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据新华社信息,经过国家相关部门不懈的治理整顿,药品、食品等非法广告已在报纸、电视上逐渐销声匿迹,然而一些网站仍在明目张胆地链接违法广告。有关人士呼吁:应加强对网络广告的监管,切莫让网络成为违法广告的藏身之地。  相似文献   

1月16日,国家工商总局首次公布了一批在网上发布的严重违法“性药品”广告。以往,被工商部门曝光的违法食品药品广告大都出现在广播、电视、报纸、杂志等有形媒体上,此次,监管部门将重点转向网络虚拟空间,意味着面对信息时代广告监管新课题,政府开始发力。  相似文献   

规范药品广告的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,媒体刊播违法药品广告现象比较严重,如随意夸大药物疗效,擅自刊发未经审批的药品广告,部分大众媒体甚至刊播处方药广告,对消费者在合理用药和安全用药上产生误导。深圳市于2004年上半年开展了药品广告专项整治,下半年纳入日常监管。经过两个阶段的努力,整治成效明显,违法药品广告大幅下降,《深圳法制报》等4家媒体已经连续10个月无违法药品广告,其它4家媒体也大幅下降。因此,只要各相关单位认识到位,监管方法得当,措施得力,完全可以有效地减少违法药品广告。一、规范药品广告,认识是先导违法药品广告误导群众用药,危害群众身体健康,…  相似文献   

目的 分析广东地区2007年大众媒介药品广告规范性情况,对药品广告违规形式进行归类分析,提出对策,指导消费者理性对待药品广告。方法 对2007年广东省药监部门公布的4期《违法药品广告公告》进行分析,分成媒介类型、违规形式、查处部门、药品种类四种形式来研究,统计违规情况。结果 (1)报纸、电视台是违规药品广告的重灾区;(2)药品广告监管机制存在问题;(3)药品广告法律法规不完善;(4)处方药在大众媒介违规发布情况严重;(5)擅自篡改批准发布内容,夸大药物疗效是目前药品广告违规的主要形式之一;(6)未经审批擅自发布药品广告现象严重;(7)中药、保健药品广告违规应引起重视;(8)县级药监部门查处力度较弱;(9)街头药品小广告应引起重视;(10)“隐性”广告应引起重视。结论 目前药品广告违规形势严峻,政府部门应加强药品广告的监管,加强药品广告知识的宣传,广大民众应理性对待药品广告。  相似文献   

为充分落实2006年药品市场监管工作计划,全面贯彻“有效监管,科学监管”的监管工作思路,为提高药品广告监测工作的及时性和有效性,2006年药品广告监测结果将由每季度发布改为每两个月发布。现将北京市药品广告监测网2005年第一期药品广告监测结果通报如下:2006年一、二月份共对我市六家报纸媒体进行了监测,经确认发布违法药品广告109份,涉及具体药品品种37个,主要违法原因包括擅自更改审批或备案内容、处方药在非专业媒体进行广告发布、未经审批擅自发布三种(详见附件)。请各分局接到该通知后,结合本辖区实际有针对性地对辖区药品经营企业开…  相似文献   

目的分析药品广告对公众的影响力。方法对药品广告对公众的影响力进行问卷调研,并进行原因分析。结果与结论药品广告不是公众选择药品的主要依据,可通过确保医务人员全面公正的接受药品信息、加强药店从业人员教育与培训等措施来加强监管。  相似文献   

2005年,北京市药品监督管理局对我市主要报纸媒体发布的药品广告进行了监测,现将7、8月份监测结果通报如下:一、7、8月共监测报纸类媒体11家,涉及药品品种82个。二、7、8月共监测到违法发布广告的药品品种57个,违法发布的药品广告175件(见附件)。其中,禁止在大众媒体发布广告54  相似文献   

公众对药品广告认知度的调研与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过问卷调研的形式,了解公众对药品广告、广告宣传的产品以及广告监管规定的认知度。方法:对5个有代表性城市的540名城乡公众进行问卷调研,对问卷调查结果进行分析。结果与结论:公众对药品广告持中立态度,公众对广告宣传产品的判别能力以及对药品广告监管情况的熟知程度亟待提高,通过对上述调研结果的分析,对药品广告的监管提出建议。  相似文献   

