of loglinear analysis that allows for hybrid loglinear models.  相似文献   

A critical historical analysis of the medical construction of lesbianism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lesbians are frequently treated with insensitivity, antagonism, and discrimination in health care encounters. The authors argue that contemporary health care experiences of lesbian clients cannot be understood apart from a critical examination of the historical construction of medical ideologies that pathologized lesbianism. An excavation of historical data about medical conceptualizations of lesbian women is undertaken to demonstrate how cultural and medical ideologies throughout the century have reinforced each other to shape lesbians' health care experiences and influence public policies. By illuminating both the prejudical content of medical theories as well as the emancipatory actions of lesbian and gay communities to change stigmatizing diagnostic and treatment situations, the authors attempt to demystify ideologies about lesbians that motivate clinicians, administrators, educators, researchers, and theorists in the delivery of health services.  相似文献   

Some historical and literary background regarding lesbianism in China is given. The demographic data, family background, and behavioral characteristics of 15 Chinese lesbians are described and compared with a matched group of married women. More lesbians were adopted, reported unhappy childhoods and hostile family atmospheres, had parents who preferred them to be boys, and attended sexually segregated schools. The subjects differ from their Western counterparts in having a closer relationship with their mothers and in the absence of oral sexual practice.  相似文献   

During the past 20 y, there has been much interest in sugars and especially fructose in relation to human health. Over the past decade, considerable scientific debate and controversy have arisen about the potential health effects of sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), and fructose itself. HFCS increasingly has been used as a sweetener in thousands of food products and soft drinks, leading to the development of obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and metabolic syndrome (MetS) in both rodents and humans, which is associated with an increase in body weight. There is a need for detailed research on the mechanism underlying MetS that could lead to a remedy. This review will first systematically present a definition of MetS, its history, prevalence, and comparative diagnostic criteria. We will then consider fructose and its effects on human health, the diet-induced obesity model (various fat contents), the hypercholesterolemic model, the diabetes model, the hypertensive model, the MetS or insulin resistance model, and biomarkers related to MetS, in light of contemporary data using multiple databases (PubMed, MEDLINE, and OVID).  相似文献   

Throughout history, society has expressed little interest in early childhood play. Still early literature authors and classical paintings portray childhood play experiences. The way play has been conceived in the past in child development, psychology and other disciplines relates to contemporary early childhood programmes. This article provides an historical overview of the way literature and the visual arts depict play. The early pioneers and historical representations of children's play are briefly discussed to help us understand the way play was portrayed in literature and the visual arts.  相似文献   

China today is experiencing a rural health crisis, one that has uncomfortable echoes of the past. Within China's 'second society' of the peasantry, a resurgence of historical health problems (including vulnerability of the rural poor to epidemics such as schistosomiasis and tuberculosis and high rates of infant and maternal mortality) merge with contemporary concerns over HIV/AIDS, respiratory problems and the threat of Avian Flu to seriously threaten the health and welfare of people in rural areas. This review illustrates and explores the roots of this crisis in terms of key processes of social and environmental change and state health care policy. We argue that this crisis can only be resolved via a fundamental rethink of health provision across China, one that focuses especially on the poorest, most remote parts of the nation (both spatially and socially), and in which the privatisation of health care is more evenly balanced by increased state investment in basic health provision.  相似文献   

目的:对中国云南184年人间鼠疫历史进行分段。方法采用最优分割法,以计算机技术为核心的信息技术的高速发展,使得数理逻辑方法在历史学中运用变成了可能,使历史定量分析方法从统计与对比的初级阶段上升到大数据和大尺度的综合建模分析以发现历史规律的更深层面上。结果将中国云南184年历史人间鼠疫分为九段,从而提高历史研究对历史现象、经验、规律的总结和指导人们理解和解决当代问题,并正确地预测和把握未来。有组织的、有序的和科学的减灾、防灾行为显得至关重要。结论云南历史上的人间鼠疫表现出强烈的随机性和动态的连续性。它不仅考量了人文社会的稳定性和价值取向,更重要的是推动了人文社会的文明与进步。  相似文献   

医疗器械维护管理体制改革初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指出了当前医疗器械维护管理方面存在的问题,从2个方面分析了存在问题的原因,提出了要改革旧的医疗器械维护管理体制、实现医疗器械的现代化管理就必须建立一支现代化的医疗器械维护管理队伍,建立健全现代化的医疗器械维护管理制度和运行机制。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to describe End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) among Egyptian patients and to identify the possible risk factors of their disease. A case-control study was conducted with 2 control groups (patient or hospital control group and normal community control group) compared with ESRD cases on haemodialysis. The study revealed that hypertension, followed by obstructive uropathy, are the leading causes of ESRD. Conducting the multiple logistic regression analysis, the following factors were found to act independently as risk factors for ESRD, in that order of importance: past history of hypertension, family history of renal failure, past history of renal pain, smoking, urban origin of birth, past history of renal or urinary stones, past history of schistosomiasis, the presence of a near-by residential factory and past history of frequent hospitalization. A quality of life score has been invented. Women experienced a bad quality of life in relation to men and the score correlated positively with age. A number of recommendations have been generated.  相似文献   

我国流行病学学科发展70年的历程与成就   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
流行病学是在人类预防疾病和促进健康的实践中发展起来的一门学科,是公共卫生与预防医学的骨干学科。新中国成立70年来,随着人类疾病谱的变化和医学模式的转变,流行病学的应用范围由传染性疾病扩展到慢性非传染性疾病、伤害和其他健康相关领域。流行病学在疾病防控、科研教学、学会建设和期刊发展等方面取得了显著成就。本文拟梳理和概括我国流行病学学科发展历程,展示我国流行病学领域70年来的成就和贡献,探讨未来流行病学的学科发展方向,为我国流行病学学科发展留下历史印迹。  相似文献   

