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目的 调查儿童口腔门诊3~6岁儿童家长口腔保健知识的认知情况与需求,以期有针对性地对儿童口腔疾病的教育指导提供基础资料。方法 于南京医科大学附属口腔医院儿童口腔科门诊对3~6岁初次就诊的200名儿童的家长进行口腔保健知识的认知与需求问卷调查。结果 参与本调查的家长口腔保健知识总得分为8.152±1.807分。分析结果发现受检家长的年龄、文化程度及与儿童亲属关系和口腔保健知识的得分有密切关系。参与调查的家长对口腔保健知识需求的内容主要是窝沟封闭的相关知识与氟化物的使用等,获取知识的主要途径是医疗机构发放或微信接收宣传资料。结论 3~6岁儿童家长的口腔保健知识有待提高,应丰富口腔健康宣教的内容与形式,并且针对性地开展口腔健康宣教。  相似文献   

目的:了解东西湖区5岁儿童的基本口腔健康行为及其家长的儿童口腔卫生知识水平,为东西湖区儿童口腔卫生保健工作提供信息支持。方法:按照第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查方案设计的5岁儿童家长问卷,对东西湖区8所幼儿园529名5岁儿童家长进行问卷调查,了解儿童饮食行为,口腔卫生行为、利用口腔医疗行为,家长口腔保健知识知晓情况。结果:30%的儿童经常有睡前进食甜食的习惯。5%的儿童在3岁前开始刷牙,每日刷牙2次者仅占10%。有5%的儿童使用含氟牙膏刷牙。在过去1年中,90%的儿童没看过牙医。结论:东西湖区5岁儿童口腔健康行为低于全国平均水平,儿童口腔健康行为尚不完善,有必要加强父母的口腔健康教育,建立正确的儿童口腔健康行为。  相似文献   

2005年北京5岁人群口腔健康行为调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 了解北京市5岁城乡儿童口腔健康行为,为北京市口腔卫生保健工作提供信息支持.方法 采用多阶段分层等容量随机抽样的方法,抽取北京市5岁城乡常住儿童共394名,男女各半,按照<第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查方案>设计的5岁儿童家长问卷,对受检儿童父母一对一进行现场问卷调查,了解儿童饮食行为,口腔卫生行为、利用口腔医疗行为,家长口腔保健知识知晓情况.结果 8%的儿童经常有睡前进食甜食的习  相似文献   

目的了解济南市小学生家长对口腔保健知识的认知程度,为济南市儿童口腔保健预防工作提供基线资料。方法 2009年1—5月对济南市10所小学2860名学生家长进行问卷调查,所得数据采用SPSS软件统计分析。结果家长对各种口腔保健知识的认知水平不同,在所调查的问题中,对刷牙的作用、频繁进食甜食饮料等易致龋坏等知识认知水平非常高,对六龄牙的重要性的认识也处于较高水平,但对于氟化物、窝沟封闭防龋、乳牙龋坏应及时治疗及咬合诱导知识等认知明显偏低,相关知识知晓率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。随家长文化水平及经济收入的提高,家长对部分口腔保健知识的掌握有明显提高(P<0.05)。不同年龄家长对部分口腔保健知识的掌握有明显差异(P<0.05)。结论济南市儿童家长口腔保健知识认知水平存在明显差异,部分家长口腔保健知识缺乏,保健意识不强,应加强针对性的口腔宣传与教育工作。  相似文献   

目的 了解宁夏固原市口腔专业技术人员现状。方法 在征求卫生行政部门的同意下,对固原市及其所 辖的四县(隆德、泾源、彭阳和西吉)一区(原州)的所有医疗卫生机构的口腔专业技术人员的年龄、性别、学历、 职称、科别、单位进行调查,对固原市口腔专业技术人员的分布、基本情况、专业分科、与卫生系统医务人员及 人口数量之比进行统计分析。结果 固原市各县级及以上综合医院均设口腔科,疾控中心、卫生监督所、妇幼保 健所均未设口腔科,78.46%的乡镇卫生院未设口腔科。固原市口腔专业技术人员共115名,以中青年医生为主,男 性明显多于女性;学历上,以大专学历居多;职称上,中、高级职称人数相对较少;专业上,以多专业为主。固 原市口腔专业技术人员与卫生系统医务人员数量之比为1:30,与人口数量之比约为1:1.3万。结论 固原市口腔专 业技术人员的学历和职称尚有待于继续提升,建议县级以上综合医院口腔科均应按专业分科,疾控中心、卫生监 督所、妇幼保健所和乡镇卫生院均应开设口腔科,至少有一名口腔专业技术人员。  相似文献   

