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杜君  高文红  刘芝华 《中国肿瘤》2019,28(5):342-347
摘 要:[目的] 对国家自然科学基金医学科学部成立以来肿瘤学(代码为H16)项目的资助情况进行分析。[方法] 在国家自然科学基金管理信息系统检索2010~2018年申请代码为H16(肿瘤学)的项目信息,包括申请年份、资助类别、申请代码、依托单位、批准金额等信息,据此建立数据库进行分析。[结果] 国家自然科学基金医学科学部成立以来,对肿瘤学相关基础研究的支持强度较高;肿瘤学相关项目的资助类别以面上项目、青年科学基金项目、地区科学基金项目为主。青年科学基金项目增长速度最快。[结论] 医学科学部成立以来,肿瘤学基础研究在国家自然科学基金的资助下取得良好发展,但也存在缺少对预防和康复阶段的关注等问题。  相似文献   

蒋君  刘晓婷  张玢 《现代肿瘤医学》2024,(11):2074-2079
目的:基于国家自然科学基金资助的肿瘤干细胞结题项目分析,有助于全面了解该领域的研究现状和发展趋势,为后续的科研工作和资源配置提供有价值的参考和启示。方法:通过国家自然科学基金大数据知识管理服务门户等数据库,检索“肿瘤干细胞”或“癌症干细胞”等结题项目,运用Excel、Python和Citespace等软件,对关键词、机构、金额、项目类别、学科、靶器官等字段进行分析和可视化展现。结果:2018-2022年我国国家自然科学基金共资助肿瘤干细胞结题项目855项,金额达3.9亿元,覆盖医学、生命科学、化学、数理、工程与材料、地球科学六大学科,主要聚焦肝、颅脑或骨髓、乳腺、肠、肺和胃等靶器官,涵盖肿瘤治疗、肿瘤细胞命运、肿瘤微环境、肿瘤表观遗传、肿瘤代谢等关键领域。结论:肿瘤干细胞研究应进一步加强临床转化突破,深化多学科交叉整合,从细胞走向整体,推动肿瘤领域的创新与发展。  相似文献   

随着细胞生物学等学科的不断发展和深入,肿瘤学基础研究取得了一定进展,肿瘤学科申请项目数量及质量也逐渐提高。本文总结2019年度国家自然科学基金临床肿瘤学科面上项目、青年科学基金项目以及地区科学基金项目的申请与资助情况,并从不同角度深入分析面上项目的研究方向,针对临床肿瘤中非编码RNA、肿瘤免疫治疗、肿瘤微环境、肿瘤代谢等代表性研究方向,以及淋巴管新生、细胞焦亡及铁死亡、溶酶体及线粒体等研究前沿进行综述。  相似文献   

2021年国家自然科学基金委员会医学科学部肿瘤学科采用了以科学问题为引导的新申请代码体系,申请与资助项目也呈现出新的特点与趋势。本文介绍了2021年度国家自然科学基金肿瘤Ⅰ学科面上类项目(包括面上项目、青年科学基金项目、地区科学基金项目)的申请与资助情况,并根据新申请代码体系、肿瘤发生部位、研究热点等方面,对2021年度肿瘤Ⅰ学科申请与资助的项目进行深入分析。   相似文献   

随着基于四类科学问题属性的分类评审的实施,国家自然科学基金委员会医学科学部临床肿瘤学科申请与资助项目也呈现出新的特点与趋势.本文总结了2020年度国家自然科学基金临床肿瘤学科面上项目、青年科学基金项目、地区科学基金项目的申请与资助概况,并按照四类科学问题属性、肿瘤靶器官类型、不同研究方向、2021年度启用的新学科代码体...  相似文献   

