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前交叉韧带重建术的广泛开展是由于它能使得患者恢复损伤前的运动水平,其结果往往依赖于手术后早期的物理疗法,强调早期活动。由于理疗早于移植物在骨道的组织学愈合,所以早期的康复要求手术中坚强的机械固定。因此移植物和骨的连结,固定方法是手术后短时间内的薄弱环节,而不是移植物本身,目前可行的固定方法包括固定软组织或者骨块,通过在骨道挤压或者固定在远侧的骨皮质上。我们回顾了目前在前交叉韧带重建中可行的固定方法。  相似文献   

目的:探索膝关节前交叉韧带重建术的各个关键技术环节,为提高前交叉韧带修复的临床效果提供理论和实践依据。方法:通过分析与总结与前交叉韧带重建相关的文献资料,包括其手术方式、移植物的选择、骨道定位、髁间窝成形、移植物预张与张力、移植物固定等,同时结合作者的工作经验旨在进一步提高前交叉韧带重建技术。结果:①手术方式选择:膝关节镜下生物材料移植重建前交叉韧带取得比以往优良的临床效果,已得到广泛认可。多数采用单束重建,部分学者正在尝试双束重建以改善移植物生物力学性能。②移植材料的选择:包括自体和同种异体材料,其中自体骨-髌腱-骨与腘绳肌腱最为常用。骨-髌腱-骨由于两端带有骨块,固定牢靠,允许早期重返运动场,颇受年轻运动员青睐。腘绳肌腱取材切口小,术后很少出现膝前痛,但其稳定性不如骨-髌腱-骨,且术后相对容易出现骨隧道扩大。异体移植物在体内结合、重塑速度较自体移植慢,但若经过严格的供体筛选、合理的组织取材、消毒和保存,而不减弱移植物强度,仍可取得与自体移植相当的效果。③骨道位置:正确的骨道定位非常重要,骨道位置太靠前会造成髁间窝撞击和伸直受限。研究表明,术中采用骨性标志定位法要比采用软组织标志定位法准确,术中摄片有助于骨道位置的正确定位。④髁间窝成形术:髁间窝成形的目的是为了便于更清楚的观察髁间窝后侧,同时也是为了避免髁间窝撞击综合征的发生,由于髁间窝过度成形会增加关节出血、疼痛、肿胀以及骨赘生长,所以一般不主张广泛的髁间窝成形,除非术中确有必要时才进行。⑤移植物预张与张力:移植物初始张力不够会导致膝关节持续松弛,而张力过高会限制关节活动并加速关节退变。目前对于最佳的初始张力尚无确切说法。⑥固定:现在已经研制出许多不同类型的固定材料。对于骨-髌腱-骨而言,界面挤压螺钉单切口重建前交叉韧带时,股骨侧靠近关节腔侧固定,胫骨侧远离关节腔侧固定,双切口技术时胫骨侧靠近关节腔侧固定,股骨侧远离关节腔侧固定。股骨侧固定完毕后,膝关节取何角度对胫骨侧进行固定尚存争议。膝关节稍屈曲状态下固定不容易发生松弛,但正常的膝关节在前后方向上是允许有一定松弛度的。有些学者认为在膝关节完全伸直状态下固定可以避免屈曲挛缩畸形的发生并允许前后方向有轻度松弛。而有些学者认为在膝关节稍微屈曲状态下固定会更紧。结论:要真正做到解剖、生物力学、生理功能全方位重建,前交叉韧带重建技术,仍需不断完善,分子生物学、基因工程和组织工程技术的发展以及计算机辅助机器人手术的开展会使前交叉韧带重建技术日臻完善。  相似文献   

目前,膝关节镜下进行前交叉韧带重建术已成为临床上治疗前交叉韧带断裂的常规方法,常用的移植物有自体骨-1/3髌腱—骨(B-PT-B)、自体腘绳肌腱(ST/G)、同种异体跟腱和LARS韧带等,文献上对各种移植物重建前交叉韧带的介绍也较为全面,但也有文献报道前交叉韧带重建术后会有相关并发症的发生,现将其作一综述.  相似文献   

