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目的 探讨儿童Alport综合征(Alport syndrome,AS)的临床表型与基因突变检测的临床意义。方法 回顾性分析2013年1月至2017年6月在广州医科大学附属广州市第一人民医院儿科收治的30例基因突变患儿的资料。采集患儿及其家系成员的外周血样品,应用基因测序外显子序列捕获技术,寻找样品中是否存在Ⅳ型胶原α3链(COL4A3)、α4链(COL4A4)或α5链(COL4A5)三个突变基因,并对直系亲属行基因验证。结果 经过基因检测确诊Alport综合征(AS)30例,18例(60.00%)进行肾活检,光镜检查结果呈多样化,5例(16.67%)电镜检查表现为肾小球基底膜(glomerularbasementmembrane,GBM)弥漫性变薄、增厚和撕裂分层; 4例(13.33%)电镜表现为薄基底膜病(thin basement membrane nephropathy,TBMN)改变;免疫荧光检查3例(10.00%)肾组织Ⅳ型胶原α3、α5链阴性。22例患儿基因诊断X连锁显性遗传Alport syndrome (X-linked Alport syndrome,XL-AS),发现8个COL4A5新突变位点。8例患儿基因诊断为常染色体隐性遗传(autosomal recessive Alport Syndrome,AR-AS),发现3个COL4A4新突变位点。结论 儿童Alport综合征临床表现多样化,缺乏特异性,肾组织病理类型各异,难以早期诊断。基因检测有助于AS的早期诊断,判断患儿的预后,避免不必要的药物治疗。  相似文献   

目的探讨早期诊断Alport′s综合征(AS)的方法及文献复习。方法临床表现为孤立性血尿和肾病综合征(NS)5例,均行肾组织光镜、免疫荧光电镜检查和皮肤基底膜(EBM)Ⅳ型胶原α链免疫测定,2例行肾小球基底膜(GBM)Ⅳ型胶原α链免疫测定。结果患儿光镜均表现肾小球轻微病变或局灶节段增生,电镜表现肾小球基底膜弥漫性变薄,无诊断意义。患儿EBM和GBMα1均( )连续,但3例男童EBMα5链(-)、GBMα3、α5(-);2例女童EBMα5( )但不连续,GBMα3、α5( )但不连续,达到早期诊断目的。结论对于孤立性血尿、NS(激素治疗耐药),肾活检电镜表现基底膜变薄患儿,有条件应常规进行皮肤和GBMⅣ型胶原α链检测,为诊断和鉴别诊断提供依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨早期诊断Alport’s综合征(AS)的方法及文献复习。方法临床表现为孤立性血尿和肾病综合征(NS)5例,均行肾组织光镜、免疫荧光电镜检查和皮肤基底膜(EBM)Ⅳ型胶原α链免疫测定,2例行肾小球基底膜(GBM)Ⅳ型胶原α链免疫测定。结果患儿光镜均表现肾小球轻微病变或局灶节段增生,电镜表现肾小球基底膜弥漫性变薄,无诊断意义。患儿EBM和GBMα1均(+)连续,但3例男童EBMα5链(-)、GBMα3、α5(-);2例女童EBMα5(+)但不连续,GBMα3、α5(+)但不连续,达到早期诊断日的。结论对于孤立性血尿、NS(激素治疗耐药),肾活检电镜表现基底膜变薄患儿,有条件应常规进行皮肤和GBMⅣ型胶原α链检测,为诊断和鉴别诊断提供依据。  相似文献   

