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目的了解曲靖市中学生对紫外线及日晒危害的认知、防晒措施、对防晒霜的认知及使用情况。方法采用问卷调查的方式,进行面对面交谈,填写调查问卷。结果大部分的中学生知道过度日晒可致皮肤损伤;其中女生及高中生对紫外线种类的认知、防晒意识及使用防晒霜的比例高于男生及初中生,(P0.01)。结论曲靖市中学生对有关日晒对皮肤健康的危害、防晒、防晒霜的认知和使用均有待提高,需要加强这方面知识的学习。  相似文献   

目的了解临沧市主要少数民族对紫外线损伤和防晒知识的认知情况。方法通过问卷调查的方式,随机抽取临沧市人民医院皮肤科门诊傣族以及佤族患者1 200例进行问卷调查,应用SPSS统计软件处理数据。结果 61.5%的被调查者知道紫外线致病,但是仅有27.67%和15.50%的患者知道光老化和光致肿瘤;80%的被调查者不了解防晒知识;仅有6.58%认为儿童需要防晒。傣族患者知道紫外线会致疾病的占69.68%,佤族占52.76%,但是具体致病类型的比率相差较大。傣族患者认为紫外线致病的类型中,光老化占37.74%,光致肿瘤占17.58%,光过敏占46.21%,光致黑斑占98.23%,日晒伤占99.19%;佤族患者认为紫外线致病的类型中,光老化占16.8%,光致肿瘤占13.28%,光过敏占26.12%,光致黑斑占86.72%,日晒伤占96.90%。40.81%和17.10%的傣族患者以及24.66%和10.00%的佤族患者了解防晒系数和防护等级定义;18.71%和14.03%的傣族患者以及14.31%和11.03%的佤族患者认为室内、雨天或者阴天需要防晒;仅有18.87%和8.87%的傣族患者以及5.34%和4.12%的佤族患者了解户外使用防晒霜的时间间隔和儿童需要防晒。佤族和傣族患者开始防晒或是使用防晒霜的年龄均在上大学或是工作以后。结论 1200例佤族、傣族患者对紫外线的具体危害以及防晒用品使用的认知水平低,部分患者存在错误的认识以及无所谓的态度,需要加强紫外线以及防晒知识的宣传和教育,提高当地主要少数民族的认知能力。  相似文献   

目的调查会宁县中学生对紫外线危害的知晓情况、防晒意识、防护方式及获取途径,为预防紫外线损伤提供科学依据。方法以问卷调查形式,了解会宁县中学生对有关紫外线引起皮肤损害、采取的防护措施及防晒知识的获取途径。结果共有300人完成问卷调查,大部分中学生知道紫外线照射可导致皮肤损伤,38.83%和51.20%的学生知道长期过度紫外线照射可致皮肤肿瘤和光老化;61.86%中学生在进行户外活动时采取防护措施,涂防晒霜的占32.78%,女生和城市生源中学生在防护意识和使用防晒霜方面的比例高于男生和农村生源(P〈0.05);电视传媒是中学生获取防晒知识的主要途径。结论会宁县中学生对有关紫外线引起皮肤危害的认知及防护知识认知度低,需要加强紫外线危害与防护知识的宣传和教育。  相似文献   

目的调查北京市小学生对日晒危害的认知及其防晒措施。方法以问卷调查形式,了解北京市部分小学生对有关日晒引起皮肤损害、采取的防晒措施,以及获得日晒危害和防护知识的渠道。结果共有560人完成问卷调查,平均年龄(10±1)岁。大部分小学生知道过度日晒可以引起皮肤灼伤、晒黑,50%的学生知道过度日晒可致皮肤老化、皮肤肿瘤。大部分小学生在进行户外活动时采取防晒措施,但仅有18.5%的小学生外用防晒化妆品。电视传媒是北京市小学生获得日晒对皮肤危害及其防护知识的主要来源。结论北京市小学生对有关日晒引起皮肤危害的认知及防护知识还不太满意,需要加强这方面的宣传和教育,以获取相关信息。  相似文献   

