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采用血红蛋白(Hb),红细胞游离原卟啉(FEP)及血清铁蛋白(SF)等多项血液学指标,对六个省区不同民族的学龄前儿童进行了缺铁性贫血患病情况的调查,同时结合膳食组成的调查,分析其与缺铁性贫血患病的关系。结果发现:铁缺乏症平均为59.1%,缺铁性贫血患病率为16.4%,年龄分布以6个月和1岁组最高,分别为28.7%及22.7%。通过膳食组成调查分析,发现不同地区小儿缺铁性贫血患病率与当地的膳食组成有密切关系。除膳食铁外,摄取动物性食品及蛋白质较高的地区,其缺铁性贫血患病率较低。  相似文献   

徐燕 《社区卫生保健》2007,6(3):200-201
目的了解中老年居民的膳食、营养知识水平,为社区开展健康教育提供依据。方法用上海市营养学会制定的膳食营养问卷对海宁街道200名50岁及以上的中老年人进行调查。结果本组中老年人了解膳食宝塔具体内容的只占12%,不同文化程度的中老年人对饮食与营养、饮食与疾病的认知水平不同。结论社区中老年人的膳食、营养教育需要加强,针对其不同文化层次,选择内容与形式,以利促进健康,提高老年人生活质量。  相似文献   

目的:探索分析佳木斯地区中老年骨质疏松症患者与膳食中三大营养素及骨密度相关性。方法:选择佳木斯地区中老年骨质疏松症100例进行中老年骨质疏松症患者膳食中三大营养素摄入状况调查,骨密度测量分析,体格检查及既往情况调查,血清钙水平调查。结果:骨密度正常患者平均每日摄入蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物量均显著高于骨密度异常患者,且BMD与蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物相关性显著。患者实验室化验血清钙水平2.20±0.40,符合实验室化验血清钙水平范围2.10~2.60。结论:骨质疏松发病与膳食营养素密切相关,均衡饮食,摄入足够钙质可以提高骨密度;中老年人随年龄增加骨质疏松症患病率呈递增趋向。  相似文献   

河南某幼儿园儿童膳食及营养状况调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的了解学龄前儿童的膳食结构及营养状况,为调整膳食结构提供科学依据。方法通过膳食调查、体格检查及血红蛋白测定,评价河南省直机关第二幼儿园407名幼儿的营养素摄人情况及一般营养状况。结果学龄前儿童平均每人每日能量、蛋白质、维生素A、核黄素、维生素B1、维生素E、铁、铜、磷、硒摄入量合理,但钙、锌摄入偏低,碳水化合物摄入偏低,脂肪摄入量偏高;幼儿营养不良检出率为0.73%,肥胖检出率为2.7%,无贫血儿童。结论儿童膳食结构不尽合理,动物性食物摄入过高,粮谷类、绿叶蔬菜及乳类食品摄入过低。  相似文献   

目的应用修订的膳食平衡指数(DBI-07)方法评价北京市某社区中老年人群的膳食质量状况,为改善中老年人的膳食质量,开展有针对性的膳食营养干预提供理论依据。方法 2016年2—7月,采用问卷调查的方法,对北京市某社区的1 158名50岁以上中老年人进行一般状况及膳食调查(FFQ法)。应用修订的DBI-07对中老年人群的膳食质量状况进行评价。结果中老年人群奶类和大豆类、蔬菜水果类及动物性食物存在明显的摄入不足情况。食物种类达到或接近推荐摄入种类的仅占34.7%。在不同性别和年龄中DBI总分(DBI_TS)、正端分(DBI_HBS)和负端分(DBI_LBS)的差异有统计学意义(P 0.05)。受教育程度较高的人群负端分(DBI_LBS)和膳食质量距(DBI_DQD)的得分较低(P 0.05)。结论中老年人群存在膳食摄入总体不均衡的问题,膳食摄入状况低度失衡,并且膳食结构中以蔬菜水果类、奶类和豆类以及动物性食物的摄入不足为主要问题。应指导中老年人群合理膳食,适量增加蔬菜水果类、奶类及大豆类和动物性食物的摄入,以提高中老年人群的膳食质量状况。  相似文献   

