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目的 了解青岛市结核病疫情及各市区防治现状 ,为改进防治措施 ,制定防治规划 ,提供科学依据。方法 采取整群不等比随机抽样方法 ,全市调查 9个点 ,按照“第四次全国结核病流行病学抽样调查工作手册”要求进行。结果 实检人口 14355人 ,占应检人口的 97.2%;活动性肺结核患病率为 202.02/10万 ,涂阳肺结核患病率为 27.86/10万 ,较 1990年活动性肺结核患病率 242.03/10万、涂阳肺结核患病率 30.02/10万年递减率分别为 1.8%、0.8%。结论 青岛市结核病疫情仍较严重。防痨科普知识宣传、DOTS策略、重点人群普查、经费投入、卡介苗接种质量等防治措施有待加强。  相似文献   

目的 了解全区的结核病疫情动态,评价防治措施的效果,为制定全区 2001— 2010年结核病防治规划提供科学依据。方法 参照《1990年全国结核病流行病学抽样调查实施细则》在全区采取分层、整群、等比例方法随机抽取 30个调查点。结果 实检人数为 53826人,占应检人数的97.1%,活动性肺结核患病率为 687.40 /10万,涂阳肺结核患病率为 161.63/10万,菌阳肺结核患病率为 183.93/10万,与 1990年比年递降率分别为 2.6%,7.3%和 6.9%。结论 全区的结核病疫情仍十分严重,疫情下降缓慢。  相似文献   

目的 评价1991-2000年全省结核病防治规划和世行贷款辽宁结核病控制项目实施效果,掌握结核病流行状况。方法 本次流调方法与全国第四次流调方法基本一致,采用分层整群等比例随机抽样方法。结果 全省活动性、涂阳、菌阳肺结核患病率和结核病死亡率分别为130.8/10万、56.3/10万、66.3/10万和2.9/10万。结论 全省活动性肺结核患病率和死亡率下降显著,涂阳和菌阳患病率呈下降趋势,但下降速度缓慢。  相似文献   

目的 调查结核病疫情,分析疫情变化及流行趋势,考核防治效果,为制定防治措施提供科学依据。方法 采取随机整群分层抽样方法抽取30个调查点,组织专业队伍进行调查,通过结素试验、X线及痰结核菌检查发现肺结核病人。结果 调查40166人,发现活动性肺结核160例,患病率398.3/10万。结论 贵阳市结核病疫情较高,且有上升趋势,农村疫情明显高于城市,城区疫情较10年前有所下降。  相似文献   

福建省畲族人群结核病疫情调查分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 调查福建省畲族人群结核病流行状况。方法 参照全国第四次结核病流调方案与实施细则进行。结果 6个调查点活动性肺结核患病率429.0/10万,涂阳患病率237.3/10万,菌阳患病率248.6/10万,分别是同年福建7个结核病调查点的1.8倍,2.5倍,1.9倍。调查发现21例涂阳病例中已知11例只有3例已经登记管理,仅占27.3%,复治与慢性排菌病人占52.4%,儿童卡痕率为63.9%。结论 畲族人群肺结核流行状况严重,防治工作滞后。  相似文献   

新疆维吾尔自治区第四次结核病流行病学抽样调查报告   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 了解新疆全区的结核病疫情动态,评价防治措施的效果,为制定2001—20 10年结核病控制规划提供科学依据。方法 采用分层整群随机抽样,对样本人群应用痰检、X线和PPD试验等检查手段,筛选活动性肺结核患者。结果 2000年全区活动性肺结核患病率为463.65/10万,菌阳患病率为252.23/10万,涂阳患病率为159.50/10万,较1990年分别下降了42.7%、23.3%和33.8%,年均递降率分别为5.4%、2.6%、4.1%。结核病死亡率为38.10/10万,肺结核死亡率为34.64/10万,分别较1990年下降33.3%和37.5%。结核病疫情南疆高于北疆,农村高于城市,少数民族高于汉族。结论 新疆自治区的结核病疫情仍很严重,今后应当继续加大结核病控制工作的力度,继续采取以控制传染源为核心的现代结核病控制策略,以少数民族地区和农村为工作重点,在大力加强化疗管理,提高结核病的治愈率的同时,提高结核病患者发现率。  相似文献   

