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结合当代社会对房事养生、谈性色变的大环境,对医家、道家房事养生的主要观点进行归纳总结,得出医道房内观都重视性行为保健,重视行房禁忌以及重视女性感受,而医家房内观更注重"辨证"论治,道家房内观则更注重追求"长生",本文着力展现中国古代房事养生术的医疗价值、文化价值和现实意义,讨论中国古代性研究的诸多益处,以期为当下中国性养生、性治疗的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

田栓磊  王琦 《中国性科学》2011,20(1):25-27,30
房事是正常成年人的生活必需,但男女的交合应有一定的原则,否则容易引起早衰甚至导致一系列疾病的发生。由于男女生理、心理不同以及社会因素等原因,古代医家关于男女两性房事养生原则的论述既有相同之处,又有所侧重。男女两性房事养生原则的相同点是都以"乐而有节"为基本原则,包括欲不可早、欲不可绝、欲不可纵、欲有所忌四个方面;不同点是古代文献对于男性房事养生重点强调了"欲不可纵",对于女性则主要强调了"欲不可绝",而"欲有所忌"中的"避会三期"对女性尤有重要意义。  相似文献   

所谓养生,似乎就是保养生命,以达到增进健康,延年益寿的目的。但这种解释是含糊的,笼统的,还不能作为“养生”一词的完整定义。科学的养生观应当从狭义和广义两个方面去认识。狭义的养生是生命个体的行为,亦即个人行为,是指个人的饮食起居、活动劳作、防病治病、药物滋补、房事调节等方面,以保证生命健康的质量,从而达到延年益寿的目的。这种个人行为的养生在养生学上称作后天养生。一般人多认为养生是老年人的事,或者是中年以后感到体质衰弱才行养生之事。这种看法也是错误的,古今养生家的实践经验告诉我们,养生始于人之  相似文献   

石成金,字天基,号醒庵愚人,具体生平不详,世居江苏杨州,大约生活于清初顺治、康熙时代(公元1644~1722年)。主要著作有《长生秘诀》、《长寿谱》、《养生镜》和《延寿丹方》等,是清代一位著名的养生学家。石成金非常重视房室生活,认为房事是养生保健  相似文献   

李渔(1611~1680),字笠鸿,号笠翁,浙江兰溪人,清代戏曲理论家、作家,对养生保健特别对房事养生很有研究。有《笠翁十种曲》和《闲情偶寄》等多种著作传世,后人合编为《李渔全集》。《闲情偶寄》共分六卷,其中卷六为“颐养部”,收录有《节色欲》一篇,对房室之事即两性生活作了精辟的  相似文献   

中医性医学渊源久远,虽肇始于上古,但奠基之作当首推《黄帝内经》。但多散见于各个篇章,略显杂芜。今总结前贤,试从性医学的病名渊源、生理特点、病因病机、脉象色诊、治则治法、选方用药、房事养生等方面予以系统论述,以期作为临床实践的辅助参考。故本文对中医性医学的理论及临床研究有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

多年来,根据祖国医学的传统理论,总结出了防治前列腺炎,必须注意的几个问题:第一,不要强行忍精憋尿在我国古代“房中术”中有一种“动而不泻”“、还精补脑”的说法,指男性在房事中可变换各种体位和动作进行交合,但应尽量避免泄精。当用“玉闭”法行房至“精羸”将泄时,急以左手食、中指压迫会阴部的屏翳穴,同时做深呼吸和叩齿的动作,以迫使精液回流于脑。据说,肾与髓之间有一管相通,未能泄出的精液可以通过这个通道还流入脑以有利于养生。现代解剖学证明,这种说法是明显错误的,而且容易造成房事后尿道和膀胱颈充血,并产生刺激感,引发性交后…  相似文献   

还精补脑是古代房中术中男性房事补益的基本理论依据之一。房中术认为男性房事补益的要点之一在于保精,保精即可补脑。不少房中著作载有房事活动中的还精补脑的具体方法。《抱朴子内篇·释滞》:“房中之法十余家,……其大要在于还精补脑之一事耳。”《黄庭外景经·上》:“还精补脑,不老之道。”  相似文献   

本研究探索女性自然房事习惯,旨在进一步做好性保健指导工作。讨论资料来源与方法 1.1997年7月一1997年12月来诊要求紧急避孕妇女随机82例为研究对象。 2.记录要求紧急避孕妇女其房事活动确切  相似文献   

中医养生以中医基础理论为指导,倡导人们注重修身养性以及情志、饮食、起居的调节。"驻颜美容"以中医养生理论为指导,是一种安全、持久、自然、健康、廉价的美容方法,养生理论的渗透是追求"内外兼修"的必经之路,最终才可达到阴阳平衡、气血调和的健康之美。  相似文献   