前交叉韧带重建手术后的护理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对33例前交叉韧带损伤在关节镜下行前交叉韧带重建术,给予心理护理、一般护理、患肢护理、引流管护理、支具护理和康复护理,结果所有病人临床治愈出院,无关节内感染。经随访,病人术后半年均能完成日常生活,1年后可以参加各自工作。复查X线片示骨道愈合,膝关节无退变,未发现膝关节松弛或内固定物松脱现象。认为,关节镜下前交叉韧带重建术后康复治疗和功能锻炼是非常重要的一个环节。  相似文献   

对33例前交叉韧带损伤在关节镜下行前交叉韧带重建术,给予心理护理、一般护理、患肢护理、引流管护理、支具护理和康复护理,结果所有病人临床治愈出院,无关节内感染。经随访,病人术后半年均能完成日常生活,1年后可以参加各自工作。复查X线片示骨道愈合,膝关节无退变,未发现膝关节松弛或内固定物松脱现象。认为,关节镜下前交叉韧带重建术后康复治疗和功能锻炼是非常重要的一个环节。  相似文献   

背景:前交叉韧带是维持膝关节稳定性的重要解剖结构,前交叉韧带重建后的腱骨愈合质量与临床功能康复一直备受关注。目的:探讨在前交叉韧带重建术中采用相同直径的移植物与不同大小骨隧道相匹配,用组织学方法观察移植物肌腱与周围骨壁的愈合情况,同时用生物力学的方法检测其功能恢复情况。方法:取犬自体中1/3跟腱作为前交叉韧带移植物,修整为相同直径4 mm。16只成年雄性杂交犬随机数字表法平均分配到4个组,完整切除前交叉韧带,于股骨和胫骨止点处分别制备胫骨、股骨隧道,直径分别为5,4.5,4,3.5 mm,并移植入待用跟腱链接于骨隧道内。重建后6周时,按常规麻醉处死实验犬,收集手术区域组织与器官,作解剖、苏木精-伊红染色组织学观察、生物力学检测及进行统计学分析。结果与结论:前交叉韧带重建后6周,解剖观察移植物与骨隧道生长未见各组明显差异;苏木精-伊红染色发现腱骨愈合界面出现sharpey样纤维连接,3.5 mm骨隧道组胶原纤维较其他组致密有序;同时3.5 mm移植物生物力学检测结果优于同期各组。结果提示,在前交叉韧带重建中,减小与移植物匹配的骨隧道直径,使其肌腱与骨隧道之间紧密压配,能提供更加稳定的细胞生物学和力学环境,加快腱骨愈合界面的形成和改造,提高腱骨愈合质量。  相似文献   

背景:传统的"tibial inlay"技术已取得较好的临床效果,但必须经过后方关节囊切开技术,如何在全关节镜下完成胫骨端"inlay"是课题研究的方向.目的:设计全关节镜下胫骨inlay重建膝关节后交叉韧带的技术和手术方法.方法:通过5例成人膝关节尸体标本设计关节镜下手术流程和方法,并设计专门的胫骨隧道形态及配套的胫骨钻头.通过对30张正常MRI片进行测量,确定胫骨隧道的角度,明确术中定位器的角度.设计移植物骨块的形态和固定方法,建立胫骨隧道的方法.结果与结论:胫骨隧道内口设计成14 mm×7 mm×15 mm的圆锥状,外口为直径7 mm的圆柱状,配套的胫骨钻头设计成分体式,满足在关节镜下操作的要求.胫骨平台后缘后交叉韧带止点出骨面与水平夹角36°~47°,定位器建议固定在40°.移植物使用异体跟腱,移植物骨块设计成圆锥状,与胫骨隧道内口相嵌合,移植物胫骨端使用纽扣钢板固定.5例标本手术均获得成功,移植物固定可靠,隧道位置准确.证实关节镜下胫骨inlay重建膝关节后交叉韧带手术具有可行性.  相似文献   

