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根据鄂西自治州计生委提供的土家族婚姻状况抽样调查资料,对569例土家族育龄妇女的近亲婚配情况进行了调查。在育龄妇女15110人中,近亲婚配569人,近亲婚配率3.77%,近亲婚配形式:舅婊226人(39.72%);姑婊208人(36.56%);姨婊118人(20.74%);堂兄妹2人(0.53%);其他15人(2.46%)。子女夭折率:近亲婚配者为19.  相似文献   

四川彝族近亲婚配及其遗传学效应的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解彝族近亲婚配的现状,1994 年5月在四川省凉山彝族自治州进行了一次大规模抽样调查。六个县共调查彝族夫妇5142 对,其中近亲婚配576 对, 近亲婚配率为11.20% ;平均近交系数达70.62×10- 4 。调查仅见四种亲缘类型,三级亲属通婚占近亲婚配的99.2% ; 舅甥女婚配占近亲婚配的0.8% ; 两代连续近亲婚配占近亲婚配的41.32% 。近亲组流产率及死产率均高于非近亲组(P< 0.05),近亲组15岁以下子女遗传病及先天畸形的患病率也明显高于非近亲组(P< 0.01)。结果表明彝族农村地区近亲婚配仍较普遍, 直接影响到人口素质, 必须予以重视  相似文献   

我们于1987年5月对温县几个自然村不同婚配对子代健康及妊娠结局的遗传效应作了调查.共调查近亲婚配52对,对照组(非近亲婚配)51对,结果近亲婚配组引起子代先天性疾病的发生率是对照组的19.2倍,差别有极显著意义(P<0.001),其危险度显著高于对照组.近亲婚配引起早产、死产的发生率是对照组的2.7倍,且差别有显著意义(P<0.05),其危险度显著高于对照组.在近亲婚配对子代遗传效应分析中,姑、姨表婚配对子代健康的影响无显著差异.姨表婚配引起子代男性先天性疾病的发生率较女性高,且差别有非常显著意义(P<0.01),而同是姑表婚配对子代性别健康无明显差异.  相似文献   

本文报道了对安徽省安庆市一个水上村及天长县北荡村渔民近亲婚配调查结果。近亲结婚率及平均近婚系数水上村分别为6.55%及0.00401;北荡村分别为7.69%及0.00087。近亲结婷者生育子女20岁以前死亡率为22.5%。与对照组(9.01%)比较,差异有显著意义(P<0.01)。本调查表明,除了地理隔离造成的近亲结婚外,还存在着由于职业隔离造成的近亲结婚,应引起重视。  相似文献   

目的 为了解回族儿童残疾状况.方法 按《全国少数民族人口健康素质抽样调查工作手册》要求,在回族人民世代聚居的灵武在原、海原3县,随机整群抽取7个乡回族人口占95%以上的9个行政村镇,对全部0~14岁回族儿童进行全面体检.结果8372名0~14岁回族儿童肢体残疾、听力语言残疾、视力残疾、综合残疾现患率分别为3.82‰2.99‰0.84‰、2 15‰,其中4483名7~14岁回族儿童智力残疾现患率10.26‰.男、女残疾现患率分别为 16.59‰、13.93‰(P>0.05).8372名回族儿童中父母近亲结婚者占12.36‰,父母近亲婚配与非近亲婚配儿童残疾现患率分别为28.06‰13.49‰(P<0.01),结论 近亲婚配率高可能是宁夏回族儿童先天性残疾现患率高的主要原因之一.  相似文献   

目的:探讨近亲婚配现状及遗传效应,避免近亲婚配。方法:对近亲婚配引起反复流产、死胎或生育智力低下儿者,采用细胞遗传学技术,进行染色体检查,并对其进行核型分析。结果:检查夫妻之一核型异常的占5%,其后代核型异常占5%;夫妻双方核型正常,但反复流产、死胎或生后死亡的占90%。结论:不能排除近亲婚配是造成反复流产及后代异常的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

一、父母近亲婚配:研究表明,智力与多基因遗传有关,近亲婚配对后代的智力发育有不利影响。我国《婚姻法》早已明文规定近亲禁止结婚。此外,受孕前父母亲吸烟酗酒,妊娠期间孕妇情绪不良等,均能影响下一代的智力发育。  相似文献   

本文就16个县14 351对不同类型近亲婚配的子代出生缺陷进行了分析.近亲婚配中子代出生缺陷发生率为21.43‰,非近亲婚配子代出生缺陷发生率为2.36‰,前者是后者的9.08倍.随着父母亲缘关系越近,子代出生缺陷发生率也越高,相对危险性及特异危险性值也逐渐升高.  相似文献   

