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Internet上分子生物学信息资源的利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
耿鹏  陈健 《医学信息》2002,15(6):379-381
Internet作为全球最大的信息资源库 ,为医学科研和临床工作提供了良好的网络环境、方便的检索工具和大量的相关信息资源。为了更好地利用 Internet上的信息资源 ,本文对 Internet上分子细胞生物学信息的检索和获取途径介绍如下。1 搜索引擎利用通用搜索引擎 (如 YAHOO、AL TA VISTA等 ) ,可以查找到医学、分子生物学方面的信息 ,但这些搜索引擎对于网络资源往往不加选择 ,检索到的信息庞大、误检率较高 ,一般不建议使用这些引擎去检索专业生物医学信息。这里主要介绍几种医学搜索引擎 :1.1 Medsite(http://www.medsite.com/)  Me…  相似文献   

网上免费医学会议信息检索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王艳军 《医学信息》2005,18(9):1113-1115
较详细介绍网上免费医学会议消息和会议文献题录的的检索途径及方法,并介绍了会议文献全文的获取途径。  相似文献   

网上医学科研学术信息的全面获取   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
贺莲 《医学信息》2006,19(1):43-47
本文对网上医学科研学术信息的获取恩路和主要途径进行了全面的介绍:①对不熟悉医学专业数据资源的用户推荐采用特殊的工具或措施搜索网络上可检索的数据库或隐蔽网;②熟悉医学信息资源的用户,首选医学专业的文摘题录及全文期刊数据库;③查找综合性数据库或跨平台检索系统或虚拟图书馆;④利用生物医学学科信息门户;利用医学专业搜索引擎;⑤多途径获取免费期刊全文;⑥查找学位论文;查找网上的会议资源;⑦利用各种医学协会、学会、政府机构、编辑出版机构或在线电子期刊、医学高校、医院网站获取信息;⑧访问各种基金、科研管理部门的网站;⑨加入专题讨论组。  相似文献   

因特网上医学特种文献获取   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李晓玲 《医学信息》2001,14(9):539-540
随着信息社会的发展 ,特种文献在医学上的应用将日趋增加。特种文献包括会议文献、专利、技术标准、科技报告、学位论文等〔1〕 ,数量较大 ,只有少数大型图书馆才有能力订购其中的一部分 ,而且印刷本还有时差 ,这就给读者利用带来不便。目前特种文献在网上多数有数据库检索 ,可以免费获取摘要信息或原文 ,加快了特种文献获取的进程。1 会议信息会议信息有会前文献和会后文献。随着因特网的日益普及 ,会议信息特别是会前文献成为网上颇有特色的资源。网络检索会议信息的常用方法有 :1.1 通过检索引擎获取 可以通过检索引擎如 Yahoo,gonet…  相似文献   

医学学术资源在医学工作者的科研和临床工作中不可或缺,因此提高国内医学工作者通过网络获取学术资源的能力,可为医学科研和临床工作提供知识支撑。搜索引擎、免费电子期刊网站、免费电子图书网站、医学会议信息网站、免费工具书网站以及学协会和政府科研机构网站是获取国外免费网络医学学术资源的主要途径。  相似文献   

陈雷  刘微 《医学信息》2003,16(10):566-567
Internet的出现 ,为医学工作者提供了新的信息来源 ,网上的医学信息、医学资源日益增多 ,人们可以从中得到越来越多有价值的信息 ,这些信息同时处于不断的动态更新中 ,对医学工作者进行科研、教学都具有很大的现实意义。互联网医学资源主要包括医学文献 ,医学书籍、医学网站、医学论坛以及其它与医学相关的互联网资源。本文重点研究医学文献的互联网资源及检索办法。1 通过搜索引擎检索医学文献搜索引擎是最为常用的 WWW资源搜索工具之一。从字面上讲 ,“搜索”为想办法搜寻 ,“引擎”为力大无比的发动机。“搜索引擎”也就是指充分利用…  相似文献   

路怀明 《医学信息》2009,22(8):1457-1461
目的 介绍分析10个主要国外开发获取期刊网站.方法 从Internet上择选了10个医学实用性的开发获取期刊网站(PubMed Central;Free Medical Journals Site;BioMed Central;BioLine International;High Wire Press;Directory of Open Access Journals;Open J-Gate;FreeFullText;Scientific Electronic Library Online;日本免费期刊全文),对其中4个主要网站(High Wire Press;PubMed Central;BioMed Central;BioLine International)的检索途径作了演示和分析.结果 对各网站的收录范围和主题内容做了介绍.演示了文献检索的主题途径、期刊题名检索途径、和期刊字母顺序检索途径.结论 检索者只要上机亲自实践,按照本文所演示的检索途径就能快速地查到所需的医学信息.  相似文献   

