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本文介绍了计算机辅助导航骨科手术(CAOS)及医用机器人技术在创伤骨科应用中的主要进展、当前在临床应用中存在的主要问题和相关对策,并对其未来的发展趋势进行了预测,同时简要介绍了北京积水潭医院创伤骨科在计算机辅助导航骨科手术及医用机器人技术方面的研究进展。当前骨科手术导航定位所应用的医学图象导引系统已经由使用单一的C型臂、CT等传统影像设备向应用三维C型臂、多模态图像处理系统等新型影像设备转变,基于多模态图像的导航系统将有可能成为导航手术的主流。医用机器人已经在自动化程度和人机交互模式方面,有了长足进展,摆脱了原有工业机器人的结构模式。医学图像后处理技术及其它相关信息技术极大地丰富了导航和机器人外科,只有在不断完善光学定位技术的同时,加大对其它定位方法的研究,才能够提高定位精度;要对相关设备进行开放式结构设计,使不同导航系统的注册软件能够互相兼容,手术器械能够通用,降低设备成本。骨科医生要正确认识计算机辅助导航骨科手术及医用机器人技术,在充分了解CAOS的技术特点、基本原理、操作程序的基础上,对要实施的手术具有深刻的理解,才能开展CAOS手术。目前,迫切需要建立CAOS技术标准、临床适应证和手术操作规范,进行CAOS产品之间的技术比较和评估,便于医生选择合适的CAOS产品。伴随快速发展的信息技术,数字化手术室、智能化微创导航手术系统、医用机器人辅助的远程医疗将有可能成为未来CAOS技术的主要组成部分。  相似文献   

随着近十年来人工智能技术的飞速发展,计算机辅助骨科手术(Computer assisted orthopedic surgery,CAOS)在临床手术中的应用已经较为成熟,但是相对于发达国家,其在国内的发展还处于初级阶段;CAOS最早应用于脊柱手术中,现已经逐步完善了在关节、创伤、运动医学及骨肿瘤等方面的应用.CAOS在骨科手术中的应用具有手术时间短、辐射量少、定位准确等优势,目前已经是骨科发展的重要方向.推动CAOS和自主研发的骨科手术机器人的发展,优化计算机导航技术将是骨科技术程序化、智能化和个体化的关键所在.本文针对CAOS的发展进程及未来的应用前景做一综述.  相似文献   

计算机辅助骨科手术的应用和进展   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
计算机辅助手术(CAS)是近年来在外科手术领域发展最为迅速的一个领域。CAS在骨科手术中的具体应用被称为计算机辅助骨科手术(CAOS)。CAOS的含义是利用当今医学领域的先进成像设备如计算机断层扫描(CT)、磁共振成像(MRI)、正电子发射断层扫描(PET)、数字血管减影(DAS、超声成像(US)以及医用机器人(MR)所得到的多模图像数据,在计算机的帮助下,对医学图像信息进行处理并结合立体定位系统,对人体骨骼的解剖结构进行显示和定位,并由计算机规划手术路径,制定合理、定量的手术方案,进行术前手术模拟,在适当的图像监视和立体定位系统下,利用一定的导引系统,在骨科手术中使用计算机和医用机器人进行手术干预,为骨科医生提供强有力的工具和方法。CAOS在提高病灶定位精度,减少手术损伤,执行复杂外科操作,提高手术成功率方面有卓越的表现,配准和定位是CAOS的核心技术。CAOS已应用在脊柱外科、人工关节置换术、创伤骨科、骨肿瘤治疗中。  相似文献   

计算机辅助骨科手术在创伤骨科中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
计算机辅助骨科手术(computer—assisted orthopaedic surgery,CAOS)是利用计算机对数字化医学影像的高速处理及控制能力,通过虚拟手术环境为骨科医生从技术上提供支援,使手术更微创、更安全、更准确的一门新技术。正因为这是一项基于术中图像,应用相应定位手段,对手术部位及术中的手术器械进行实时跟踪、显示、引导而进行手术的技术,其工作原理犹如在航空、航海中为飞机和舰船进行导航一样,所以也有很多学者把CAOS称为影像辅助导航手术(image guidance fluoroscopic navigation surgery,IGFNS)。CAOS应用的是以计算机图像处理工作站及影像跟踪设备为核心的手术系统,此系统的基本功能是将医学影像设备提供的图像进行信息化处理,并结合立体定位系统(stereotactic localization system)对真正的人体肌肉、骨骼解剖结构进行显示和定位,  相似文献   

计算机辅助骨科技术的现状与未来   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:12  
近年来,计算机技术在外科领域应用日益广泛,计算机辅助骨科技术(CAOS)在神经外科导航的基础上发展迅猛,成功地应用到越来越多的骨科疾病中。它是在计算机技术支持下进行的骨科手术,包括了医学图像数据的获取、术前计划和模拟、配准、术中导航和机器人系统。它的应用提高了手术的准确性,减小了手术创伤,更好的进行手术计划和模拟,并且减少了射线的暴露量。章评述了CAOS的发展现状,提出了未来研究的设想。  相似文献   

