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浅谈药品采购和药品情报工作阎依群(解放军514医院北京100101)随着市场经济体制的不断深入,医药流通领域也发生了深刻的变化,药品作为一种特殊的商品,参与了激烈的市场竞争,为了给临床提供更为安全、优质、高效的药品,药物情报工作在药品的采购中将起到参...  相似文献   

药品,除了应该保证其质量外,还应该具有美观的外形,低廉的价格和完善的服务。而作为药品的包装,如今已越来越受到人们的重视,包装的好坏直接影响到药品在人们心目中的形象。1药品包装的重要性1.1药品包装是人们了解药品的首要信息。药品疗效的好与差,第一眼主要取决于包  相似文献   

目的通过对临沧市药品经营企业药学技术人员药品不良反应认知度的调查分析,为相关部门提供参考信息和依据。方法对349名药品经营企业要学技术人员进行问卷调查,对调查结果进行统计分析。结果和结论多数被调查者对药品不良反应的定义和相关知识认识不足,直接影响药品经营企业的药品不良反应报告率。应积极开展药品不良反应监测的宣传、培训工作,提高药品经营企业药学技术人员药品不良反应报告意识,加强药品监管力度,保障公众用药安全。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的逐步深入和医药卫生事业的发展,药品流通市场日趋活跃。不合格药品还在流人市场,严重影响了人民的身体健康,为此必须加强对药品质量的监督和管理,不断提高药品质量,以确保人民用药安全、有效。  相似文献   

论药品价格对我国药品管理效益的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从药品管理效益的角度,论述药品价格管理对药品管理效益的影响,并重点结合我国国情,分析我国药品价格管理政策对药品管理社会效益和经济效益的正、负影响.指出连续20次的药品降价并没有达到解决看病贵、药价高的预期目标,尚需进一步深入思考和探寻新的路子。  相似文献   

药品不良反应与合格药品的缺陷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于培明  黄泰康 《医药导报》2007,26(5):567-569
该文对导致药品不良反应发生的药品缺陷进行系统分析,认为药品不良反应是由合格药品所存在的特殊“缺陷”造成的,这种特殊“缺陷”包括药理作用缺陷、制剂缺陷和标识说明缺陷,可以分别针对这三种“缺陷”进行系统控制。  相似文献   

药品是关系人民群众身体健康和生命安危的特殊商品.安全、合理使用药品是发挥其预防、诊断和治疗疾病作用之关键。药品说明书是药物信息的重要来源,应当包含药品安全性、有效性的重要科学数据、结论和信息。用以指导安全、合理使用药品,是医护人员、药剂工作者和患者使用、存储药品的重要指导资料,具有法律性。因此药品说明书的真实、准确、全面极为重要。国家药品食品监督管理局于2001年颁布《药品说明书规范细则(暂行)》(简称细则),就化学药品和中成药两类药品的说明书的内容、格式做出具体规定。2005年又发出《关于进一步规范药品说明书处罚行为的通知》,2006年3月15日发布24号令《药品包装、标签和说明书管理规定》,以进一步加强说明书的管理。为了解目前市售药品说明书的规范情况,笔者按要求,抽查药品说明书,进行分析。  相似文献   

目的:探讨药品监控的意义和方法,为医院控制不合理增长的药品费用提供参考。方法:通过成立药品监控管理机构,建立药品监控制度;建立有效的药品监控系统;质控部门、感染办公室、临床药师联合开展用药合理性调查;充分发挥医院药事委员会的作用;采取行政手段对异常药品和违规行为加以干预处理等几方面相结合来实施药品监控。结果和结论:药品监控可以减少大处方、滥用药,促进合理用药,降低药品费用,减轻病人负担,缓解“看病责”问题,是现阶段医院管理的一项重要工作。  相似文献   

规范药品名称 监控药品价格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着医药科技的不断进步及医药工业的迅速发展,医药行业为防病治病源源不断提供了许多有效、安全的新药。与此同时,众多的药物品种及繁杂的商品名称给医药卫生工作带来了诸多的不便,也给微机的网络管理带来了困扰。它不仅耗费识别药品名称的时间与精力,其混淆药品,误用药品导致医疗事故时有发生。为此,规范药品名称,快捷、简便、准确、完整地编制药品名称,保障安全有效用药,已成为广大医药工作者的迫切要求。  相似文献   