目的:调查中国城市人群对紫外线的认知和防护情况.方法:在北京和上海两城市以问卷调查的形式,了解部分人群对紫外线的基本特性、紫外线对人类健康的影响、防护紫外线的措施、防晒化妆品的认知和使用情况以及获得紫外线和防护知识的渠道.结果:共有1 171人完成问卷调查,其中仅有少部分人掌握了紫外线的基本特性;大部分被访者知道紫外线可以引起皮肤晒伤、老化和皮肤肿瘤,少部分(35%)人知道紫外线与白内障的形成有关.对于紫外线的防护,女性首选防晒化妆品,而男性首选太阳镜.对于防晒化妆品的调杏结果,尤其对于长波紫外线的防护(protection of UVA,PA),有45%的人不知道其含义;只有小部分人认为在高原和海滨需要使用防晒化妆品;影响选购防晒化妆品的首要影响因素为品牌知名度.获取紫外线和防护知识的首要渠道为电视广告.结论:北京和上海两城市的人群对于紫外线的认知及防护知识不尽满意,需要利用公共媒体加强这方面的宣传和教育.  相似文献   

北京地区680人皮肤光分型及防晒行为调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
紫外线照射可引起皮肤损伤,包括皮肤肿瘤,光老化,日晒伤.晒黑以及光变态反应等.为了了解北京地区人群对日光损害和防晒的认知程度及行为,我们对680人进行了有关日晒及防晒的问卷调查,现报道如下.  相似文献   

对于各种光敏感性皮肤病、日晒后加重的皮肤病、皮肤光老化、日晒伤及皮肤黑化等,皮肤科医生进行诊治的同患者提供全面的防晒建议,包括指导患者如何正确选用防晒剂,合理使用安全、有效的防晒剂确实是预防和治疗过程中的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

到达地面的太阳光谱主要由紫外线、可见光和红外线组成。长期以来人们认为阳光中的可见光对人体皮肤健康无影响,但最近报道显示可见光也可在多方面影响皮肤生理健康,导致皮肤红斑、黑化和光老化等,有进行合理防护的必要。目前市场上的防晒化妆品主要针对紫外线,无防护可见光的功效。该文就可见光对皮肤的损伤和损伤机制、与可见光相关的皮肤病及可见光防护的相关研究进行综述,以期为皮肤全面防晒提供新思路。  相似文献   

目的了解乌鲁木齐地区女性对紫外线危害的认知水平和自我皮肤防护的现状,使皮肤科医护人员更有针对性地进行个体化健康教育。方法随机抽取新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院皮肤科门诊维吾尔族和汉族女性就诊者494例进行问卷调查,采用SPSS17.0软件进行统计分析。结果知道紫外线会致光老化者占61.97%,知道防晒系数(SPF)和UVA防护等级(PA)含意的分别占46.96%(250/494)和17.21%(85/494),认为日光弱的冬天和室内需要防晒的分别占50.69%和30.56%,汉族女性比维吾尔族女性该方面知晓率高(P〈0.01);13岁以后开始有护肤意识的占6%,维吾尔族在13~15岁开始的占9.03%,汉族占4.08%;维吾尔族中有87.74%的女性经常使用天然物品护肤,有使用护肤品习惯的占58.0%,比汉族女性(分别占44.24%和48.37%)人数更多;维吾尔族女性不熬夜者占22.58%,汉族女性为55.21%;维吾尔族女性经常在室外活动的占6.45%,汉族女性为9.73%。结论494例受检者对紫外线的危害认知水平低,自我皮肤防护意识弱,且存在错误认知,需要加强并纠正该地区人群的皮肤防晒护肤知识宣传和自我护肤的健康教育。  相似文献   