罗凤平 《医学信息》2007,20(7):1183-1185
Internet上存在着大量的医学信息资源,越来越多的医学生及医学工作者通过网络检索来弥补纸本资源的不足。本文对国外常用的医学网络资源进行了广泛的收集,系统的介绍,以帮助医学院校的师生及科研人员高效率地在浩如烟海的各类资源中获取生物医学的相关信息。  相似文献   

彭湃  李陕区  许昌泰 《医学信息》2007,20(5):790-792
信息已成为世界各个国家促进经济发展最重要的战略资源之一,信息时代的网上资源极其丰富,迅速而准确的获取网络信息资源是所有科技工作者和高校医学生必须掌握的知识。医学科技进步提供了成千上万的医学文献,应用网络信息进行医学文献检索对掌握医学知识,促进医学科技发展,提高医学水平均具有重要的意义。本文介绍网络信息特点,网络信息分布,医学信息资源网上检索,网络医学文献检索方法等,以供读者参考。  相似文献   

张航  周霞  李红艳  张萍  许军 《医学信息》2006,19(11):1937-1940
介绍了亚健康信息资源的分类,分析了从电子图书、期刊论文、会议论文、学位论文和专利文献角度获取网络上亚健康信息资源的途径与方法,同时介绍了利用搜索引擎获取亚健康信息资源的两种方法与技巧。  相似文献   

生物医学信息资源的元数据描述与整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
因特网上蕴藏着丰富的生物医学信息资源.生物医学信息资源的获取越来越多地依赖于Internet网络。因此,开发新的描述和管理信息资源的方法.才能更好地满足人们对信息资源的需求。通过对数据库、搜索引擎、网站资源及元数据的分析.表明生物医学信息资源具有电子化、网络化、动态性、分布性、无序性的特点。利用元数据对医学信息资源进行开放的和计算机可识别的描述.有助于用户搜寻、选择、利用医学信息资源,尤其是网络医学资源。通过元数据的转换,将不同地域、不同语言、异构的资源有机地整合在一起,可以更有效地、系统地满足人们对信息的需求。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe Internet is a popular and powerful resource used by both clinicians and patients. However, medical information on the Internet is often unregulated, biased, and of poor quality. Given the frequency of ACL injuries in young women, this topic was used as a case study to examine the information available to patients on the Internet.MethodsAn Internet search was performed using the top three general search engines for four different search phrases related to ACL injuries in females. The top ten sites from each search were analyzed on the basis of both website interface and a specific content scoring guide.ResultsA total of 35 unique websites were analyzed. The majority of websites were authored by a layperson or had an unidentified author. Readability data indicated that many sites were written at literacy levels that were too difficult for the average reader. Finally, the average content analysis score for all sites was 41.6 out of a possible 100 points (range 10–87.5); only one-third of the websites cited references for the information provided.ConclusionsWe found the Internet information on ACL injuries in women to be largely unsupported, outdated and too difficult for the average reader to comprehend. The average site covered less than half of the topics that we considered relevant to ACL injuries in females indicating that information available on the Internet is largely incomplete.Clinical relevanceClinicians should be aware of the deficiencies in Internet information in order to appropriately address these issues with patients.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe web has become a primary information resource about illnesses and treatments for both medical and non-medical users. Standard web search is by far the most common interface to this information. It is therefore of interest to find out how well web search engines work for diagnostic queries and what factors contribute to successes and failures. Among diseases, rare (or orphan) diseases represent an especially challenging and thus interesting class to diagnose as each is rare, diverse in symptoms and usually has scattered resources associated with it.MethodsWe design an evaluation approach for web search engines for rare disease diagnosis which includes 56 real life diagnostic cases, performance measures, information resources and guidelines for customising Google Search to this task. In addition, we introduce FindZebra, a specialized (vertical) rare disease search engine. FindZebra is powered by open source search technology and uses curated freely available online medical information.ResultsFindZebra outperforms Google Search in both default set-up and customised to the resources used by FindZebra. We extend FindZebra with specialized functionalities exploiting medical ontological information and UMLS medical concepts to demonstrate different ways of displaying the retrieved results to medical experts.ConclusionsOur results indicate that a specialized search engine can improve the diagnostic quality without compromising the ease of use of the currently widely popular standard web search. The proposed evaluation approach can be valuable for future development and benchmarking. The FindZebra search engine is available at http://www.findzebra.com/.  相似文献   

The World Wide Web has become such an extensive health information repository in the world that it is increasingly difficult to search for relevant medical information. Many search tools have been developed to help users look for relevant health information on the web, but most of them are still not efficient. In this paper, we discuss some available on-line solutions to medical information retrieval and compare the performances of some general and medicine-specific search engines with the MediAgent, which has been developed by the National University of Singapore (NUS) Medical Informatics Programme. Although a number of medicine-specific searching techniques have been developed, the difficulty of finding medical information still remains because medical search engines are generally not as effective as generic search engines. Different from other search tools, MediAgent's efficiency was quite high, taking only an average of 1.5 links to retrieve the answers, but its retrieving effectiveness is not good enough due to the short period of operation. Whilst the MediAgent project cannot claim to have all the solutions, it nevertheless offers a new alternative to system implementation. New techniques need to be explored in order to overcome the issues of medical information retrieval on the Internet.  相似文献   

