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目的:探讨马蹄形肾并发肾细胞癌的诊断与治疗,并结合胚胎发生学进展初步分析其发生的可能原因。方法:回顾性分析3例蹄形肾并发肾细胞癌患者的临床资料并复习相关文献。结果:3例均经手术和后手术病理检查证实为马蹄形肾并发肾细胞癌。1例术后3个月死于远处转移,另2例术后至今已分别生存3年和2年,无复发。结论:马蹄形肾并发肾细胞癌较罕见,诊断主要依靠影像学检查,治疗主要是行肾细胞癌根治加峡部切除术。峡部为实质的马蹄形肾来源于后生肾区域细胞的相互移行,而这种移行有可能更易导致肿瘤的发生。  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜半肾切除术治疗小儿肾重复畸形的价值。方法2006年6月-2009年2月对21例小儿肾重复畸形施行腹腔镜半肾切除术。采用三孔或四孔腹腔镜技术,经腹入路,游离肾周组织,结扎切断重肾血管,切除重肾及输尿管,腹膜后放置引流。结果21例手术均成功,无中转开腹。腹腔镜手术操作130-210 min,平均190 min;术中出血量5-10 ml,无手术输血者。术后8-10 h进流食。术后住院时间5-7 d,平均6.2 d。21例患儿术后随访3-28个月,平均20.2月,临床症状消失,B超未见明显异常。结论经腹入路腹腔镜半肾切除术治疗小儿肾重复畸形创伤小,可扩大手术操作空间,清晰暴露手术视野,切除输尿管远端更彻底,术后恢复快,有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

目的:探讨重肾双输尿管畸形供肾在亲属活体肾移植中的应用.方法:回顾性分析2005~2009年2例确诊为重肾双输尿管畸形供者行亲属活体肾移植的临床病例资料,总结治疗经验.结果:2供者术程顺利,无手术并发症,术后肾功能正常,2受者术后肾功能恢复良好,无手术并发症.结论:重肾双输尿管畸形供肾应列入边缘供体范畴,术前应充分评估,我们的处治方法是安全可行的.  相似文献   

目的 总结女性重复肾输尿管开口异位合并漏尿的诊治经验. 方法 重复肾输尿管异位开口合并漏尿女童25例.年龄2~12岁,平均7岁.右侧15例、左侧10例,其中双侧重复肾仅1侧输尿管开口异位1例.均因会阴部漏尿并外阴痒痛就诊,经查体、影像学检查确诊.其中重复肾重度积水无功能4例,重复肾存在分泌功能21例.无功能重复肾4例行重复肾及输尿管全长切除,余21例行重复输尿管下段膀胱再植术. 结果 25例手术均成功,无漏尿及输尿管残端综合征发生.4例重复肾切除者术后12个月IVU显示患侧残肾形态及功能正常,21例重复输尿管膀胱再植者术后3个月膀胱造影显示再植输尿管无反流20例,12个月复查IVU息侧肾脏及重复肾形态功能良好;1例术后6个月重复肾积水加重,功能丧失,再次手术切除重复肾及输尿管. 结论 B超、IVU、MRU是诊断重复.肾输尿管开口异位合并漏尿的重要手段,螺旋CT多维成像能清晰显示患肾及重肾输尿管结构及其走向.手术是治疗该病的主要方法,术前应着重了解重复肾功能、输尿管形态及走向.手术方式应以解除梗阻、解决漏尿及保护患肾及重复肾功能为原则.  相似文献   

患儿,女,10岁,因阴道漏尿10年入院。不伴肉眼血尿及双侧腰腹部疼痛,有正常自排尿。检查:会阴部尿臊味很浓,局部皮肤见湿疹,阴道有尿液流出,在站立位和下腹部加压时明显。B超提示左侧重复肾输尿管畸形并异位开口,肾盂输尿管均扩张积水,右肾及膀胱未见明显异常。KUB+IVU示双肾显影清晰;右肾呈双肾盂畸形,上端肾盂发育较下端小,所见肾盏形态结构基本正常,杯口锐利。双肾盂分别发出输尿管向下走行,其中1支进入膀胱,另1支位置偏低,考虑为异位开口。左肾各组肾盏则呈杵状扩张,杯口形态消失,左输尿管下段显影并明显扩张,末端显示不清;膀胱充盈后形态大小无异常。磁共振尿路水成像(MRU)提示双肾实质未见异常信号;左右肾均可见双组肾盂、肾盏及两根输尿管;左侧上、下肾盂扩张;右上肾肾盂扩张,右下肾肾盂、肾盏不扩张,与之相连的一根输尿管进入膀胱,其余3根输尿管均明显扩张,远端异位开口于阴道前壁。尿常规白细胞(++),肾功能无异常,血液相关检查无异常。诊断:①双侧重复肾盂输尿管;②左侧双输尿管开口异位;③右侧上肾输尿管开口异位。  相似文献   

