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目的研究基于心肺适能确定体质量指数(BMI)超重与肥胖切点的可行性,为学生肥胖防治研究工作提供参考依据。方法采用整群抽样的方法 ,抽取浙江省高校本-专科4788名学生作为被试,测试指标有BMI、身体成分、耐久跑测验和台阶试验指数等。结果大学生心肺适能与其肥胖程度密切相关,12min跑测验成绩与体脂百分比各种曲线拟合中三次曲线最优;男、女大学生12min跑测验与BMI显著相关,基于学生心肺适能水平初步建立的BMI切点为:BMI≥23kg/m2为超重,BMI≥25kg/m2为肥胖;台阶试验与BMI相关显著性不高,性别差异存在统计学意义。结论基于青年学生心肺适能水平来确定BMI肥胖切点具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

宜昌市初三学生体质健康研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周敏  张金华 《中国校医》2010,24(11):859-861
目的了解宜昌市学生体质健康现状与特点,建立初三学生体质健康基线值,以便动态观察比较。方法对宜昌市2009届8077名初三学生中考体质健康测试成绩进行分析。结果男女生成绩均值都达到良好;1000/800m跑得分最高;立定跳远得分最低。男生营养不良和较低体质量者合计达65.51%。结论宜昌市2009届初三学生体质总体达到良好水平。但男生身体形态发育水平严重失衡的状况急待改善。发展学生下肢爆发力的训练项目和立定跳远技术的掌握还需加强。  相似文献   

学生体质综合评价就是对学生进行身体形态、发育、生理机能、身体素质和基本活动能力、对外界环境的适应能力和对疾病抵抗能力及心理状态等的综合评价.它是评价学生体质强弱的一种行之有效的方法.它能较客观、全面、准确地反映一个学生、一所学校、一个地区、乃至一个市、省的学生体质状况.是全面评估学校体卫工作的重要内容之一.学生体质综合评价是以形态、机能、素质三大类、身高、体重、脉搏、收缩压、50m跑、立定跳远、引体向上(女仰卧起坐)、1000m跑(女800m,12岁以下男女50m×8往返跑)等八大项分别评分,再根据“广东省学生体…  相似文献   

了解25 a间土家族、苗族学生体质状况及其变化,为土家族、苗族学生体质健康水平的提高提供参考依据.方法 利用土家族、苗族学生1985年与2010年体质健康调研所获得的数据,比较分析2个民族学生身体形态、身体机能和身体素质的变化.结果 25 a间,土家族男、女身高分别平均增长3.38,3.22 cm,苗族男、女平均增长3.88,3.60cm;体重平均增长4.12,2.52 kg和3.17,2.62 kg;胸围(除苗族女生出现下降外)均出现不同程度增长,分别为1.50,2.91cm和1.87,-1.48 cm;肺活量平均下降228.8,308.6 mL和84.4,228.7 mL;50 m跑平均增长0.02,-0.28 s和-0.07,-0.25 s;斜身引体(男)平均增长7.26,19.36次,引体向上(男)平均下降0.70,0.68次,仰卧起坐(女)平均增长5.69,6.01次/min;立定跳远平均增长0.99,-0.26 cm和12.75,9.94 cm;50 m×8往返跑平均下降7.89,5.64s和5.31,5.15s,1000m跑(男生)和800 m跑(女生),土家族男、女平均下降23.60,24.40 s,苗族男、女平均下降19.98,14.93 s;立位体前屈平均增长0.25,1.28 cm和2.63,2.35 cm.结论 苗族学生体质状况相对比土家族学生要好.应针对土家族、苗族学生体质状况及其发展趋势提出相应的干预措施,促进土家族、苗族学生体质发展.  相似文献   

目的 了解甘肃省汉族学生青春期体质健康状况,为进一步采取干预措施提供依据。方法 按照《2000年全国学生体质健康状况调查研究检测细则》,对甘肃省lO~18岁的学生5977名进行形态,生理功能、身体素质13项指标进行检测。结果 3项形态指标快速增长年龄男生为lO~14岁,女生为10~13岁;突增高峰年龄男生为13岁,女生为ll岁。6项生理功能指标中肺活量、背肌力和握力平均增长值男生大于女生,男女生收缩压,舒张压和肺活量快速增长年龄均为lO~14岁,背肌力和握力为lO~15岁。4项身体素质指标成绩提高较快的年龄段,50m跑、立定跳远男生为12-16岁,女生为lO~13岁;男生l000m跑和女生800m跑均在13~15岁。结论 甘肃省汉族学生青春期体质状况有降低趋势,营养指导、体育锻炼亟需加强。  相似文献   

