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农民工健康风险的冲击因素包括社会因素、组织因素、环境因素和个人因素等。基于苏、浙、沪、皖、豫等省市主要城市的农民工实地调查问卷,采用多层次模糊综合评估法,对四个维度的因素进行评估。结论表明,社会因素对农民工健康风险的冲击最大,环境因素和组织因素次之,个人因素则相对最低。  相似文献   

系统梳理了不同迁移类型农民工医疗保险政策,基于健康选择视角分析城乡迁移背景下农民工健康变化与城乡医疗保险的相关性。针对农村劳动力迁移过程带来患病财务风险的重新分布以及由此带来城乡医疗保险制度的低效率问题,提出如下建议:一是通过促进稳定就业推动农民工市民化;二是应加快城乡医疗保险一体化改革,整合城乡医疗保险制度,提高农民工医疗保障水平。  相似文献   

农业劳动力向非农产业和城镇转移,是世界各国工业化、城镇化的普遍趋势,也是农业现代化的必然现象。我国农村劳动力数量众多,在工业化、城镇化加快发展的阶段,越来越多的富余劳动力-农民工逐渐从农村向城市转移,大量农民工在城乡之间流动就业的现象在我国将长期存在。由于农民工进城就业的行业和工种,大多为重体力、风险较高和职业病危害严重的岗位,所以解决农民工防治职业病难、治病难、患了职业病寻求社会保障难等方面的职业病管理问题,是当今摆在政府工作议事日程的重要任务之一。1加强农民工职业病管理的目的据有关资料显示,目前全国受…  相似文献   

目的:运用社会风险管理策略分析法,分析家庭经济条件、卫生服务提供机构和政策对女性农民工医疗服务利用的影响,面对疾病风险时她们采取的选择策略,并提出相关建议。方法:运用文献分析方法,收集并分析有关农民工、女性农民工与风险管理方面的研究文献。结果:女性农民工存在医疗保健服务利用率低,性别和经济状况是制约医疗服务利用的重要影响因素。结论:现行的医疗保健制度不能适应女性农民工就业特征,注意社会分层和性别等因素对女性农民工医疗保健服务制度的影响。  相似文献   

根据国外的经验,结合我国的实际情况,分析现阶段国内外农民工的特点、常见的职业病、职业性伤害事故以及农民工的职业安全卫生现状,提出了尽快建立职业安全卫生体系,全面提高农民工自身素质和安全意识,改善农民工的就业环境等预防措施,为保障农民工的健康提供科学依据。  相似文献   

苏州市3家电子企业农民工职业危害及生存质量调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村外出务工人员,即农民工,是指以临时性身份进入工业经营单位从事体力劳动的原农业生产劳动者。由于该人群文化程度不高、流动性大、缺乏必要的职业技能,因而整体竞争力不强,大多数从事着职业病危害严重和风险较高的行业和工种。苏州市作为长三角经济发展较快地区之一,长期以来一直吸引着国内各省市的农民工来此就业。截至2007年,在苏州市登记就业的农民工人数已达333万人。为了解在苏州就业农民工面临的职业卫生问题及其生存质量,  相似文献   

目的了解上海市金山区农民工健康知识知晓状况,明确健康教育在提高农民工健康知识中的作用,探讨适应农民工的健康教育方式。方法采用整群抽样的方法对金山区5个镇共1000名农民工就禽流感预防、健康生活方式、饮食安全知识、职业防护以及健康知识需求和乐于接受的健康教育方式进行问卷调查。结果43.9%被调查者参加过卫生部门举办的各类卫生讲座、健康宣传咨询活动、知识竞赛、慢性病自我管理等健康教育活动。被调查者中52.8%知道禽流感预防知识,51.9%掌握健康生活方式,46.5%了解食品安全知识。经检验,接受过健康教育的农民工在禽流感预防知识,健康生活方式、食品安全知识等方面回答正确率与未接受健康教育者比较,差异具有统计学差异。87.4%的农民工希望了解传染病防治知识,87.9%的人希望通过电视节目了解相关健康知识。结论该辖区农民工的健康知识知晓率不高,健康教育对于改善农民工健康意识健康知识有效,进一步扩大健康教育的广度和深度,以提高健康教育效果是今后的工作方向。  相似文献   