目的 了解乌鲁木齐市社区中老年居民膳食营养状况,为今后合理指导中老年人膳食营养提供参考依据.方法 采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样的方法,通过24h膳食回顾法收集乌市社区579名中老年人的膳食种类和摄入量.结果 社区中老年人膳食构成以植物性食物为主,其中粮谷类、蔬菜水果类、畜禽肉类、蛋类的摄入量达到或接近中国居民平衡膳食宝塔推荐摄入量,而油脂和盐的摄入量分别为39.0 g/d、12.1 g/d,均超过了推荐摄入量;3大产热营养素产热分配比例中,蛋白质、脂肪的供能百分比分别为15.9%、38.2%,高于推荐比例,而碳水化合物供能比为45.9%,低于推荐比例;钙的摄入量为614.7 mg/d,远低于参考摄入量,而铁的摄入量虽然达到参考摄入量,但来源较差,77.1%来自于植物性食物.结论 乌鲁木齐市社区中老年人膳食结构仍欠平衡,应加强宣传教育,提高营养知识水平;日常饮食中建议中老年人多吃蔬菜水果和鱼,减少油脂和盐的摄入,从而达到促进健康和合理营养的目的.  相似文献   

驻马店市部分孕妇膳食营养状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]了解驻马店市孕妇营养状况及部分与营养有关疾病的患病情况。[方法]2000年6月至2002年11月,采用7日膳食称量法对260名孕妇的膳食营养状况进行调查.检查血红蛋白,询问有无缺钙的症状。[结果]热能和蛋白质摄入基本达到RDA;钙、铁、锌、维生素A、维生素B2摄入量不到RDA的80%,其他营养素基本达到RDA;产热营养素中,脂肪热能占31.8%;孕中期贫血率为23.85%,52.3%出现缺钙症状。[结论]驻马店市孕妇总体营养状况良好,部分孕妇脂肪摄入较多。  相似文献   

某中等卫校学生膳食营养状况   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 了解中等卫校学生的膳食营养状况。方法 采用记帐法进行膳食调查,并进行现时营养状况调查。结果 膳食供给的谷类、蔬菜、肉、蛋、鱼虾等达不同中国居民平衡膳食宝塔的建议量,其中谷类只占建议量的79.6%,蔬菜为57.1%,肉禽为75.2%,蛋类为57.2%,鱼虾类为21%,缺少奶类。营养素中蛋白质、碳水化合物、热能、维生素B1、维生素B2和无机盐等摄入量均在RDA的80%以下,特别是核黄素和钙摄入量仅达RDA的1/3,优质蛋白及动物铁的来源也不符合青少年应有的要求,其中动物铁仅占11.02%。有25.6%的学生体重达不到应有的标准,有3%的男生及12.9%的女生有口腔、皮肤疾病。血红蛋白(Rb)测定提示有16.5%的女生及2.8%的男生出现缺铁性贫血。结论 中等卫校学生营养不合理,应在学生及膳食中加强中国居民膳食指南的宣传教育及其他营养知识的教育。  相似文献   

北京市50岁以上中老年人膳食营养状况调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的为了解北京市50岁及以上中老年人的膳食营养状况,对2002年“中国居民营养与健康状况调查”北京地区的结果进行分析。方法采用连续3d的称重法和24h回顾法,收集样本人群的食物消费种类及数量,获得个体每日食物和营养素的摄入量。结果北京市中老年人群的膳食以谷类为主,城郊区在膳食比例上存在差异。虽然人群的营养素平均摄入水平已接近或超过每日营养素供给量(RNI),但个体之间存在较大差异。人群中仍有相当比例的个体能量、蛋白质、脂溶性维生素和B组维生素以及锌、钾等营养素的摄入达不到RNI。结论北京市中老年人群膳食结构仍欠合理;应增加维生索和矿物质丰富的蔬菜、水果和豆类制品的摄入;控制脂肪和钠的摄取;并需努力减少个体之间的差异。  相似文献   

