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目的:了解性健康教育课对大学生的影响及意义。方法:使用《四川省学校性健康教育推行计划》课题组编制的课前、课后问卷对四川某高校125名选修大学生性健康教育课的学生进行了调查。结果:学生选修性健康教育课程的目的是希望学习性知识,接受性教育;大学生对婚前婚外性行为和贞洁观的正确认识明显高于选修前;性健康教育课对大学生性行为规范、性观念等方面均有一定的影响;大学生对性健康教育课的评价是庆幸有机会接受这样的性教育。结论:性健康教育是提高大学生自身素质、自我生活能力的重要途径,是大学生正确择偶、获得终身幸福的重要手段,应大力开展并推广大学生性健康教育课。  相似文献   

目的了解男性强制隔离戒毒人员(以下简称为强戒人员)性健康素养水平,分析影响因素,为制定相应的干预措施提供理论依据。方法采用整群抽样方法,于2019年10月至11月对浙江省拱宸强制隔离戒毒所在管的880名强戒人员进行问卷调查。对问卷调查结果进行数据分析。结果调查的880名男性强戒人员中,总体性健康素养水平为5.1%,其中,性健康知识素养、性态度健康素养、性相关行为健康素养水平分别为7.3%、7.9%、41.3%;户籍以及是否患有STD是强戒人员性健康素养的影响因素(P0.05);Logistics回归分析显示,户籍与强戒人员总体性健康素养水平有关联,外省的水平相对高于浙江省本省的。结论男性强戒人员总体性健康素养水平较低,需要全面加强;各维度水平表现出不均衡,应以性健康知识教育为重点,以患有性传播疾病和浙江省户籍的强戒人员为重点人群,开展性健康素养提升活动。  相似文献   

目的:妇女性健康是医疗专业人员所关注的课题,因为性健康若受损害,对生活满足感和生活质量都有不良影响。本研究探讨与性健康相关的因素,调查香港妇女性健康的一般状况。方法:采用橫向研究法,通过问卷调查搜集数据,参与者人口特征广泛多样。结果:香港妇女性功能尚属健康,仅性欲方面稍为偏低。不利性健康的因素包括高龄、受教育程度低、离婚、停经、曾接受盆腔手术等。性健康较差的妇女,性活动较少,意味性生活质量较差。结论:医疗专业人员可根据掌握的风险因素,针对性的推广性健康咨询和教育讲座,提高妇女的性健康。  相似文献   

性作为人类生活的重要组成部分,是教育的重要组成部分。我国大学生性健康教育尚处于蹒跚起步阶段,无论是教育理念、教育内容、教学模式、师资队伍,还是教育效果都存在着许多问题。后现代主义作为一种重要的社会文化思潮,其解构理性,颠覆传统;无中心意识和多元价值取向;反对主客二元论和人类中心主义等特点对大学生性健康教育起着不可忽视的重要作用。  相似文献   

王子明 《中国性科学》2016,(8):I0001-I0001
前列腺是男性重要的附属性腺,功能异常及病理生理变化均可能影响男性生殖健康和性健康。现代医学已由细胞水平进入了亚细胞和分子层次,基因组学、蛋白组学、代谢组学等生物学技术迅速发展,现代科学技术的运用使许多疾病的治疗发生了革命性变化。但是我们对前列腺的功能,对前列腺疾病的病闲、发病机制和诊断治疗,特别是其对男性生殖功能和性功能的影响等许多问题的认识没有取得突破性进展。  相似文献   

王子明 《中国性科学》2016,(8):封2-封2
前列腺是男性重要的附属性腺,功能异常及病理生理变化均可能影响男性生殖健康和性健康.现代医学已由细胞水平进入了亚细胞和分子层次,基因组学、蛋白组学、代谢组学等生物学技术迅速发展,现代科学技术的运用使许多疾病的治疗发生了革命性变化.但是我们对前列腺的功能,对前列腺疾病的病因、发病机制和诊断治疗,特别是其对男性生殖功能和性功能的影响等许多问题的认识没有取得突破性进展.  相似文献   

2004年10月28日-30日,正当我国第四个男性健康日到来之际,贵州省性学会与省人口计生委联合在贵阳召开了“贵州省男性性健康、性心理、性医学学术交流会”及“性健康教育进校园活动”,中国性学会副理事长兼秘书长胡佩诚教授、中国性学会副理事长刘永良教授应邀出席,并与我省专家为参会的代表举办了有关男性性健  相似文献   