本文系根据安徽省1985年7月~1988年6月连续3年的出生缺陷监测资料整理。出生时缺陷率为1.17‰(90/77214),其中无脑儿占本病的68%。结果提示:患儿女性多于男性.本病的患病率与母亲的职业、年龄、产次及文化程度等因素相关;农村显著高于城市;近亲婚配者子代的患病率是随机婚配者子代的5倍,但在患本病的双胎中未见有同病患儿。  相似文献   

我国早在公元前12世纪就规定了同姓不通婚,近亲不婚配的制度。几千年前,我国古代典籍中就有"男女同姓,其生不蕃"的告诫。中医药文化对于近亲婚配的限制与现代医学的优生思想是不谋而合的。  相似文献   

The objective of this cross-sectional study was to determine the pattern and time trend of consanguineous marriage and its adverse health effects on the offspring in Dammam city, Eastern Province, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This city is known to attract Saudis from different parts of the coutry because it is in the heart of this industrial region. Five primary health care centers were randomly selected from different sectors of the city in addition to the city's only Maternity and Children's Hospital. For inclusion in the study a wife must have at least one pregnancy that terminated in either full term liveborn baby, still birth, or abortion. A total of 1307 ever-married Saudis completed a pre-structured questionnaire during an interview. The rate of consanguineous marriage was 52.0% with an average inbreeding coefficient of 0.0312. First-cousin marriages were the commonest (39.3%) of all matings. The consanguineous groups had a significantly higher number of pregnancies. The mean birth weight of the offspring of consanguineous couples was not statistically significant being less than that of the non-consanguineous. However, within the consanguineous groups the more closely related couples had smaller babies on average. No significant differences were noted for the rates of inherited diseases and reproductive wastage. The rate of consanguineous marriage in this city was high and so was the inbreeding coefficient. These figures place this nation among the countries with a high rate of consanguineous marriages. A nationwide study to determine accurately the relationship between consanguinity and inherited diseases has much to commend it.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence and sociodemographic predictors of consanguineous unions in the State of Qatar and to assess the association between consanguinity, fertility and child health. A representative sample of 1800 Qatari women aged > or =15 years was approached for the study. Of these, 1515 (84.2%) women agreed to participate. The consanguineous marriage rate was 54.0% with estimated population confidence limits of 52.3-55.7%. First cousin unions were the most common form of cousin marriage. The level of parental consanguinity (both in the respondent's parents and her parents-in-law) was quite high. In a multivariable analysis, both education of the respondent and her husband as well as parental consanguinity were found to be strong predictors of consanguineous unions in the index generation. Although fertility was high in both groups, the mean number of pregnancies was somewhat higher in respondents with first cousin unions. Concomitantly they also had a slighter higher rate of livebirths than women in non-consanguineous unions. The occurrence of asthma, mental retardation, epilepsy and diabetes was significantly more common in offspring of all consanguineous than non-consanguineous couples.  相似文献   

This study is to evaluate the consequences of consanguinity and social factors on infanto-youthful mortality and fertility in Mauritanian ethno groups. Thereafter we studied the correspondence between the methods of all the studied variables. The analysis of a sample of 2413 couples obtained according to the quota method showed that the infanto-youthful death rate in Soninkes and the Poulard ones was higher in the consanguineous groups than in the non consanguineous ones. On the other hand, in Maures. Wolofs and black Maures the difference is not significant. For all the Mauritanian ethno groups the consanguineous couples had averages of fertility significantly higher than those of non consanguineous. Analysis of the correspondences revealed two groups. The first was formed by the related ones. The second by the non-related ones. Each group formed a unit with other specific demographic characteristics.  相似文献   

In order to describe consanguineous unions and their effects in a sample of the Algerian population, we interviewed 3,983 couples in a hospital and from urban and rural areas near Tlemcen. We observed that unions between cousins represented 34.0% of the marriages. The frequency of unions between relatives was lower in the urban (30.6%) than in the rural areas (40.5%). This difference can be explained by changing custom and family relationships in urban areas, and is evidenced by social and anthropologic factors and the attitude towards consanguineous unions.  相似文献   

Using a longitudinal sample of 373 Black and White newlyweds from the Early Years of Marriage Study, we examined the effects of premarital parenthood on meanings of marriage and the consequent effects of these meanings on the risk of divorce by the 4th year of the couples' marriages. Results indicated that premarital parents were significantly more likely than nonparent couples to mention practical advantages of marriage in year 1 (e.g., financial security, having a home, spouse is/will be a good parent). Results of Cox regressions indicated that for premarital parents, perceiving practical advantages of marriage in year 1 reduced their risk of divorce by 85%. Results are discussed in terms of the adjusting family‐life‐education and treatment needs of premarital parents compared with nonparent couples and the consequences for their marital stability.  相似文献   