目的:了解大连开发区3岁儿童乳牙龋病患病状况及影响因素.方法:采用多阶段、整群随机抽样方法,抽取15所幼儿园里全部3岁儿童进行口腔健康检查和儿童家长的问卷调查.参照世界卫生组织推荐龋病诊断标准,问卷内容包括儿童的基本信息、口腔卫生习惯、饮食习惯,家长的口腔健康知识及口腔健康态度以及社会经济因素.使用SPSS 16.0对数据进行统计分析,计算乳牙龋患病率和龋均.采用卡方检验,独立样本t检验和单因素方差分析以及Logistic回归分析比较组间差异及龋病的影响因素.结果:共有1220名3岁儿童完成口腔健康检查,其中964名儿童家长(79.8%)完成问卷调查.3岁儿童乳牙龋病患病率为62.8%,龋均3.40,龋面均7.34,男女间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).Logistic回归分析显示儿童摄入甜食和含糖饮料的频率(P<0.05),父母的最高学历水平(P<0.05)与儿童是否患龋相关.结论:大连开发区3岁儿童乳牙龋病患病状况较严重,患龋与进食含糖食物和饮料的频率及家长的教育水平有相关性.  相似文献   

为了解梅州市市区儿童患龋情况,寻求儿童口腔保健措施,我们对梅州市市区1566名3~6岁儿童进行了龋病流行病学调查与分析,现将结果报告如下。 对象与方法 调查对象:随机选择梅州市市区10所幼儿园3~6岁儿童1566名,其中男性950人,女性616人。 调查方法:使用便携式设备,在自然光下,用平面口镜、5  相似文献   

广州市5岁儿童乳牙龋病相关因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的调查5岁儿童乳牙患龋情况及相关影响因素,为儿童龋病预防提供资料。方法采用多阶段、分层、等容量、随机抽样的方法抽取720名5岁儿童进行乳牙龋病检查,同时对其家长进行现场问卷调查。对调查结果先采用卡方检验行单因素分析,再行多因素非条件Logistic回归分析。结果乳牙患龋率和龋均分别为57.50%、2.90,男女间差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。单因素分析表明家庭的孩子数、儿童进食甜食的习惯、儿童开始刷牙的年龄、每天刷牙的次数、父母是否检查孩子的刷牙效果、对含氟牙膏的知晓率、对孩子口腔健康的评价、家长的学历等相关因素都对乳牙患龋有明显影响。多因素非条件Logistic回归分析表明儿童进食糖水的频率、家长对口腔健康的评价、家长的学历是儿童乳牙患龋的危险因素。结论儿童家长应提高对口腔健康知识的知晓率,主动采取利于口腔健康的行为,以帮助儿童建立健康的口腔行为。  相似文献   

广州天河区儿童乳牙龋调查回顾分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 了解天河区1995年和2001年儿童乳牙患龋情况。以便更有效的开展龋病预防工作。方法 调查比较1995年和2001年4岁,6岁儿童乳牙患龋情况。治疗情况。结果 4岁与6岁儿童的乳牙患龋率和龋均降低,治疗率和充填率提高,龋病在少数儿童中高发,结论 儿童口腔保健知识得到较好普及并起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

目的:通过问卷调查,了解家长对学龄前儿童口腔不良习惯的认知情况及其相关影响因素,为科普宣教提供参考依据。方法:使用自行设计的调查问卷,对247名初诊患儿家长进行基本信息和口腔不良习惯相关问题调查,采用SPSS 26.0软件包对计数资料采用描述性统计,影响儿童家长对口腔不良习惯认知情况的相关因素采用logistic回归分析。结果:在247名学龄前儿童家长中,家长带孩子去医院就诊的原因中,因口腔不良习惯就诊占17.4%,口腔不良习惯发生率为44%。家长对口腔不良习惯的认知不高,不到一半的家长(46.6%)知晓口腔不良习惯,其中82.6%的家长认为不良习惯影响孩子牙、颌、面发育以及心理健康,影响面形(62.1%)、牙列整齐(34.7%)、咀嚼功能(48.4%)、心理健康(21.1%)。78.3%的家长认为口腔不良习惯需要纠正,69.6%认为需要去医院治疗,30.4%认为只要孩子停止放弃口腔不良习惯就可以;61.7%的家长发现孩子有不良习惯会及时就医。家长获取口腔不良习惯相关知识的途径,医院宣教占61.5%。不同特征的家长对口腔不良习惯认知有所不同,logistic回归分析结果显示,家长学历是...  相似文献   