教育部、国家体育总局于2000年7月4日颁发了《学生体质健康标准(试行方案)》(以下简称《标准》)及《〈学生体质健康标准(试行方案)〉实施办法》的通知[1],要求各省从2002年新学年开始,有3%左右的中小学和2所高等学校实施《标准》。2004年新学年开始,在各级各类学校全面实施《标准》[2],《标准》中规定高等学校学生:(1)男生从台阶试验和1000m跑中选测1项,女生从台阶试验和800m跑中选测1项。(2)男、女生从50m跑和立定跳远中选测1项。(3)男生从坐位体前屈和握力中选测1项,女生从坐位体前屈、仰卧起坐和握力中选测1项。笔者选择了2004年入学的新…  相似文献   

<正> 根据《广东省学生体质综合评分评价标准》,我们于1990年4~6月,对佛山城区3,240名中小学进行了体质综合评分评价,结果报告如下:1 评价标准与方法以1985年《全国学生体质调研细则》为调查方法,对3,240名学生测试身高、体重、收缩压、脉搏、50m跑、立定跳远、引体向上(女生仰卧起坐,12岁以下男生斜身引体)、1,000m跑(13岁以下的女生测800m跑,12岁以下的男女生测50m×8往返跑共八项指标),再根据广东省1985年全国学生体质调研结果制订的《广东省学生体质综合评分评价标准》进行评价。等级评价标准:  相似文献   

如何测量问卷的效度   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
问卷的效度(Validity)是指问卷测量结果的有效性或正确性,即一个问卷能够测量出研究者想要测量的概念或者特性的程度。根据问卷调查的目的和效度的评估方法将效度分为3类,即内容效度(ContentValidity)、效标效度(CriterionValidity)和构念效度(ConstructValidity)。一、内容效度内容效度是指测量工具所能涵盖欲测事物、内容的代表性的程度,即问卷测验内容、目标与欲测内容、目标的一致性程度。若一个测量要有较高的内容效度,应具备如下两个条件:①要有定义好的全域内容范围;②对所界定的内容范围而言,测量题目的取样应有代表性。检验内容…  相似文献   

了解使用校园跑APP进行课外锻炼的方式对增强大学生体质健康和课外锻炼习惯养成的影响,为提高学生体质健康水平和培养运动习惯提供参考.方法 通过实验法和问卷调查法,用整群抽样法,选择上海财经大学浙江学院2016级1 327名学生,使用跑步APP利用7周课余时间完成56 km的课外锻炼行为,进行跑后与跑前对比研究.结果 56km课外跑步对男生的1000m跑指标影响有统计学意义(P<0.05),平均用时减少3.69 s.女生在50m跑、坐位体前屈、立定跳远、仰卧起坐的测试值分别提高了0.12 s,1.83 cm,2.12 cm和2.28个,与跑前比较差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01).男生体质测试总评得分跑后与跑前差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);女生体测总评成绩与跑前比较显著提高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 使用校园跑APP进行课外锻炼方式对于增强学生在校期间体质健康有积极促进作用.  相似文献   

张蕾 《中国学校卫生》2011,32(10):1259-1260
目的了解郑州市2005年与2010年城市和农村学生体质状况的差别,为建立系统体质评价标准提供依据。方法采用分层整群抽样法,于2005年和2010年共选取郑州市城市和农村生源19~22岁大学生3 707名,分城乡2个群体进行形态、机能、素质测试。对城乡和不同年份间的测试结果进行比较。结果 2010年与2005年相比,城男、城女、乡男、乡女身高增长,体重增重。其中身高增长值城男高于乡男0.04 cm,城女高于乡女1.76 cm;体重增长值城男高于乡男0.43 kg,城女高于乡女0.55 kg。城市男、女生肺活量高于乡村男、女生,男生增长速度快于女生。男生1 000 m跑、女生800 m跑成绩显著下降;男、女生50 m跑成绩显著下降;立位体前屈男、女生均有所提高;男生引体向上成绩显著下降,女生仰卧起坐成绩明显提高;立定跳远男、女生成绩均有不同程度的下降。结论城市学生形态发育状况及肺活量均好于乡村学生;除立位体前屈和女生仰卧起坐外,城市男、女生其他机能素质均呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