何平  张安琴  张蒙 《中国性科学》2012,(11):51-52,61
目的:了解医护人员对患者性健康指导现状,分析影响性健康指导的因素。方法:采用自行设计的医护人员性健康指导问卷表,调查了460名临床医护人员,并对数据进行分析统计。结果:医护人员对患者性健康指导行为分值较低,性健康指导行为与性健康知识、态度呈正相关(R=0.21~0.704,P〈0.01),影响健康指导行为的首要因素是性知识缺乏,态度次之。结论:临床医护人员普遍存在性健康指导知识缺乏、忽视患者性健康问题、健康行为受限的诸多问题。对患者的性健康教育任重而道远。  相似文献   

青少年性健康日益受到我国政府和各界的关注,并逐渐成为性健康教育领域的研究热点之一。在美国,媒体和保健系统对青少年的性健康有着不可忽视的影响。了解这些因素对青少年性健康的影响,有助于性健康教育工作者思考如何在我国为青少年的性健康成长提供更加和谐和有利的环境。  相似文献   

<正>现代社会飞速发展,生活节奏不断加快,男性面对愈发激烈的竞争,承受着巨大的压力,饱受疾病困扰,男性性健康问题尤为突出,不容忽视。其中男性勃起功能障碍(ED)是最常见的男性性功能障碍,其在40岁~70岁之间发病率高达52%。据统计,全球约有1.5亿男性患者有勃起功能障碍,到2023年人数将会增加到3亿。ED的男性因勃起或硬度问题导致同房质量下降或同房失败,性趣降低,同房次数减少,甚至不同房,不仅伤害男性自尊、自信,也降低夫妻双方的性满意度,影响夫妻关系,严重者甚至造成家庭破裂。  相似文献   

HIV risk profile of male street youth involved in survival sex   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
OBJECTIVES: To compare HIV risk factors of male street youth involved in survival sex with those of their never involved peers and to describe the sexual activities of the involved youths. METHODS: From 2001 to 2003, street youth aged 14-23 years were recruited from street youth agencies in Montreal, Canada. Information was collected on sociodemographic characteristics, substance use, and sexual behaviours. Involvement in survival sex was defined as having ever exchanged sex for money, gifts, drugs, shelter, or other needs. Logistic regression was used to identify HIV risk factors associated with involvement in survival sex. RESULTS: Among the 542 male participants recruited, 27.7% reported involvement in survival sex. HIV risk factors independently associated with such involvement were injection drug using partners (modulated by length of homelessness), unprotected oral sex with male partners, steroid injection, history of sexual abuse, and drug injection. Among involved youths, 32.0% had only female clients, 41.3% only male clients, and 26.7% had clients of both sexes. Unprotected sexual activities were common with clients. However, even more risks were taken with non-commercial sexual partners. CONCLUSIONS: Male street youth involved in survival sex are at higher risk for HIV than their non-involved peers not only because of their unprotected commercial sexual activities. They have multiple other HIV risks related to non-commercial sexual activities, drug injection, and sexual abuse. All these risks need to be addressed when providing sexual health interventions for this population.  相似文献   

北京市大学生性知识、性观念、性行为的调查研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
心理学理论认为人类所拥有的知识、信念、态度、价值观等都会影响人类的行为[1],错误的知识和观念往往导致错误的行为。随着年龄的增长,大学生的性生理与性心理逐渐成熟,其性需求的程度也随着年龄而逐渐增加[2],是人们常说的性活跃人群[3]。据有关文献报道,已有一定比例的大学生有过性交经历,但由于他们掌握的性知识存在一些偏差和不足,使得他们当中一些人正面临着一定的生殖健康问题[4]。为此,本研究通过调查大学生的性知识、性观念、性行为情况,旨在为今后开展大学生性健康教育提供基本依据。  相似文献   

Male sexual dysfunction has received growing national attention. The rates of sexual dysfunction in men are relatively high, and these dysfunctions are often associated with a decrease in quality of life. Despite this growing attention, the impact of these disorders on the female partner is not well understood. A small body of research has explored the effect of male sexual dysfunction on the female partner’s sexual health, and this evidence suggests that male sexual dysfunction can lead to female sexual disorders. The psychological impact has mainly been described in the clinical literature. The general consensus is that male sexual dysfunction increases distress in many female partners. However, for some female partners, male sexual dysfunction may help to sustain a preferred sexual balance in the relationship. These responses indicate the importance of partner inclusion in the treatment of male sexual dysfunction.  相似文献   

Despite a wave of public awareness of erectile dysfunction as a result of Viagra and its successor oral therapies, most men are not discussing issues related to sexuality with health care professionals. Epidemiologic surveys indicate that male sexual dysfunction (MSD) occupies an epidemiologically compelling position. Few doubt that sexual function is an important priority for men throughout their lifespan. The "therapeutic gap" between the frequency with which clinicians currently engage patients in discussions about sexual health and the optimal frequency of such discussions is substantial. Fortunately, readily applicable interviewing tools can allow health care professionals to obtain necessary fundamental information about sexual health and close this therapeutic gap.  相似文献   