四川省查处以非药品冒充药品违法行为四川省卫生厅、工商行政管理局最近联合发出通知,决定在全省范围内开展清理、查处以非药品冒充药品的工作,依法查处以非药品冒充药品的违法行为。通知规定:1、对利用虚假宣传和欺骗手段进行经销活动的,工商行政部门要依法进行查处...  相似文献   

General practitioners (GPs) have been increasingly encouraged to become involved with the treatment of opiate misusers. Barriers to greater GP involvement have been recognized, but little is known about why some GPs are willing to have a higher degree of involvement with these patients. This study aimed to explore why some GPs are willing to work with opiate misusers and find out how GPs might be supported to become more involved with opiate misusers. Twenty-six 'high activity' GPs and 26 'low activity' GPs identified from a previous study in South London were interviewed about how they felt about their work with opiate misusers. Factors appearing to help GPs work with opiate misusers included a more holistic view of the opiate misuser as a person, a belief that treatment was benefiting the patient or the community and a perception of being supported to do the work. These doctors tended to have their practice geared up to facilitate working with opiate misusers. All GPs who prescribed for opiate misusers used 'shared care' arrangements, but these were not always satisfactory. Viewing abstinence as the main goal of treatment seemed to be associated with disillusionment and dissatisfaction with working with opiate misusers even among highly involved GPs.  相似文献   

General practitioners (GPs) have been increasingly encouraged to become involved with the treatment of opiate misusers. Barriers to greater GP involvement have been recognized, but little is known about why some GPs are willing to have a higher degree of involvement with these patients. This study aimed to explore why some GPs are willing to work with opiate misusers and find out how GPs might be supported to become more involved with opiate misusers. Twenty-six 'high activity' GPs and 26 'low activity' GPs identified from a previous study in South London were interviewed about how they felt about their work with opiate misusers. Factors appearing to help GPs work with opiate misusers included a more holistic view of the opiate misuser as a person, a belief that treatment was benefiting the patient or the community and a perception of being supported to do the work. These doctors tended to have their practice geared up to facilitate working with opiate misusers. All GPs who prescribed for opiate misusers used 'shared care' arrangements, but these were not always satisfactory. Viewing abstinence as the main goal of treatment seemed to be associated with disillusionment and dissatisfaction with working with opiate misusers even among highly involved GPs.  相似文献   

冯华东 《中国药事》2011,25(1):54-55,59
目的提高对检测实验室记录工作的认识,做好质量管理体系的记录工作。方法总结多年来在实际工作中积累的经验,从记录的基本原则、分类、关键控制点和管理等方面对记录工作进行分析讨论。结果与结论为更好地做好检测实验室记录工作提供参考性意见。  相似文献   

手术室护士工作压力与工作疲溃感的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解手术室护士的主要工作压力源及工作疲溃感,并明确两者之间的关系。方法采用问卷调查法对100名手术室护士进行调查。结果手术室护士的工作压力源依次为护理专业及工作方面的问题、工作量及时间分配问题、工作环境及资源方面的问题、病人护理方面的问题、管理及人际关系方面的问题。工作疲溃感中情绪耗竭、去人格化倾向为中度耗竭,个人成就感为高度耗竭。工作压力与工作疲溃感之间有显著相关性。结论手术室护士压力源来自多方面,工作疲溃感较严重,建议护理管理者应寻求缓解手术室护士工作压力的有效措施。  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(13):1386-1403
This article considers different perspectives on the treatment of substance use-related dependency, focusing on the importance of a therapeutic relationship, working alliance, counseling, and the use of narrative methods. The article also discusses some unresolved critical issues concerning the possibilities and limitations of acquiring necessary knowledge about substance use-related dependency when using narrative research methods. The main conclusion is that the therapeutic relationship between the therapist and the client is of crucial importance for a positive outcome of treatment and that narrative methods provide a detailed empirical database for analyses of substance use-related dependency.  相似文献   