目的了解日照地区已婚育龄妇女自然状态下的生育能力,分析不育症的发病情况及对夫妇双方身心健康的影响,确定合适的治疗时机。方法调查的目标群体为2004年1月1日零时常驻户口在日照市并在户口所在地居住的22~44周岁的已婚育龄妇女,对其自然怀孕一胎、二胎的时间、生育前是否因不能怀孕进行过治疗进行问卷式调查。结果在自然状态下,已婚育龄妇女在6个月内怀孕第一胎的比例为73.20%,怀孕第二胎的比例为67.80%,而1年内自然妊娠的比例则无差异,分别为88.30%和87.80%。至两年时,自然妊娠第一胎和第二胎的比例就分别达到了96.39%和95.70%。在谪查时点,13514对已婚育龄夫妇中,有12515对已经生育孩子,其中经过不育症治疗生育的有223对。现有999对夫妇无子女,其中174对因各种原因未暴露于妊娠危险下,113对确诊为不育症,712对处于持证待孕状态。结论日照市的不育症患病率较低,为0.85%(113/13340),如果将既往患病经治而妊娠生育的全部计入,其累积患病率为2.52%(336/13340)。  相似文献   

Background: Consanguinity has been a long-standing social habit among Egyptians. Estimates of consanguinity ratios in different parts of Egypt ranged from 29 to 50%. This study aimed at delineating the role of consanguinity and advanced maternal age on reproductive losses in Alexandria, Egypt. Methods: A case-control study, on 730 couples with history of reproductive losses and 2081 normal couples, was done during the period October, 1998 until August, 2000. Results: Of the 730 couples with reproductive losses, consanguinity frequency was 68.8% with 56.2% first cousins. Prenatal loss and infant deaths were highly encountered among consanguineous marriages (p < 0.0001). In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, consanguinity between couples increased the relative risk of repeated abortion (OR: 3.95; 95% CI: 3.04–5.14), stillbirths (OR: 10.6; 95% CI: 6.7–17.0), neonatal death (OR: 17.2; 95% CI: 10.8–27.3), post-neonatal death (OR: 14.5; 95% CI: 10.6–19.9) and total reproductive losses (OR: 8.3; 95% CI: 6.9–10.1). A positive association was found between advanced maternal age and repeated abortion (OR: 3.19; 95% CI: 2.04–4.97) as well as total reproductive losses (OR: 2.37; 95% CI: 1.74–3.2). Conclusion: This study, the largest-reported case-control study on reproductive losses in Alexandria, strongly suggests that consanguinity may play a major role in the high rates of prenatal and infant mortality while advanced maternal age has a significant role in the causation of repeated abortion, and they must be taken into account for genetic counseling in Egypt. Because of the possibility of controlling, the study gives clear indications for prevention.  相似文献   

The study was carried out using a cross-sectional approach, involving interviews with 500 households randomly selected from three urban areas in Alexandria (Bab Sharki, El Gomrok and Karmouz). A questionnaire interview was conducted with married females in these households to determine prevalence of consanguineous marriages and to study knowledge of married females about causes and effects of consanguineous marriages. Prevalence of consanguineous marriages among 500 married females was 22.8% with the highest frequency among marriage between first cousins (15.8%). Average inbreeding coefficient up to the marriage between second cousins equals to 0.01172. The linear trend of consanguineous marriages throughout the last 50 years was statistically significant. Age at marriage was younger in consanguineous marriages than non consanguineous marriages. Longstanding familiarity and sharing same traditions and customs with male relatives were the main causes of consanguineous marriages. The majority of the studied females (42.2%) reported that consanguineous marriage is harmful while 29.6% reported that it has no effect on offsprings.  相似文献   

目的 了解艾滋病病毒感染单阳家庭配偶间性传播风险,并通过统计学模型分析预防单阳家庭配偶阳转措施的效果。方法 根据广西壮族自治区、云南省、新疆维吾尔自治区和河南省4个省的30个县(市、区)4 481个单阳家庭数据库,在2011年1月1日至2012年12月31日队列观察分析配偶间性行为、安全套坚持使用率和抗病毒治疗比例等影响因素,拟合配偶间性传播的贝努利过程模型(Bernoulli process model),运用Excel 2010软件编制计算公式,纳入相关参数进行模型模拟过程和敏感性分析,模拟不同干预措施的覆盖面对减少单阳家庭配偶阳转的作用。结果 在安全套坚持使用率85%和抗病毒治疗覆盖60%的情况下,年性行为频次40次,单阳家庭配偶年阳转概率为1.76%;若抗病毒治疗覆盖率为90%且安全套坚持使用率为90%的情况下,单阳家庭配偶年阳转累积概率仅为0.55%;在抗病毒治疗覆盖率为90%水平下,如果安全套坚持使用率从50%提高到90%,可以减少80.7%配偶阳转的风险;在安全套坚持使用率为90%水平下,抗病毒治疗覆盖率从50%提高到90%,可以减少64.5%的配偶阳转的风险。结论 提高单阳家庭安全套坚持使用率、阳性一方及时抗病毒治疗并保持良好依从性,可以使其配偶间性传播风险保持在非常低的水平。  相似文献   

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