重复肾双输尿管畸形的手术治疗   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:探讨重复肾双输尿管畸形的手术治疗效果。方法:报告22例重复肾患者的临床资料,均经影像学检查诊断,完全性重复肾15例,不完全性重复肾7例。均给相应的手术方法治疗,共手术24次。结果:术后22例患者均康复出院。12例患者在拔除术中放置的双J管前,行B超或KUB加IVP检查,提示肾积水情况较前改善,未发现结石影及其它病变。17例获随访的患者都没有因原患的重复肾疾病而引起不适。结论:手术治疗应个体化,视肾功能、并发何种尿路畸形、病变的解剖位置,以及严重程度和尿路感染情况选择,包括对重复肾本身及并发症的处理。  相似文献   

肾窦内肾盂加肾后唇切开术治疗鹿角状肾结石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨肾窦内肾盂加肾后唇切开术治疗鹿角状肾结石的疗效。方法鹿角状肾结石患者40例,单侧36侧,双侧4侧,肾盂均为肾内型,肾实质无明显萎缩,肾功能均正常,均施行肾窦内肾盂加肾后唇中下段无血管区切开取石术。结果本组均在常温下手术,未阻断肾蒂,结石均安全取出,无术中严重并发症发生。平均手术时间115(90~140)min,平均失血量为100(90~120)ml,术后1月拔除双J管,复查3例(7.5%)有肾盂内小结石残留。结论肾窦内肾盂加肾后唇中下段区切开取石术适合肾鹿角状结石的治疗.具有操作较简单、易掌握.取石容易且结石一次性取出率高,出血少的优点。  相似文献   

小儿重复肾合并其他尿路畸形(附60例报告)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
60例重复肾中,48例合并输尿管口异位,7例合并输尿管囊肿,4例伴巨大输尿管积水,5例合并肾发育不良,1例为肾积水。年龄4个月~13岁。临床表现:滴沥性尿失禁48例,尿路感染10例,腹部包块6例,排尿困难5例,尿道口有肿物脱出4例。诊断主要依靠IVU。58例经手术治疗,其中51例作患侧上肾部及输尿管切除,7例行患侧肾切除。术后除1例尿内仍有异常外,均恢复满意。  相似文献   

腹腔镜下肾部分切除术(laparoscopic partial nephrectomy,LPN)作为治疗小肾癌的一项微创术式已经过了约10年的临床实践,已成为大家公认的有效治疗方式。但对于治疗中心型或肾门旁肾肿瘤,由于技术难度的增大,虽然有多项临床观察已报告LPN治疗中心型肾肿瘤可以达到与肾部分切除术(openpartialnephrectomy,OPN)治疗中心型肾肿瘤、LPN治疗外周型肾肿瘤同样好的手术效果和肿瘤学预后,但现阶段LPN治疗中心型肾肿瘤是充满技术性挑战的,需要腹腔镜技术非常熟练的术者才能在较短的热缺血时间内、  相似文献   