目的:为了解武警军校学员和战士的膳食营养状况,提出膳食营养建议,保障官兵身体健康。方法:采用3d膳食称量法进行膳食调查,按标准方法进行体格检查,对其中79名学员和95名战士进行血红蛋白、血钙、血铁和尿液维生素C测定。结果:学员和战士的膳食以粮食和蔬菜为主,蛋白质摄入量仅达军标的75.3%和72.8%;油脂摄入量分别为军标的220.0%和202.0%;多种维生素及元素钙摄入量不足,不能满足机体需要。结论:两单位膳食能量供应基本达标,但膳食结构欠合理,食物品种单一。应调整膳食结构,提高动物类食品和大豆及其制品的供应,并增加食物品种,以满足机体对维生素和矿物元素的需求。  相似文献   

Anemia has been acknowledged as worldwide problem, including in Indonesia. This cross-sectional study aims to explore dietary determinants as risk factors for anemia in children aged 6–36 months living in a poor urban area of Jakarta. The study was done in Kampung Melayu sub-district in Jakarta, Indonesia. Data was collected within two weeks in September–October 2020. A structured questionnaire for a 24-h recall and a semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) were used to collect the dietary intake data, and venous blood was withdrawn to determine the hemoglobin levels. Bivariate chi-square and multiple logistic regression tests were executed to explore the dietary determinant factors for anemia. We recruited 180 subjects. The average hemoglobin concentration was 11.4 ± 1.7 mg/dL; the anemia prevalence was 29.4%. The following variables were significantly associated with higher risk of anemia: no cow’s milk formula consumption, inadequate intake of fats, protein, calcium, vitamin D, iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12. Only cow’s milk formula consumption and zinc intake were revealed as the determinant factors of anemia. In conclusion, the prevalence of anemia was 29.4% among children aged 6–36 months old. Anemia was significantly associated with two dietary determinants as risk factors that are cow’s milk formula consumption and zinc intake.  相似文献   

王萍  谢昌平  韦琳  蓝剑 《职业与健康》2013,29(17):2139-2141
目的了解柳州市农村寄宿制学校学生的膳食营养状况,为开展学生营养干预提供理论依据。方法抽取柳州市农村6所寄宿制中小学校学生6000名,采用24h膳食记账和称重相结合的方法进行膳食调查,同时测量学生的身高、体重和血红蛋白含量,评价营养状况。结果柳州市农村寄宿制学校食物品种单一,膳食结构不合理,主要营养素摄取量普遍不足,特别是优质蛋白质、维生素A以及微量元素钙和锌;而食盐摄入严重过量。学生营养不良和较低体重检出率为7.17%和52.32%,贫血患病率为16.39%,除营养不良外,其余均高于全国农村学生平均水平。结论柳州市农村寄宿制学校学生膳食和营养状况不容乐观。营养素摄入量普遍不足,应采取有效措施,促进学生合理膳食,改善其营养状况。  相似文献   

Few epidemiologic studies have examined the role of maternal iron status in allergic diseases in offspring and findings have been inconsistent. We used a large birth cohort in Japan to explore the association of the markers for maternal iron status (maternal hemoglobin, hematocrit and dietary iron intake during pregnancy) with allergy development in offspring during early childhood. We analyzed information on children age 0–3 years from the Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS). We used logistic models and generalized estimating equation models to evaluate the effect of maternal hemoglobin and hematocrit levels and dietary iron intake on allergies in children. Models were also fitted with propensity score-matched datasets. Data were collected for a total of 91,247 mother–child pairs. The prevalence (95% confidence interval) of low hemoglobin and hematocrit was 14.0% (13.7–14.2%) and 12.5% (12.3–12.8%), respectively. After adjusting confounders, low hemoglobin and hematocrit during pregnancy were not associated with childhood allergic outcomes. Findings from models with propensity score-matched datasets also indicated that children born to mothers with low hemoglobin or hematocrit levels during pregnancy did not have a higher risk of developing allergic conditions at 3 years old. We found no meaningful associations between low energy adjusted maternal dietary iron intake and allergies in children. In conclusion, using birth cohort data, we found no evidence supporting an association of low maternal hemoglobin, hematocrit and low dietary iron intake with allergy symptoms during early childhood. Further studies with more suitable proxy markers for blood iron status are needed.  相似文献   