[目的]比较自体腘绳肌腱重建前交叉韧带术后3种不同康复方案对术后骨隧道增宽的影响.[方法]将60例单侧自体腘绳肌腱重建膝关节前交叉韧带手术的病人随机分为保守康复组(A组)、激进康复组(B组)和自制康复计划组(C组),每组20例.术后12个月比较Lysholm评分、三维重建CT检查移植物骨隧道直径.[结果]C组Lysholm评分优于A 组、B组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);B组骨隧道明显大于A组和C组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).[结论]自体腘绳肌肌腱重建膝关节前交叉韧带术后早期康复可以改善膝关节功能,但不同康复训练方案将影响术后骨隧道的愈合,应以适度康复为原则.  相似文献   

通过对46例膝关节镜下后交叉韧带重建术手术配合的总结,探讨应用不同移植物关节镜下重建后交叉韧带的手术配合要点.手术护士需要了解膝关节内的生理解剖位置和生物力学特性,根据手术需要应用不同移植物而备齐手术用物,熟悉手术步骤,密切配合医生顺利完成手术.  相似文献   

关节镜下LARS人工韧带重建膝前交叉韧带的手术配合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
膝关节前交叉韧带(ACL)损伤断裂后,对韧带的重建是目前治疗的主要手段。目前,使用的移植物分三种:自体移植物、同种异体移植物和人工韧带。虽然膝关节韧带损伤后用自体韧带重建为首选,但是LARS人工韧带的出现,使得关节镜下人工韧带在重建交叉韧带方面逐渐被关注。2008年10月~2009年7月,我院对38例前交叉韧带损伤患者行LARS人工韧带重建术,取得满意效果,现报告如下。  相似文献   



Reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament is a standard surgical procedure in sports traumatology. The widespread replacement method using hamstring tendons has an important shortcoming namely delayed or missing bony healing in contrast to patellar tendon grafts where implant-free fixation is established by using the adjacent bone blocks. The purpose of this study was to describe a new implant-free surgical procedure using hamstring tendon grafts and to analyse the influence on tibiofemoral kinematics in vitro.


Nine human knee specimens with arthroscopically transected anterior cruciate ligaments were mounted on a dynamic knee simulator and weight-bearing muscle-loaded knee flexions were simulated while a robotic universal force sensor system was used to provide external tibial loads. Three different loading conditions were simulated including partial body weight only, an additional 50 N anterior tibial force or an additional Five Nm of internal rotational torque. After reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament using a tibial bone block hybrid technique these three trials were repeated. The kinematics was measured with an ultrasonic measuring system and different loading and ligament conditions were examined. Graft tunnel placement was verified by computed tomography.


Our fixation method achieved stability to anterior tibial drawer force whereas internal tibial rotation did not change before and after the reconstruction. Computed tomography confirmed anatomical graft and tunnel placement.


The presented operative procedure is technically feasible and leads to reproducible results concerning knee joint kinematics and graft placement.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe purpose of this study was to directly compare spiked washer and suture-post tibial-sided fixation techniques used for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction by measuring anterior tibial translation during cyclic tests.MethodsFresh-frozen human knees were tested using a robotic system that applied 250 cycles of anterior-posterior tibial force (134 N) at 30° flexion, while recording tibial translation. Ten intact knees were tested to collect baseline data for native specimens. A single knee was selected to test ligament reconstructions using doubled tibialis tendon allografts. All grafts were fixed proximally using an EndoButton™, and the tibial end of the graft was fixed with either a spiked washer or with a suture post placed at two different locations (near and distant) relative to the tibial tunnel.FindingsMean first cycle translation for intact knees was 4.8 (sd 1.8) mm; means after reconstruction were 2.6 (sd 0.9) mm (spiked washer), 10.1 (sd 1.9) mm (suture post near), and 10.4 (sd 1.5) mm (suture post distant). Corresponding means for translation increase over 250 cycles were 0.3 (sd 0.2) mm, 3.6 (sd 1.3) mm, 7.2 mm (sd 0.9) mm, and 8.0 (sd 1.3) mm. All mean increases (first cycle and cyclic) after ACL reconstruction were significantly greater than those for the intact knees, and all means with a suture post were significantly greater than those with a spiked washer. There were no significant differences between mean translations for near and distant suture post locations.InterpretationUse of suture post fixation for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is questioned since increases in anterior tibial translation could lead to excessive post-operative knee laxity and possibly early clinical failure.  相似文献   