目的 了解儿童Alport综合征(AS)临床表型及基因突变的特点.方法 回顾性分析2011年5月至2014年5月于上海交通大学附属儿童医院肾脏风湿科明确诊断并具有完整资料(临床、肾组织病理、基因检测结果)的AS患儿25例.采用外显子捕获-二代测序技术进行基因检测,包括COL4A3、COL4A4、COL4A5基因,并同时进行家系验证.结果 (1)25例患儿中X连锁AS(XL-AS)19例(76%),常染色体隐性遗传AS (AR-AS)6例(24%).25例患儿均以血尿和(或)蛋白尿起病,8例以上呼吸道感染为诱因.其中2例(8%)存在听力损伤,1例(4%)患儿存在眼部病变.(2)25例均行肾组织活检,光镜表现为:16例轻微病变,8例系膜增生,1例局灶节段硬化.电镜下仅2例(8%)见肾小球基底膜致密层撕裂分层等典型AS改变,另4例表现为薄基底膜病,8例系膜增生性改变,6例轻微病变,5例未见肾小球.肾组织Ⅳ型胶原α链间接免疫荧光检测中21例(84%)存在表达缺失.(3)对25例(来自23个家系)行COL4A3、COL4A4及COL4A5基因突变检查,发现突变类型24种(16种突变未见报道).其中COL4A3基因突变1种(4%),COL4A4基因突变5种(21%),COL4A5基因突变18种(75%).同时对25例患儿的直系家庭成员全部可疑致病突变进行了验证,结果发现13例突变遗传自母亲,3例遗传自父亲,2例(同胞姐妹)患儿的1种突变遗传自父亲、另一种遗传自母亲,7例为新生突变.结论 (1)AS以X连锁显性遗传为主,病理检查多表现为轻微病变或系膜增生性改变,电镜下少数患儿可表现为薄基底膜病.(2)25例患儿共检出24种COL4A3、COL4A4、COL4A5基因突变,其中16种未见报道.  相似文献   

目的 探讨皮肤及肾组织基底膜Ⅳ型胶原α链在薄基底膜肾病 (TBMN)患儿中早期诊断Alport′s综合征 (AS)中的作用。方法 对 2 1例有肾脏病家族史且诊断为TBMN患儿采用间接免疫荧光法检测皮肤基底膜 (EBM)及肾小球基底膜 (GBM )Ⅳ型胶原α链分布情况。结果  2 1例中 18例EBMα1α5( )连续 ,GBMα1α3 α5( )连续。另 3例中 1例男童肾炎性肾病 :EBMα1( )连续、α5(- ) ,GBMα1( )连续、α3 α5(- ) ;2例女童孤立性血尿 :EBMα1( )连续、α5( )不连续 ,GBMα1( )连续、α3 α5( )不连续。此 3例最后确诊为AS。结论 对TBMN患儿行皮肤及肾活检检测基底膜α1、α3 、α5链 ,可早期发现AS患儿  相似文献   

目的探讨Ⅳ型胶原间接免疫荧光检测在诊断不同遗传型Alport综合征中(AS)的应用。方法通过间接免疫荧光检测皮肤、肾脏基底膜Ⅳ型胶原α3、α5链表达,协助诊断2例AS患儿,并明确其遗传型。结果例1,男童,肉眼血尿,阳性家族史(其母4岁时出现血尿、蛋白尿持续至今),皮肤基底膜α5链染色阴性,其母皮肤基底膜α5链染色间断阳性,确诊X连锁显性遗传型AS。例2,女童,肉眼血尿,家族史阴性,肾活检病理电镜下基底膜厚薄不均,致密层分层、网状改变。皮肤基底膜α5链染色阳性,肾脏基底膜上α3链呈阴性,α5链在肾小球基底膜呈阴性,包氏囊和肾小管基底膜阳性,确诊常染色体隐性遗传型AS。结论Ⅳ型胶原间接免疫荧光检测对于诊断AS及确定遗传型具有重要价值,但对染色结果要正确理解。  相似文献   

以孤立性血尿为表现的薄基底膜肾病54例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨薄基底膜肾病(TBMN)的临床表现和病理特点。方法对54例临床表现为孤立性血尿、经肾活检证实的TBMN患儿进行分析。所有患儿行肾穿刺,分别进行光镜、免疫荧光和电镜观察及基底膜厚度测定。采用间接免疫荧光法检测皮肤基底膜(EBM)Ⅳ型胶原α1、α5和肾小球基底膜(GBM)Ⅳ型胶原α1、α3和α5链表达。结果所有病例肾小球基底膜弥漫性均匀性变薄,无基底膜分层、撕裂等改变,部分病例存在节段性足突消失。4段基底膜厚度分别为(170.7±45.0)nm、(175.6±47.9)nm、(181.8±36.3)nm和(170.0±32.9)nm。EBM和 GBMⅣ型胶原α链检测,发现异常2例。结论薄基底膜肾病主要表现为孤立性血尿,确诊有赖肾活检电镜基底膜厚度测定,须与Alport综合征鉴别。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肾组织石蜡切片Ⅳ型胶原α链免疫组织化学染色方法 在Alport综合征(AS)患者诊断中的应用,从而为AS的诊断提供新的技术手段.方法 将对照组及已确诊的X连锁型、常染色体隐性遗传型AS及血尿息儿各2例肾组织分别进行石蜡切片Ⅳ型胶原α3和α5链免疫组织化学染色和冰冻切片的间接免疫荧光染色,比较分析染色结果 .具体方法 根据PV-9000试剂盒提供的实验方法 ,进行染色.采用高压锅加热、胃蛋白酶消化和蛋白酶消化3种抗原修复方法 分别对正常肾组织切片进行抗原修复,并比较其修复效果.免疫荧光染色采用间接免疫荧光染色法.结果 肾小球基底膜Ⅳ型胶原α3、α5链免疫组织化学染色在对照和血尿组为连续的线状阳性;在x连锁显性遗传型女性患儿为间断线状阳性,在男性患儿为阴性;在常染色体隐性遗传患者均为阴性,在肾小囊及部分肾小管基底膜上Ⅳ型胶原α5链为阳性.结果 均与免疫荧光染色法结果 一致.结论 肾脏组织石蜡切片Ⅳ型胶原α链免疫组织化学染色法可用于诊断As,为诊断As提供了新的手段.  相似文献   