Despite a wave of public awareness of erectile dysfunction as a result of Viagra and its successor oral therapies, most men are not discussing issues related to sexuality with health care professionals. Epidemiologic surveys indicate that male sexual dysfunction (MSD) occupies an epidemiologically compelling position. Few doubt that sexual function is an important priority for men throughout their lifespan. The "therapeutic gap" between the frequency with which clinicians currently engage patients in discussions about sexual health and the optimal frequency of such discussions is substantial. Fortunately, readily applicable interviewing tools can allow health care professionals to obtain necessary fundamental information about sexual health and close this therapeutic gap.  相似文献   

目的:探究糖尿病患者神经病变对男性性功能的影响.方法:将52例男性糖尿病患者和54例男性健康体检者分为两组,采用问卷调查的方法对两组研究对象的性功能障碍情况进行调查,并根据问卷调查结果将52例糖尿病男性患者分为障碍组和非障碍组,比较两组患者的病程以及神经病变发生情况.结果:糖尿病组男性性功能障碍的发生率显著高于健康组,P <0.05,而糖尿病组中障碍组患者的病程和神经病变发生情况均多于非障碍组,P<0.05.结论:糖尿病患者神经病变是影响男性性功能的重要因素,临床应采取积极治疗措施,以防治男性患者性功能障碍.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Quantify the factors associated with reporting sexual partners only known by, or able to be contacted by, an e-mail address (pseudonymous partners) and evaluate the efforts of provider partner notification when only an e-mail address was available. STUDY DESIGN: Persons with pseudonymous e-mail sexual partners were compared with unmatched controls. Associations were quantified by odds ratios and the effectiveness of provider partner notification attempts was assessed by comparison of outcomes of pseudonymous e-mail sexual partners and sexual partners with traditional contact information. RESULTS: Factors associated with having pseudonymous e-mail sexual partners included: male sex, white non-Hispanic, history of prior sexually transmitted diseases, multiple sexual partners, and reporting male-to-male sexual contact. Efforts at provider partner notification via e-mail were successful with 49.7% of pseudonymous partners notified and 40.1% evaluated. CONCLUSIONS: Internet-based forms of communications can be utilized as means to contact and identify risk partners. If this avenue is not utilized, public health agencies may be unable to intervene with a potentially growing percentage of at-risk persons.  相似文献   


Purpose of Review

This paper is written to introduce postpartum sexual functioning through a biopsychosocial lens, including challenges and interventions for optimal sexual functioning during the postpartum period, both for women and their partners.

Recent Findings

While considered to be dysfunctional compared to sexual functioning outside of the perinatal period, changes to sexual functioning in the year following childbirth are common. Biological and physiological factors which affect postpartum sexual functioning include method of delivery, breastfeeding and hormonal changes, and sleep. Psychosocial factors impacting postpartum sexual functioning include mental health, identity transition with adjusting to parenting, body image, social support, cultural context, and romantic relationships. Basson’s model of female sexual response is also discussed.


Sexual functioning during the postpartum year is a biopsychosocial process which is challenging for most couples, although there are exceptions. These challenges need to be pathologized. Healthcare providers need to better support new parents with their sexual health.

Sexual behaviour of lesbians and bisexual women   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVES: To provide data about the sexual histories of a large sample of lesbians and bisexual women, to inform those who provide health care or carry out research with women who may be sexually active with other women. DESIGN: Cross sectional survey. Setting/subjects: 803 lesbians and bisexual women attending, as new patients, lesbian sexual health clinics, and 415 lesbians and bisexual women from a community sample. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Self reported sexual history and sexual practice with both male and female partners. RESULTS: 98% of the whole sample gave a history of sexual activity with women, 83% within the past year, with a median of one female partner in that year. 85% of the sample reported sexual activity with men; for most (70%) this was 4 or more years ago. First sexual experience tended to be with a man (median 18 years old), with first sexual experience with a woman a few years later (median 21 years). Oral sex, vaginal penetration with fingers, and mutual masturbation were the most commonly reported sexual practices between women. Vaginal penetration with penis or fingers and mutual masturbation were the most commonly reported sexual activities with men. CONCLUSIONS: These data from the largest UK survey of sexual behaviour between women to date demonstrate that lesbians and bisexual women may have varied sexual histories with both male and female partners. A non-judgmental manner and careful sexual history taking without making assumptions should help clinicians to avoid misunderstandings, and to offer appropriate sexual health advice to lesbians and bisexual women.  相似文献   

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