In February 2000, we examined the oral health status of 578 government employees (males 408, females 170). We also asked them to complete questionnaires on oral health. The following results were obtained. Of the total sample, 39.2% had a family dentist. There were significantly more women, and older workers, who had a family dentist. The reasons to visit family dentists were "treatment (75.9%)," "prevention (14.4%)," and "regular checkups (8.8%)." Workers who had family dentists had more filled teeth and fewer present teeth than those without family dentists, and the difference was significant. Less than half (42.7%) of the workers were receiving dental checkups regularly, more commonly at the work site (76.3%) than by family dentists (22.4%). There was no significant difference in oral health status between workers who received/did not receive regular dental checkups. Workers who repeatedly went to the clinic for treatment considered their dentist as a "family dentist." This indicated that dental professionals and ordinary people have a different concept of a "family dentist." The habit of visiting a dentist regularly seeking checkups and prevention is not yet popular. To improve this condition, it would be necessary to undertake efforts to change the concept on family dentists for both patients and dental professionals, to improve the school oral health system, to use mass dental examination at work sites effectively, and to reform the health insurance system to be prevention-oriented.  相似文献   

Most dentists commit their professional lives to improving oral health by providing preventive and treatment services to their patients. In addition, dentists often participate in community, professional or legal activities that promote oral health. This paper describes five ways that dentists have worked with each other and with others to enhance oral health: (1) Dentists working with each other to promote oral health without the use of organized dentistry. Described as an example is the experience of all the periodontists in one city in the USA in providing community education. (2) Dental associations organizing or facilitating groups of dentists and other dental health professionals to develop and implement programmes that promote oral health. Two community-based educational efforts stimulated by the American Dental Association are described. (3) Dental specialty associations encouraging and facilitating specialists to work with other dentists to enhance their knowledge and skills in prevention, treatment and appropriate referral. The American Academy of Periodontology's efforts to teach communication skills to periodontists and diagnosis and treatment skills to general practitioners is cited as an example. (4) Dentists working with physicians and other non-dental health professionals to promote oral health. Integrating dental education into childbirth preparation classes for expectant parents is one instance of an interdisciplinary approach. (5) An individual dentist taking a leadership role to positively influence legislation to regulate a harmful substance. The efforts of one dentist to restrict the sale and promotion of smokeless tobacco are described. Working with other dentists, health care providers and legislators represent alternative ways that dentists have affected the oral health of individuals.  相似文献   

Oral health behaviour of schoolchildren and parents in Jordan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary. Objectives. The objectives of the study were: (i) to assess the level of dental knowledge and attitudes towards child dental care among parents in Jordan, (ii) to analyse the oral health care habits of schoolchildren and parents, and (iii) to evaluate the oral hygiene habits and use of professional dental services of children in relation to socio‐demographic conditions. Design. Cross‐sectional, self‐administered questionnaires for parents. Sample and methods. National representative sample of 6–16‐year‐olds living in urban areas (n = 1556, children and parents, response rate 92%, 48·7% boys, 51·3% girls). Results. In all, 80% of the parents knew about the harmful effect of sugar and 79% thought that poor oral hygiene may induce dental caries. In addition to proper oral hygiene (79%) and restriction of sugar/sweets (42%), 36% of the parents emphasized regular dental visits for the prevention of dental disease in children. However, most children saw a dentist for symptomatic reasons only (86%), while 11% attended for dental check‐ups. At their last visit to the dentist, 49% of the children had tooth extraction and only 8% had preventive services (fissure sealing). Toothbrushing at least twice a day was reported for 31% of the children; 14% of children aged 6–9 years had assistance from adults in brushing. Dental care habits of children were highly affected by dental visiting habits of parents, and variations by level of education of parents were also found. Conclusions. The discrepancy between dental knowledge and attitudes of parents and oral health care practices indicate the need for oral health education. School‐based oral health promotion programmes should be established in Jordan to influence the oral health behaviour of children and parents and to avoid further deterioration in their oral health.  相似文献   