目的 了解兰州市城区乳母膳食营养状况及其与乳汁成分的关系。方法 招募102位乳母,通过问卷调查其基本情况和膳食状况,计算膳食营养素摄入量,采集血液样本检测血红蛋白和微量元素水平,采集母乳分析体质指数及宏量营养素摄入和乳汁成分的关系。结果 乳母能量摄入量中位数为1 507.5(1 245.5,1 954.5)kcal,能量和宏量营养素及多种微量营养素摄入量均不足,蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物供能比分别为13.72%、25.67%、60.90%;乳汁中脂肪、总蛋白质、糖类、干物质、能量的含量分别为(4.33±1.23)g/100 mL、(1.23±0.24)g/100 mL、(7.07±0.32)g/100 mL、(12.82±1.13)g/100 mL、(73.70±10.93)kcal/100 mL。不同BMI分组乳母乳汁中脂肪、干物质以及能量含量不同(均P<0.05),超重/肥胖组乳母乳汁中能量、脂肪以及干物质含量高。乳汁成分和乳母膳食宏量营养素之间未发现相关性(均P>0.05)。乳母血红蛋白平均含量为(137.23±1.10)g/L,7例(7.53%)贫血,乳母缺乏的微量元素主要为镁(24.73%)和铁(7.53%)。结论 需要加强对乳母的营养宣教,鼓励其合理膳食,定期检测血红蛋白浓度,及时发现健康问题并改善。  相似文献   

我们用光电比色法和微量毛细玻璃管法,测定了血红蛋白含量,红细胞数和血球压积等,了解北京市城区托幼机构、散居和郊区(半山区)的学龄前儿童缺铁性贫血发病情况,发现郊区儿童缺铁性贫血患病率明显高于市区托幼机构及散居的儿童。从各年龄组来看,7个月至2岁患病率最高。市区二个托儿所三天称重法膳食调查结果,儿童铁的摄取量平均为8.6mg,达不到供给量标准,而一幼儿园用记帐法膳食调查表明,这些儿童铁的平均摄取量超过供给量标准,达12.8mg,其贫血发病率显著下降。因此,北京市学龄前儿童尤其婴幼儿贫血的发生,膳食中铁供给不足可能是主要原因。  相似文献   