超微病理检查结合免疫荧光学方法诊断遗传性肾炎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨诊断遗传性肾炎(Alport综合征)的新指标。方法应用超微病理检查结合免疫荧光方法,对4例电镜显示肾小球基底膜(GBM)变薄或厚薄不均的患儿进行研究。结果2例Alport综合征患儿的肾活检组织标本电镜下GBM弥漫性厚薄不均,广泛变厚和分层,并与变薄的GBM并存。间接免疫荧光检查GBM中抗Ⅳ型胶原α3链、α5链抗体完全阴性,抗Ⅳ型胶原α1链抗体明显增强。而2例薄基底膜肾病患儿肾活检组织尽管电镜下GBM也有变薄、断裂和分层现象,且其中1例有节段性增厚,但间接免疫荧光检查GBM中抗Ⅳ型胶原成分均无改变。结论超微病理结合间接免疫荧光学检查,有助于诊断Alport综合征,并能将其与薄基底膜肾病相鉴别  相似文献   

基底膜α(Ⅳ)链染色正常的Alport综合征基因突变特点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 检测、分析编码基底膜Ⅳ型胶原α5链基因COL4A5突变及其特点 ,正确理解α5 (Ⅳ )链免疫荧光学检查结果及意义。方法 报告 1例 7岁男性患儿 ,血尿半年 ,肾功能、听力及眼部检查均正常 ;肾脏病理电镜示基底膜大部分均匀变薄 ;有血尿、肾功能不全家族史。应用间接免疫荧光学方法检测该患儿肾脏基底膜α3(Ⅳ )、α4 (Ⅳ )和α5 (Ⅳ )链以及皮肤基底膜α5 (Ⅳ )链。应用逆转录 聚合酶链反应和直接测序的方法分析α5 (Ⅳ )链mR NA ,应用PCR和直接测序方法分析COL4A5基因。结果 患儿肾小球基底膜α3(Ⅳ )、α4 (Ⅳ )和α5 (Ⅳ )链以及皮肤基底膜α5 (Ⅳ )链染色均正常。mRNA和基因组DNA分析均证实碱基替代突变 (917G >A) ,导致α5链第 2 39位甘氨酸被精氨酸取代 ,为新发现的突变。结论 首次报道了皮肤和肾小球基底膜α5 (Ⅳ )链染色正常 (阳性 )的我国X连锁型Alport综合征男性患者COL4A5基因突变及特点。提示应正确应用和理解基底膜α5 (Ⅳ )链免疫荧光学检查结果 ,X连锁型Alport综合征男性患者皮肤和肾小球基底膜α5 (Ⅳ )链染色即便正常 (阳性 ) ,当家族史及其它临床资料仍怀疑Alport综合征时 ,应进行COL4A5基因的检测和分析。  相似文献   

