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精神分裂症的认知行为治疗   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
目的 了解精神分裂症认知行为治疗的治疗内客、方法。方法 查阅中英文文献,对精神分裂症认知行为治疗的治疗内容、方法等内容进行综述。结果 认知行为治疗用于精神分裂症,有其特殊的治疗原则,针对不同精神症状有不同的治疗方法。结论 精神分裂症的认知行为治疗疗效明显,便于学习、运用,有很大的临床推广应用前景。  相似文献   

目的:探讨药物联合认知行为治疗对精神分裂症患者应对方式的影响.方法:本研究为随机对照临床试验.选取符合美国精神疾病诊断与统计手册第4版(DSM-Ⅳ)中精神分裂症诊断标准的医院门诊和住院患者共132例,随机分配到认知行为治疗组(CBT组,n=66)和支持性心理治疗组(ST组,n=66),在药物治疗基础上分别接受15次CBT和ST.并在治疗前后采用应对方式问卷(CSQ)对两组患者进行评估.结果:经过24周治疗,CBT组CSQ的解决问题、自责、求助、逃避四个因子的得分均有显著改善(P<0.05);而ST组只在自责因子分数有显著改变(P<0.05).两组进行治疗后比较,CBT组的问题解决和求助因子显著高于ST组(P<0.001).结论:认知行为治疗能够有效的改善精神分裂症患者的应对方式.  相似文献   

目的:关注行为疗法治疗精神分裂症患者过程中治疗师和来访者的言语行为,来探讨(1)行为治疗过程中,参与者双方语言反应模式的类别及其变化;(2)治疗师何种语言反应模式能引起来访者的认知-情感探索,初步从言语行为层面来探索来访者如何形成并维持新的行为模式。方法:本研究为观察性研究。采用立意抽样法获取一例精神分裂症来访者的行为治疗过程的视频音频资料,将其整理为会谈脚本,使用定性分析与定量分析结合的方法来研究该案例行为治疗的过程。结果:本案例行为治疗过程中,治疗师运用较多的解释、反映、建议和确认等语言反应模式,而来访者则运用较多的揭露、承认等语言反应模式。治疗师探索式反映的语言反应模式,能够较多地引起来访者的认知-行为探索和情感探索。结论:在本案例行为治疗的不同时期,治疗师和来访者语言反应模式的主要类别不同,在言语行为层面,治疗师探索式反映的语言反应模式能较多地引起来访者的认知-情感探索,提高其治疗参与度,有利于来访者形成并维持新的行为模式。但来访者的治疗性改变究竟是如何产生的,尚需进一步的研究。  相似文献   

张平 《校园心理》2021,(2):196-198
本案例介绍了运用认知行为治疗对一例社交恐惧严重心理问题学生进行心理咨询的过程.该来访者的父母严苛的教养方式,负性生活事件和不合理的信念及应对方式与其社交恐惧有较大的关系.在建立良好咨询关系的基础上,运用认知行为治疗的行为技术和认知技术帮助来访者改善适用不良的不合理认知和行为,从而改善来访者的恐惧情绪和回避社交行为,取得...  相似文献   

王佳 《医学信息》2010,23(5):1304-1306
音乐治疗是一门新兴的学科,再创造式音乐治疗方法的核心在于根据治疗的需要对音乐作品进行再创造性的运用,以达到音乐以外的目的.这种治疗方法强调被治疗者在参与音乐活动过程中表现出的行为和人际反应.在集体的音乐活动中,被治疗者必须克制自己的反集体行为,学习和适应在集体活动中充当领导或服从的角色,并努力与他人合作.通过调查发现,进入康复期的精神分裂症患者虽然在药物的帮助下,他(她)的症状得到了一定的控制,但是很多的康复期患者对重返社会缺乏自信,缺少与人能自如的相处的能力.在精神分裂症患者进入康复期后,除了药物治疗外,心理治疗已经在这个阶段成为主要治疗手段.本文就是通过再创造式音乐治疗这一新兴的心理治疗手段对精神分裂症患者李某的个案来研究这一方法对进入康复期的精神分裂者的心理治疗有无疗效.  相似文献   

认知行为治疗是当前英美等国家临床上对精神分裂症的常规心理治疗手段,对精神分裂症的阳性症状、阴性症状和情绪症状等具有明显的疗效,可以缩短患者的住院天数,改善患者的服药依从性,增进患者的社会功能。北京安定医院李占江教授率先将精神分裂症的认知行为治疗引入国内并本土化,带领团队开展了一系列相关研究并进行了实践,积累了大量经验。既往多次举办相关培训,获得学员们的普遍欢迎。为满足广大精神卫生工作者、心理治疗师的需要,定于2013年6月15日-17日再次在北京开设"精神分裂  相似文献   