计算机辅助手术(computer-assisted surgery,CAS)是综合当今先进的成像设备(如CT,MRI)、计算机技术、空间定位技术等进行图像三维重建及融合。术前充分评估患者的情况,规划手术路径、方案,模拟手术,术中追踪手术器械,引导手术,确定手术范围,从而使外科手术更精确、安全、微创的综合性技术。计算机辅助手术在骨科的应用称为计算机辅助骨科手术(computer-assisted orthopaedic surgery,CAOS)。CAOS技术从20世纪90年代初在欧洲和北美问世以来发展十分迅速。笔者就其在脊柱外科的应用情况做一综述如下.  相似文献   

目的讨论计算机辅助骨科手术(computer assisted orthopedic surgery,CAOS)在创伤骨科的应用及其意义。方法分析CAOS在创伤骨科应用的现状,总结其应用的价值及相关问题。结果目前CAOS在创伤骨科主要应用于脊柱、四肢骨折内固定物的植入和人工髋、膝关节置换以及膝关节交叉韧带的重建等,而在骨折复位方面的应用很少且技术不成熟,但已显示明显的优越性。在CAOS应用过程中应注意其缺点、临床医学评价、手术医生的地位、正确的微创观念等相关问题。结论CAOS在创伤骨科手术微创化进程中有重要意义和无可替代的价值,应处理好一些相关的问题,促进其更好地发展。  相似文献   

计算机辅助骨科手术(CAOS)的发展使骨科手术发生了里程碑式的变化,已成功应用于骨盆截骨、简单髋臼骨折、骶髂螺钉固定等多种骨盆手术中。骨盆复杂的解剖结构,使得现有的空间配准技术对复杂的骨盆骨折存在较大局限,成为CAOS导航研究的难点所在。在传统的CT三维重建基础上进行虚拟手术规划,借助超声测距原理将术中超声图像与术前的多模态医学图像实时配准,通过同步动力化技术跟踪骨折复位情况、确认手术效果,可实现骨盆骨折手术的微创、实时、非X线暴露的三维导航目的。该文就CAOS应用于骨盆骨折的近期研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

计算机辅助骨科手术( CAOS)已在临床骨科多个领域得到应用,但面临着手术时间延长、骨块漂移及增加X线暴露等缺点.近年随着对微创、实时及非X线暴露等要求的提高,超声在CAOS中的应用日益受到重视.CAOS中借助超声回波测距原理形成的超声骨点云轮廓与术前三维CT图像进行实时配准,并通过同步动力化技术实现对手术过程的监控....  相似文献   

计算机导航全膝关节置换系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
裴福兴  李程 《中华骨科杂志》2006,26(10):699-702
医学影像技术,计算机技术和空间示踪技术的发展与结合产生了计算机辅助骨科手术(computer assisted orthopaedic surgery,CAOS),该技术亦被称为计算机手术导航,计算机导航极大地提高了人工全膝和全髋关节置换手术的准确性和可重复性。近两年,计算机导航人工全膝关节置换技术在欧美得到了较为广泛的开展;从其初期的应用报告提示该系统可以极大地改善术中,术后下肢的力学对线,辅助术中软组织平衡调节,改善术后关节的活动范围,取得了很好的近期临床效果。  相似文献   

In recent years computer technologies have become more and more integrated in surgical procedures. The potential advantages of computer assisted surgery (CAS) are: increase of accuracy of surgical interventions, less invasive operations, better planning and simulation and reduction of radiation exposure for both patient and surgeon. After introduction of CAS in neurosurgery, the clinical applications of this technique expanded also into trauma and orthopaedic surgery. The first application of this new technique in orthopaedic and trauma surgery was for placement of lumbar pedicle screws. After its introduction into spine surgery, CAS was applied in other fields of orthopaedic surgery like hip, knee and skeletal trauma surgery. In this article the technical background and the various clinical applications and future perspectives of computer assisted orthopaedic and trauma surgery are outlined.  相似文献   

The Surgical Research Society of Australasia organized a workshop in October 1984 to consider how to maximize the effectiveness of the Society and its meetings. Four working parties addressed the aims and directions of the Society, the planning of meetings, the selection and presentation of papers. and education in surgical research. An overview of the workshop is presented in abbreviated form.  相似文献   

Beware of the unpublished abstract! What is the publication rate of abstracts presented at Musculoskeletal Tumor Society meetings, and how does this compare with other orthopaedic and medical meetings? Three hundred thirty-six podium presentations from six annual meetings were identified and their publication was searched at a minimum of 3 years after the event. An effort was made to determine what percent of these abstracts eventually were published in a peer-reviewed journal. It was determined that 137 abstracts were published for a publication rate of 41%. The average time between presentation at the meeting and publication was 21.8 plus or minus 13.5 months. The published articles appeared in 48 peer-reviewed journals. The rate of publication and time until publication was similar to other orthopaedic meetings and to other medical disciplines. Changes to the cohort, title, or authors occurred in approximately (1/3) of the published articles compared with the abstracts. These results suggest that for various reasons the majority of presented material at Musculoskeletal Tumor Society meetings may not survive peer review and may not be scientifically valid.  相似文献   