??Objective??To investigate the clinical significance of the clinical phenotype and gene mutation detection in children with Alport syndrome. Methods??The data of 30 children with gene mutation admitted to Guangzhou First People’s Hospital??Guangzhou Medical University from January 2013 to June 2017 were retrospectively analyzed. Collect peripheral blood samples from children and their family members .Then use gene sequencing exon sequence capture technology to find out whether there was mutation gene??including ?? type collagen alpha 3 chain??COL4A3????alpha 4 chain??COL4A4?? or alpha 5 chain??COL4A5??. Gene mutations of related family members were identified by Sanger method. Results??The 30 children with AS were diagnosed by gene detection. Renal biopsy was performed in 18 cases??60.00%?? of 30 children with AS??and the results of light microscopy were various. Electron microscopic examination revealed diffuse thinning??thickening and delamination of the glomerular basement membrane??GBM?? in 5 cases??16.67%??. The electron microscopic examination showed thin basement membrane disease in 4 cases??13.33%??. Three cases??10.00%?? of immunofluorescence showed type ?? collagen alpha 3??alpha 5 chain negative in renal tissue. Totally 22 cases were diagnosed with X linkage dominant hereditary Alport syndrome??XL-AS?? by gene text??and 8 new mutation sites of COL4A5 were found. Genetic diagnosis showed 8 children were autosomal recessive inheritance??and 3 new COL4A4 mutations were found. Conclusion??The clinical manifestations of children with Alport syndrome are diverse and lack of specificity??and the pathological types of renal tissue are different. It is difficult to diagnose early. Gene detection helps to early diagnose of AS??to judge the prognosis of the children??and to avoid unnecessary drug treatment.  相似文献   

目的 分析不同年龄组Alport综合征患儿的临床与病理特点.方法 回顾性分析我院1990年1月-2007年1月47例住院并且明确诊断为Alport综合征患儿的临床及病理资料.结果 男32例,女15例,男女比例2.1:1,年龄15个月~13岁,平均9.0岁.47例患儿中39例有明确家族史,其中X连锁显性遗传37例;常染色体隐性遗传2例.28例(59.3%)患儿首发症状为肉眼血尿或镜下血尿,14例(29.8%)患儿为蛋白尿、水肿.Alport综合征临床表现为孤立性血尿11例(23.4%)、血尿合并蛋白尿17例(36.2%)、肾病综合征14例(29.8%)、肾功能不全5例(10.6%);孤立性血尿型、血尿合并蛋白尿型见于研究病例中的所有年龄组儿童,而肾病综合征型、肾功能不全型仅见于7~13岁年龄组儿童.肾组织病理显示,33例(70.2%)光镜改变为系膜增生性病变(MsPGN),13例(27.6%)表现为局灶节段性肾小球硬化(FSGS),1例(2.1%)表现为膜增生性肾小球肾炎(MPGN).免疫荧光多以IgM沉积为主19例(40.4%),以IgA沉积为主9例(19.1%),以IgG沉积为主9例(19.1%),免疫荧光阴性10例(21.4%).电镜下39例出现典型的肾小球基底膜病变,8例显示基底膜变薄.47例患儿中46例肾脏和(或)皮肤Ⅳ胶原a链分布异常.结论 Alport综合征男性患儿发病率高于女性.不同年龄组Alport综合征肾脏表现有明显差异,血尿伴随疾病始终,但随着病程延长,尿蛋白量逐渐增加.Alport综合征肾脏病理光镜下无特征表现,主要以系膜增生为主,小年龄组患儿电镜下GBM病变不典型,需结合Ⅳ胶原a链免疫荧光检测明确诊断.  相似文献   

To date, there have been a very limited number of case reports on combined Alport syndrome (AS) and Klinefelter syndrome (KS). We herein describe the case of a 9‐month‐old boy diagnosed with concomitant AS and KS. KS was detected on chromosomal analysis of the amniotic fluid, and hematuria/proteinuria was identified in urinary screening at 6 months of age. Renal biopsy indicated AS, with complete deficit of the α5 chain of type IV collagen in the glomerular basement membranes. On genetic analysis for AS, de novo homozygote mutation (c.3605‐2a > c) was seen in the gene encoding α5 chain of type IV collagen (COL4A5) on the X chromosomes of maternal origin. This is the first case report of combined AS and KS diagnosed during infancy, and it indicates the need to consider the concurrent existence of these two disorders in infants with urine abnormalities, even in the absence of a family history.  相似文献   