紫外线辐射的危害及其防护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫外线辐射短期可引起日晒伤、晒黑,长期累积容易发生皮肤癌、光敏性皮肤病、免疫抑制和加速光老化等.影响紫外线辐射的因素很多,分别从影响UV辐射的气候学、日晒的行为和态度、日晒与日晒伤的关系、紫外线辐射的防护等相关因素进行概述.以期更深入了解紫外线辐射的危害及其相关因素.  相似文献   

The deleterious effect of ultraviolet radiation on humans has increased the need for photoprotection. Sunscreens are widely used as photo protective agents. They are divided into chemical sunscreens which absorb high-energy ultraviolet rays and physical blockers which reflect or scatter light. Effectiveness of sunscreens depends upon sun protection factor and its substantivity. Clothing is also important for sun protection and its effectiveness is measured by Ultraviolet Protection Factor. There are many other agents with photo protective properties, which range from antioxidants to plant extracts to DNA repair enzymes. Usage of wide brimmed hats and sunglasses, avoidance of solar exposure at times of peak intensity, use of cover-up garments and sunscreen lotions are effective for photo protection of the skin.  相似文献   

防晒教育的方法和意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sun protection education may alleviate the ultraviolet irradiation-induced skin damage. Many sun protection education programs have been carried out in many European and Amecian countries. The emphases of sun protection education vary with the types of educated populations, such as adolescents, outdoor workers and white-collar workers. There are four types of target outcomes for the education: sun safety knowledge, awareness, intention and behavior. The intervention method is a key determinant of the outcome of a sun protection education program. Until now, there has been little evidence to suggest that any one form of intervention is more effective than others.  相似文献   

As DNA damage induced by ultraviolet radiation plays an essential role in skin cancer induction, we pursued the measure of several DNA lesions induced by ultraviolet radiation in human skin for determining the efficacy of different topical photoprotectors. Non-exposed skin (buttocks from 20 individuals) was exposed to 10 doses of ultraviolet, which corresponded to three to four minimal erythema doses of solar-simulating radiation, and biopsies were taken at 24 h within the half and one minimal erythema dose sites and a nonirradiated, adjacent control area. We report that even suberythemal doses of ultraviolet radiation are capable of inducing substantial DNA damage, namely pyrimidine dimers, p53 induction, and the DNA base-modified product generated by oxidative stress, 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine. All three lesions are induced in a dose-dependent manner. An additional eight individuals were treated with either ultraviolet B or ultraviolet B + ultraviolet A sunblock (sun protection factor 15) and exposed to 71/2 and 15 times the minimal erythema dose on each individual, with biopsies taken at 24 h post-ultraviolet. Pyrimidine dimer and p53 expression were rarely seen in nonirradiated skin but occasional staining was seen in all normal skin for 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine. Applications of sunscreens to human skin before irradiation were shown to attenuate erythema but did not completely eliminate all three types of cellular damage when tested up to their sun protection factor 15. Furthermore, ultraviolet B + ultraviolet A sunscreens were less efficient than the ultraviolet B alone formulation for protection against all three lesions. These results suggest that DNA damage assessed in vivo by immunohistochemistry provides a very sensitive endpoint for determining the efficacy or photosensitivity of possible different protective measures in human skin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The incidence of skin cancer has risen over the past years, owing to increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Sun protection measures include avoiding exposure to the sun, using covering clothing and applying sunscreen. We evaluated the knowledge and compliance with advices about sun protection in a population of patients who had presented skin tumour(s). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A 30 question self-reporting questionnaire evaluating sun protective behaviour was distributed to 217 consecutive skin cancer-treated patients and completed by 198 of them. RESULTS: 72% of the responders had presented a melanoma, and 26% of them had presented only non-melanoma skin cancer. The present survey shows that patients who have had a skin cancer were aware of the cancer related risk of sunlight since 98% of the responders knew that ultraviolet radiations can include skin cancer. These patients did also take sun-protective measures because 73% of them had worn covering clothes when in the sun and 59% of them avoided outdoor activities during the midday hours. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that, after diagnosis of a skin cancer, patients limited their sun exposure; and wear protective clothing. However, sun-protection measures did not seem to be completely adequate. An evaluation of the various barriers to sun safety might be a key to understanding the sub-optimal sun protection.  相似文献   