唱斗 《职业与健康》2012,28(12):1434-1435
目的了解北京市建筑行业农民工的职业安全现状及个体防护装备的配备情况。方法对178名北京市建筑行业农民工的人群分布特点以及个体防护装备佩戴情况进行分析。结果建筑行业农民工的文化程度普遍不高,中学及以下人员占调查总人数81.7%;在个体防护装备佩戴方面,佩戴安全帽的人数占调查总人数的80.9%,戴口罩占总人数的51.1%,戴手套占总人数的25.3%,穿工作服占总人数的12.9%。结论应从监管、技术、教育等方面改善农民工的就业环境,加强个体防护,全面提高农民工自身素质和安全意识等预防措施。  相似文献   

一、背景 改革开放以来,由于原有覆盖城乡全体居民的医疗保障制度的瓦解、改革、重组和制度创新,大量社会劳动者、社会成员和农民丧失原有的医疗保障,特别是自由职业者和大批农民工,他们个人承担疾病风险。据劳动部调查显示,目前我国以灵活就业方式工作的主要是城市下岗职工、失业人员、进城农民工等,他们主要从事临时工、  相似文献   

[目的]了解云南省农民工职业健康知识、态度与行为现状。[方法]采用问卷调查和定性访谈相结合的方法,选取昆明市和个旧市具有代表性的建筑工地和矿山农民工217名作为调查对象。[结果]农民工整体职业健康知识知晓情况较差,对"什么是职业病"的正确回答率偏低(51.7%),且文化程度对职业病知晓影响有统计学差异。大多数农民工(69.5%)对职业健康的态度是积极的,但采取个人职业健康防护措施的较少(57.6%),参加过职业健康体检比例较低(仅占46.3%)。[结论]农民工对职业病相关知识的知晓率偏低,农民工职业健康态度存在风险,农民工职业健康防护存在"非理性行为"。  相似文献   

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, new knowledge of work-related illness became part of discourses in several institutional spheres on the relationship between aspects of the economy and workers' health. Appeals courts and state legislatures invoked this knowledge in their deliberations on legislation to ease the coercive aspects of the employment relationship. Insurers used the knowledge to help determine what types of coverage would be available to different occupational groups. In the courts, a narrow compensation remedy evolved for illness caused by employers' failure to warn of latent risks. This small, legal zone of protection of workers' health was separated out from the massive amount of uncompensated, preventable work-related illness.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to identify theoretical questions and challenges for the public health field, especially the field of workers' health, raised by technological and environmental risks related to the workplace but going beyond it. Using industrial chemical risks as an example, the authors show the vulnerability of contemporary societies in handling such risks and the worsening situation in peripheral countries. The scope of risk analysis is presented according to the engineering, toxicological, and epidemiological approaches as well as the critique raised by the social sciences. Science alone cannot solve such complex problems as technological and environmental risks. To overcome these limits, some theoretical and methodological proposals have been developed by the risk analysis and workers' health fields. The authors emphasize the discussions on the interdisciplinary, systemic, and participant approaches, incorporating the interaction between knowledge and dialogue as fundamental conditions for the prevention and control of technological and environmental risks.  相似文献   

Formative evaluation of south Georgian migrant farm workers' access to information and products to promote pesticide protection and understanding of cancer risk associated with pesticide exposure was conducted using field observation, in-depth interviews of Georgia's Migrant Health Program's outreach workers, and structured face-to-face surveys of migrant farm workers. The data indicated that fewer than one-third of the pesticide products reviewed contained messages about pesticide use and exposure risk for humans. Risk information on products appeared in English only. Few protective devices were available for purchase. Migrant farm workers were aware in a very general sense of health risks posed by pesticides, but they were specifically unaware of the reach of pesticides sprayed, as illustrated by their field behaviors. Findings also demonstrated the need to educate outreach workers about migrant farm workers' cancer risk, so that they may act as migrant farm workers' health advocates to reduce the adverse effects associated with pesticide exposure.  相似文献   

Is job turnover related to concern about workplace health risks? Using data from a national sample of working women, we examined the relationships among workplace risk communications, worker concerns about workplace threats from hazardous substances, indoor air quality, and job change. Eight percent reported changing a job as a result of concern over workplace threats to health. Previous workplace injury predicted concern about hazardous materials and indoor air quality as well as job change, but employer communication about workplace health risks was associated with less job change and less concern about indoor air quality. Women worry about workplace threats to their health enough to change their jobs, but employers may have the power to cut turnover costs and reduce disruption to workers' lives through the use of risk communication programs.  相似文献   