目的 将监狱结核病控制工作纳入结防规划,降低本地区结核病疫情。方法 1997—2003年在监狱囚犯中发现523例肺结核病人,采用现代结核病控制策略(DOTS)实施治疗及管理,分析其转归。结果 7年来初治涂阳治愈率平均为93.3%,复治涂阳治愈率平均为85.7%;监狱内囚犯涂阳肺结核患病率从1997年的1146.95/10万降至2003年的497.37/10万。结论 7年来在湖北省武昌监狱囚犯中主动发现肺结核病人并实施DOT管理,成效显著。  相似文献   

目的 评价南海市实施世界银行贷款结核病控制项目的成效。方法 因症就诊胸透筛选、痰检确诊病人,按统一化疗方案治疗,实行全程督导管理。结果 10年间共接诊可疑肺结核症状者19569人,可疑者检查率平均为0.2%,发现活动性肺结核4286例,其中涂阳2558例,涂阳病人占活动性病人59.7%,涂阳登记率从14.07/10万提高到35.66/10万;初复治涂阳比例1:0.14,初治涂阳治愈率94.3%;复治涂阳治愈率82.2%。结论 10年来结核病控制水平整体提高,是实施DOTS现代结核病控制策略的结果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨哮喘与肺结核关系。方法 在河南省结核病流行病学调查的同时进行河南省哮喘流行病学调查。结果 肺结核病人的哮喘患病率为2.3%,非肺结核组的哮喘患病率为1.0%;肺结核病人中的哮喘患病率是非肺结核组的2倍。哮喘病人中的肺结核患病率为1.2%,非哮喘组的肺结核患病率为0.5%;哮喘病人的肺结核患病率为非哮喘的2倍多。结论 肺结核易并发哮喘,哮喘亦易并发肺结核,二者互为促发因素。  相似文献   

广东省结核病疫情流行状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 通过分析广东省结核病疫情,探讨广东省结核病控制的进一步措施。方法 利用1979年、1990年和2000年3次结核病流调资料和世行贷款结控项目资料分析广东省结核病疫情流行状况及趋势。结果 3次结核病流调患病率分别为862.87/10万、493.43/10万、351.74/10万,涂阳患病率分别为232.89/10万、111.84/10万、106.75/10万。1992年实施世界银行贷款结核病控制项目以来,结核病新登记率和涂阳新登记率逐年提高。治疗满疗程的涂阳病人治愈率逐年提高,达到85%以上。结论 广东省结核病疫情呈下降趋势。随着现代结核病控制策略的应用,采用DOTS策略,抓好流动人口的结核病发现和管理,控制耐药病例的产生,才能有效地控制结核病疫情的流行。  相似文献   

