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汪晓 《放射学实践》2008,23(8):943-944
肖恩华男,汉族,1964年12月出生于湖南省邵东县.中共党员,放射医学教授,主任医师,硕士研究生导师.现任中南大学湘雅二医院放射教研室主任、中华医学会湖南省放射医学分会副主任委员、湖南省介入放射专业组组长、湖南省临床介入质量控制中心副主任、国家自然科学基金评审专家、中国医学磁共振学术交流基金会评审专家、中国医学影像技术研究会放射学分会委员、中国抗癌协会肿瘤微刨治疗专业委员会委员.<国外医学:临床放射学分册>编委会副主任委员、<中华放射学杂志>、<中国医学影像技术>、<临床放射学杂志>、<实用放射学杂志>、<放射学实践>、<介入放射学杂志>、<中国临床医学影像学>、<世界华人消化杂志>、<中国肿瘤影像与微创治疗杂志>、<中南大学学报医学版>、<影像诊断与介入放射学杂志>、<中南肿瘤杂志>、<当代医学一中国介入放射学>等杂志编委.  相似文献   

<介入放射学杂志>第六届编辑委员会全体会议于2009年10月30日20:00-22:00在苏州在水一方大酒店召开.  相似文献   

介入放射学是在放射影像诊断学基础上发展起来的一门新兴的微创治疗学.介入放射学的定义是:在医学影像设备导引下,应用穿刺针、导丝、导管等进行诊断及治疗的学科.介入放射学内容包含介入性诊断和介入性治疗.介入医学是从临床应用角度来定义的,介入放射学则是从诊疗技术特点来定义的.《介入放射学杂志》与即将出版的《介入医学杂志(英文)》形成姊妹篇,将为我国介入医学发展,提升国际影响力创造条件.  相似文献   

加强介入医师临床思维与能力培养的重要性和紧迫性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据介入放射学的发展历史较短,但速度较快,治疗疾病病种繁多且逐渐复杂,与其他相关临床学科关系密切,各地介入放射学发展水平不平衡的现状及中国介入放射学从业医师队伍的特点,阐明介入放射学医师临床思维与能力培养的重要性和紧迫性,并提出关于加强介入放射学医师临床思维能力培养的几点建议.最后系统介绍临床工作中应遵守的疾病诊疗程序,强调做好患者围手术期管理和随访.加强介入放射学从业医师的临床思维能力培养,才能使介入放射学在夹缝中求生存,求发展,并成为一门让患者和其他同行们认可的临床学科.  相似文献   

"才饮南京水,又食武昌鱼"。在第十届中国介入放射学学术大会胜利召开后2周,中国介入放射学高峰论坛(2012.武汉)于2012年11月16日至18日在武汉隆重举行。本次高峰论坛由中华放射学分会介入放射学组主办,武汉协和医院及湖北省抗癌协会肿瘤介入专业委员会承办,《介入放射学杂志》、《临床放射学杂志》协办。  相似文献   

为了进一步推动全国介入放射学新技术的普及、推广和应用,定于2009年10月30日-11月1日在江苏省苏州市举办"2009年全国介入放射学新技术研讨会"暨"第六届全国介入放射学组成立大会",同时召开"第六届《介入放射学杂志》编委  相似文献   

重视基础实验研究,推动介入放射学的可持续发展   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
重读《中华放射学杂志》1 986年第 2期由我国著名放射学家荣独山和林贵教授撰写的述评“应当重视实验放射学的研究”一文感触颇多。 1 5年来 ,我国的实验放射学特别是实验介入放射学的状况如何呢 ?80年代中期至今 ,是我国放射学和介入放射学蓬勃发展的时期 ,大量的国际一流的大型影像设备和新技术涌入国内 ,使我国的放射学和介入放射学在极短的时间内与国际接轨。接踵而来的介入新技术和新领域使介入放射学的基础研究进入了鼎盛时期 ,在介入放射学领域 ,此期间出现了各种栓塞剂的研究和应用 ;肝癌、肺癌的供血研究 ;各种包裹化疗药物的微球…  相似文献   