孙金金  赵文华 《中国肿瘤》2017,26(2):115-119
摘 要:[目的] 分析2009~2015年度中国抗癌协会科技奖获奖成果的特点,为科研人员总结科研成果提供参考。[方法] 对获奖成果按完成单位类型、地区分布、学科分布、任务来源、论文数、专利数及获国家奖情况结合图表进行分析。[结果] 122个获奖成果中,医疗机构获奖成果及高等级获奖成果数较多,获奖地区和学科分布较广泛,项目受资助比例高,发表论文总数、高水平论文(SCI论文)数、专利数较高,部分获奖项目达到国家奖水平。[结论] 中国抗癌协会科技奖获奖成果代表了我国肿瘤医学领域的较高水平。科研人员学习优秀获奖成果的共性,立足科技创新,注重积累和总结,有助于科研成果水平的提高。  相似文献   

1989年美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)对89家公司在132个有关生物技术领域进行了“小企业创新研究”(Small-Business Inovative Research, SBIR)资助。资助分为两类,Ⅰ类项目为期6个月以上,资助金额5万美元,旨在评价有关项目设计与技术科学成就及其可  相似文献   

近日,《中国肿瘤生物治疗杂志》获得了2015-2017年度“中国科协精品科技期刊工程——期刊学术质量提升项目”资助。中国科协从2006年开始启动精品科技期刊工程资助项目,项目重点资助数学、物理、化学、工程学及生命科学(医学、药学)等领域的科技期刊,目的是提升中国科协系统科技期刊的学术影响力和核心竞争力,发挥示范引领作用,更好地服务于科技创新和广大科技工作者,发挥科技期刊在国家科技创新驱动发展战略中的重要作用。2015-2017年为中国科技精品科技期刊工程项目第四期,共分6个分项目:精品科技期刊TOP 50项目;学术质量提升项  相似文献   

肝内胆管细胞癌的放射治疗   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
放疗是肿瘤综合治疗中的重要手段之一,有60%的肿瘤患者在其病程的某一阶段需要放疗。腹部肿瘤占全身所有肿瘤的55%以上,其中尤以胃癌、肝癌位居各种恶性肿瘤的前1、2位。由于放疗设备的进步、放射生物学理论的发展和临床试验的证实,目前,放疗在腹部恶性肿瘤的综合治疗中已显示出作用,作为术后辅助放疗减少复发率,或对不能手术切除患者延长其生存期,或缓解患者的症状。放疗是腹部肿瘤综合治疗不可缺少的一部分,目前已得到临床肿瘤学家的认可。复旦大学附属中山医院在肝癌放疗领域具有优势,其泌尿系统肿瘤也有不少新内容,胃癌的放疗也积累许多经验。中山医院放疗科依托综合性医院的优势,总结了近年来这些肿瘤的放疗经验。以前的放疗主要是肿瘤专科医院的特长,但随着综合性医院放疗的发展,综合性医院的肿瘤病种主要集中在胸腹部,故本专题对综合性医院放疗科和肿瘤外科医生认识腹部肿瘤的综合治疗具有重要意义。鉴于篇幅有限,如读者感兴趣,可以参考复旦大学附属中山医院放疗科新近出版的《腹盆部肿瘤放射治疗学》。  相似文献   

放疗是肿瘤综合治疗中的重要手段之一,有60%的肿瘤患者在其病程的某一阶段需要放疗。腹部肿瘤占全身所有肿瘤的55%以上,其中尤以胃癌、肝癌位居各种恶性肿瘤的前1、2位。由于放疗设备的进步、放射生物学理论的发展和临床试验的证实,目前,放疗在腹部恶性肿瘤的综合治疗中已显示出作用,作为术后辅助放疗减少复发率,或对不能手术切除患者延长其生存期,或缓解患者的症状。放疗是腹部肿瘤综合治疗不可缺少的一部分,目前已得到临床肿瘤学家的认可。复旦大学附属中山医院在肝癌放疗领域具有优势,其泌尿系统肿瘤也有不少新内容,胃癌的放疗也积累许多经验。中山医院放疗科依托综合性医院的优势,总结了近年来这些肿瘤的放疗经验。以前的放疗主要是肿瘤专科医院的特长,但随着综合性医院放疗的发展,综合性医院的肿瘤病种主要集中在胸腹部,故本专题对综合性医院放疗科和肿瘤外科医生认识腹部肿瘤的综合治疗具有重要意义。鉴于篇幅有限,如读者感兴趣,可以参考复旦大学附属中山医院放疗科新近出版的《腹盆部肿瘤放射治疗学》。  相似文献   