目的:探讨经腹腹腔镜半肾切除术治疗成人重复肾畸形的方法、可行性和临床疗效。方法:回顾我院2010年6月~2014年1月采用经腹腹腔镜行重复肾畸形上半肾切除术治疗12例患者,其中男4例,女8例,年龄18~56岁,平均36岁。左侧9例,右侧3例,12例重复肾畸形患者均为上半肾病变。结果:12例手术均获成功,无中转开放手术。手术时间60~120min,平均90min;术中出血量20~150ml,平均50ml;术后肠道功能恢复时间1~3d,平均2d;术后24~72h进流食,3~4d拔除引流管;术后住院时间7~9d,平均8d;术后随诊6~15个月,平均9个月;术后3、6个月内均行IVU检查,下半肾功能均正常,原发症状消失。结论:经腹腹腔镜半肾切除术治疗成人重复肾畸形具有手术视野开阔、住院时间短、创伤小、恢复快等优点,是治疗成人重复肾畸形安全有效的手术方法。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Duplication of the ureter and renal pelvis is the most common upper urinary tract anomaly in childhood. The anatomical and functional divisions between upper and lower moieties of duplex kidney are extremely variable. The underlying pathological condition associated with a lower moiety is usually massive vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) to the lower collecting system and only rare obstruction. The non-functioning upper moiety is usually associated with obstructive ectopic ureter (with or without ureterocele). Most lower pole heminephrectomies are carried out for non-functioning lower moieties. In most cases, the lower defunctionalised segment of the ureter is left in situ. Complete ureterectomy is usually performed if presence of VUR into the lower end of the corresponding ureter is shown. There is little information on the long-term outcome of residual ureteral 'stumps'. The purpose of our study was to review the long-term outcome of retained ureteral stumps in children undergoing heminephrectomy for non-functioning lower pole moieties in duplex kidneys. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The medical records of 19 patients who underwent 20 lower pole heminephrectomies for a non-functioning lower pole moiety of a duplex kidney between January 1990 and December 2000 were reviewed retrospectively. Median age at heminephrectomy was 4.5 years (range: 1 month to 12 years). Indications for heminephrectomy in the 20 renal units was reflux nephropathy in 16 (80%) and obstructive nephropathy in 4 (20%). All corresponding ureters were taken down as low as possible and transfixed through the heminephrectomy incision. Median follow-up was 8.5 years (range: 1-11 years). RESULTS: Eight (40%) showed VUR into the stump after lower pole heminephrectomy. Two of these underwent subureteral endoscopic correction of VUR with polytetrafluoroethylene paste and resection of the stump was carried out in remaining two patients for recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI). Remaining four of the eight patients demonstrated spontaneous resolution of VUR during follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that the vast majority of patients with residual ureteral stumps after lower pole heminephrectomy do not require stump resection at long-term follow-up.  相似文献   

目的 总结不完全重复输尿管畸形合并结石的诊断与治疗经验.方法 收集不完全重复输尿管合并结石病例7例,所有患者均接受B超及IVP检查,1例行MRU检查、1例行输尿管逆行造影检查;1例结石ESWL治疗,1例重复肾输尿管手术切除,5例结石予输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石.结果 7例患者术前均明确诊断;结石均成功碎除;术后随访1个月-2年.未见结石复发、患肾功能有不同程度改善.结论 不完全重复输尿管畸形合并结石的诊断可结合B超及IVP检查、上肾功能差时可行逆性造影或MRU检查;治疗应尽量选择微创并最大程度保护肾功能的方法.  相似文献   

We have seen 5 children with a non-obstructive ectopic ureterocele associated with an undilated upper pole collecting system. Thus the telltale signs of renal duplication found with obstruction of the upper pole were absent. Cystoscopy confirmed the diagnosis when retrograde injection of the ureterocele outlined a narrow ureter and small dysplastic kidney. Because reflux usually was present in the ipsilateral lower pole ureter (86 per cent) surgical treatment consisted of excision of the ureterocele and common sheath ureteral reimplantation. Removal of the small non-functioning upper renal segment was not necessary in most instances. The embryology of this anomaly is discussed.  相似文献   

目的 探讨移植肾输尿管上段并发症的处理方法。方法 4例不同原因所致的移植肾输尿管并发症,在无法行膀胱输尿管吻合的情况下,经腹腔或腹膜外途径。将受者输尿管与供肾肾盂吻合,内置双“J”管,经过充分的内,外引流,达到治疗输尿管病变的目的。结果 4例中有3例可正常排尿,1例尚需进一步治疗,随访2个月至1年,人,肾存活良好。结论 对于移植肾输尿管上端病变,采用自身输尿管与供肾肾盂吻合是一种处理较复杂移植肾输尿管病变的好方法。  相似文献   

Unusual mode of renal duplication may be confused with supernumerary kidney. The presented adult female complaining left flank pain had bilateral duplication of collecting system with ectopic opening in one of the left-sided ureter. Since the ureteral opening to the bladder neck resulted in giant hydronephrosis in the upper half segment responsible for her complaint, surgical resection was performed. The duplication of the left renal mass and collecting system was regarded as "unusual" in several points. First, the lower half segment of the left kidney looked a normal complete kidney, because it had upper, middle and lower calices. Second, the lower half segment was located rather superior to the upper one. Third, the parenchyma of the upper segment which was a rudimentary small mass of several grams was separated from the lower one. But the left renal artery was single, which supplied blood to not only the lower segment but also the upper one, and the two segments were connected tightly each other by loose areolar tissue. These facts prevented to categorize this case as supernumerary kidney. This case suggests that there may be many transitional cases between fused kidney and supernumerary kidney.  相似文献   