目的 比较自体腓骨长肌腱(PLT)与腘绳肌腱(HT)重建前交叉韧带的临床疗效。方法 回顾性分析桂林市中医医院2017年8月-2019年12月收治的56例前交叉韧带损伤患者的临床资料。其中,男26例,女30例,20例行自体PLT重建前交叉韧带(PLT组),36例行HT重建前交叉韧带(HT组)。在术前及术后6和12个月,对所有患者的手术时间、手术切口长度、合并半月板损伤、受伤时间、体重指数(BMI)等进行分析,并用国际膝关节文献委员会(IKDC)评分、Lysholm评分和Tegner评分对患者膝关节运动功能进行评估。结果 HT组手术时间和手术切口长度均较PLT组长,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);两组患者术后6和12个月IKDC评分、Lysholm评分和Tegner评与术前比较,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05),但术后6和12个月比较,差异均无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。结论 自体PLT重建前交叉韧带较HT重建前交叉韧带用时少、创伤小、更加美观,且操作简单、并发症少,术后疗效确切,可作为移植物替代HT行前交叉韧带断裂重建。  相似文献   



Previous research has shown that patients with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction have altered movement patterns in the reconstructed knee during walking. In the sagittal plane, graft specific changes in knee joint motion have been reported between hamstring and patellar tendon anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction grafts. This study examined the secondary planes of movement during walking in anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed knees to evaluate the influences of graft type (hamstring or patellar tendon) and control condition (control group or contralateral knee).


In 54 participants (18 patellar tendon graft, 18 hamstring graft and 18 controls) varus–valgus and internal–external rotation was measured during level walking in a gait laboratory at mean of 10 months after surgery. All patients had undergone primary unilateral anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction within 12 months of injury.


For internal–external rotation there was no difference between the graft types and both patient groups had reduced internal rotation (an external rotation offset) and reduced internal rotation range when compared to the control group and contralateral knee. For 31 of 36 patients, internal rotation values were less than the control group mean. The hamstring group had reduced varus rotation compared to both the patellar tendon and control groups, but not when compared to the contralateral knee.


The results show that there are differences in tibial rotation during walking in anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed knees compared to both the contralateral knee and uninjured control group. These kinematic alterations may relate to the high incidence of knee osteoarthritis observed in this population over time. Reduced varus in the hamstring group may relate to the graft harvest.  相似文献   



Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction does not necessarily restore normal knee movement. Increased tibial rotation has previously been noted during pivoting activities and may be due to the orientation of the anterior cruciate ligament graft associated with traditional single bundle reconstruction techniques. Recent research has shown that it is possible to limit rotation during level walking using a single bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. This study evaluated rotational knee kinematics during a pivot task in a group of patients who had undergone anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using a single bundle technique and compared the findings to a normal control group.


In 27 anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and 25 control participants, internal–external rotation was measured during a descend stairs and pivot task in a gait laboratory.


Results showed that the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction patients had less internal tibial rotation (for both range of rotation and maximum rotation) than the control participants (effect size = 0.7).


These results suggest that it is possible to limit rotation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using a single bundle technique, even during a pivoting movement that places a high rotational load at the knee joint. The positioning of the femoral tunnel in a more anatomical position may be responsible for the reduced tibial rotation.  相似文献   

目的 探讨正常成人足底跖骨水平高频超声检查方法及声像图表现。方法 采用高频超声扫查40名正常成人足底跖骨水平,以第一至五跖骨底、体、头作为解剖标志,描述并记录声像图特点及扫查方法。结果 高频超声可清晰显示足底跖骨水平的皮肤、足底脂肪垫、足底腱膜及其深部肌肉结构,包括趾短屈肌、展肌、小趾展肌、蚓状肌、短屈肌、小趾短屈肌、收肌及骨间足底肌。结论 高频超声可清晰显示足底跖骨水平肌肉骨骼系统解剖结构。  相似文献   