Although wearing clothing to protect one's skin from the harmful rays of the sun is not new practice, this practice is of recent increasing interest. This article discusses 1) three types of protection (sunburn, precancerous skin lesion development, and photoaging) that can be realized by covering the skin with fabric, 2) the process by which some garments come to be labeled with information about ultraviolet radiation protection advantage, 3) the meaning of the information provided on product labels, 4) practical guidelines that can be used to decide which summertime garments having no stated sun protection information are the best for wearing out-of-doors, and 5) the pros and cons of using fabric and sunscreen lotions for sun protection.  相似文献   

Sunscreens have been advocated as an important means of preventing skin cancer. Ultraviolet radiation induced immunosuppression is recognized as an important event in skin cancer development, yet the effectiveness of sunscreens in protecting the human immune system from ultraviolet radiation (i.e. ultraviolet radiation) is still unclear. The only currently accepted method of sunscreen rating is the sun protection factor system based on the prevention of erythema. We determined immune protection factors for six commercially available sunscreens using a nickel contact hypersensitivity model in humans. Both sun protection factor and immune protection factor testing was performed using the same solar simulated ultraviolet radiation source and dose-responses were used to determine endpoints both with and without sunscreens. We found that the immune protection factor did not correlate with the sun protection factor; however, immune protection factor was significantly correlated to the ultraviolet A protective capability of the sunscreens, indicating that sunscreen protection from ultraviolet A is important for the prevention of ultraviolet immunosuppression, when there is constant ultraviolet B protection. We recommend that sunscreens should be rated against their immune protective capability to provide a better indication of their ability to protect against skin cancer.  相似文献   

Background Little is known about the sun habits of the population in Germany. Objective We aimed to assess the sun awareness and notion on ultraviolet (UV) radiation protection by fabrics in adult subjects from North Rhine‐Westphalia in Germany. Methods During regular skin cancer screening campaigns, 1206 subjects completed and returned a structured questionnaire on constitutional parameters and the respondents’ sun habits. Results Staying in the shade and the use of high‐factor sunscreens are the most commonly performed sun‐protective measures reported by the respondents. Males and lower‐educated people use clothing in conjunction with sunscreens more infrequently. Most respondents, particularly females, know that sun protection provided by clothing is variable. However, the elderly more frequently consider sun protection by clothing as excellent. Notably, more than two‐thirds of the respondents would prefer clothing with a labelled ultraviolet protection factor. The respondents of this survey mainly considered baby wear, children wear, and leisure wear for sun‐protective clothing, whereby light‐weighted, breathable, natural fabrics preferably made of cotton and linen were the most frequently reported protective textiles. Conclusions Given the lack of epidemiological observations on people's sun habits and protection in Germany, the present relatively large survey provides useful information and implications for counselling in sun protection and marketing of UV‐protective clothing.  相似文献   

Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is a rare autosomal recessive disease of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) repair with ultraviolet (UV) radiation sensitivity and a 10 000‐fold increased risk of skin cancer. Symptoms include: freckle‐like pigmentation in sun‐exposed skin before age 2 years, severe burns after minimal sun exposure (50% of patients) and damage to exposed surfaces of the eyes with loss of vision and ocular cancer. About 25% of patients develop a progressive neurodegeneration. The combination of an inherited inability to repair UV‐induced DNA damage and environmental exposure to UV must occur for cutaneous and ocular symptoms to develop. There is no cure for XP, but many of its manifestations may be reduced or prevented through consistent UV protection; thus XP serves as a model for sun protection of patients with marked photosenstivity. Sun protective clothing including hats, sunglasses and face shields, sun screen lotions and avoidance of environmental sources of UV are cornerstones of prevention of skin and eye damage and cancer. Although XP is a serious disease with the potential for limitation of life expectancy, XP patients can live active lives while at the same time avoiding UV.  相似文献   

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