浅析医院药房的药患纠纷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:防范药患纠纷,构建和谐社会。方法对医院药房常见的药患纠纷按引发的原因进行分类,探讨防范措施。结果药患纠纷成因复杂,主要由药房、社会和患者三方面构成,防范药患纠纷需强化管理,健全制度,改善服务态度,加强药患沟通,提高服务技巧。结论只有充分了解各种药患纠纷产生的原因,建立相应的防范措施,才能最大限度的减少和防止药患纠纷的发生。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Evidence from United Kingdom and the United States indicates that community pharmacists' workloads have increased in recent years for 2 reasons. First, because of social and demographic changes there has been a greater demand for pharmaceutical services. Second, the community pharmacists' role has expanded. This article explores the effect of increased workloads on female community pharmacists. METHODS: Face-to-face interviews (n=30) were conducted with women over the age of 30 years in the North West of England who worked as community pharmacists. The interview schedule was designed to explore factors underpinning female working patterns in community pharmacy. Specifically, interviewees were asked about perceptions of working conditions, positive and negative aspects of community pharmacy working, views of recent changes in pharmacy, and future career plans. RESULTS: Findings suggest that although community pharmacists enjoy aspects of their new roles, their work environment has become increasingly pressurized, resulting in decreased job satisfaction. Additionally, this study found some evidence that increasing workloads resulted in decreased health and well-being. CONCLUSIONS: The role of the community pharmacist has significantly altered in recent years, and this has occurred following a decade of increasing workloads. Consideration of the factors shaping community pharmacy points to high-pressure working environments becoming common place. This is likely to have a negative impact on pharmacists and conceivably the services they provide.  相似文献   

Traditionally, US teaching hospitals have subsidised research by charging higher costs for treatment; however, this approach is being challenged. The growth of managed-care organisations, concerned about maximising profits, has led many to argue that clinical research will be damaged, whether by the loss of internal funds for research or by reductions in the numbers of patients available for studies. This review examines the evidence on which this argument is based. There is some evidence that managed-care organisations are refusing to cover patients who are involved in clinical trials, although, in general, they are receptive towards research providing that it is explicit and seen as relevant. The indirect effects of competition are, arguably, more important. Although many academic centres have established strategies to protect research funds, those working in the most competitive healthcare environments are obtaining fewer externally funded research grants. They are also publishing fewer papers and are working in climates that are seen as less supportive, with less ability to undertake research that is not externally funded. There is little evidence that managed care is reducing access to patients for clinical research. The growth of managed care is, together with certain other trends, also influencing the nature of clinical research. The overall consequences of these different factors are difficult to predict, although there are grounds for concern about recruitment and retention of junior researchers. The relationship between the various actors involved in healthcare and research is dynamic and, as pressure is excerpted in a particular direction, others adapt. It may be some time before the consequences of policies being enacted now are apparent.  相似文献   

Current evidence of engineered nanomaterials’ (ENM) toxicity has led to a latent concern about hazards for both humans and the environment. For this reason, some efforts have been made to suggest frameworks or other guidance to regulate ENM handling; however, the real exposure risk to humans has not been well established. The aims of this work were to analyze the difficulties in establishing regulations for ENM and to discuss some considerations that may be helpful for policy makers involved in the regulation of ENM. Difficulties in establishing regulations are based on the novel properties of ENM associated with cytotoxic effects, the insufficiency of standardized methods to test those effects and the lack of epidemiological evidence of ENM toxicity, especially in occupational settings. Nevertheless, we offer some suggestions for establishing regulations, which include frameworks oriented towards protecting personnel exposed to ENM without decreasing production. In addition, we propose an ENM data sheet to offer available information of ENM. Finally, ethical aspects should also be considered in developing ENM regulations because every person who is working around or consuming ENM has the right to be informed about the potential risk. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although chemicals used in hair salons have been linked to infertility in animal models, little is known about whether exposures in hair salons are associated with infertility in women. Thus, a survey-based study was performed to investigate infertility in 448 cosmetologists and 508 non-cosmetologists working in Baltimore, Maryland and its surrounding counties. Infertility was assessed with questions addressing time-to-pregnancy (TTP) length (≥12 months), consulting a medical professional about fertility problems, and taking medication to become or maintain a pregnancy. Occupational exposure was assessed by job tasks and customers served per week. There were no statistically significant associations between working as a cosmetologist and the odds of TTP ≥ 12 months, consulting a medical professional about infertility, or taking medication to either become or maintain a pregnancy. The data suggest that cosmetologists are not at increased risk for infertility compared to women of the same age working in other occupations.  相似文献   

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