The purpose of present study was to determine the oral health knowledge and sources of information in male Saudi school children. The required information was collected through a especially designed questionnaire. A total of 130 children completed the questionnaire with the mean age of 13.3 (SD 1.9) years. There was no significant difference in oral health knowledge or sources of information in relation to age and educational level. Less than half (44.6%) of the children actually had heard about fluoride, one-third (34.6%) correctly identified the action of fluoride as preventing tooth decay. Almost all (97.2%) the children thought that sweets (chocolates/candies) could cause tooth decay. However, a large number of children were not aware of cariogenic potential of soft drinks (31.5%). More than half (53.1%) of the children reported that their dentist taught them how to brush properly. However, 11.5% children were not taught by any one about proper tooth-brushing. A large number (40.0%) of children thought that one must visit the dentist only in case of pain in the teeth. Dentists were the most popular (61.5%) source of oral health information. It can be concluded that the children need further oral health education in areas of caries prevention, and there was a need to utilise parents, schoolteachers and media to enhance their oral health knowledge.  相似文献   

Kaye PL  Fiske J  Bower EJ  Newton JT  Fenlon M 《British dental journal》2005,198(9):571-8, discussion 559
AIMS: To investigate experiences and expectations of parents/siblings of adults with Down Syndrome (DS) regarding oral healthcare, and explore factors impacting on access and experience of dental care for this group. DESIGN: A two phase qualitative and quantitative study using in-depth interviews with a convenience sample of six parents/siblings, and a postal questionnaire of 200 parents/siblings of adults with DS who are members of the Down Syndrome Association. RESULTS: The main themes elicited from the qualitative interviews related to concern, experiences, parents'/siblings' attitudes, preferences and information. The response rate from the postal questionnaire was 63.5%. Adults with DS attended the dentist regularly but received little restorative treatment. Experience of oral healthcare was influenced by the attitudes and skills of dental health professionals; stigma; and relatives' expectations of dentists, their oral health beliefs, information and support received, knowledge and priorities. Parents/siblings wanted dentists to be proactive in providing more information on oral health issues in collaboration with other health and social care professionals. CONCLUSIONS: Whilst most adults with DS visited the dentist regularly, relatively little treatment had been provided. Parents highlighted a need for appropriate and timely oral health information early in their child's life, and access to dentists who were sympathetic, good communicators and well-informed about DS.  相似文献   

Oral health behaviour of 12-year-old children in Kuwait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objectives . The objectives of the study were: (1) to describe the pattern of oral health behaviour of 12-year-old children in Kuwait, (2) to analyse this in relation to parental education, dental visiting habits and location, and (3) to establish a baseline for planning and evaluation of an oral health care programme for secondary schoolchildren.
Design . Cross-sectional, interviews with children in 1995.
Sample and methods . The sample included 500 12-year-old schoolchildren (250 boys and 250 girls) selected from schools in Kuwait. All the children agreed to take part. Interviews with the children were carried out in the schools by four trained and calibrated Arabic speaking interviewers.
Results . During the previous 12 months, 28% of the children had experienced oral health problems – toothache (10%), or had felt discomfort (18%) either often or occassionally. The children reported that they needed oral hygiene instruction (71%), fillings (32%) and tooth extraction (23%). For 53% of the children the reason for the most recent visit to a dentist was pain or problems with teeth or gums. At their last dental visit 26% of the children had undergone a tooth extraction. The consumption of sugary foods and drinks was extremely high. Children who had visited a dentist within the last 12 months and children whose parents had higher education levels more often claimed frequent toothbrushing than those with no previous dental visiting experience and those whose parents had a low level of education.
Conclusions . Oral health education and oral health care programmes should be established in secondary schools in Kuwait to influence the oral health behaviour of the children and to avoid further deterioration in their oral health.  相似文献   

