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目的查找导致全自动加样处理系统(EVO)数据传导错误的原因。方法逐项排除导致数据传导错误可能的原因。结果全自动加样处理系统的微机主板电池老化,使加样器的微机时间与酶免处理分析系统的时间存在差异,导致加样信息数据传导错误而致实验失败。结论应及时更换与EVO(或FAME)相连的微机主板电池,平日注重仪器的保养维护,加强开机时对微机时间的观察,确保仪器的正常运行,保证实验室的正常工作。  相似文献   

一、引言医疗器械的智能化对实现临床诊断及康复保健现代化有着重要作用。我们研制的微机心肺功能综合检测处理系统,经过临床试用,工作正常,信息处理方法正确,结果可信,用户满意。该系统由心肺功能测定仪、心电监视仪、平板机、微机及其接口电路组成。可以实现心  相似文献   

我们使用了SP6000型气相色谱仪配用北京未来科技研究所生产的A4500微机数处理系统进行车间空气苯、甲苯、汽油的分析。A4500微机数处理系统操作简便,各种工作  相似文献   

我们在Z_80型单板机的基础上开发了多通道微机采样处理系统。用于电生理实验时,它能处理包括神经单细胞动作电位、心肌单细胞动作电位及收缩力等六种不同的信号。  相似文献   

本文讨论了用微机实现显微组织染色自动控制的原理和方法,利用微机的强大处理能力,结合控制函数及“ROM”矩阵板,解决了显微形态学各个领域中的多种组织标本自动染色的问题。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种微机Holter分析系统。提出了解决实时高速分析中时间紧迫问题的方法,即建立一套简单而有效地检测QRS波群和异位搏跳的应用软件以及相应的硬件处理装置。系统具有处理迅速准确、结构简单、价格低廉等优点,文中还给出系统方案和实验结果。  相似文献   

本文介绍了用I/O接口电路实现JP-2型示波极谱仅与APPLE-Ⅱ微机联机的系统的设计思想和工作原理,以及硬件和软件的实现方法,涉及了用数字信号处理方法完成信号的滤波、平滑和微分处理的过程,有应用和推广价值。  相似文献   

近年来,随着微机在备行各业的广泛普及,微机在卫生防疫系统亦得到广泛的应用,由原来单一作打字机打印书的微机,亦逐步推向利用微机进行卫生防疫管理。卫生防疫工作主要是面向群众,面向社会,所以要经常对大数量、长时间的资料进行搜集、整理、交流和存储,并要及时进行查阅和分析,还要对大量的多因素的现场及实验室数据进行统计处理。  相似文献   

DBB-26型透析机是日本NIKKISO公司在DBB-22B型的基础上开发研制的,是NIKKISO公司较为先进的血液透析设备。它采用双微机控制,具有三液混合透析功能,高精度脱水控制机构及较为先进的自诊监护系统。经过多年使用,总结了以下常见报警与故障的处理方法。  相似文献   

七、微机系统设计原则及方法微机应用是综合性及实践性很强的学科。要完成一个应用课题,除需计算机硬软件及系统综合的知识外,还要对应用对象有所了解,并要反复实践。微机在医疗卫生装备领域中应用的具体对象是千差万别的,因此应用并无统一模式。重要的是掌握系统设计的一般原则,软硬件结合的系统综合方法,尤其接口设计的技巧。  相似文献   

针对PACS数字影像信息系统中医学图像传输显示在有限带宽下遇到的效率问题,依据DICOM标准和JPEG2000图像码流渐进传输和随机访问特性,提出了一种医学图像传输显示并行处理方法。此法使图像的传输、存储和显示的综合性能达到较佳的水平,并在临床医学诊断信息系统中进行了实际评估。  相似文献   

Tomoscan AV型CT图像采集的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
目的:解决非DICOM接口的CT设备的图像一直以胶片的形式储存,不能实现永久数字化存储、共享、检索、图文报告等问题。方法:介绍了图像数字化采集的一种方法,重点阐述了图像采集与切割技术。硬件由CT机、PC机、OK_RGB20B图像采集卡、脚踏开关组成,软件由VC++6.0、OK_RGB20B开发包及GDI+类库编程实现。结果:系统顺利实现了CT图像的数字化采集,使图像得到了永久的存储与共享。结论:对于各类非DICOM接口医学影像设备(ECT、X线机、超声仪、内窥镜等)的图像的数字化采集具有参考价值。  相似文献   