目的 探讨精神分裂症患者认知功能损害影响患者社会功能转归和疾病的预后.方法 通过查阅近年来国内外文献,对精神分裂症患者认知功能障碍从表现、评测方法到治疗等方面作一综述.结果 认知功能损害在精神分裂症病人的神经心理损害中有一定特征性,精神分裂症患者神经心理测验中都发现有额叶功能损害.认知障碍的病理学基础是前额叶-纹状体-丘脑-颞叶(称为额-颞叶系统)相互之间的连接功能紊乱,其中海马功能障碍起着重要作用;自知力与认知损害有密切联系,改善认知功能不但能改善病人的症状,对治疗的反应,还可改善社会问题的处理技巧,提高心理社会技巧,促进社会功能,提高生活质量,最终将促进病人整体功能的恢复.结论 如何正确评测及改善患者的认知功能对临床工作有重要指导意义.利培酮和氯氮平是目前广泛用于临床治疗精神分裂症的非经典抗精神病药物,均为多巴胺受体拮抗剂和5- HT2A受体拮抗剂,不但能保持患者的认知功能水平,不继续恶化,而且还能改善其认知功能.认知行为治疗比一般支持治疗有效,并可减少复发和住院次数,减少社会的医药卫生负担.  相似文献   

《重性精神疾病的认知行为治疗——图解指南》精神疾病认知行为治疗(CBT)是循证依据最为充分的心理治疗方法之一。本书是美英两国杰出认知行为治疗师的力作,已被翻译成中文并由人民卫生出版社出版。本书有针对性地向广大临床工作者展示了重性精神疾病认知行为的原理、技术和操作准则,结合临床案例对常用认知及行为技术进行了示范指导。本书由美国Beck认知治疗与研究所主任作序,被誉为  相似文献   

精神疾病认知行为治疗(CBT)是循证依据最为充分的心理治疗方法之一。本书是美英两国杰出认知行为治疗师的力作,已被翻译成中文并由人民卫生出版社出版。本书有针对性地向广大临床工作者展示了重性精神疾病认知行为的原理、技术和操作准则,结合临床案例,对常用认知及行为技术进行了示范指导。本书由美国Beck认知治疗与研究所主任作序,被誉  相似文献   

精神疾病认知行为治疗(CBT)是循证依据最为充分的心理治疗方法之一。本书是美英两国杰出认知行为治疗师的力作,已被翻译成中文并由人民卫生出版社出版。本书有针对性地向广大临床工作者展示了重性精神疾病认知行为的原理、技术和操作准则,结合临床案例,对常用认知及行为技术进行了示范指导。本书由美国Beck认知治疗与研究所主任作序,被誉为"学  相似文献   

"Brief" therapy and "family/couple" therapy are largely overlapping and redundant. Although there are almost no family/couple therapies that explicitly set time limits on treatment as a matter of course, the four central technical factors of brief therapy almost inevitably lead to therapeutic brevity in systems-oriented treatment. In this paper I emphasize that family/couple therapists tend to adhere to the dominant treatment values of brief individual therapists and set out the therapeutic values among family/couple therapists that increase the likelihood of most family/couple therapy being brief. Finally, I propose that families' and therapists' expectations about the length of treatment serve an important role in establishing the therapeutic alliance. The empirical study of the components of such expectations, and discrepancies in such expectations between therapists and families, may provide a fruitful approach for optimizing the therapeutic alliance and thus positively influencing treatment outcomes.  相似文献   

Telecommunication allows for therapy to be done in many formats, including telephone, computer teleconferencing, and e-mail. My comments are directed broadly at how telecommunications can be used to provide psychological services. My comments include observations on the review article, impressions following a computer search on the topic of electronic therapy, thoughts on other uses of electronic psychological services, and caveats regarding ethical and legal issues.  相似文献   

Only in working conjointly with couples and families do therapists literally witness clients struggling to improve their most intimate relationships. In writing this article, we realized that, in true systemic fashion, not only have many of our clients benefited from working with us, but also we have learned some invaluable lessons from them. Indeed, practicing couple and family therapy gives therapists many opportunities to learn about themselves, especially when it is done thoughtfully. In this article, we reflect on myriad ways in which couples and family therapy has affected each of us personally—as individuals, as partners, as parents, as adult children in our families of origin, and as educators.  相似文献   

This article introduces the field of brief therapy and the special series on six varieties of it. The orientations covered are psychodynamic, behavioral, experiential, family/couples systems, strategic, and integrative. Most therapy conducted in the United States always has been and continues to be brief despite many clinicians' perceptions to the contrary. What allows a therapy to be time efficient, however, differs as a function of each therapy's theoretical orientation. The articles in this series focus on what features allow each therapeutic model to be short term, the techniques and theory of change it encompasses, relevant research, and likely future trends.  相似文献   