目的 对以儿童激素耐药型肾病综合征(steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome,SRNS)起病的Alport综合征(Alport syndrome,AS)的临床资料、病理和基因检测情况进行临床分析,以提高对AS的认识。方法 选取2015年1月至2019年12月广州医科大学附属广州市第一人民医院儿科初治均诊断为原发性肾病综合征(primary nephrotic syndrome, PNS), 经过治疗效果不佳, 从最初的激素依赖型肾病综合征(steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome, SDNS)到SRNS, 最后经过基因检测确诊为AS的15例患儿, 综合分析其临床特点、 病理、 肾外表现及基因检测等情况。结果 (1)15例AS患儿中, 均有镜下血尿, 均有不同程度的水肿、 大量蛋白尿、 低蛋白血症和高脂血症, 其中蛋白尿伴肉眼血尿的3例, 出现尿素氮/血肌酐明显升高2例。(2)13例患儿行肾穿刺活检病理检测, AS患儿肾脏病理检查结果呈多样性, 中度系膜增生性肾小球肾炎3例, 局灶性节段性肾小球硬化(focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, FSGS)3例, IgA肾病3例, 薄基底膜肾病2例, 肾小球轻微病变1例, 轻度系膜增生性肾小球肾炎1例。(3)15例PNS患儿均进行基因检测, 发现COL4A5基因突变13例, COL4A4和COL4A3基因突变各1例。结论 临床对于SRNS治疗效果不佳, 应积极询问家族史, 尽早行AS基因检测, 早期诊断有助于判断患儿的预后, 避免不必要的药物治疗, 达到精准治疗。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study was to investigate to what extent IgM nephropathy in children with minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) and diffuse mesangial hypercellularity (DMH) evolves to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). METHODS: Tissues from renal biopsies were examined by light microscopy (LM), immunofluorescence (IF) and, in four cases, by electron microscopy (EM). From a total of 352 nephrotic children, 121 had renal biopsy results as steroid dependent or resistant. A diagnostic renal biopsy was also performed in 331 children with non-nephrotic proteinuria and/or hematuria. A second renal biopsy was performed in 16 children whose renal function was impaired during the follow up. The clinical course of IgM-positive children was compared with that of IgM-negative children. RESULTS: Of the 121 nephrotic children with renal biopsy, 85 were MCNS. Twenty were IF positive mainly for IgM, six of whom (30%) presented evolution to FSGS, while of the remaining 65 IF-negative children, only three (4.6%) presented evolution to FSGS. Of the total 331 children with non-nephrotic proteinuria and/or hematuria, 139 were diagnosed as IgA--IgG nephropathy, 44 had positive IF for IgM and 148 were IF negative. Of the 44 children IF positive for IgM, seven (15.9%) presented evolution to FSGS, while none of the 148 IF-negative children presented evolution to FSGS. The follow-up time for all children ranged from 1 to 14 years. CONCLUSIONS: Of IgM nephropathy patients with MCNS and DMH, a significant percentage develop impaired renal function, due to the evolution of FSGS, as revealed by repeat biopsy during long-term follow up.  相似文献   

Objective To analysis the clinical and pathological characteristics of children with dense deposit disease (DDD). Methods 12 Children diagnosed as DDD by electron microscope were enrolled in this study. The clinical and pathological data were analyzed. Results Of the 12 cases, 7 were males and 5 females, mean age 9.1±3.9(5-13) years at onset, the duration from onset to renal biopsy was 1 month to 5 years and the follow-up period was 1-9 years. All cases had heavy proteinuria >50 mg/(kg·d), and persistent microscopic hematuria with recurrent gross hematuria during the course. Seven cases had hypertension (≥140/100 mm Hg, 1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa), 5 cases had transient or recurrent abnormal renal function, and mild to severe anemia were observed in 8 cases respectively. All the cases had lower serum C3(0.15-0.55 g/L). Clinically, 10 cases were diagnosed as nephritic syndrome (one case had partial lipodystrophy at the sa me time), and 2 cases were diagnosed as acute nephritic syndrome. Immunofluorescence study showed intense deposition of C3 along GBM, TBM and the wall of Bowman's capsule in a ribbon-like pattern and in the mesangial regions as coarse granules in all the cases. Under light microscopy, 9 cases showed the feature of membrane proliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN), 1 case with focal segmental glomeruloselerosis (FSGS), 1 case with endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis (EnPGN) and 1 case with proliferative sclerosis (PSGN). Crescents were seen in 3 cases. Under electron microscopy, ribbon-like or linear electron-dense intramembranous deposits were identified in the lamina dense of GBM, and often along TBM and the wall of Bowman's capsule. All patients showed steroid resistance. After methylprednisone treatment, some patients showed transient remission. During the followup stage of 1-9 years, 3 cases showed normal urinalysis, 5 cases showed partial remission, 2 cases progressed to end stage renal disease (ESRD) and 2 cases were lost. Conclusion DDD is an in dependentiy rare disease with pathological-clinical rarities. Children with DDD presented with persistently lower C3, heavy proteinuria, recurrent gross hematuria and anemia. The characteristic immunopathologic finding is intense deposition of C3 along the GBM. Under electron microscopy, ribbon-like or linear electron-dense deposits in the lamina dense of the GBM, TBM and the wall of Bowman's capsule. Electron microscopic examination to demonstrate the intramembranous dense deposits is definitive diagnosis, regardless of the finding of light microscopy. All of them showed steroid resistant. Patients with steroid and CTX treatment showed some clinical improvement of their urinalysis.  相似文献   