Families immigrating to Sweden from Finland and Southern Europe (Greece, Yugoslavia, and Turkey), as well as Swedish control families of the same social class, were interviewed twice on their children's oral hygiene and dietary habits and on the parents' knowledge of oral health. The first interview was made on the immigrants' arrival in Sweden and the second one 30 months later. The material comprised 35 Finnish, 23 South-European and 54 Swedish families. During the observation period more immigrant than control children had complained about toothache. The frequency of toothbrushing was lower among the immigrants than among the Swedes at both interviews. The frequency of sweets consumption was significantly higher among the immigrants. Fewer immigrant than Swedish children had been examined or treated by a dentist before the first interview. There was no difference between the immigrants and the controls in channels of information about oral hygiene, the schools and the dentists being (he foremost source of information for both groups. The Swedish parents had a more competent knowledge of oral hygiene than the parents of the immigrant children. It was concluded that Finnish and South-European immigrant children definitely have a great need of preventive dentistry.  相似文献   

目的: 调查分析上海市残障儿童口腔健康行为及家长的口腔健康知识、态度,为设计针对残障儿童的口腔公共卫生服务项目和制订有关政策提供依据。方法: 采用分层整群抽样方法,对上海市1 381名残障儿童家长进行相关问卷调查。数据采用SPSS 21.0软件包进行处理。结果: 残障儿童家长口腔健康知识知晓率为67.21%,78.98%的残障儿童家长对口腔健康持积极态度。13.61%的残障儿童经常在睡前吃甜食,只有45.98%的残障儿童每天刷牙2次及以上,42.65%的残障儿童使用含氟牙膏,88.12%的残障儿童从未使用过牙线,49.75%的残障儿童从未看过牙。结论: 上海市残障儿童口腔健康行为有待改善,家长口腔健康知识水平较低,应对家长开展个性化口腔健康教育,并加强郊区口腔健康宣教工作。  相似文献   

In 1999, we gave a Questionnaire on "having a family dentist" to 414 workers (300 males, 114 females) at a government office. Oral health examination was also provided to the same subjects. The following results were obtained: 1. Female workers (43%) had a family dentist more often than male workers (29%), and the difference was significant (p < 0.01). 2. About 45% of the subjects received regular dental checkups at least once a year; however, half of them did not have a family dentist. 3. Convenience, comfort, and communication factors were the main reasons for choosing a particular dentist, while continuity, comprehensiveness, and specialty factors were not taken into consideration in choosing a dentist. 4. The persons who had family dentists had more FT and DMFT, and fewer total numbers of teeth than those without family dentists. From these results, it was suggested that people visited dentists with dental problems and received treatment repeatedly, and then they came to have family dentists. The habit of visiting a dentist regularly seeking checkups and prevention is not yet popular among Japanese adults. To improve oral health consciousness and to promote oral health, it should be recommended to receive regular checkups and oral health education by a family dentist. However, the present condition does not allow this system. Therefore in Japan, it should be encouraged to provide oral health examination and oral health education regularly at work sites, to improve the oral health of the adult population.  相似文献   

Summary. Objectives. To describe the dental health of dentists’ children, to evaluate its association with their dentist‐parents’ background and work‐related characteristics and to compare it with that of children in the general population in Mongolia. Design. Cross‐sectional survey, questionnaire‐based data. Subjects. Dentists’ children, aged 3–13 years. Sample. All dentists (n = 250) actively practising in the capital city of Mongolia. Results. The dentists’ children's dmft ranged from 0 to 12, and DMFT from 0 to 8; 50% were caries‐free. The younger the children, the higher was their total caries experience expressed as the sum of DMFT + dmft scores (r = ?0·22; P = 0·001). Dentist‐parents’ background and work‐related factors were not associated with their children's caries status (P > 0·05). When dentists’ children were compared with their counterparts at the population level, mean dmft for 6‐year‐olds was 2·6 for (urban) dentists’ children, 6·5 for children in the urban population and 0·9 for those in rural population of equivalent age. Mean DMFT for 12‐year‐olds were 1·0, 1·8 and 1·2, respectively, in the same three groups. In general, (urban) dentists’ children in all age groups had better dental health than did their urban counterparts at the population level. Among 5–7‐year‐olds, dentists’ children had worse dental health than did their counterparts in the rural population. Conclusions. Despite the dentists’ knowledge and awareness, their children demonstrated higher rates of dental caries than expected. This suggests that Mongolian dentists may have insufficient preventive orientation. In particular, the primary dentition of younger children seems to be poorly valued. In Mongolia, dentists should have better training and education in modern methods of caries prevention and their advantages. Appreciation and care of the primary dentition need to be improved at all levels of oral health promotion in Mongolia.  相似文献   

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