Background The American Cancer Society (ACS) allocated competitive funding for Research Project Grants (RPG) to investigators and health care professionals early in their careers. This study explored the process of applying for an ACS grant and determined the differences, if any, in applicants that were funded and applicants that were not funded.Methods. Applicants applying for RPG funding in the spring of 1996 were sent a questionnaire.Results. Most variables between funded and unfunded applicants did not show significant differences. The perception of the application process varied significantly between groups.Conclusions. The application process of RPG was highly valued among funded applicants.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Radiation oncology continues to evolve as a specialty. In the early 1990s, issues of manpower oversupply, resource allocation, development of academic radiation oncology, and residency training curricula were fervently considered and evaluated. Much of this effort continues. This communication endeavors to examine the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP) results as they pertain to radiation oncology to identify and document applicant trends over the last decade. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The NRMP database tables for inclusive dates 1993-2003 were evaluated. The database figures were supplied directly from the executive staff at the AAMC/NRMP. Data were reviewed for radiation oncology, and the following variables were evaluated for the study period (1993-2003): Training program participation, positions offered, applicant totals, proportion of US senior applicants, US seniors as a percentage of those who successfully matched, ratio of applicants to positions, and percentage of training program positions filled. Trends over the study period were analyzed. Data were also analyzed for all specialties collectively as a comparison group. RESULTS: The number of training programs has remained relatively stable between 1993 and 2003. In 2003, each radiation oncology program in the NRMP on average accepted two new candidates. The number of positions offered has fluctuated over time. There appeared to be a downward trend until 2003, during which 107 positions were offered. The number of applicants continues to rise with totals of 209 and 214 in 2003 and 2001, respectively. Percentage of US senior applicants compared with the total pool has remained relatively stable, but raw numbers are rising. The number of US seniors as a percentage of those who successfully matched escalated during 2001 compared with previous years. This value has been consistent over the past 3 years, at a level of approximately 94%. The ratio of applicants to positions, which is a broad indicator of level of competition for entrance, began to rise significantly in 2000 to a level of 1.9. It peaked at 2.6 in 2001, and the ratio for 2003 was approximately 2.0. For the first time, all positions offered were filled (100%) through the NRMP match process in 2003. Such positive trends have not been realized to the same degree for all specialties analyzed as a cohort. CONCLUSION: Acceptance into radiation oncology training programs through the NRMP has become very competitive. The explanation for this trend is likely complex with many variables. These data may be helpful in training program development and will certainly be of service to advisors of medical students seeking entrance into the field in the near future.  相似文献   

儿童肿瘤相比成年人有更好的预后和更长的生存期,提示关注儿童肿瘤放疗引起的远期并发症非常重要。本文总结近10余年发表的40余项儿童肿瘤放疗临床研究数据,从神经系统、心脑血管系统、呼吸系统、内分泌系统、泌尿系统、生殖系统、骨骼发育和远期继发肿瘤等领域,汇总临床研究观察到的儿童肿瘤放疗后出现的远期并发症及其“剂量-体积”参数,旨在辅助放疗医师、物理师为儿童肿瘤患者制定更为优化的放疗方案。  相似文献   