目的 了解不同强度健身锻炼项目对大学男生心功能所产生的影响,为完善高校体育健康教育理论提供科学依据.方法 随机选取某非体育院校19~22岁102名男牛,在进行低强度的6 min步行试验、中等强度的台阶实验、大强度的1 000 m跑后即刻心率的指标测试数据.结果 3项健身锻炼后的即刻心率指标数据差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).3项健身锻炼的优选:最佳锻炼阈,台阶实验占53.92%,1 000 m跑占14.71%,6 min步行试验占11.76%;有效价值阈,台阶实验占84.31%,6 min步行试验占52.94%,1 000 m跑占37.25%;超出有效锻炼价值阈,1 000 m跑占58.82%,台阶实验占9.80%,6 min步行试验占3.92%.大学生3项都达到最佳锻炼价值阈的0人,适合2项锻炼最佳价值阈的10人,不适合2项锻炼最佳价值阈的92人,适合1项锻炼最佳价值阈的82人,1项都不适合锻炼最佳价值阈的20人.结论 大多数大学男生只适合选择3项中的3项作为自我健身锻炼项目,依次为台阶实验、1 000 m跑和6 min步行试验.  相似文献   

目的 了解山东省16~18岁青少年的体质健康状况,为制定相关体质健康提升策略提供可靠依据。方法 于2018年3 - 6月间,利用分层整群随机抽样方法,抽取山东省共12 584名16~18岁青少年作为研究对象,调取其2018年体质健康测试数据,并与2014年全国体质健康测试数据进行比较分析。结果 山东省16~18岁青少年在身体形态方面水平优于全国平均水平(P<0.001);在身体机能方面,整体优于全国平均水平,但男生水平有较大波动(P<0.001),女生维持在较高水平(P<0.001);在身体素质方面,男生1 000 m跑指标整体低于全国水平(P<0.05),50 m跑、坐位体前屈、引体向上、立定跳远以及女生800 m跑指标均优于全国水平(P<0.001),但整体呈现出随年龄增长下滑的趋势。结论 山东省16~18岁青少年的体质健康状况虽然整体优于2014年全国平均水平,但是整体指标呈现下降的趋势,应采取必要的措施,有针对性地改善学生体质健康下滑的趋势。  相似文献   

《Value in health》2020,23(9):1200-1209
ObjectivesTo improve quality in breast cancer care, large numbers of quality indicators are collected per hospital, but benchmarking remains complex. We aimed to assess the validity of indicators, develop a textbook outcome summary measure, and compare case-mix adjusted hospital performance.MethodsFrom a nationwide population-based registry, all 79 690 nonmetastatic breast cancer patients surgically treated between 2011 and 2016 in 91 hospitals in The Netherlands were included. Twenty-one indicators were calculated and their construct validity tested by Spearman’s rho. Between-hospital variation was expressed by interquartile range (IQR), and all valid indicators were included in the summary measure. Standardized scores (observed/expected based on case mix) were calculated as above (>100) or below (<100) expected. The textbook outcome was presented as a continuous and all-or-none score.ResultsThe size of between-hospital variation varied between indicators. Sixteen (76%) of 21 quality indicators showed construct validity, and 13 were included in the summary measure after excluding redundant indicators that showed collinearity with others owing to strong construct validity. The median all-or-none textbook outcome score was 49% (IQR 42%-54%) before and 49% (IQR 48%-51%) after case-mix adjustment. From the total of 91 hospitals, 3 hospitals were positive (3%) and 9 (10%) were negative outliers.ConclusionsThe textbook outcome summary measure showed discriminative ability when hospital performance was presented as an all-or-none score. Although indicator scores and outlier hospitals should always be interpreted cautiously, the summary measure presented here has the potential to improve Dutch breast cancer quality indicator efforts and could be implemented to further test its validity, feasibility, and usefulness.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Clinical preventive guidelines recommend that health care providers counsel adolescents on nutrition. Brief, accurate, and reproducible dietary assessments are needed. The purpose of the current pair of studies was to develop a dietary fat screening measure for use with adolescents. METHODS: Two measures were developed-a 21-item and a 4-category measure. The measures differed in the level at which fat consumption was assessed (food item vs food group). Study 1 (N = 231, age M = 15 years, 57% female, 41% Euro-American) evaluated reliability. Study 2 (N = 59, age M = 14 years, 63% female, 37% Euro-American) evaluated construct validity and correct classification rates. RESULTS: Internal consistencies (alpha > 0.70) and test-retest reliabilities (ICC > 0.60) were adequate for both measures. Neither measure correlated with total fat assessed by a 3-day food record (P > 0.05). The 21-item measure correlated significantly with percentage of calories from fat (r = 0.36, P <.01). Correct classification rate (71%) and sensitivity (81%) of the 21-item measure were good. Specificity (47%) was lower, indicating some subjects with a low-fat diet were misclassified by the screening measure. CONCLUSIONS: The 21-item measure is quick to complete and score, is inexpensive to reproduce, and has demonstrated reliability and validity. The measure could be clinically useful, but further improvements should be attempted to improve specificity.  相似文献   