《介入放射学杂志》第五届编委会于2006年7月12日下午在沈阳友谊宾馆召开。到会编委有65名。会议由李麟荪主编主持,名誉主编陈星荣教授首先讲话,程永德主编作了《介入放射学杂志》第四届编委会工作总结,徐克主编作了《介入放射学杂志》第五届编委会工作计划,会上还颁发了第五届《介入放射学杂志》编委会聘书,对下一步的工作进行了讨论。陈星荣教授讲话的议题是:团结一致,继往开来,提升杂志水平。陈星荣教授回顾了《介入放射学杂志》创刊的过程,肯定了杂志目前所取得的成绩,提出了“团结就是力量”、“众志成城”,为了《介入放射学杂志》的将…  相似文献   

2013年《介入放射学杂志》继续教育通知为满足全国介入放射学工作者,尤其是基层和地处偏僻地区的介入放射学工作者对继续教育的需求,充实基础理论知识,促进介入放射学医疗水平,提高教育和科研质量,节省介入放射学工作者接受继续教育的费用和时间,在本刊编委会专家们的积极支持下,经批准2013年《介入放射学杂志》将继续开设函授继续教育,项目名  相似文献   

为了把《介入放射学杂志》办的更好,于2004年7月6日在上海召开协办单位与理事单位联席会议。会议首先由《介入放射学杂志》主编程永德教授汇报工作,他指出《介入放射学杂志》是随着我国介入放射学事业发展的需要而创办的,  相似文献   

With more than 3000 members, the Chinese Society of Interventional Radiology (CSIR) is one of the world’s largest societies for interventional radiology (IR). Nevertheless, compared to other societies such as CIRSE and SIR, the CSIR is a relatively young society. In this article, the status of IR in China is described, which includes IR history, structure and patient management, personnel, fellowship, training, modalities, procedures, research, turf battle, and insightful visions for IR from Chinese interventional radiologists. Gao-Jun Teng and Ke Xu contributed equally to this article.  相似文献   

Interventional Radiology in Liver Transplantation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Radiology is a key specialty within a liver transplant program. Interventional techniques not only contribute to graft and recipient survival but also allow appropriate patient selection and ensure that recipients with severe liver decompensation, hepatocellular carcinoma or portal hypertension are transplanted with the best chance of prolonged survival. Equally inappropriate selection for these techniques may adversely affect survival. Liver transplantation is a dynamic field of innovative surgical techniques with a requirement for interventional radiology to parallel these developments. This paper reviews the current practice within a major European center for adult and pediatric transplantation.  相似文献   

Purpose To describe the current state and limitations to interventional radiology (IR) in Canada through a large, national survey of Canadian interventional radiologists. Methods An anonymous online survey was offered to members of the Canadian Interventional Radiology Association (CIRA). Only staff radiologists were invited to participate. Results Seventy-five (75) responses were received from a total of 247, giving a response rate of 30%. Respondents were split approximately equally between academic centers (47%) and community practice (53%), and the majority of interventional radiologists worked in hospitals with either 200–500 (49%) or 500–1,000 (39%) beds. Procedures listed by respondents as most commonly performed in their practice included PICC line insertion (83%), angiography and stenting (65%), and percutaneous biopsy (37%). Procedures listed as not currently performed but which interventional radiologists believed would benefit their patient population included radiofrequency ablation (36%), carotid stenting (34%), and aortic stenting (21%); the majority of respondents noted that a lack of support from referring services was the main reason for not performing these procedures (56%). Impediments to increasing scope and volume of practice in Canadian IR were most commonly related to room or equipment shortage (35%), radiologist shortage (33%), and a lack of funding or administrative support (28%). Conclusion Interventional radiology in Canada is limited by a number of factors including funding, manpower, and referral support. A concerted effort should be undertaken by individual interventional radiologists and IR organizations to increase training capacity, funding, remuneration, and public exposure to IR in order to help advance the subspecialty.  相似文献   