随着Internet的飞速发展,越来越多的用户利用web获取、发布医学信息。用ASP.NET构建医学Web应用程序为结构设计人员、设计人员和开发人员提出了一系列复杂的安全问题。本文讨论的医学Web应用程序设计方法中,包括管理用户、验证和授权用户、加密私有数据和过滤用户输入等。这些方法有效地堵塞各种安全漏洞,建立牢固的医学Web应用程序。  相似文献   

The Internet undoubtedly has an important part to play in medical teaching, generally speaking, and particularly in anatomy. We therefore undertook to survey, list, explore and study the various sites written in French or English devoted to anatomy on the Internet in order to evaluate them. Sites were identified from their URL address, by search engine or by hypertext links found in already listed sites. Useless and non-relevant sites were excluded. Fifty-two sites were selected and evaluated as to their navigability, illustrations, text and general presentation. Addresses of theses sites are available on a web page (; section liens, section Galerie Virtuelle). This directory could be a very useful working tool for the use of teachers and students. It will be regularly updated.This work has been the subject of a dissertation for the applied anatomy credit taught at Faculté de Médecine Lyon-Nord.  相似文献   

Clinical experience suggests that the Internet is increasingly becoming a resource for patients seen in medical genetics. A prospective analysis was performed exploring patient use of the Internet prior to attending a medical genetics appointment. We administered 200 questionnaires assessing: 1) the frequency of patient use of the Internet for genetic information, 2) factors associated with Internet use, 3) patient assessment of the value of the information, and 4) patient views of the responsibility of medical genetics professionals to be familiar with Internet information. Results show that 77% (153/200) of patients have access to the Internet of which 29% (44/153) report searching the Internet for genetic information. A correlation was found between patient use of the Internet and reason for referral (p<0.001), presence of a specific diagnosis (p<0.001), and frequency of Internet use (p<0.05). Overall, 80% (33/41) of patients found Internet information useful. Seventy-four percent (115/155) believed that medical genetics professionals have a responsibility to review relevant Internet sites for accuracy and 80% (123/153) felt that professionals should provide their patients with appropriate and useful Internet sites. These results suggest that the role of medical genetics professionals is changing as a result of the development of the Internet.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The New Zealand National Poisons Centre has developed an extensive clinical poisons information database, TOXINZ. This resource was originally provided on a CD-Rom, and in 2002 made accessible solely via the Internet (www.toxinz.com). It was unknown whether users would prefer the CD-Rom or Internet version to access the same information. METHODS: In September 2003 a total of 100 questionnaires were mailed to the emergency departments of 15 hospitals to be answered by medical and nursing staff utilizing the Internet version of TOXINZ. The results were then compared with a nearly identical questionnaire conducted in the same way in the same hospitals when only the CD-Rom database version was available. RESULTS: There was a 79% response rate with both medical and nursing staff rating the poisons management recommendations highly when accessed both on CD-Rom and Internet. Statistically significant differences (p<0.05, Mann-Whitney U-test) identified the Internet accessed database as: supplying better visual aids, being more repetitive, harder to search, and more difficult to print. CONCLUSION: Those developing Internet accessible databases for a healthcare environment are encouraged to incorporate robust search functionality, mobility solutions, and an ability to integrate with other healthcare applications.  相似文献   

Infodemiology can be defined as the science of distribution and determinants of information in an electronic medium, specifically the Internet, or in a population, with the ultimate aim to inform public health and public policy. Infodemiology data can be collected and analyzed in near real time. Examples for infodemiology applications include: the analysis of queries from Internet search engines to predict disease outbreaks (eg. influenza); monitoring peoples'' status updates on microblogs such as Twitter for syndromic surveillance; detecting and quantifying disparities in health information availability; identifying and monitoring of public health relevant publications on the Internet (eg. anti-vaccination sites, but also news articles or expert-curated outbreak reports); automated tools to measure information diffusion and knowledge translation, and tracking the effectiveness of health marketing campaigns. Moreover, analyzing how people search and navigate the Internet for health-related information, as well as how they communicate and share this information, can provide valuable insights into health-related behavior of populations. Seven years after the infodemiology concept was first introduced, this paper revisits the emerging fields of infodemiology and infoveillance and proposes an expanded framework, introducing some basic metrics such as information prevalence, concept occurrence ratios, and information incidence. The framework distinguishes supply-based applications (analyzing what is being published on the Internet, eg. on Web sites, newsgroups, blogs, microblogs and social media) from demand-based methods (search and navigation behavior), and further distinguishes passive from active infoveillance methods. Infodemiology metrics follow population health relevant events or predict them. Thus, these metrics and methods are potentially useful for public health practice and research, and should be further developed and standardized.  相似文献   

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