李惠玲  巴特  关平 《北方药学》2015,(4):152-154
目的:通过对100位中老年人家庭使用药品、保健食品情况的调查和分析,发现中老年人家庭日常安全用药、使用保健食品的误区。方法:对100位居民随机入户进行问卷调查,内容包括服药、保健食品前有无仔细阅读说明书、有无注意过不良反应及注意事项、有无根据自己的感觉随意增减药量、对保健食品和药品能否区分、日常购药途径等11类信息。结果与结论:发现中老年人阅读药品说明书及了解药品不良反应的意识淡薄,擅自增减药量的情况比较严重,对药品、非药品的辨识能力不强;通过网络、报刊等安全隐患较大的途径采购药品或者保健食品的统计数据量小,但造成的危害较大;家庭用药安全性调研工作应常态化;调研结论应与食品药品行政执法工作衔接;药品安全科普知识的宣传工作应多样性并持续开展;加大药品、保健食品的广告审查力度,建立广告监管沟通长效机制。  相似文献   

2005年4至6月份,北京市药品广告监测网共对我市15家主要报纸类媒体发布的药品广告进行了监测,现将监测结果通告如下:  相似文献   

试析虚假医药广告的根源与根除对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨虚假医药广告的根源及根除对策。方法:运用法律、政府管理及经济学知识,剖析虚假医药广告的根源。结果与结论:逐步完善认定虚假医药广告的法规,细化、明确其法律责任,提高处罚力度;政府部门加大执法力度,建立诚信体系及虚假医药广告索赔制度;医药企业加强自律,提高行业诚信水平;工商管理部门对媒体进行广告许可证管理;消费者不断提高医药常识,是解决此类问题的根本办法。  相似文献   

王胜鹏  朱炯  姚蕾  张弛 《中国药事》2018,32(11):1541-1548
目的:介绍美国药品广告指南文件中公开药品风险信息的监管要求,为我国药品广告监管提供参考。方法:检索美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)网站,收集整理FDA发布的药品广告指南文件,对指南文件中有关公开药品风险信息的监管要求进行分析。结果与结论:FDA要求药品广告中必须充分公开药品风险信息,注重从消费者角度整体评估药品广告有无虚假宣传或误导性;要求直面消费者的平面广告的简短摘要应当采用科学易懂的方式,集中公开药品的重点风险信息;要求有字符限制的互联网/社交媒体平台广告同样需要充分公开风险信息;鼓励企业自主更正互联网中的不实药品信息;此外,FDA对广告中药品名称、广告播出前审查、企业资助的学术和科研活动的审查制度方面的经验和做法,同样值得借鉴。  相似文献   

邵华冬  杨懿  边珊珊 《中国药事》2011,25(2):119-123
目的为药品广告社会责任建设提供参考意见。方法从违法药品广告对政府、大众媒体、市场、消费者及企业自身带来的危害入手,具体分析了药品广告社会责任缺失的原因,进一步探讨了企业如何通过自律机制及他律机制,推进药品广告社会责任建设,促进药品广告市场的健康发展。结果与结论医药企业利用广告向消费者客观、准确地传递有关信息是企业应尽的基本责任与义务。  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(13):1336-1349
Since the 1960s, the media in Western Europe and the United States has been one important actor in the public understanding of the drug phenomenon. In Russia, however, it is only since the 1980s that illegal drugs have been discussed in the media and this discussion remains on-going today. By using narrative analysis, this article focuses on how illegal drug use among young people is constructed in the Russian press. As a result of the narrative analysis, three main discourses were identified: a foreign problem discourse, a disease discourse, and a medical discourse.  相似文献   

目的:了解公众对保健食品、保健食品广告以及广告监管规定的认知状况,为全面研究和分析保健食品广告现状提供参考。方法 :对普通消费者、媒体人员、行业企业人员、相关政府部门以问卷调查、开座谈会、深度访谈的形式进行调查,并对结果进行统计分析。结果与结论:普通消费者对保健食品的概念及保健食品广告的认知度普遍较低,不能识别违法保健食品广告,需要引导和教育;行业企业人员认为广告是推介产品的重要渠道,违法保健食品广告破坏了保健食品市场秩序;媒体需要摒弃个人利益,承担起社会责任,不刊播未经审批的保健食品广告;监管部门要依法行政,严把审查关口和尺度,对违法保健食品广告惩处到位。  相似文献   