A review and meta-analysis of prostate cancer utilities.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Health-related quality of life is a key issue in prostate cancer (PC) management. The authors summarized published utilities for common health-related quality of life outcomes of PC and determined how methodological factors affect them. METHODS: In their systematic review, the authors identified 23 articles in English, providing 173 unique utilities for PC health states, each obtained from 2 to 422 respondents. Data were pooled using linear mixed-effects modeling with utilities clustered within the study, weighted by the number of respondents divided by the variance of each utility. RESULTS: In the base model, the estimated utility of the reference case (scenario of a metastatic PC patient with severe sexual symptoms, rated by non-PC patients using time tradeoff) was 0.76. Disease stage, symptom type and severity, source of utility, and scaling method were associated with utility differences of 0.10 to 0.32 (P < 0.05). Utilities from PC patients rating their own health were 0.14 higher than those from the reference case, but utilities from PC patients rating scenarios were lowest. Time tradeoff yielded the highest utilities. Computer administration yielded lower utilities than personal interview (P = 0.02). Neither the scale's high anchor nor study purpose had significant effects on utilities. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides pooled utility estimates for common PC health states and describes how clinical and methodological factors can significantly affect these values. When possible, utility estimates for a modeling application should be derived similarly. Formal data synthesis methods might be useful to researchers integrating utility data from heterogeneous sources. Further exploration of these methods for this purpose is warranted.  相似文献   

Health status indexes, such as the EuroQol, consist of a health state classification system and a set of utility weights. Indexes measure quality of life using a 0-1 utility score. Utilities for outcomes in prostate cancer (PC) are of unique importance, but generic indexes do not represent PC outcomes (e.g., sexual, urinary, bowel dysfunction) well, and may not capture their full impact. As a step toward improved utility measurement, we constructed a classification system for PC. We generated items for each of six health domains and rated their importance using interviews with 10 clinical experts and 80 patients. Key concepts were selected for each domain using item importance weightings, and a set of predetermined criteria. Text was developed to express levels of severity within each domain. Experts and two additional groups of patients (n = 40, n = 96) evaluated textual clarity and endorsed the content validity of the instrument. The final system consists of 10 domains with 4-6 levels each. The content validity of the system was endorsed by patients and experts. In conjunction with a set of utility weights, it may be used to develop a health status index, to improve utility measurement in patients, and to serve as a short psychometric (nonutility) instrument.  相似文献   

目的:利用脚踏开关远距离脚踏控制PC进行医疗图像采集。方法:脚踏开关通过9针串口与PC连接,并由软件编程实现控制PC.软件由VC++6.0在Windows2000操作系统中编程实现。结果:顺利实现了脚踏开关控制PC进行医疗图像的采集。结论:脚踏开关具有脚踏控制和控制距离远等优势,可节省人力,同时可保持图像采集的实时性与精确性。该方法技术可应用于各类医学影像设备(如CT、X线机、造影机、超声仪、内窥镜等)的图像采集工作站中。  相似文献   

Many developing countries still rely on conventional hard copy images to transfer information among physicians. We have developed a low-cost alternative method of printing computerised tomography (CT) scan images where there is no dedicated camera. A digital camera is used to photograph images from the CT scan screen monitor. The images are then transferred to a PC via a USB port, before being printed on glossy paper using an inkjet printer. The method can be applied to other imaging modalities like ultrasound and MRI and appears worthy of emulation elsewhere in the developing world where resources and technical expertise are scarce.  相似文献   

本文阐述了一种实用的交互式图象灰度变换方法。它克服了传统的灰度变换中灰度变换曲线的多样性,以及对计算机高容量、高速度的要求。采用一种新型算法,简单而快速地实现了人机交互式的图象灰度级变换,应用于各种灰度级图象,取得良好效果。  相似文献   

目的:通过研究PC机通过网络接收、存储医学数字成像和通信(DICOM)影像的方法,阐述DICOM存储SCP的编程实现技术。方法:运用VC++6.0及LeadTools工具包实现在Windows2000/XP操作系统中编程。结果:成功地实现了PC机网络接收、存储基于DICOM影像的功能。结论:本方法可集成并应用于其他诸如图文报告、影像病例收集等应用软件中,并可为PC机从医疗影像设备中采集存储DICOM影像提供有价值的思路。  相似文献   

报导一种基于PC机远程监控的皮肤细胞分离机控制系统.该分离监控系统采用单片机作为前端控制器,实现了6通道温度与压力的监控,可同时为6位患者进行手术,极大地方便了白癜风的临床治疗.同时,通过串口通讯技术实现了PC机对下位机进行远程的监视与控制,并采用计算机图像采集技术实现了病人病历与手术前后的表皮细胞图像的同步采集.经医院临床试用表明,该设备各项指标符合国家标准,达到了设计目标.  相似文献   

We have developed a system for remote three-dimensional reconstruction, which facilitates telediagnosis. The telereconstruction system is based on a computerized tomography (CT) scanner, a workstation connected to the CT scanner, a PC, which can be geographically far away from the workstation, and a computer program that we have developed. The workstation allows CT images to be stored and image processing to be carried out. The PC permits the user to control the workstation in making a three-dimensional reconstruction and allows the remote user to see that reconstruction. From the PC various graphical operations can be performed on the three-dimensional model, such as rotations, translations and cuts through the model. The program therefore allows a remote user to have three-dimensional images and to study them by means of all the options the program provides.  相似文献   

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