张烨  易俊林  姜威 《中国肿瘤》2020,29(5):321-326
[目的]了解我国大陆地区放疗人才及设备情况。[方法]2019年4月10日至9月20日期间,中华医学会放射肿瘤治疗学分会通过线上问卷的形式进行了全国第九次行业调查,调查2018年度全国各个医院从事放疗的人员、设备、技术、年放疗人次以及主要放疗病种等数据。[结果]本次问卷回收率100%,所有放疗单位数据通过各省医学会再次确认。中国大陆地区放疗单位1463家。从事放疗的工作人员共29096人,其中放疗医师14575人、物理师4172人、技师8940人、维修师1409人。共有直线加速器2021台(含进口和国产),钴60远距离治疗机66台,近距离治疗机339台,质子重离子机5台,常规模拟机1453台,CT模拟机355台。能开展二维放疗1002家,三维适形放疗1272家,静态调强放疗1121家,Rapid Arc145家,容积旋转调强放疗279家,立体定向放射治疗297家,近距离治疗273家,全身X线治疗75家,全身电子线治疗73家,Tomo治疗38家,质子/重离子治疗5家。病床数97836张(含综合医院肿瘤科病床),放疗年治疗人数1259602人。[结论]中国大陆地区放疗单位数目缓慢增长,放疗从业人员较前稍减少,开展放疗新技术单位逐年增加,全国每百万人口放疗设备(加速器+钴60)仅1.5,仍低于WHO的要求。  相似文献   

Background  The structure of radiation oncology in designated cancer care hospitals in Japan was investigated in terms of equipment, personnel, patient load, and geographic distribution, and compared with the structure in other radiotherapy facilities. Methods  The Japanese Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (JASTRO) conducted a questionnaire survey about the national structure of radiation oncology in 2005. In the current study, the structures of 326 designated cancer care hospitals and the other 386 radiotherapy facilities in Japan were compared. Results  Designated cancer care hospitals accounted for 45.3% of all radiotherapy facilities. The patterns of equipment and personnel in designated cancer care hospitals and the other radiotherapy facilities were as follows: linear accelerators/facility, 1.2 and 1.0; dual-energy function, 73.1% and 56.3%; three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy function, 67.5% and 52.7%; intensity-modulated radiotherapy function, 30.0% and 13.9%; annual number of patients/linear accelerator, 289.7 and 175.1; 192Ir remote-controlled afterloading systems, 27.6% and 8.6%; and average number of full-time equivalent radiation oncologists/facility, 1.4 and 0.9 (P < 0.0001). There were significant differences in equipment and personnel between the two types of facilities. Annual patient loads/full-time equivalent radiation oncologist in the designated cancer care hospitals and the other radiotherapy facilities were 252 and 240. Geographically, the number of designated cancer care hospitals was associated with the population, and the number of JASTRO-certified physicians was associated with the number of patients undergoing radiotherapy. Conclusion  The Japanese structure of radiation oncology in designated cancer care hospitals was more mature than that in the other radiotherapy facilities in terms of equipment, although a shortage of personnel still exists. The serious understaffing problem in radiation oncology should be corrected in the future.  相似文献   

A chronic shortage of radiation therapy technologists exists in the United States. This report presents the data obtained in a 1987 survey of all radiation oncology facilities identified by the Patterns of Care master list. Of the 1,142 questionnaires mailed, 52% were returned. The survey identified 2,328 credentialed (ARRT) and 554 non-credentialed technologists employed in radiation therapy. Of this total of 2,882, 2,141 were identified as staff technologists. A total of 1,186 megavoltage units were identified, giving a ratio of 1.8 technologist/megavoltage unit. Two hundred sixty open funded positions and 230 unfunded positions for radiation therapy technologists were identified. The report compares the results of this 1987 Radiation Therapy Technology Manpower Survey with the results of the three previous surveys conducted in 1975, 1977, and 1981. Whereas this comparison demonstrates that progress has been made, current trends in allied health education are expected to have a negative impact on recruitment into radiation therapy technology. Program directors report that the number and quality of applicants to all allied health education programs is declining, and this trend in radiation therapy technology is substantiated by a drop in the number of students enrolled in programs, from 970 in 1986-87 to 777 in 1987-88. Our discussion addresses the areas of new program development, recruitment, retention, innovative programs, and overseas recruitment.  相似文献   