Unsealed radionuclides have been in clinical therapeutic use for well over half a century. Following the early inappropriate clinical administrations of radium salts in the early 20th century, the first real clinical benefits became evident with the use of (131)I-sodium iodide for the treatment of hypothyroidism and differentiated thyroid carcinoma and (32)P-sodium phosphate for the treatment of polycythaemia vera. In recent years the use of bone seeking agents (89)Sr, (153)Sm and (186)Re for the palliation of bone pain have become widespread and considerable progress has been evident with the use of (131)I-MIBG and (90)Y-somatostatin receptor binding agents. Although the use of monoclonal antibody based therapeutic products has been slow to evolve, the start of the 21st century has witnessed the first licensed therapeutic antibody conjugates based on (90)Y and (131)I for the treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The future clinical utility of this form of therapy will depend upon the development of radiopharmaceutical conjugates capable of selective binding to molecular targets. The availability of some therapeutic radionuclides such as (188)Re produced from the tungsten generator system which can produce activity as required over many months, may make this type of therapy more widely available in some remote and developing countries.Future products will involve cytotoxic radionuclides with appropriate potency, but with physical characteristics that will enable the administration of therapeutic doses with the minimal need for patient isolation. Further developments are likely to involve molecular constructs such as aptamers arising from new developments in biotechnology.Patient trials are still underway and are now examining new methods of administration, dose fractionation and the clinical introduction of alpha emitting radiopharmaceutical conjugates. This review outlines the history, development and future potential of these forms of therapy.  相似文献   

陈祖林  葛海燕 《免疫学杂志》2001,17(Z1):150-153
病毒主要作为基因转染载体在免疫治疗中发挥重要作用.本文详细地介绍了病毒载体类型,病毒介导的对肿瘤细胞、宿主细胞的调节,病毒疫苗等免疫治疗癌症的研究进展,可为癌症免疫治疗的基础和临床研究提供参考.  相似文献   

What Makes Brief Psychodynamic Therapy Time Efficient   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To be brief and effective, psychodynamic therapy relies on six features or techniques of practice. These include (a) patient selection, especially maturity of interpersonal or object relations, (b) formulation of an individualized clinical focus stated as intrapsychic conflict, maladaptive interpersonal patterns, or negative feelings about the self, (c) a deliberate time limit that adds a sense of intensity and urgency and sets in motion therapist and patient expectancies as to when change will occur, (d) active techniques of detailed inquiry, focusing, interpretation, and, in some models, confrontation, (e) emphasis on the termination stage, especially issues of separation, loss and limitations in life, and (f) goal setting, which requires setting priorities so that time is used most efficiently. This paper reviews and evaluates relevant research and presents emerging trends for future practice of brief psychodynamic therapy.  相似文献   

为了实现质子治疗,必须有一套比常规电子直线加速器更复杂,规模更大的质子治疗设备与系统。本文首先简要地介绍质子治疗装置的系统原理,基本结构和当前国际上的质子治疗装备的商品供应概况。在此基础上进一步论述国际质子治疗装置的现状和当前的质子治疗装置研制发展。在文的最后再简要地介绍当前国际上的已有的专用质子治疗中心近况。  相似文献   

Cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) is effective for a range of psychiatric disorders. However, it remains unclear whether CBT is superior to other forms of psychotherapy, and previous quantitative reviews on this topic are difficult to interpret. The aim of the present quantitative review was to determine whether CBT yields superior outcomes to alternative forms of psychotherapy, and to examine the relationship between differential outcome and study-specific variables. From a computerized literature search through September 2007 and references from previous reviews, English-language articles were selected that described randomized controlled trials of CBT vs. another form of psychotherapy. Of these, only those in which the CBT and alternative therapy condition were judged to be bona fide treatments, rather than “intent-to-fail” conditions, were retained for analysis (28 articles representing 26 studies, N = 1981). Four raters identified post-treatment and follow-up effect size estimates, as well as study-specific variables including (but not limited to) type of CBT and other psychotherapy, sample diagnosis, type of outcome measure used, and age group. Studies were rated for methodological adequacy including (but not limited to) the use of reliable and valid measures and independent evaluators. Researcher allegiance was determined by contacting the principal investigators of the source articles. CBT was superior to psychodynamic therapy, although not interpersonal or supportive therapies, at post-treatment and at follow-up. Methodological strength of studies was not associated with larger or smaller differences between CBT and other therapies. Researchers' self-reported allegiance was positively correlated with the strength of CBT's superiority; however, when controlling for allegiance ratings, CBT was still associated with a significant advantage. The superiority of CBT over alternative therapies was evident only among patients with anxiety or depressive disorders. These results argue against previous claims of treatment equivalence and suggest that CBT should be considered a first-line psychosocial treatment of choice, at least for patients with anxiety and depressive disorders.  相似文献   

Technology-based self-help and minimal contact therapies have been proposed as effective and low-cost interventions for addictive disorders, such as nicotine, alcohol, and drug abuse and addiction. The present article reviews the literature published before 2010 on computerized treatments for drug and alcohol abuse and dependence and smoking addiction. Treatment studies are examined by disorder as well as amount of therapist contact, ranging from self-administered therapy and predominantly self-help interventions to minimal contact therapy where the therapist is actively involved in treatment but to a lesser degree than traditional therapy and predominantly therapist-administered treatments involving regular contact with a therapist for a typical number of sessions. In the treatment of substance use and abuse it is concluded that self-administered and predominantly self-help computer-based cognitive and behavioral interventions are efficacious, but some therapist contact is important for greater and more sustained reductions in addictive behavior.  相似文献   

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