Differential exposure measurement error can have more adverse effects on estimates of exposure-disease associations than nondifferential measurement error, yet relatively little has been written about the design and interpretation of validity and reliability studies to assess differential measurement error. In this paper, a simple approximate equation is given for the effect of differential measurement error in a continuous exposure measure on the bias in the odds ratio. From this, it is shown that two parameters need to be estimated in validity/reliability studies in order to interpret the results in terms of the bias in the odds ratio in an epidemiologic study that will use the measure. The first is the correlation between the mismeasured and true exposure. The second is the differential bias (difference between cases and controls in the difference between mean measured and true exposure) relative to the true difference in exposure between cases and controls. It is shown that this latter parameter can be estimated in a method comparison study if one has a comparison measure that is unbiased or has nondifferential bias, so a perfect criterion measure is not needed. Researchers should consider measuring and reporting this parameter in validity/reliability studies when feasible.  相似文献   

Little is documented about the performance of the food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) in US minority groups and in populations in developing countries. The authors applied a novel technique, the method of triads, to assess the validity and reproducibility of the FFQ among Hispanics. The subjects were men (n = 78) and women (n = 42) living in Costa Rica. Seven 24-hour dietary recalls and two FFQ interviews (12 months apart) were conducted between 1995 and 1998 to estimate dietary intake during the past year. Plasma and adipose tissue samples were collected from all subjects. Validity coefficients, which measure the correlation between observed and "true" dietary intake, were also estimated. The median validity coefficients for tocopherols and carotenoids estimated by dietary recall, the average of the two FFQs, and plasma were 0.71, 0.60, and 0.52, respectively. Compared with adipose tissue, plasma was a superior biomarker for carotenoids and tocopherols. Adipose tissue was a poor biomarker for saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids but performed well for polyunsaturated fatty acids (validity coefficients, 0.45-1.01) and lycopene (validity coefficient, 0.51). This study also showed that biomarkers did not perform better than the FFQ and that they should be used to complement the FFQ rather than substitute for it.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The SF-12 is a widely used generic measure of subjective health. As the scoring algorithms of the SF-12 do not include preference values, different approaches to assign a preference-based index are available that should be tested regarding their feasibility and validity.Objectives: To develop a concept for a preference-based index for the SF-12 on the basis of multi-attribute decision analysis and to perform initial tests of its feasibility and validity in an empirical study. METHODS: A multi-attribute preference function for the SF-12 was developed, estimated and tested for validity. Two mail surveys (n = 100, 200) and an interview (n = 72) were conducted with women who had an operation for breast cancer. Visual analogue scale (VAS) and standard gamble (SG) measures elicited preference-based valuations. RESULTS: Eight attributes were identified in the SF-12. Validity tests showed an average difference of 8 VAS score points between directly measured and predicted values for given health states. CONCLUSION: The initial results show that this approach might allow the direct assignment of a preference-based valuation to the SF-12. The quality of the psychometric features of the multi-attribute value function is encouraging. Future studies should test this concept more extensively, especially by determining parameters for a representative sample of the general population and by comparing performance with other approaches to value the SF-12.  相似文献   