Bungee effect, bone tunnel expansion and impingement are the main problems complicating reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament. Key points for anatomical reconstruction are graft and bone tunnel placement and graft fixation. Using bone-tendon-bone patellar ligament grafts, the press-fit technique has proven to be a useful alternative technique, achieving high primary stability with refilling of the tibial bone tunnel, avoiding postoperative bone tunnel enlargement and addressing the requirements of graft fixation at the anatomical points on the femoral and tibial sites. Fixation of hamstring tendon grafts is subject to the same principles of anatomical repair; particularly important are shortening the free graft length, reducing the elasticity of the construct, increasing the stiffness and avoiding the movements of the graft in the bone tunnel. Using hybrid fixation techniques prevents graft slipping and bone tunnel widening. Graft impingement should be avoided with intraoperative controls of K-wire placement before drilling the tibial bone tunnel.  相似文献   

背景:前交叉韧带重建后感染的发生率比较低,但这种感染会导致灾难性的结果,目前对这种感染的诊断和治疗还没有取得一致的意见。目的:探讨导致前交叉韧带重建术后感染的原因、如何早期诊断,并探讨合适的治疗方案,以尽量保护膝关节的功能。方法:以"anterior cruciate ligament,reconstruction,infection"为检索词,检索Pubmed数据库(2007至2012年);以"前交叉韧带,重建,感染"为检索词,检索万方数据库(2007至2012年)。以与前交叉韧带重建后感染的相关文献为评价指标,纳入与前交叉韧带重建后感染相关的内容,排除重复研究。结果与结论:细菌污染手术工具或者韧带移植物是导致前交叉韧带重建后感染的最常见原因,移植物固定的方式和重建后感染之间可能有一定的关系。典型的前交叉韧带重建术后感染的症状和普通的化脓性关节炎的症状类似,但有的前交叉韧带重建后感染的病例并没有感染的典型表现。前交叉韧带重建后感染的诊断需要依靠临床症状、实验室检查(C-反应蛋白和血沉)、膝关节穿刺等方法。大多数外科医师选择静脉使用敏感的抗生素、膝关节灌洗并保留移植物作为自体移植物重建前交叉韧带后感染的首选治疗方法。当感染难以控制或者移植物看起来确实有感染迹象时应该考虑取出移植物。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective was to determine the effect of varying graft stiffness and initial graft tension on knee kinematics and graft tension after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. DESIGN: A 3D computational knee model was used. BACKGROUND: Many factors influencing the biomechanical outcome of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction have been investigated. However, there are no reports on the effect of variations in graft stiffness on knee behavior. METHODS: A 3D computational knee model was used to simulate anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using three different grafts with stiffnesses similar to the anterior cruciate ligament (graft 1), a 10mm bone-patellar tendon-bone graft (graft 2), and a 14 mm bone-patellar tendon-bone graft (graft 3). The initial graft tension was set to 0 or 40 N with the knee at 30 degrees of flexion. A 134 N anterior tibial drawer load and a 400 N quadriceps load were applied to the knee, and kinematics and graft tension were calculated. RESULTS: When fixed with no initial tension, graft 1 was found to under-constrain the knee, while graft 2 slightly over-constrained the knee, and graft 3 over-constrained the knee when compared to the intact knee. When an initial graft tension of 40 N was used, all of the reconstructed knees were more constrained than when an initial tension of 0 N was used. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that graft stiffness has a direct impact on knee biomechanics after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. An optimal anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction can be achieved if the anterior cruciate ligament is replaced by a graft with similar structural stiffness. RELEVANCE: This study showed that if the graft material and fixation sites are selected such that the anterior cruciate ligament structural stiffness is retained, normal knee kinematics can be restored.  相似文献   

Current fixation devices for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction demonstrate broad differences in terms of initial mechanical construct properties and biological graft integration. Fixation techniques are classified as anatomical, non- or semi-anatomical, and direct or indirect. It is important to consider the influence of the varying factors of graft fixation not only on the mechanical stability but also on the biological healing and graft incorporation of anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions. Therefore, it was the purpose of this paper to discuss current anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction techniques and isolate the different factors of graft fixation and their relevance for mechanical stability and biological healing.  相似文献   

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