目的:了解在京外来务工男性对生殖健康方面的认知和态度,探讨这一群体的男性健康现状和需求。方法:采用随机问卷调查方式,对北京海淀区外来务工男性进行男性生殖健康方面的整群随机抽样问卷调查。问卷内容包括性别、年龄、婚否、文化程度、对男性健康的认识程度和相关知识等。使用SPSS13.0软件录入和统计。结果:发放调查问卷900份,收回有效问卷868份,回收率96.40%。56.3%外来务工男性年龄30岁,初中以下文化占51.4%,从事体力劳动的占38.9%。21.3%的男性从未听说过男性健康相关知识,33.0%的男性从未看过男性健康相关书籍,45.0%的男性从未看过男性健康相关电视节目或讲座,但81.8%的受调查者表示有必要加强男性生殖健康方面的宣传教育。结论:在京外来务工男性对男性生殖健康的认知、态度等方面水平偏低,但迫切需要相关方面的指导和教育,应进一步加强男性生殖健康的科普宣传教育等方面工作。  相似文献   

RATIONALE: The social marketing of STD treatment may be a strategy to increase the availability of effective therapy for urethritis in male patients. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a pilot project of social marketing of urethritis treatment packages. The project, initially designed for over the counter sale in private pharmacies, was finally restricted by national health authorities to primary healthcare settings in Yaounde and Douala, Cameroon. METHODS: Monthly sales of packages containing antibiotics, condoms, partner referral cards, and written information on STDs were monitored by the social marketing agency. Structured interviews were conducted with a sample of traceable patients who had consulted for urethritis. Structured interviews completed by focus group discussions were conducted among healthcare providers. Interview findings were further validated by a "mystery patient" survey, using surrogate patients. Lastly, 15 key informants among the decision markers involved in the project were interviewed in depth. Local independent consultants carried out the whole evaluation. RESULTS: A total of 1392 treatment packages were sold in 10 months. Patients who had purchased the package reported high compliance with the treatment, with 99% taking the single dose of cefuroxime-axetil and 83% completing the course of doxycycline. 76% notified all or some partners, and 84% of those who had sex during treatment used condoms. In contrast, only 27% of trained healthcare providers prescribed "MSTOP". They questioned the omission of laboratory diagnosis, the selection of antibiotics, and the duration of therapy. Public health authorities were also sceptical about the choice of antibiotics and viewed the initial project as an overt encouragement of self medication. CONCLUSIONS: Although the MSTOP project was not implemented in the way it had initially been designed, it highlighted the patients'' interest in the product. Public health authorities in Cameroon should have been made aware of the limitations of the formal sector''s response to STD care among men before over the counter sale of prepackaged therapy could have been considered as an alternative approach to inadequate self medication.


肥胖以及由此引起的各种慢性代谢疾病不同程度的危害着人类的健康,再加上环境因素和生活压力等影响着男性性功能。本文主要从年龄、生活方式、体力活动参与情况等对影响男性性健康的因素进行综述,以期为改善男性性健康提供理论依据。  相似文献   

提到男人,人们头脑中的潜意识往往是强壮、阳刚、顶天立地、满满的正能量。但是近十年来,男性健康越来越多的受到国内外民众的关注。世界卫生组织(WHO)新近调查也显示,中国的男科疾病发病率高达51%,男性健康日益滑坡已成为严峻的现实[1]。这无疑给中国男性敲响了警钟,男性身负家庭与工作的双重责任,更应该重视自身的健康,要主动采取养生措施增强正气,避免邪气的侵害,从而预防疾病的发生。  相似文献   

Male infertility may be a harbinger of future health. Emerging data suggests that a man’s reproductive health may provide a window into future health. Several studies suggest an association between male infertility and incident cancer. Testis cancer represents the best studied cancer outcome in infertile men. Due to common genetic pathways, it is perhaps simple to imagine how impairments in testicular function may also lead to a high risk of cancer. Studies from several countries have demonstrated that infertile men have a higher risk of testis cancer. The association between prostate cancer and male infertility has also been examined, but there are currently conflicting reports in the literature. In addition, investigators have also examined the association between male infertility and mortality. To date, three studies have been conducted with two demonstrating an inverse relationship between semen quality and mortality. The etiology of the relationship remains uncertain with several plausible hypotheses.  相似文献   

