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流动人口肺结核患者健康教育现况分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的调查了解流动人口肺结核患者结核病健康教育的获得情况和需求。方法采用问卷调查方式,对流动人口肺结核患者的性别、年龄、文化程度、职业以及患者结核病防治知识的知晓情况以及对健康教育的需求等进行调查。结果流动人口肺结核患者在发现结核病前接受过有关结核病防治知识宣传的人数不到一半,而不同的文化程度、性别、不同年龄组之间差异无统计学意义。流动人口肺结核患者对于肺结核预防、治疗和相关政府政策知识的需求率均超过70%。患者对于肺结核知识的获得途径以医务人员宣传、广播电视、报刊杂志、张贴画为主,且不同的文化程度之间差异有统计学意义。结论了解目标人群对结核防治健康教育的需求情况,才能更好地有针对性地开展健康教育工作,从而有助于提高流动人口结核病的发现率。  相似文献   

目的 分析脊柱结核病灶中结核分枝杆菌菌型,耐药性及耐药原因和处理原则。 方法 搜集首都医科大学附属北京胸科医院2005年1月至2012年1月确诊为脊柱结核的住院患者1057例。通过穿刺或外科手术获得骨病灶中的脓液及干酪样物,进行结核分枝杆菌培养和药敏试验。 结果 在1057例患者中,分枝杆菌培养阳性128例,阳性率12.1%;128例患者中耐一线药物异烟肼、利福平及链霉素最多,分别为22例、16例、27例,占17.2%,12.5%及21.1%;利福平、利福喷丁及链霉素的高浓度耐药情况严重,分别为16例、12例、25例,占耐该药菌株中的100.0%(16/16),75.0%(12/16),92.6%(25/27);其中耐多药结核(MDR-TB)21例,占阳性患者的16.4%(21/128),均为复治患者,培养阳性患者均按照药敏试验结果给予规范的抗结核治疗或个性化治疗,同时择期给予手术治疗,均痊愈。 结论 脊柱结核病灶中结核分枝杆菌耐药仍以常规药物(异烟肼、利福平、链霉素、利福喷丁)为主,耐多药脊柱结核多为复治患者,即以获得性耐药为主。因此早期获得患者耐药及药敏,并给予合理的抗结核治疗并结合合理的手术方法是治愈结核病的关键,对防止耐多药发生有重要意义。  相似文献   

The complication with tuberculosis of the central nervous system (CNS) were studied in 16 patients with miliary tuberculosis who were admitted to our hospital during a period of two years from April, 1997 to March, 1999, and were examined by head MRI. Twelve cases (75%) were diagnosed as having tuberculosis of CNS. Six cases had tuberculosis of CNS which was found during the screening of miliary tuberculosis cases, and all had only cerebral tuberculoma. Meningeal irritative symptoms led to the discovery of tuberculosis of CNS in the remaining six cases, in which cerebral tuberculoma was complicated with tuberculous meningitis. Of these cases of meningitis, three cases showing disturbance of consciousness died, but no cases of death was found in cases by the screening. The length of time from the onset of symptoms to the diagnosis of tuberculosis was long in many of the cases complicated with tuberculosis of CNS compared with the cases without such a complication. In the cases of miliary tuberculosis, the rate of complication with tuberculosis of CNS is high, and the possibility of patients developing serious symptoms suddenly even when they were asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis and the paradoxical expansion that becomes intensified after initiation of treatment have been reported. Therefore, it is necessary to make a close checkup of CNS when the diagnosis of miliary tuberculosis has been made.  相似文献   