Recent establishments and development of several institutes dedicated to cancer research in Quebec has dramatically improved the scientific infrastructures and the quality of basic and clinical programs in this province. A recent study performed by the Fonds de recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ), estimates that oncology research output by impact factors and number of publications from Quebec universities and hospital based institutes is the most performing field of biomedical research in the province. Direct and growing collaborations between these centres and their usage of state of the art technological platforms place them in an excellent position to participate into first-rate oncology studies on the international scene.  相似文献   

The future demand for and structural problems of Japanese radiotherapy   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
BACKGROUND: Recently, as the number of elderly people in Japan is growing, so is the number of new cancer cases. The number of patients treated with radiotherapy is therefore also on the increase, so that it is important to estimate the future demand for radiotherapy and to make preparations for it. METHODS: All the surveys were conducted for 106 facilities selected randomly out of 556 radiotherapy facilities in Japan. To obtain trends in the number of new cancer patients treated with radiotherapy in Japan, we conducted a survey with a self-administered mail questionnaire designed to obtain the number of new patients treated with radiotherapy for each year of the past decade (1990-99). The future number of new patients treated with radiotherapy was estimated from the data thus obtained. To investigate structural problems of Japanese radiotherapy, surveys about the number of treatment machines and full-time equivalent (FTE) radiation oncologists were conducted according to data from the Japanese Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (JASTRO) structure survey and the Patterns of Care Study (PCS). We also compared the structure of Japanese radiotherapy with that in the USA. RESULTS: The number of patients treated with radiotherapy has increased for every institutional stratum, with an overall increase of 1.4-fold over the past 10 years in Japan. It is estimated that the number of cancer patients treated with radiotherapy will reach 190 000 in 2015. In Japanese non-academic institutions, less than one FTE radiation oncologist has been managing many of these patients. In both equipment and manpower, academic institutions exceed nonacademic institutions. CONCLUSION: The future demand for Japanese radiotherapy will grow substantially, so that it is of vital importance to prepare for it. Specifically, the number of FTE radiation oncologists must be increased.  相似文献   



The structure of radiation oncology in designated cancer care hospitals in Japan was surveyed in terms of equipment, personnel, patient load, and geographic distribution, and compared with the structure in other radiotherapy facilities and the previous survey.


The Japanese Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology surveyed the national structure of radiation oncology in 2009. The structures of 365 designated cancer care hospitals and 335 other radiotherapy facilities were compared.


Designated cancer care hospitals accounted for 50.0 % of all the radiotherapy facilities in Japan. The patterns of equipment and personnel in designated cancer care hospitals and the other radiotherapy facilities were, respectively, as follows: linear accelerators per facility: 1.4 and 1.0; dual-energy function: 78.6 and 61.3 %; three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy function: 88.5 and 70.0 %; intensity-modulated radiotherapy function: 51.6 and 25.3 %; annual number of patients per linear accelerator: 301.3 and 185.2; Ir-192 remote-controlled after-loading systems: 31.8 and 4.2 %; and average number of full-time equivalent radiation oncologists per facility: 1.8 and 0.8. Compared with the previous survey, the ownership ratio of equipment and personnel improved in both designated cancer care hospitals and the other radiotherapy facilities. Annual patient loads per full-time equivalent radiation oncologist in the designated cancer care hospitals and the other radiotherapy facilities were 225.5 and 247.6, respectively. These values exceeded the standard guidelines level of 200.


The structure of radiation oncology in designated Japanese cancer care hospitals was more mature than that in the other radiotherapy facilities. There is still a shortage of personnel. The serious understaffing problem in radiation oncology should be corrected in the future.  相似文献   

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