探讨寄宿制学校学生膳食营养及贫血状况,为制定有针对性的营养干预措施提供参考.方法 采用分层整群抽样法,首先按经济发展水平将我国分为一类、二类、三类地区,3类地区共随机抽取16省,每省抽取1个县的初一年级住校生> 100人的1所学校,每所学校组织至少100名住校生参与调查,共1 929名,进行基本信息、膳食调查与血红蛋白测定.结果 学生每天的能量摄入量为2 151.41 kcal(1 kcal=4.18 kJ),蛋白质摄入量为61.27 g,碳水化物摄入量为303.16 g,脂肪摄入量为78.10 g,铁摄入量为19.79 g,平均贫血率为6.30%.除鱼虾贝类外,不同地区间学生膳食摄人种类差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05),各类地区能量、蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪与铁摄入量差异均有统计学意义(F值分别为96.18,87.02,232.09,132.13,77.04,P值均<0.05).结论 寄宿制学校学生的膳食结构有待调整,贫血状况有待改善.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Elevated iron stores, oxidative stress, and estrogen deficiency may place postmenopausal women at greater risk of heart disease and cancer than premenopausal women. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to determine the effect of soy-protein isolate (SPI) intake and iron indexes on plasma total antioxidant status (TAS) in perimenopausal women after control for other contributing factors. DESIGN: Perimenopausal women (n = 69) were randomly assigned (double blind) to treatment: isoflavone-rich SPI (SPI+; n = 24), isoflavone-poor SPI (SPI-; n = 24), or whey protein (control; n = 21). Each subject consumed 40 g soy or whey protein daily for 24 wk. Plasma TAS, serum ferritin, serum iron, transferrin saturation, and hemoglobin were measured at baseline, week 12, and week 24. RESULTS: No significant time-by-treatment interactions on iron indexes or TAS were observed, whereas time had an effect on serum ferritin (P < or = 0.0001) and hemoglobin (P = 0.004) but not on TAS. Multiple regression analysis showed that at week 12, 48% (P < or = 0.0001) of the variability in TAS was accounted for by baseline TAS, alcohol intake, soy intake (soy compared with control; P = 0.016), plasma lipoprotein(a), and dietary iron. At week 24, 47% of the variability in TAS was accounted for by baseline TAS, serum ferritin, serum estrone, dietary zinc, and dietary meat, fish, and poultry. CONCLUSIONS: SPI intake had no significant effect on iron status, but our results suggest that dietary soy protein and low iron stores may protect perimenopausal women from oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Diet is a modifiable factor that can contribute to the health of pregnant women. In a sample of 577 HIV-positive pregnant women who completed baseline interviews for the Breastfeeding, Antiretrovirals, and Nutrition Study in Lilongwe, Malawi, cluster analysis was used to derive dietary patterns. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify associations between the dietary patterns and mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC), arm muscle area (AMA), arm fat area (AFA), and hemoglobin at baseline. Three key dietary patterns were identified: animal-based, plant-based, and grain-based. Women with relatively greater wealth were more likely to consume the animal-based diet, which had the highest intake of energy, protein, and fat and was associated with higher hemoglobin levels compared to the other diets. Women with the lowest wealth were more likely to consume the grain-based diet with the lowest intake of energy, protein, fat, and iron and were more likely to have lower AFA than women on the animal-based and plant-based diets, but higher AMA compared to women on the animal-based diet. Pregnant, HIV-infected women in Malawi could benefit from nutritional support to ensure greater nutrient diversity during pregnancy, when women face increased nutrient demands to support fetal growth and development.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined baseline dietary intake, body weight, and physiologic status in patients enrolled in a dietary intervention for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). METHODS: Dietary, physiologic, and demographic information were collected at baseline from 40 adult patients with poorly controlled T2DM (glycosylated hemoglobin >7%) who participated in a clinical trial at an academic medical center in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. RESULTS: The average age at enrollment was 53.5 y (SD 8.4), average body mass index was 35.48 kg/m(2) (SD 7.0), and glycosylated hemoglobin was 8.3% (SD 1.2). Participants were predominantly white, married, and employed full time. Forty-eight percent were men. Seventy-eight percent had hyperlipidemia, and 68% had hypertension. Reported baseline daily average energy intake was 1778 kcal (SD 814), daily carbohydrate was 159 g (SD 71.5), and dietary fiber was 11.4 g (SD 5.2). The dietary composition was 35% carbohydrate, 45% fat (15% saturated fat), and 20% protein. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines recommends 45-65% of energy from carbohydrate, 20-35% from fat (<7% saturated), and 20% from protein. CONCLUSION: These patients reported a low-carbohydrate, low-fiber, high-fat (especially saturated) diet, although they stated they are not following any of the popular low-carbohydrate diets. Patients with T2DM may find the current trend toward reducing weight through low-carbohydrate diets attractive for control of blood glucose, despite ADA recommendations. This dietary pattern may represent a popular trend that extends beyond our particular study and, if so, has serious cardiovascular implications in this vulnerable population of T2DM patients.  相似文献   

Iron deficiency anaemia is the most common micronutrient deficiency worldwide. The prevalence of anaemia in the developing countries is three to four times higher than that in the developed countries. The iron status was assessed in 199 apparently healthy male and female adolescents aged 12–19 years living in a fishing community in Sabah, Malaysia. Data on socio-economic characteristics, lifestyles, anthropometry measurements, iron status, and dietary intake were gathered. Dietary intake of energy, iron, and most nutrients (with the exception of protein and vitamin C) were below the recommended levels for Malaysian adolescents. Three-quarters of the iron was derived from plant foods. The mean haemoglobin value for the male was 13.9±1.3 g/dl with 9.5% having less than 12 g/dl, while the respective figures for the female were 12.4±1.6 g/dl and 28.6%. The mean serum ferritin concentrations for male and female adolescents were 21.5 and 15.4 μg/l, respectively; with 25.7% of the males and 49.5% of the females having deficient levels of ferritin. Dietary intake of total energy and iron, and gender were found to be independent determinants of serum ferritin and haemoglobin levels, accounting for over 40% of the variations for each of these iron indicators. In males, but not in females, the intake of dietary protein and iron, and physical activity were also found to be significant determinants of serum ferritin. The age of subjects and household size were significant determinants of haemoglobin levels for male subjects, but not for female subjects. The findings indicate the importance of adequate intake of energy and dietary iron for improving the iron status of adolescents.  相似文献   

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