目的了解目前江苏省结核病患病情况及流行特征,分析全省结核病流行变化趋势。方法采取分层整群抽样的方法, 计算得出全省流调点40个,抽样比例为1∶1203。对抽样点的所有人群进行登记造册,满15周岁以上无肺结核可疑症状的应检人口,均进行X线透视检查,不满15岁的儿童均作PPD检查,透视和PPD检查结果异常者及具有肺结核可疑症状的应检人口均进行X线摄片检查、3次痰涂片检查和2次痰结核菌培养检查。 结果江苏省2006全省活动性肺结核患病率282.47/10万,涂阳肺结核患病率为58.11/10万,菌阳肺结核患病率为79.09/10万,与1990年全省流调结果相比,涂阳患病率下降了54.3%,肺结核死亡专率为2.2/10万,比1990年下降了85.4%。30岁及以上年龄组男性患病率均高于女性,且差异随年龄的增长逐渐扩大。农村和城镇的结核菌感染率分别为5.3%和1.5%。流动人口主要年龄段的患病率显著高于相应年龄段的本地人口。流调已知的活动性肺结核病人占活动性病人的55.4%,其接受治疗率为99%,其中全程督导和全程管理占88.5%。有症状未就诊者中90.1%是中老年患者。结论通过实施《全国结核病防治规划(2001—2010年)》,采取多种有效措施,江苏省结核病疫情有大幅度下降,涂阳肺结核患病率,死亡率与1990年相比下降明显。但结核病疫情的总体水平仍然较高,特别是老年人肺结核发病率高且发现率较低,应引起高度重视。流动人口大幅度增加,提示在今后的全国性流调中,一定要事先充分考虑抽样方法和实施方法的问题,对涂阴病人的诊断应跟踪随访确诊等。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The incidence of tuberculosis (TB) in different countries as estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO) vary from 23/100,000 and less in industrialized countries, 191/100,000 in Africa and 237/100,000 in South East Asia. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to analyze the dynamics of TB in the northwest of Turkey, between 1988 and 2001. METHODS: All pulmonary TB cases reported to the National Tuberculosis Center by local TB dispensaries during 1988-2001 were analyzed. The number of new and relapsed TB cases were documented and classified according to age and type of TB (standard classification of TB patients according to disease type: pulmonary, new, smear positive; pulmonary, smear negative; relapse, and extrapulmonary). We recorded information about the prevalence of TB in different patient groups (patients with a contact history, patients who were detected in active community screening or passive case finding), TB trends in different age groups, type of TB, patients who had relapses, percentage of patients who were lost to follow-up. RESULTS: A total number of 288,996 patients were examined at Zonguldak Tuberculosis Dispensary between 1988 and 2001. Case notification rates of TB decreased over the study period. Respiratory TB was the most commonly encountered form of disease (>90%). The percentage of TB decreased in the 0- to 14-, 15- to 24-year-olds and increased in the 25- to 44- and 45- to 64-year-olds. CONCLUSION: Properly designed disease surveillance systems are critical for monitoring the TB trends so that each country can identify its own high-risk groups and target interventions to prevent, diagnose, and treat the disease.  相似文献   

区域医疗卫生机构可疑肺结核转诊情况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 分析辖区医疗卫生机构可疑肺结核转诊的情况,探讨提高转诊率的措施。方法 根据深圳市罗湖区1995—2001年结核病控制项目登记本、表卡、转诊本(单)和逐年对各级医疗卫生机构抽查考核记录进行综合评价。结果 7年平均转诊到位率为89.4%,涂阳登记率由1995年14.3/10万,提高到2001年的30.7/10万,转诊的5941例发现活动性病人2132例占全部发现活动性病人的83.7%。结论 各级医疗卫生机构,尤其是综合医院是发现病人的主要来源,加强辖区综合医院转诊的管理,进一步规范转诊程序,从而提高转诊到位率。  相似文献   

