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目的 探讨先天性小肠狭窄及肠闭锁X线检查与诊断价值.方法 回顾性分析15例经手术证实的先天性小肠狭窄及肠闭锁病例,15例均行立位腹部平片检查,其中6例行口服医用硫酸钡检查,9例行口服非离子型含碘对比剂检查.结果 立位腹部平片显示12例高位肠梗阻,3例低位肠梗阻,造影检查显示十二指肠闭锁2例,空肠狭窄7例,空肠闭锁3例,回肠闭锁3例.结论 X线检查先天性小肠狭窄及肠闭锁具有重要价值.  相似文献   

肠闭锁的临床与X线影像分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的 :了解肠闭锁的临床及影像检查方法与表现。方法 :本组 13例均经手术证实为肠闭锁 ,其中 3例十二指肠闭锁 ,4例空肠闭锁 ,3例回肠闭锁 ,3例结肠闭锁 ,临床以呕吐、进行性腹胀为首发症状 ,呕吐物可含胆汁及粪水物 ,部分病例有排胎粪史 ,全部均行腹部立卧位平片检查 ,其中 6例经胃管行胃、小肠碘水造影 ,7例行大肠钡灌造影。结果 :13例均有肠梗阻的临床症状 ,腹部平片均显示不同平面的肠梗阻 ,6例胃肠造影中 4例可显示肠闭锁的盲端 ,1例发现小肠其它先天性异常 ,7例大肠灌肠造影直接显示或提示肠闭锁部位 ,胎儿型结肠对本病较具诊断意义。结论 :术前通过消化道造影检查可以明确或提示肠闭锁的诊断。  相似文献   

目的 探讨先天性食管闭锁与食管气管瘘的X线、CT诊断价值.资料与方法 回顾性分析7例先天性食管闭锁与食管气管瘘的影像学表现,7例均行X线平片和食管造影,其中3例进行了CT检查.结果 7例中Ⅰ型2例、Ⅱ型1例、Ⅲ型4例(Ⅲa型1例,Ⅲb型3例).X线胸腹平片显示胃肠积气4例、吸入性肺炎6例及右上肺不张2例;食管造影显示近端呈盲端6例、近端食管气管瘘1例;CT检查显示远端食管气管瘘3例.结论 综合应用X线、CT检查对先天性食管闭锁与食管气管瘘的确诊及分型具有重要意义.  相似文献   

肠梗阻的CT诊断价值   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
目的 :探讨CT检查对肠梗阻的诊断价值。方法 :对 3 6例肠梗阻患者的腹部X线平片和CT表现进行分析。其中 2 4例行手术治疗 ,12例行胃肠减压、抗感染保守治疗。 12例有腹部手术史。结果 :腹部X线平片和CT准确显示梗阻程度的病例分别为 2 0例 ( 5 5 .6% )和 3 4例 ( 94.4% )。CT直接准确诊断梗阻病因 19例 ,包括结肠直肠癌 16例 ,肠系膜囊肿伴绞窄性肠梗阻 1例 ,结肠淋巴瘤合并肠套叠 1例 ,结肠脂肪瘤合并肠套叠 1例。 12例有腹部手术史者中 10例为粘连性肠梗阻 ,2例为麻痹性肠梗阻 ,结合手术史 ,CT诊断无误。结论 :对梗阻病因的判断CT明显优于腹部X线平片 ,CT可显示狭窄移行段的形态 ,有助于判断病因 ,可为临床确定治疗方案提供较可靠的依据。  相似文献   

婴幼儿先天性膈疝的X线及CT表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨先天性膈疝的影像学诊断价值.方法 回顾性分析13例经X线胸部平片、钡餐或钡灌肠造影及CT检查而诊断为先天性膈疝,其中8例经手术证实.结果 胸腹膜裂孔疝X线胸腹部平片表现为患侧胸腔内见含气肠襻,钡餐或钡灌肠造影显示小肠或结肠疝入胸腔内;食管裂孔疝X线胸腹部平片表现为心膈角处透亮影或无异常,钡餐显示胃疝入胸腔内或见三环征;胸骨后疝X线胸腹部平片表现为心膈角处见含气或无气肿块影,钡餐显示胃及小肠位置及形态正常,钡灌肠造影显示结肠疝入胸骨后方心膈角处.而CT二维重建成像均可显示膈肌缺损的大小、部位及疝入胸腔内的脏器形态.胸腹膜裂孔疝6例,食管裂孔疝5例,胸骨后疝2例,其中位于左侧10例,右侧3例.结论 联合合理运用影像学检查对婴幼儿先天性膈疝具有很高的诊断价值,为临床手术治疗提供重要的依据.  相似文献   