Ureteroceles can present complex problems, but appropriate reconstructive surgery can abolish urinary infection in nearly all cases. It does not suffice to resect or unroof a ureterocele, for this creates vesicoureteral reflux. Instead, for small ureteroceles, total resection by open technique should be carried out, together with reimplantation of the ureter. In large ureteroceles, usually with duplex kidney, removal of the ureterocele and its associated ureter, reimplantation of the ipsilateral ureter, and sometimes the contralateral ureter, should be performed. The associated upper pole renal segment should be removed in most instances; occasionally it can be saved, anastomosing it to the adjacent lower pole renal pelvis. Although management of an individual case must vary with anatomy, age of the patient, etc., the fundamental goals remain identical in all cases: relief of obstruction, removal of destroyed renal segments, and surgical correction of vesicoureteral reflux.  相似文献   

We report a rare case of anomalous inferior vena cava (IVC) in a 46-year-old woman hospitalized for the examination of right hypofunctional kidney. She had no history of trauma or pyelonephritis and there were no abnormalities in laboratory findings except serum creatinine value. Excretory urography showed no excretion of contrast medium from right kidney and retrograde pyelography revealed moderate hydronephrosis of right kidney but the obstruction of the ureter was not recognized. Abdominal computed tomographic scan showed a total trace of IVC and inferior venacavography demonstrated complete obstruction of the IVC from its origin with collateralization of upper lumber veins and vertebral veins. Surgical exploration was performed and demonstrated that IVC was a trace from the postrenal segment to hepatic segment. Two right renal veins were draining into the upper lumber vein and the right ureter was compressed slightly by lower renal vein, dilated ovarian vein and fibrotic connective tissue.  相似文献   

腹腔镜输尿管吻合术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 探讨腹腔镜输尿管吻合术治疗输尿管梗阻性疾病的可行性及临床体会。方法本组9例,男4例,女5例;年龄34~64岁,平均49岁;左侧5例,右侧4例;其中输尿管上段结石伴大息肉形成2例、腔静脉后输尿管1例、输尿管上段息肉1例、输尿管中段肿瘤(对侧为无功能肾)1例、输尿管中段狭窄1例、输尿管上段结石术后输尿管狭窄1例,输尿管中段结石伴输尿管狭窄1例,妇科巨大子宫肌瘤术后输尿管下段结扎梗阻1例。B超检查均有患侧肾输尿管扩张、积水,其中重度肾积水6例、中度肾积水3例。手术采用经腹腔路径腹腔镜下打开侧腹膜、探查输尿管、切除病变输尿管并用5-0可吸收线间断缝合输尿管切口作输尿管吻合。结果9例手术均成功,手术时间80~170min,平均116min。术中出血80~200ml,平均147ml,无输血。术后引流管均无明显漏尿,1个月拔除双J管。平均随访14个月,8例IVU、经腹超声(BUS)复查患肾分泌功能改善,7例显影良好,1例肾显影延迟改逆行尿路造影(RGU)检查,患肾积水明显减轻,其中中度肾积水2例、轻度肾积水4例、无肾积水2例。输尿管无狭窄。1例输尿管肿瘤者病理报告为输尿管鳞癌,切缘阴性,但于术后13个月肿瘤复发而再次行肾造瘘术。结论腹腔镜输尿管吻合术是治疗输尿管疾病的微创方法,具有实用价值。  相似文献   

H J Halbfass  H Wilms 《Der Chirurg》1977,48(11):723-727
The treatment of strictures and fistulas at the lower ureter after kidney transplantation was simple and could be achieved by reimplantation into the bladder. Proximal urinary fistulas caused early abdominal symptoms. The i.v. urogram showed a dilated renal pelvis without drainage into the ureter. The anatomical findings were in all cases strictures or total obstruction of the ureter beneath the pelvic junction and a rupture of the renal pelvis or calix. Adequate therapy consisted of ureteroureterostomy with the recipient ureter and nephrostomy splintage.  相似文献   

Ectopic ureter accounts with an incidence of 1 in 2000 newborns. When present, ectopic ureter can be associated with duplex kidneys in an 85 % of the cases. Clinical manifestations of this malformation include incontinence and urinary tract infections. Ectopic ureter frequently occurs in association with a dysplastic upper pole renal moiety. When a poorly functioning upper pole segment is present, a standard surgical treatment is upper pole heminephrectomy. A 23-years old woman presented with left renal colic pain, fever and urinary leak. Ultrasound, intravenous pyelogram and antegrade pyelogram revealed a partial duplex right kidney and a complete duplex left kidney with hydronephrosis and ectopic insertion into the urethra of the left upper pole moiety. Following diagnosis upper pole heminephrectomy and partial ureterectomy was performed.  相似文献   

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