《Kekkaku : [Tuberculosis]》2002,77(10):693-697
1. Philippines: The development, expansion and maintenance of pilot area activities: Cristina B. Giango (Technical Division, Cebu Provincial Health Office, the Philippines) In 1994, the Department of Health developed the new NTP policies based on WHO recommendations and started a pilot project in Cebu Province in collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency. To test its feasibility and effectiveness, the new NTP policies were pre-tested in one city and one Rural Health Unit. The test showed a high rate of three sputum collection (90%), high positive rate (10%), and high cure rate (80%). Before the new guidelines were introduced, the new policy was briefed, a baseline survey of the facility was conducted, equipment was provided, and intensive training was given. Recording/Reporting forms and procedures were also developed to ensure accurate reporting. Supervision, an important activity to ensure effective performance, was institutionalized. Laboratory services were strengthened, and a quality-control system was introduced in 1995 to ensure the quality of the laboratory services. With the implementation of DOTS strategy, barangay health workers were trained as treatment partners. In partnership with the private sector, the TB Diagnostic Committee was organized to deliberate and assess sputum negative but X-ray positive cases. The implementation of the new NTP guidelines in Cebe Province has reached a satisfactory level, the cure rate and positive rate have increased, and laboratory services have improved. Because of its successful implementation, the new NTP guidelines are now being used nationwide. 2. Nepal: The DOTS Strategy in the area with hard geographic situation: Dirgh Singh Bam (National Tuberculosis Center, Nepal) Three groups of factors characterize the population of Nepal: 1) Socio-cultural factors, e.g. migration, poverty, language; 2) Environmental factors, e.g. geography and climate; and 3) Political factors, prisoners and refugee populations. These factors pose particular problems for implementing DOTS in various ways. Socio-cultural and environmental factors are particularly important in Nepal, and several measures have been developed to overcome these difficulties. One is active community participation through the DOTS committee. The committee consists of a group of motivated people, including social workers, political leaders, health services providers, journalists, teachers, students, representatives of local organizations, medical schools and colleges, industries, private practitioners, and TB patients. One DOTS committee is formed in every treatment center. A key role of the DOTS committee is to identify local problems and their solutions. It increases public awareness about TB and DOTS; supports people with TB in the community by providing treatment observers and tracing late patients; and encourages cooperation among health institutions, health workers, NGOs, and political leaders. The case finding rate is now 69%, and nearly 95% of diagnosed TB cases are being treated under DOTS. The treatment success rate of new smear-positive cases is nearly 90%. Thus, DOTS increases the case finding and treatment success. 3. Cambodia: HIV/TB and the health sector reform: Tan Eang Mao (National Center for Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control, Cambodia) Cambodia is one of the 23 high burden countries of tuberculosis in the world. Moreover, HIV/AIDS has been spreading rapidly since 1990s, which is worsening the tuberculosis epidemics. To cope with the burden, Cambodia has started implementation of DOTS in 1994 and has expanded it to most of public hospitals across the country by 1998. NTP of Cambodia is now enjoying high cure rate of more than 90%. However, due to the constraints such as weak infrastructure and the poverty, it is proved that many of TB sufferers do not have access to the TB services, resulting in still low case detection rate. It is for this reason that the NTP has decided to expand DOTS to health center and community level based on the new health system. Its pilot program that has been carried out in collaboration with JICA and WHO since 1999 has achieved promising results with high detection and cure rates. All of the over 900 health centers across the country will be involved in DOTS strategy by 2005. In the fight against TB/HIV, National Center for TB Control is providing free TB screening for PLWH (people living with HIV/AIDS), and it is developing a comprehensive plan of TB/HIV care including home delivery DOT services. 4. China: The World Bank Project and the Prevalence Survey in China: Hong Jin DuanMu (National Tuberculosis Control Center, China) Since 1992, China has utilized a World Bank loan to implement TB control projects among 560 million people in 13 provinces. Free diagnosis and treatment services have been provided to all patients, and a fully supervised standard short-course chemotherapy was applied to all diagnosed tuberculosis patients. In 1999, more than 190,000 smear-positive cases, ten times the number in 1992, were detected, and the registration rate of new cases reached 30 per 100,000 population. From 1992 to 1999, a total of 1.40 million smear-positive TB patients were discovered. The cure rate of smear-positive TB patients has been improved to an overall cure rate of 93.6%. The cure rates for the new cases and re-treatment patients were 95.1% and 89.6%, respectively. The fourth nationwide random survey for the epidemiology of tuberculosis was conducted in 2000. The prevalence of active tuberculosis was 367/100,000, the prevalence of infectious tuberculosis was 160/100,000, and the prevalence of smear-positive tuberculosis was 122/100,000. The tuberculosis mortality was 9.8/100,000. 5. Vietnam: The road to reaching the Global Target: Le Ba Tung (Pham Ngoc Thach Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Center, Vietnam) TB control activities started in 1957 and were reorganized in 1986 with the technical assistance of IUATLD, KNCV and material assistance of Medical Committee Netherlands Vietnam (MCNV). The New National TB Control Program follows the main directives of WHO and IUATLD's procedures of case-finding, chemotherapy and management. Passive case-findings are based on sputum smear. Chemotherapy with priority for smear positive cases is 3SHZ/6S2H2 for new cases and 3HRE/6H2R2E2 for retreated cases, which is undertaken with directly observed therapy (DOT strategy) mainly at commune health posts. Since 1989, DOTS strategy with 2SHRZ/6HE for new cases and 2SHRZE/1HRZE/5H3R3E3 for retreated cases has gradually been introduced in districts and communes of every province. In 1995, the government established the National and Provincial TB Control Steering Committees and has provided incentives for detected smear positive cases and cured smear positive cases. The government has also started strengthening the program of managerial and supervisory capacity for TB staff and has promoted the cooperation of all associated organizations of TB control. The WHO global surveillance and monitoring project reports that in 2000 Vietnam reached the global target, i.e., 99.8% population covered by DOTS with 80% of expected new smear positive cases being detected and a high cure rate ranging from 85.3% in 1989 to 90.3% in 1999. A distinguishing aspect of TB control in Vietnam is the effective international partnerships combined with high political commitment of the government nationally and provincially as well as active participation of all organizations in the community.  相似文献   