Jenny JY 《Der Orthop?de》2006,35(10):1038-1042
Computer assisted orthopaedic surgery (CAOS) was developed to improve the accuracy of surgical procedures. It has improved dramatically over the last years, being transformed from an experimental, laboratory procedure into a routine procedure theoretically available to every orthopaedic surgeon.The first field of application of computer assistance was neurosurgery. After the application of computer guided spinal surgery, the navigation of total hip and knee joints became available. Currently, several applications for computer assisted surgery are available. At the beginning of navigation, a preoperative CT-scan or several fluoroscopic images were necessary. The imageless systems allow the surgeon to digitize patient anatomy at the beginning of surgery without any preoperative imaging. The future of CAOS remains unknown, but there is no doubt that its importance will grow in the next 10 years, and that this technology will probably modify the conventional practice of orthopaedic surgery.  相似文献   

The Surgical Research Society of Australasia organized a workshop in October 1984 to consider how to maximize the effectiveness of the Society and its meetings. Four working parties addressed the aims and directions of the Society, the planning of meeting, the selection and presentation of papers, and education in surgical research. An overview of the workshop is presented in abbreviated form.  相似文献   

Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research is an open access, online journal that aims to expeditiously publish clinical and basic research studies related to musculoskeletal issues in different cultural communities. It provides a platform for exchanges of new clinical and scientific information in the most precise and expeditious way to achieve dissemination of information and cross-fertilization of ideas. The open access nature of this journal allows articles to be universally and freely accessible via the Internet. This ensures a rapid and efficient communication of research findings. The journal welcomes all types of articles related to musculoskeletal issues. Its timely publication and high visibility are the two most important features that make this journal different from other traditional journals in the orthopaedic field.  相似文献   

骨科生物力学的进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
骨科生物力学是指应用生物力学的方法来解决骨科所遇到的问题,即将工程原理、特别是机械力学原理应用于临床医学。它让一些原本束手无策的问题得以解决,如人工关节置换术的发明与临床应用减轻了退行性关节炎患者的痛苦。本次骨科生物力学重点刊共收录了大陆7篇及台湾3篇相关研究论文,内容涵盖了人工关节、骨折固定、足部、脊椎、手术方法、骨组织等,性质从临床应用到基础研究,运用了材料试验机测试或电脑模拟有限元分析等基本方法。使读者了解生物力学如何运用于骨科方面的研究,期望更多医生在临床中发现适合于骨科生物力学的研究题材。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To identify trends in industry sponsorship of orthopaedic trauma research presented at the annual meetings of the Orthopaedic Trauma Association since the establishment of conflict of interest (COI) reporting policies in 1993. BACKGROUND: Industry plays a large role in funding orthopaedic basic science and clinical research. The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of industrial support in orthopaedic research as documented in the final programs of the annual meetings of the Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA), determine the incidence and nature of COI in the papers and posters accepted for OTA presentation, and report any changes in the frequency of reporting since disclosure policies were enacted in 1993. METHODS: This paper analyzes COI for all years since the adoption of the reporting policies 1993-2002. From 1993-1998, presenters of posters and papers presented at the Orthopaedic Trauma Association annual meetings were required to disclose COI greater than dollar 500, the type of monetary distribution was not recorded. From 1999-2002, presenters of posters and papers were required to acknowledge the type of COI: 1. research grant, 2. miscellaneous non-income support, 3. royalties, 4. stock, and 5. consultant fees. All COI categories were recorded for each year Linear regression was used to determine significance of trends in the pooled data. RESULTS: There was an increase in the percentage of papers accepted and presented at the OTA between 1993 and 2002 with COI. The number of papers reporting COI rose from 7.6% in 1993 to 12.6% in 2002 (p = 0.0129). There was no significant increase in posters with COI over that same time period. No changes were observed in the nature of industrial involvement since the change in reporting enacted in 1999. There were no observed trends in NIH or OTA grant distribution between 1993 and 2002. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Industry is playing an increasing role in the funding oforthopaedic research. The majority of industrial support is in the form of research grants. The increasing industrial support of scientific research in the public sector is to be applauded as long as it does not lead to the sequestering and suppression of information that may be disadvantageous to the industrial sponsor.  相似文献   

In silico, defined in analogy to in vitro and in vivo as those studies that are performed on a computer, is an essential step in problem-solving and product development in classical engineering fields. The use of in silico models is now slowly easing its way into medicine. In silico models are already used in orthopaedics for the planning of complicated surgeries, personalised implant design and the analysis of gait measurements. However, these in silico models often lack the simulation of the response of the biological system over time. In silico models focusing on the response of the biological systems are in full development. This review starts with an introduction into in silico models of orthopaedic processes. Special attention is paid to the classification of models according to their spatiotemporal scale (gene/protein to population) and the information they were built on (data vs hypotheses). Subsequently, the review focuses on the in silico models used in regenerative orthopaedics research. Contributions of in silico models to an enhanced understanding and optimisation of four key elements—cells, carriers, culture and clinics—are illustrated. Finally, a number of challenges are identified, related to the computational aspects but also to the integration of in silico tools into clinical practice.  相似文献   

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