Pulmonary tuberculosis (Tbc) continues to be an important cause of morbidity in children in our country and in the world. There are diagnostic difficulties in the evaluation of the patients with suspected Tbc. In our study of 118 cases, the signs or symptoms suggestive of pulmonary Tbc have a microbiologically confirmed ratio of 26% within the cases having a positive tuberculin test result or having a contact with an adult that had Tbc. Thirty-one (26%) patients were diagnosed with definite Tbc, 48 (41%) patients with probable Tbc and 28 (24%) patients with latent Tbc infection. The tuberculin test was positive in 22 (71%) patients with definite Tbc and in 29 (60%) patients with probable Tbc. A history of a contact with an adult having Tbc has been observed in 18 (58%) patients in definite Tbc case group, in 23 (48%) patients in probable Tbc case group and in 13 (46%) patients in latent Tbc infection case group. No significant difference has been observed between patients with definite or probable pulmonary Tbc according to the average age, sex, tuberculin test positivity and history of Tbc contact. The most common clinical symptoms that has been observed in both groups were cough, fever and weight loss and the most common radiological finding that has been found in both groups was persistent infiltration. Definite or probable Tbc cases were treated for a period of 6 months with 3 anti-Tbc drugs. There were no patients who had failed to response to the treatment. These results showed that, the diagnostic criteria used for probable pulmonary Tbc are also useful in detecting the patients who should be treated with anti-Tbc drugs.  相似文献   

肺结核并低蛋白血症的临床诊断探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨低蛋白血症对肺结核病诊断的影响,减少肺结核病的漏诊和误诊。方法对155例初治痰菌阳性肺结核并低蛋白血症的患者进行抗结核治疗,并观察其外周血淋巴细胞、PPD皮试、抗结核抗体及其抗结核治疗疗效的情况。结果在肺结核并低蛋白血症的患者中,PPD()以上者仅有(49.7%)明显较对照组少(76.3%)(P<0.001);治疗前血清白蛋量与肺部病灶范围呈负相关;治疗后67.2%患者痰菌阴转,对照组77.1%痰菌阴转(P<0.05),并低蛋白血症的患者的疗效较对照组差。结论肺结核并低蛋白血症者仅有1/2患者其PPD皮试呈中度阳性;第二,其肺部病灶较广泛;第三,抗结核治疗疗效差。因此,在对痰菌阴性肺结核并低蛋白血症者的诊断时,要充分考虑上述因素的影响,减少漏诊。  相似文献   

Ileoscopy in patients with ileocolonic tuberculosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AIM: To study the role of retrograde terminal ileoscopy in patients suspected to have ileocolonic tuberculosis. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was performed for patients undergoing colonoscopy for suspected ileocolonic tuberculosis between January 2000 and June 2004, in whom retrograde ileoscopy had been performed. Only patients diagnosed with tuberculosis on the basis of histological findings of either a caseating granuloma or those having non-caseating granuloma or a collection of epithelioid cells at a minimum of one endoscopic lesion (either in the colon or the terminal ileum) on histology with good responses to conventional anti-tuberculous drugs were enrolled for the study. RESULTS: Fifty-three patients were included. The terminal ileum was involved in only 11 patients. Eight of these patients had involvement of the cecum too. Two patients had ileal lesions without cecal involvement; however, lesions were noted in the ascending colon. In one patient the whole colon was normal and only the terminal ileum showed nodularity and ulceration. Histological examination of the ileal biopsies obtained from the ileal lesions showed noncaseating granulomas in five, collection of epithelioid cells in four and nonspecific histology in two patients. Mucosal biopsies obtained from the lesion in the terminal ileum, in the patient in whom mucosal abnormality was observed to be confined to the ileum, showed noncaseating granulomas. In two other patients the ileal biopsies alone showed histological evidence of tuberculosis with biopsies from the colonic lesions showing non-specific inflammatory changes only. CONCLUSION: Retrograde ileoscopy should be performed in all patients undergoing colonoscopy for suspected ileocolonic tuberculosis. In some patients only the terminal ileum may be involved and histological examination may reveal evidence of tuberculosis only from the lesions in the terminal ileum. This approach would lead to additional lesions being picked up andincreasing the chances of well-timed diagnosis of tuberculosis.  相似文献   

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