深圳市某看守所结核病调查结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解羁押人群结核病发病情况,为今后羁押人群结核病防治工作的开展提供理论依据。方法对深圳市某看守所4 228名羁押人员进行胸部X线缩影片筛查,可疑肺部阴影者全部行X线胸片复查和痰涂片3次检查。结果X线胸片异常阴影92例,其中稳定性病灶34例(37.0%),活动性病灶50例(54.3%)(6例新发涂阳肺结核),8例感染病灶。44例涂阴肺结核病人中,入看守所前有结核病史11例(25%);6例新发涂阳肺结核均有症状,44例涂阴肺结核中,有症状者17例(38.6%);活动性病灶、临床症状和最终确诊时间均大多发生在入看守所后26个月和612个月2个时间段内。结论看守所羁押人员结核病患病率显著高于社区,且症状不典型,存在延迟诊断的问题。  相似文献   

石家庄市实施世界银行贷款中国结核病控制项目效果分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 分析石家庄市实施世界银行贷款中国结核病控制项目效果,为结核病控制可持续发展提供科学依据。方法 对 1991—2001年项目执行情况进行总结分析。结果 全市共接诊可疑肺结核病症状者 102396例,发现活动性肺结核病人 27149例,活动性肺结核新登记率由 1993年全面实施项目后的 21.0210万增加到 2001年的 39.9610万,涂阳登记率由 16.8510万提高到 29.7510万,新发涂阳治愈率达到 98.7%,复治涂阳治愈率达 94.4%。结论 石家庄市结控项目取得了满意效果。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The increasing global burden of tuberculosis (TB) is linked to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. METHODS: We reviewed data from notifications of TB cases, cohort treatment outcomes, surveys of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, and HIV prevalence in patients with TB and other subgroups. Information was collated from published literature and databases held by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (UNAIDS), the US Census Bureau, and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. RESULTS: There were an estimated 8.3 million (5th-95th centiles, 7.3-9.2 million) new TB cases in 2000 (137/100,000 population; range, 121/100,000-151/100,000). Tuberculosis incidence rates were highest in the WHO African Region (290/100,000 per year; range, 265/100,000-331/100,000), as was the annual rate of increase in the number of cases (6%). Nine percent (7%-12%) of all new TB cases in adults (aged 15-49 years) were attributable to HIV infection, but the proportion was much greater in the WHO African Region (31%) and some industrialized countries, notably the United States (26%). There were an estimated 1.8 million (5th-95th centiles, 1.6-2.2 million) deaths from TB, of which 12% (226 000) were attributable to HIV. Tuberculosis was the cause of 11% of all adult AIDS deaths. The prevalence of M tuberculosis-HIV coinfection in adults was 0.36% (11 million people). Coinfection prevalence rates equaled or exceeded 5% in 8 African countries. In South Africa alone there were 2 million coinfected adults. CONCLUSIONS: The HIV pandemic presents a massive challenge to global TB control. The prevention of HIV and TB, the extension of WHO DOTS programs, and a focused effort to control HIV-related TB in areas of high HIV prevalence are matters of great urgency.  相似文献   