肠梗阻的腹部X线平片和CT诊断   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
目的 :探讨腹部X线平片和CT检查在肠梗阻诊断中的价值。方法 :经手术病理证实的 5 6例肠梗阻病人 ,男性2 9例 ,女性 2 7例 ,平均 4 2 .3± 11.5岁。术后均行腹部CT和X线平片检查。将腹部CT和X线平片表现与手术病理对照 ,分析其在判断肠梗阻有无、部位、类型及病因的准确性。结果 :5 6例肠梗阻中 ,判断肠梗阻的有无 :CT检查诊断 5 5例(98% ) ,X线平片诊断 4 5例 (80 .4 % ) (P <0 .0 5 )。肠梗阻部位的判断 ,CT正确诊断 5 0例 (89.3% ) ,平片正确诊断 38例(6 7.9% ) (P <0 .0 5 )。肠梗阻类型的判断 ,39例单纯机械性肠梗阻 ,CT诊断 36例 (92 .3% ) ,平片诊断 35例 (89.7% )(P >0 .0 5 ) ;10例绞窄性肠梗阻 ,CT诊断 9例 (85 .7% ) ,平片仅 1例做出诊断 (10 .0 % ) (P <0 .0 5 ) ;8例动力性肠梗阻 ,CT诊断 7例 (87.5 % ) ,平片诊断 5例 (6 2 .5 % ) (P >0 .0 5 )。肠梗阻病因的判断 ,CT诊断 5 0例 (89.3% ) ,平片诊断 2 8例(5 0 0 % ) (P <0 .0 1)。结论 :腹部X线平片和CT检查均可准确诊断肠梗阻 ,但在判断肠梗阻的部位、类型和病因方面 ,CT检查优于X线平片。  相似文献   

目的 探讨术后早期炎症性肠梗阻(early postoperative inflammatory small bowel obstruction,EPISBO)的影像学表现,避免误诊.资料与方法 分析21例EPISBO的影像表现,21例均行CT平扫,其中14例行CT增强扫描,8例行碘水溶性对比剂全胃肠道造影检查.结果 X线胃肠道造影表现:小肠扩张、气-液平面8例,肠间隙增宽5例,肠襻粘连成团3例,腹脂线模糊3例,2例见腹腔积液.7例见肠蠕动缓慢或消失、肠排空减慢,1例肠蠕动和肠排空基本正常.CT表现:肠管扩张21例,肠壁水肿、增厚14例,肠系膜浑浊、腹腔渗出14例,肠管广泛粘连16例,增强扫描8例肠壁强化.结论 EPISBO影像表现介于麻痹性肠梗阻和粘连性肠梗阻之间,肠动力减低明显时其表现类似麻痹性肠梗阻,而粘连为主时其影像表现偏向于粘连性肠梗阻.结合临床表现诊断不难,影像学检查主要是排除麻痹性肠梗阻、粘连性肠梗阻以及肠扭转等.  相似文献   

胆石性肠梗阻的影像诊断   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的研究胆石性肠梗阻影像表现及其诊断价值.方法回顾性分析15例经临床证实的胆石性肠梗阻患者的影像表现及其诊断价值.结果所有病例CT表现均见肠梗阻征象、肠腔内迷走结石(异位结石)及胆囊、胆系积气,2例显示腹腔游离积液,除1例胆囊切除者外另14例均见胆囊变形,胆囊与十二指肠分界不清,4例可见明确显示胆肠瘘.5例同时进行了腹部立卧位X线平片检查,其中1例碘水造影显示机械性肠梗阻、肠腔内充盈缺损、胆肠瘘,1例显示胆管积气,3例显示肠梗阻征象,2例未见异常.7例同时进行了腹部超声检查,均提示胆囊异常,其中3例显示胆系积气.结论胆石性肠梗阻有典型的CT表现,CT是胆石性肠梗阻最佳诊断方法,X线平片及超声可以作为筛查手段.  相似文献   

目的 分析新生儿先天性细小结肠症的临床表现及其X线征象.方法 搜集本院资料完整的先天性细小结肠症患者38例,38例患儿均做结肠造影,就其临床表现及X线平片和结肠造影检查进行回顾性分析.结果 在38例中,27例小肠闭锁和3例胎粪性肠梗阻,结肠造影发现全结肠细小,管径约0.3~1.0 cm,结肠壁柔软、蠕动存在,结肠框长度基本正常,小肠闭锁位置越高,结肠越粗,位置越低则结肠越细; 5例结肠闭锁,结肠造影可见闭锁段以上结肠不显影,显影的结肠细小,管径约0.3~0.6 cm ;3例为原发性细小结肠症.结论 X线检查尤其是结肠造影对先天性细小结肠症诊断和鉴别诊断有重要意义.  相似文献   