Print media is one of the key factors for defining public opinion and setting public policies regarding drugs. Therefore, surveying its content should provide us with a better understanding of the situation. The few existing surveys on this issue in Brazil point out discrepancies between print media and public health. The objective of the present survey is to enhance the analysis of drug-related stories in the Brazilian print media, based on a new time frame, in the year 2000. Major newspapers and magazines of all Brazilian state capitals have been surveyed throughout year 2000, with 4,669 stories presenting drugs as their main topic. A random sample of 964 stories underwent content analysis. Approximately half the stories (49.6%) dealt with smuggling- and repression-related issues. The remainder of the stories (50.4%) approached health, legislation, and public policy issues. Tobacco was the most widely discussed drug, with stories focusing mainly on damage caused by use and on measures for reducing consumption rates among the population. Articles about cocaine, also featured frequently in the print media, dealt mainly with the issues of drug dealing and of damage caused by cocaine use. Regarding marijuana, in addition to the law enforcement repressive approach, some articles dealt with decriminalization and therapeutic use. Articles about alcoholic beverages, featured less frequently in the print media, approached the subject matter from various angles. The number of stories on solvents and psychotropic medication was negligible. The results confirm discrepancies between print media coverage and epidemiology. They also indicate that each drug is approached differently, allowing for a better understanding of the "social climate" in Brazil regarding each drug. Of all possible social interventions for dealing with the issue repression stands out, whereas stories about treatment and damage reduction are relatively scarce. These findings suggest the need for improved communication between journalists and health professionals.  相似文献   

潘琪 《中国药房》2007,18(31):2408-2410
目的:为我国药品广告的监管提供参考。方法:通过对违法药品广告表现形式的归纳,探究其屡禁不止的原因,并针对原因提出应对策略。结果与结论:监管部门应加强药品广告监管,净化药品广告市场,杜绝安全隐患。  相似文献   

Print media is one of the key factors for defining public opinion and setting public policies regarding drugs. Therefore, surveying its content should provide us with a better understanding of the situation. The few existing surveys on this issue in Brazil point out discrepancies between print media and public health. The objective of the present survey is to enhance the analysis of drug-related stories in the Brazilian print media, based on a new time frame, in the year 2000. Major newspapers and magazines of all Brazilian state capitals have been surveyed throughout year 2000, with 4,669 stories presenting drugs as their main topic. A random sample of 964 stories underwent content analysis. Approximately half the stories (49.6%) dealt with smuggling- and repression-related issues. The remainder of the stories (50.4%) approached health, legislation, and public policy issues. Tobacco was the most widely discussed drug, with stories focusing mainly on damage caused by use and on measures for reducing consumption rates among the population. Articles about cocaine, also featured frequently in the print media, dealt mainly with the issues of drug dealing and of damage caused by cocaine use. Regarding marijuana, in addition to the law enforcement repressive approach, some articles dealt with decriminalization and therapeutic use. Articles about alcoholic beverages, featured less frequently in the print media, approached the subject matter from various angles. The number of stories on solvents and psychotropic medication was negligible. The results confirm discrepancies between print media coverage and epidemiology. They also indicate that each drug is approached differently, allowing for a better understanding of the “social climate” in Brazil regarding each drug. Of all possible social interventions for dealing with the issue repression stands out, whereas stories about treatment and damage reduction are relatively scarce. These findings suggest the need for improved communication between journalists and health professionals.  相似文献   

对某报刊登医药广告情况的统计分析及思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :评价当前医药广告的基本情况 ,提出相应对策。方法 :收集某报 1~ 4月发布的所有广告 ,采用社会统计学方法 ,按照有关标志进行分组、统计 ,并根据《中华人民共和国药品管理法》和《中华人民共和国广告法》进行分析评价。结果 :收集了 2 92件医药广告 ,发现当前医药广告问题严重 ,主要问题是非法广告 (14 .4 % )和虚假广告 (45 .2 % )。结论 :有关部门需要从根源上查找广告问题的原因 ,并采取有效对策  相似文献   

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