SETTING: Tuberculosis (TB) status among county jail prisoners in the western sector of the city of S?o Paulo, Brazil. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of TB disease and the rate of TB infection in prisoners. DESIGN: An observational study was conducted in 2000-2001 among 1052 prisoners in nine S?o Paulo county jails. After the application of an interview and tuberculin skin testing (TST), the following laboratory investigations were carried out: sputum smear examination and culture, identification and drug sensitivity testing. RESULTS: Of 1052 prisoners, 932 underwent TST (PPD RT23 - 2TU/0.1 ml) and 64.5% were reactors. The prevalence rate of prisoners with active TB per 100,000 prisoners was 2065, around 70 times higher than among the Brazilian population and 79 times higher than in the population of the city of S?o Paulo. Among the 21 Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains identified, 85.7% were sensitive and 9.5% were resistant to isoniazid (INH) and rifampicin (RMP); 4.8% of the total were resistant to INH, RMP and pyrazinamide. CONCLUSION: TB prevalence and infection rates were much higher in prisoners than among the general population.  相似文献   

The 1997 Nationwide Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey in the Philippines.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SETTING: The Philippines is a developing country where tuberculosis (TB) remains a significant public health problem. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of TB as a basis for setting the targets of the National Tuberculosis Control Program. STUDY POPULATION AND METHODS: A multi-stage cluster survey of a random sample of 21960 subjects from 36 clusters nationwide was undertaken from 2 April to 31 July 1997. BCG scar verification and tuberculin testing was performed for subjects aged 2 months and over, and chest radiography screening was done on subjects 10 years and older. Sputum samples were collected from individuals who were initially assessed to have abnormal chest radiographs to determine the prevalence of bacillary tuberculosis. Acid-fast smear by modified Kinyoun's technique and culture on L?wenstein Jensen were done to demonstrate Mycobacterium tuberculosis. RESULTS: The prevalence of active pulmonary TB was 42/1000 population. The prevalence of culture-positive and smear-positive cases was 8.1 and 3.1/1000, respectively. The prevalence was similar in urban and rural areas. CONCLUSION: Morbidity from TB remains high. Allowing for methodological differences from the survey in 1981-1983, the prevalence of active pulmonary TB was unchanged. There was only a minimal decrease, of 37% for smear-positive cases and 25% for culture-positive cases, in the 14-year interval.  相似文献   

目的 了解广州市番禺区结核病流行现状,为更好地制订番禺区结核病控制策略提供依据。 方法 采用典型抽样法,现场调查点选番禺区东环街、石楼镇,采取入户调查的方法,对两个调查点的全部常住人口(共调查86 212名)进行基线调查,分析肺结核的流行现状。 结果 (1)经筛查,在86 212名常住人口中发现活动性肺结核患者89例,其中涂阳33例,新发涂阳29例。(2)活动性肺结核患病率为103.23/10万,涂阳患病率为38.28/10万。(3)疫情特点为男性与女性患病率接近,男性活动性肺结核患病率为123.11/10万,女性为85.53/10万,差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.942,P=0.086);发病年龄集中在中青年人群,25~<35岁组活动性肺结核29例(32.58%);活动性肺结核患病率城镇(142.06/10万)与农村(94.26/10万)比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.914,P=0.088),但涂阳患病率城镇(67.94/10万)高于农村(31.42/10万)(χ2=4.585,P=0.032)。 结论 番禺区结核病疫情依然严峻,应继续加强结核病控制工作;青壮年劳动力人群仍然是今后结核病防治工作的重点人群。  相似文献   

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