It is a weak point of environmental medicine that health disturbances, e.g. functional affections of the upper respiratory tract, cannot be objectively judged by physicians resp. researchers. In this study, the validity of acoustic rhinometry, a method giving information on cross-sectional areas of the upper airways by means of ultrasound probing, was tested in 40 volunteers seven times during one year. Furthermore, using a simplified model of the nose the accuracy of this method to measure the minimal cross-sectional area (MCA) in the nose was tested. The measurements were extremely confounded by the mode of connection to the nose (e.g. selected adapter, direction of application) and by the MCA in the nasal cavity. Statistical analyses showed a good reproducibility of measurements repeated within minutes, but suggested an intrapersonal variability over the analyzed examination phases due to apparatus independent factors. However, this variability could not be explained by influencing and confounding factors obtained by questionnaire, medical history, and physical examination. The test model showed little to great errors (1.5 to 568.5%) between the actual and the measured MCA, depending on the diameter. It is concluded that the method of acoustic rhinometry has to be standardized before it's value for environmental medicine can finally be judged. Further studies are necessary that should focus among others on factors influencing the variability of MCA and the effect of MCA on the measurement of the area behind the MCA. So far, the use of acoustic rhinometry for the evaluation of nasal function cannot be recommended.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Upper extremity symptoms associated with use of computers and other upper extremity activities are common in students. Research on these disorders requires psychometrically sound measures of health-related student role function; no such measure is available currently. METHODS: Based upon input from students and clinicians, we developed a 10-item scale to measure student health-related role function. The measure was administered as part of a survey of 193 undergraduates at one university. A follow-up survey was administered 1 month later. The student health-related role function questionnaire was assessed for internal consistency, ceiling effects, convergent and discriminant validity, and responsiveness to self-reported change in functional status. RESULTS: Eighty-two percent of students who were given the survey completed it and 65% completed a follow-up survey 1 month later. The new measure was reliable (Cronbach's alpha 0.87). Forty-six percent of respondents reported "no difficulty" on all items of the health-related student role function measure while 64% reported "no difficulty" on all items of a generic upper extremity functional status measure. This finding indicates that the new measure was better able to detect functional limitations; it had a less prominent ceiling effect. The new measure had moderately high correlations with measures of symptom severity and pain, documenting convergent validity. It distinguished students who utilized clinician services, medications, or academic accommodation from students who did not utilize these resources, documenting discriminant validity. The measure was responsive to self-perceived change, as demonstrated by a highly significant association (P < 0.0001) between changes in score over a 1-month follow-up and students' perceptions of whether they had improved in functional abilities after the month, deteriorated or remained stable. CONCLUSIONS: The student health-related role functioning measure is reliable, valid and responsive to change. It is an appropriate measure for research on upper extremity symptoms in students.  相似文献   

AIM: To examine how students' evaluations of the environment, process and outcome of clinical learning interrelated and correlated with assessment results. METHOD: A post hoc study in the 3rd of 5 years in a student-centred, horizontally integrated, objective-based medical curriculum. In the last week of each module, students evaluated what they had learned and how they had learned it using a previously validated, web-based scale. The interrelationships between scale variables and their relationships with summative assessment results were tested using factor analysis, correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression analysis. RESULTS: Student evaluation yielded 4 summary measures: 2 reflected learning outcomes ('real patient learning' and 'curriculum coverage'), 1 reflected process ('quality of instruction') and 1 reflected environment ('conditions for learning'). They fitted a causal model according to which instruction, conditions for learning and curriculum coverage favoured real patient learning. Real patient learning was rated higher in women than men, and the measures were associated more strongly in women. Performance in end-of-year summative assessments was predicted strongly by mid-year performance but by no other measure. CONCLUSIONS: Students' evaluations of their learning environment and instructional processes correlated with their assessments of 2 outcomes of the curriculum in action: curriculum coverage and real patient learning. There was little shared variance between those measures and students' performance in summative assessments. Given its formative potential, students' evaluation of their curriculum in action could play a useful part in learner-centred clinical education. There is a possibility, which needs further research, that women's evaluations have greater predictive validity than men's. Assessment performance should be regarded not as a solitary gold standard but as just 1 measure of educational outcome.  相似文献   

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