Interventional radiology (IR) is a rapidly expanding specialty that is facing the challenges of turf wars and personnel shortages. Appropriate exposure of medical students to this field can be vital to recruitment of potential future trainees or referring physicians. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge and views of final-year medical students in a single EU country regarding various aspects of IR. An electronic survey was sent via e-mail to all final-year medical students in a European country. The students were given a month to respond to the questionnaire. A total of 234 students of 675 (34.5%) replied to the survey. Of the respondents, 35% had previously completed an attachment to the radiology department. The majority of students (63%) thought their knowledge in radiology in general was poor. The percentage of students who correctly identified procedures performed by interventional radiologists was 69% for Hickman line insertion, 79% for fibroid embolization, and 67.5% for lower limb angioplasty. Sixty percent, 30%, and 47% thought that interventional radiologists perform cardiac angioplasties, perform arterial bypasses, and create AV fistulas, respectively. Forty-nine percent felt that interventional radiologists are surgically trained. Eighty-three percent of students were first made aware of angioplasty by a cardiologist. Thirty-one percent thought that interventional radiologists do ward rounds, 24% thought that interventional radiologists have admitting rights, and 26% felt that interventional radiologists run an outpatient practice. A significant number of students (76%) thought that the job prospects in IR are good or excellent but only 40.5% were willing to consider a career in IR. In conclusion, this study indicates that IR remains a nascent but attractive specialty to the majority of medical students. Further development of the existing informal undergraduate curriculum to address shortcomings will ensure that IR continues to attract the brightest talents to the field.  相似文献   

CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology - Platelet counts &lt;50/nl are often considered a contraindication for surgical and interventional radiology procedures. Yet, there are patients...  相似文献   

The program requirements for the new Interventional Radiology (IR) Residency were approved by the ACGME in September 2014. Soon, training institutions will be able to apply for accreditation and begin enrolling residents. The IR program requirements are long (44 pages) and a bit complex. In addition, some concepts in the program requirements, such as options for integrated or independent formats, may be unfamiliar to the radiology community. In this article, we summarize key concepts and explain important provisions in the IR program requirements. We hope to provide the reader with a firm foundation for understanding the full program requirement document and the application process.  相似文献   

Radiology practices characterized as small and rural are challenged to recruit and retain interventional radiologists. Lack of access to interventional radiologic services results in a failure to meet the needs of patients, hospitals, and other community stakeholders. Acknowledging this challenge, the ACR’s Commission on General, Small, Emergency and/or Rural Practice and Commission on Interventional and Cardiovascular Imaging and the Society of Interventional Radiology partnered to establish a joint task force to study this issue and identify strategies the ACR and the Society of Interventional Radiology should take to improve small and rural practice recruitment and retention of interventional radiologists. This report describes the deliberations and recommendations of the task force.  相似文献   

We report our assessment of the experience of female interventional radiologists in different Arab countries based on an online questionnaire that was sent to 57 female interventional radiologists in 5 Arab countries. These interventional radiologists were identified from the Pan Arab Interventional Radiology Society database and through personal communications. The survey included items related to demographics, social status, and the professional challenges of interventional radiologists, with a response rate of 93%. Forty-five percent of respondents were between 31 and 45 years of age. Interventional radiology practice represented 25%–50% of work time for 51% of respondents, and the main challenges reported were related to radiation exposure, balancing family/work life, and the male-dominated interventional radiology community.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine current issues facing the field of interventional radiology (IR) in Canada. METHODS: An anonymous online survey was emailed to all members of the Canadian Interventional Radiology Association. The survey was open for 1 month. RESULTS: A total of 83 survey responses were received (of an estimated possible 233). Responses regarding demographics, aspects of practice, research, and IR trainee education were collected. CONCLUSIONS: Several issues were identified as pertinent to Canadian interventional radiologists, including a current and future drought of interventional radiologists, a lack of women in the profession, inadequate protected research time for those in academic practice, a lack of protected clinical time, concern regarding turf issues with other specialties, division between interventional and diagnostic radiology, and the ideal profile of the future interventional radiologist. The field of interventional radiology (IR) continues to develop, expand, and mature at a rapid pace. As the field is still relatively young, several issues are bound to arise. It is important therefore to stay abreast of the current trends and opinions of practitioners within the field.  相似文献   

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