目的:了解广西贺州地区中老年男性更年期综合征发病率及其影响因素。方法:通过对我院健康体检门诊800例40岁以上接受检查的中老年男性,调查采用录入个人信息、整体健康状况、中老年男子雄激素缺乏(ADAM)自测表进行评估。结果:广西贺州地区中老年男性更年期综合征ADAM自测表阳性总发生率为63.2%,ADAM自测表阳性总发生率与年龄具有明显相关性(P0.05)。统计分析显示:年龄、吸烟、饮酒、肥胖、工作压力、婚姻状况、糖尿病、心血管疾病是影响男性更年期综合征发病率的重要危险因子,而业余爱好、体育锻炼是男性更年期综合征率的重要保护因子,民族、文化程度及职业对男性更年期发病率无明显影响。结论:随着年龄的增长,男性更年期综合征发生率逐渐增高,民族、文化程度及职业对男性更年期综合征的发生率影响不大。年龄、整体健康状况及生活方式是影响男性更年期发生的重要因素。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A positive correlation between lip and buccal cancers and pipe smoking has been suggested. Various types of crude and manufactured tobacco products are consumed by smoking, chewing, and snuff dipping habits. 'Shisha" and 'Goza' smoking are widely practiced in the Middle East. The 'hubble-bubble' method and apparatus are used. These smoking habits are hazardous to health, causing obstructive lung disease, and may be important predisposing factors for the development of oral cancers. CASE REPORTS: Two cases of squamous cell carcinoma and a case of keratoacanthoma localized to the lower lip are presented in well-known 'Shisha' and 'Goza" smokers. CONCLUSIONS: "Shisha" and 'Goza' smoking have adverse effects on general health and may predispose to oral cancer. An extensive epidemiological study should be performed to determine whether this type of smoking habit is associated with a statistically increased incidence of squamous cell carcinoma and keratoacanthoma of the lips.  相似文献   

目的了解寻常痤疮患者面部皮肤特征表现,并进行定量评价。方法随机选取2011年1月~2012年6月在北京军区总医院激光美容中心进行痤疮治疗的180例痤疮患者和同一时期进行美容咨询的50名健康者,应用VISIA皮肤图像分析仪和SOFT5.5皮肤性质测试仪对患者和健康者皮肤性质进行定量分析和评价。结果 VISIA数据显示与男性健康者相比,男性痤疮患者在纹理、毛孔和紫质均有明显差异性(P〈0.05),与女性健康者相比,女性痤疮患者在皱纹、毛孔、紫质和红色区均有明显差异性(P〈0.05);与女性痤疮患者相比,男性痤疮患者在色素斑、毛孔和紫质均有明显差异性(P〈0.05),与女性健康者相比,男性健康者在色素斑、皱纹、纹理、毛孔和紫质均有明显差异性(P〈0.05),而红色区未见明显差异性(P〉0.05);不同严重程度的痤疮患者差别主要在紫质和红色区;SOFT数据显示与男性健康者相比,男性痤疮患者在油脂有明显差异性(P〈0.05),与女性健康者相比,女性痤疮患者水分和油脂均有明显差异性(P〈0.05);与女性痤疮患者相比,男性痤疮患者在pH和油脂均有明显差异性(P〈0.05),与女性健康者相比,男性健康者在水分和油脂均有明显差异性(P〈0.05),而pH和弹性未见明显差异性(P〉0.05);不同严重程度的痤疮患者差别主要在水分和油脂。结论寻常痤疮患者面部皮肤特征较健康皮肤表现为皮肤pH、水分和油脂等肤质的差异性且具有明显的性别差异性。  相似文献   

The problem in terminology, regarding diffuse neurodermatitis or atopic dermatitis, is discussed from a viewpoint of an expert physician evaluating the health status of certain patients populations. The author advocates A. A. Kalamkarian and V. A. Samsonov's view point, for it permits expert evaluation of the subjects' health status from a universal clinical and methodological standpoint.  相似文献   

We studied biopsy specimens from ten male Caucasian patients with oral "hairy" leukoplakia. All patients either had the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or showed symptoms of the AIDS related complex (ARC). On the basis of the specimens studied, we describe the histopathological features of this new entity and discuss the already established criteria. Histopathologically, "oral hairy leukoplakia" is characterized by a prominent confluent parakeratotic cornified layer, a subcorneal horizontal bandlike array of large ballooned epithelial cells with pale eosinophilic cytoplasm and a clear perunuclear halo. PAS staining revealed hyphae in two of the ten biopsies. The histopathological changes seen in oral "hairy" leukoplakia are characteristic, but not specific. Thus they must be differentiated from a variety of histologically similar looking dermatoses of the oral cavity.  相似文献   

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