目的探讨X线检查对小儿顽固性呕吐的诊断价值。方法搜集临床27例小儿顽固性呕吐病例行X线平片和上消化道造影检查,对其病理及X线表现进行分析。结果27例中,先天性食管闭锁见于5例,先天性肥厚性幽门狭窄17例,中肠扭转2例,胃一食管反流(贲门松驰)3例。24例行手术治愈,3例保守治疗。结论常规X线检查仍是患儿顽固性呕吐的首选和重要检查方法,能为临床诊断和指导治疗提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There are limited studies in the literature comparing plain radiography, US and CT in the evaluation of intestinal obstruction. We carried out this prospective study to compare the relative efficacies of these three imaging techniques in patients with intestinal obstruction. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-two patients presenting with clinical suspicion of intestinal obstruction were subjected to plain radiography, US and CT and the findings were compared with reference to the presence or absence of obstruction, the level of obstruction and the cause of obstruction. The final diagnosis was obtained by surgery (n=25), or by contrast studies and/or clinical follow-up in those who were treated conservatively (n=7). RESULTS: Out of 32 patients, 30 had mechanical intestinal obstruction (22 had small bowel obstruction and 8 had large bowel obstruction). Of the remaining 2 patients, 1 had adynamic ileus and the other had a mesenteric cyst. CT had high sensitivity (93%), specificity (100%) and accuracy (94%) in diagnosing the presence of obstruction. The comparable sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were, respectively. 83%, 100% and 84% for US and 77%, 50% and 75% for plain radiography. The level of obstruction was correctly predicted in 93% on CT, in 70% on US and in 60% on plain films. CT was superior (87%) to both US (23%) and plain radiography (7%) in determining the aetiology of obstruction. CONCLUSION: CT is a highly accurate method in the evaluation of intestinal obstruction especially for determining the level and cause of obstruction and should be the technique of choice when clinical or plain radiographic findings are equivocal.  相似文献   

Twelve neonates presenting with nasal obstruction after birth were evaluated by imaging studies for diagnostic reasons. Four groups were recognized: Group I: choanal atresia (n = 5) and choanal stenosis (n = 1); Group II: congenital nasal pyriform aperture stenosis (CNPAS) (n = 3) and holoprosencephaly (n = 1); Group III: nasolacrimal duct mucocele (n = 1); Group IV: nasal hypoplasia (n = 1). Associated anomalies were found in eight patients. Four patients with choanal atresia showed manifestations of the CHARGE (coloboma, congenital heart defect, atretic choanae, retarded physical and neuromotor development associated with central nervous system anomalies, genital hypoplasia, and ear anomaly and/or deafness) association. In the fifth patient with choanal atresia, the diagnosis of amnion disruption sequence was made. One patient with CNPAS had a solitary maxillary central incisor (SMCI), a mild form of holoprosencephaly. Besides proboscis and synophthalmos, SMCI was also present in the holoprosencephaly case. The patient with severe nasal hypoplasia had warfarin embryopathy. This review emphasizes the need for performing imaging studies in the diagnostic workup of neonates born with nasal obstruction.  相似文献   

Congenital anomalies of the upper gastrointestinal tract.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A wide spectrum of congenital anomalies may affect the upper gastrointestinal tract, including anomalies of the esophagus (e.g., atresia, fistulas, webs, duplications, vascular rings), stomach (e.g., congenital gastric outlet obstruction, duplications), and duodenum (e.g., atresia, annular pancreas, duplications, malrotation). The evaluation of affected patients can require multiple imaging modalities for diagnosis and surgical planning. Radiography is often diagnostic and specific and can usually provide important clues to help determine the optimal diagnostic procedure. Neonates with complete gastric or upper intestinal obstruction do not usually require further radiologic evaluation after radiography: Barium studies are usually contraindicated, and complementary procedures (e.g., ultrasound [US], computed tomography [CT]) are not usually helpful and may even delay surgery, resulting in death. Nevertheless, US has become important in the evaluation of the pediatric gastrointestinal tract and is being used in an increasing number of applications. CT and magnetic resonance imaging are unsuitable for general screening but provide superb anatomic detail and added diagnostic specificity. They are especially useful in demonstrating esophageal duplications and vascular rings as well as associated abnormalities. However, the decision to perform a given imaging examination should be considered carefully to avoid inconvenience or unnecessary radiation exposure to the patient or delays in surgical correction. Quality control programs should be in place to ensure safe, effective radiologic practice through use of up-to-date equipment and good imaging technique.  相似文献   

MRU在泌尿系梗阻性疾病中的临床应用价值   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
评价磁共振尿路造影(MRU)对泌尿系梗阻性疾病的临床应用价值。材料和方法:采用快速自旋回波(FSE)重T2加权序列对70例患者进行泌尿系冠状位扫描,将图像按最大强度投影(MIP)法重建出MRU图像。经手术和病理证实为尿路梗阻者24例,其中尿路结石12例,尿路先天性梗4例,输尿管炎性狭窄3例,炎性息肉2例(其中1例为炎性息肉伴输尿管结石),其他4例。结果:各例的MRU均汪晰显示梗阻的尿路,对肾盂积水  相似文献   