介绍了我国医疗服务价格项目规范的研究现状,描述了<全国医疗服务价格项目规范>在卫生改革中的作用,提出要进一步完善医疗服务价格体系:①"按项目付费"是其他医疗支付方式的基础;②加强各省的师资培训,确保<项目规范>的正确实施;③建立特殊医疗消耗用品目录,加强耗材使用管理;④制定全国统一的医疗服务项目价格系数;⑤深入开展符合我国国情的医疗付费方式研究;⑥制定各学科临床诊疗规范;⑦建立与国际接轨的编码体系.  相似文献   

Our purpose in examining the social foundation of occupational health nursing is to better determine the future direction of the profession and its impact on a diverse workforce. Part of what makes up the profession of occupational health nursing is found in its definition: a process that is determined by the interaction between the occupational health nurse, worker, work and workplace; its goal is to assist the worker to achieve his or her optimal level of functioning, primarily through health education, health promotion, prevention of disease and injury and crisis intervention. Much of occupational health nursing is also based on its history and the traditions that have been established. A true understanding, then, of what occupational health nursing's future can be comes from a solid understanding of the history of the profession. As social trends in the past affected the profession, so will they in the future.  相似文献   

Globally, sterilization protects more couples from pregnancy than any other contraceptive method. However, use of sterilization has grown only gradually and annual rates of adoption remain low. The high prevalence of sterilization can be explained by its excellent continuation rate, its appeal to a broad age range at the time of adoption, and its long history of availability. International patterns show that sterilization users are concentrated in the two large countries of China and India, but numerous smaller countries also have high proportions of couples using the method. Four personal characteristics differentiate its use within each country: age, parity, residence, and sex. A new projection method indicates that approximately 159 million sterilization adoptions are expected between 1990 and 2000, half of them in China. Most future sterilization users will be found where they have been in the past, due to their concentration in China and India and to the large carry-over of current users in all countries. Projections for sterilization are more dependable than are those for other contraceptive methods, because most current users are young enough to remain in the pool of active users for 10 years. They constitute a large component of the expected total in the year 2000--about 269 million users, or 29 percent of all couples.  相似文献   

Poland is one of the countries distinguished by a long and colorful past. Undergoing numerous turbulent socio-economic changes forced by the course of history, Poland is now one of the member states of the European Union. Experiencing low water quantity and high contamination levels in surface waters, Poland is following other EU countries in the effort to reach a “good” water status. Herein are presented impacts of changes in Polish history on water legislation, management, and research, as well as explanations for the perceptible split between engineering and scientific approaches to the aquatic issues. Drawbacks caused by unsatisfactory state research funding for the sciences and division of the water related contemporary scientific interests are also discussed.  相似文献   

Many problems can be solved through following clinical guidelines and algorithms. In this essay, however, I explore the importance of narrative by connecting an ancient Middle Eastern teaching fable to a contemporary story of healing. A middle-aged Latina, Magdalena, comes to my residency clinic with chronic hypertension, cerebrovascular disease, and depression. Using standard biomedical approaches, I attempt to manage and cure these chronic conditions. After several months of failure, I seek the guidance of an eccentric mentor, who points me toward broader and deeper interactions with my patient. Ultimately, Magdalena heals herself through revisiting her past. Her story suggests that the cause of illness may sometimes be found outside the usual biomedical framework of explanation.  相似文献   

Professional interest in the association of diet and nutrition with cancer first appeared in the early 1800s, if not before. Yet, progress in understanding this association over the past two centuries has been exceedingly slow and confusing. Without addressing this confusion, progress in using diet and nutrition information to prevent and even to treat cancer, will remain uncertain. To better understand this issue, the present paper is the first of two to explore the history of the diet and cancer relationship prior to a 1982 National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report on Diet, Nutrition and Cancer. This report was a milestone in the nutrition and cancer history because it was the first science-based, institutional report on this topic. But, based on the evidence cited in that report, it could be inferred that this topic was relatively new, perhaps beginning around 1940. While it attracted great public interest, it also generated great controversy, some of which was a natural response from affected industries. Exploring the history prior to 1940, therefore, might provide clues on the present-day confusion concerning the relationship between diet and cancer. This investigation asks three questions. First (the subject of this paper), was the relationship of nutrition to cancer even considered prior to 1940 and, if so, what was said? Second (the subject of the upcoming paper), assuming that nutrition was seriously considered, why then was it ignored or forgotten? Third, has the forgotten information contributed to the contemporary confusion surrounding the relationship to cancer? The answer to the first question, considered here, is that, yes, nutrition as a possible cause of cancer was not only hypothesized, it was a major topic for discussion in some quarters. But it also was a topic struggling to be heard among the authorities who had most of the power and influence in the professional cancer community. This paper documents that history and the corresponding struggle for this message to be heard. One figure, Frederick Hoffman, founder of the American Cancer Society and prodigious researcher, led much of that effort during the period of 1913-1943, but his contributions have remained almost totally unknown.  相似文献   

In this article, I explore the early history of contemporary menstrual activism in the United States by looking through the lens of the first seven editions of the feminist women's health classic, Our Bodies, Ourselves (OBOS). This analysis illustrates the development of a critical menstrual consciousness as three key phases of the emerging movement, offers a representation of the dynamic nature of feminist health consciousness, and highlights the importance of linking current activism to its past.  相似文献   

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