目的 分析婴幼儿肾脏疾病临床病理的特点及婴幼儿肾穿刺安全进行的方法和意义.方法 对临床诊断为肾脏疾病的227例婴幼儿进行经皮肾穿刺活检,肾脏病理组织分别进行光镜、免疫荧光和电镜观察.光镜标本做苏木精-伊红(HE)、过碘酸雪夫反应(PAS)、六胺银(PASM)和Masson染色,免疫荧光检测其肾组织中的IgG、IgM、IgA、C3、C4、C1q、Fibrin,204例标本同时行电镜检查.结果 所有患儿肾穿刺均获成功,术后无明显并发症.有肾穿刺适应证的227例婴幼儿肾脏疾病中最常见的是肾病综合征(38.3%)、孤立性血尿(37.0%)和急性肾炎综合征(9.3%),继发性肾脏疾病相对较少(5.3%).肾脏病理类型中最常见的是系膜增生性肾小球肾炎(62.6%)、IgA肾病(8.4%)和局灶节段性肾小球硬化(5.7%).87例肾病综合征病理类型最常见的是系膜增生性肾小球肾炎(50例)、微小病变(11例)和局灶节段性肾小球硬化(9例);84例孤立性血尿病理类型最常见的是系膜增生性肾小球肾炎(68例)和IgA肾病(9例).结论 在不盲目扩大适应证的基础上,安全有效地进行婴幼儿肾穿刺,可以提高婴幼儿肾脏疾病的诊治水平.  相似文献   

目的分析婴幼儿肾脏疾病病理类型的分布及其对诊断治疗的指导意义。方法中南大学湘雅二院于1996-01—2005-09采用快速经皮肾活检术,对73例临床诊断为10种肾脏疾病的婴幼儿进行肾组织病理检查。将穿刺取得的每份组织标本分成3部分,按常规方法对所有标本均分别进行光镜、电镜及免疫荧光检查,标本均做HE、PAS、PASM、Masson染色,均应用免疫荧光检测肾组织中IgG、IgM、IgA、C3、C4、C1q、Fb,部分病例根据血化验乙肝抗原阳性者加做免疫荧光,检测肾组织中的HBsAg、HBcAg。结果肾活检成功率为100%;最常见的病理类型为系膜增生性肾炎(51/73例,占69·9%);临床表现类似的疾病病理类型不同,同一病理类型的疾病,临床表现可以多样。结论肾活检病理诊断对婴幼儿肾脏疾病的诊断、治疗、估计预后均有重要价值。电镜在婴幼儿肾病理检查中起到不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

??Objective??To analyze the features of clinical manifestions and gene mutations of Chinesse children with X-linked Alport syndrome??XLAS??. Methods??Retrospectively analyze the clinical and pathological features of 31 patients with Alport syndrome with COL4A5 mutations??who were treated in Shanghai Children’s Hospital from June 2011 to June 2016. Results??Of these 31 cases??there were 12??38.7%?? females and 19??61.3%?? males??and the average age of onset was 2.6 years old. Thirteen patients had an onset of hematuria and proteinuria and 22??70.9%?? patients had family medical history. One patient presented ocular changes and 2 patients had hearing loss. Renal pathology showed that 15 of them had minimal change disease??MCD?? and 5 mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis??and only 6 had typical pathologic changes of Alport syndrome. We identified 31 different mutations in all patients??and there were 19??61.3%?? cases of missense mutations??2??6.5%??cases of large deletion mutations??4??12.9%?? cases of spice-site mutations and 6??19.3%?? cases of frame shift mutations. Among these 19 missense mutations??16??84.2%?? cases were Gly-X-Y mutations. Conclusion??Most of XLAS children show MCD in renal biopsy and had missense mutations in COL4A5 gene. Clinical symptoms and pathology are not typical?? resulting in the difficulities in diagnosis of Alport syndrome.  相似文献   

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