目的 :探讨CT对肾积水梗阻病因中的特征性表现和诊断价值。方法 :对 79例肾积水患者CT表现与临床、手术病理结果对照分析。结果 :79例肾积水患者梗阻病因中 ,输尿管结石 4 5例、良性狭窄 8例、先天性异常7例、输尿管癌 6例、膀胱癌侵犯输尿管 5例、前列腺病变 5例、外在性病变 3例 ,CT诊断准确率 91%。结论 :CT对尿路梗阻性病变有重要诊断价值。  相似文献   

Bowel obstruction: evaluation with CT   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Eighty-four computed tomographic (CT) scans from patients referred for bowel obstruction between January 2, 1988, and December 31, 1989, were retrospectively evaluated. A pair of radiologists without knowledge of patient histories determined the presence or absence of bowel obstruction. Sixty-four patients ultimately proved to have intestinal obstruction, and 20 did not. Diagnosis was established by means of surgery (n = 39), barium studies (n = 17), and clinical course (n = 28). Causes of obstruction included adhesions (n = 37), metastases (n = 6), primary tumor (n = 7), Crohn disease (n = 4), hernia (n = 3), hematoma (n = 2), colonic diverticulitis (n = 2), and other (n = 3). In addition, 83 CT examinations in patients with no history or indication of intestinal obstruction were simultaneously reviewed. The overall sensitivity was 94%, specificity was 96%, and accuracy was 95%. The cause of obstruction was correctly predicted in 47 of 64 cases (73%). Intestinal obstruction was not diagnosed in any of the 83 control patients. CT is most useful in patients with a history of abdominal malignancy and in patients who have not been operated on and who have signs of infection, bowel infarction, or a palpable abdominal mass.  相似文献   

机械性肠梗阻CT诊断   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的:总结机械性肠梗阻CT表现及诊断价值。方法:分析30例经手术(16例)及临床(14例)证实的肠梗阻CT及临床资料,比较腹部平片与CT对肠梗阻存在、定位、病因、有否绞窄以及治疗方法选择的价值。结果:CT证实肠梗阻存在100%,平片的70%;病因诊断准确性CT为96%,平片13%;CT能对肠肿瘤及时发现并分期(9例),及早诊断肠绞窄(2例)及发现肠外肿块(4例),有助于及早选择外科治疗,结核、局限炎症、肠套叠等首选保守治疗,常规CT检查发现肠管异常扩张应扩大扫描范围,往往能发现引起肠梗阻的病因(本组因此偶然发现肠肿瘤3例)。结论:肠梗阻或疑有肠梗阻的病人在平片、B超诊断信息不足时尽早CT检查对于明确病因,治疗选择及改善预后有较大意义。  相似文献   

Imaging and clinical evaluation of isolated atresia of the oval window   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Congenital causes of hearing loss in children commonly are encountered, and imaging aids in diagnosis as well as presurgical evaluation. Atresia of the oval window not associated with atresia of the external auditory canal (EAC) is a rare cause of congenital hearing loss in children. We present the clinical and imaging findings in children with isolated oval-window atresia. METHODS: Atresia of the oval window was defined as the absence of the structure with the presence of a bony plate superimposed between the vestibule and middle ear. The bony plate is within the expected region of the oval window. Using a computerized database, nine patients with isolated oval-window atresia were found. All had been evaluated with high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) and all had medical records available for review, including audiogram results. Imaging studies were interpreted by the consensus of two pediatric neuroradiologists. RESULTS: Atresia of the oval window was documented in all cases using HRCT criteria. The most common anomalies associated with oval-window atresia were inferomedial malposition of the facial nerve (n = 8), malformed incus (n = 6), and displaced stapes (n = 2). Four patients had symmetric bilateral involvement. Hearing tests were not specific, because conductive, sensorineural, and mixed patterns were found. CONCLUSION: Anomalies of the oval window should be sought in all patients with congenital hearing loss. Associated findings, such as facial nerve aberrancy and ossicular anomalies, are important in both diagnosis and surgical planning.  相似文献   

In a prospective randomised study three groups of 30 patients each were subjected to CT of the entire abdomen. The oral intestinal contrast media used were iodine solution (2%), barium suspension (1.5%) and paraffin emulsion (25%). The results were evaluated according to imaging, artifacts, ability to assess the intestinal wall, taste and side effects. All three contrast media are suitable for marking the gastrointestinal tract; paraffin shows advantages in the upper part of the tract and is the only medium that enables assessment of the wall, while causing the lowest rate of artifacts. Barium has a high acceptance and the best tolerance of all contrast agents.  相似文献   

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