Data from the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Questionnaire, part of the 1985 National Health Interview Survey, were used to report workers' perceptions of occupational risk in their present jobs. This information will be used to monitor progress between 1985 and 1990 toward achieving broad goals in health promotion and disease prevention. The proportions of currently employed persons who perceived exposure to health-endangering substances, work conditions, or risks of injuries were reported for age, race, sex, and occupation groups. Occupational groups were further characterized by the proportion of men and women who reported specific exposures (such as exposure to chemicals or to loud noise) and specific health consequences of exposure (such as risk of developing cancer or hearing impairment). Greater proportions of men than women reported perceived risk from exposure to health-endangering substances, work conditions, and injuries in their present job. Also, a greater proportion of workers perceived risk of injury in their present job than other occupational risk categories. The greatest proportions of perceived exposure to occupational risk were reported by farm operators and managers, police and firefighters, and by workers in forestry and fishing occupations. Among workers reporting perceived exposures, chemicals, noise, and risk of injuries from vehicles were cited by the greatest proportion of workers, as were such health consequences as lung and respiratory problems and hearing impairment. Data from this study may be used to target employment groups for health promotion or education and to develop indepth studies of specific occupational groups to reduce or prevent risk at the worksite.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study on working and health conditions of female workers and former workers in the laundry at a sodium chlorate plant. The women's main function was to wash uniforms of workmen who handled metallic mercury during production and maintenance. The aim of this study is to show the health effects of this work process by analyzing workplace conditions, evaluating clinical aspects in the women, and performing individual interviews in order to obtain more precise information based on their personal experience. The authors demonstrate how harmful this type of work is to the women workers' health, posing a serious risk for them in particular and workers' conditions in general in the factory. They also point out that most of what is known about women's occupational activity (in terms of its contents and risks), in addition to their specific problems and different diseases, may be disguised by gender relationships.  相似文献   

Aims: To explore the relation between safety climate (workers' perceptions regarding management's attitudes towards occupational safety and health) and workers' behaviour at work.

Methods: Cross sectional survey of workers at the pottery industry in Castellon, Spain. Sampling was stratified by plant size and workers' gender, according to data on the working population at this setting. A total of 734 production workers were interviewed. Information was collected on safety climate and workers' behaviour towards occupational risks with a specific questionnaire. A safety climate index (SCI, scale 0–100) was constructed adding scores for each item measuring safety climate in the questionnaire. Workers' unsafe behaviour was analysed for the different safety climate index levels.

Results: Mean score for SCI was 71.90 (SD 19.19). There were no differences in SCI scores according to age, gender, education, children at charge, seniority at work, or type of employment. Small workplaces (<50 workers) showed significantly worse SCI (mean 67.23, SD 19.73) than the largest factories (>200 workers). Lower levels of SCI (SCI <50) were related to workers' unsafe behaviours (full/high accord with the statement "I excessively expose myself to hazards in my work", adjusted odds ratio ORa 2.79, 95% CI 1.60 to 4.88), and to lack of compliance with safety rules (ORa 12.83, 95% CI 5.92 to 27.80).

Conclusions: Safety climate measures workers' perception of organisational factors related to occupational health and safety (for example, management commitment to risk prevention or priorities of safety versus production). In this study these factors are strongly associated with workers' attitudes towards safety at work. Longitudinal studies can further clarify the relation between safety climate and workers' behaviour regarding occupational safety and health.


Epidemiological studies have found that teenage workers have higher occupational injury rates than adult workers, and that young males are a particularly high-risk subgroup. However, there have been few studies to date that have explored qualitatively young workers' everyday understandings and experiences of occupational health risks. Based on focus groups conducted with Canadian urban and suburban teenagers aged 16-18 years, this paper explores young workers' understandings and experiences of occupational health risks, and their gendered nature. The respondents were employed in a diverse range of jobs. The findings suggest that young workers experience a number of minor injuries and physical complaints related to their work. These injuries were typically seen as "part of the job" because they happened frequently and were of low severity. Also, the experience of these injuries as "part of the job" was informed by the young workers' perceived lack of control to improve or alter the conditions of their work. Furthermore, young workers' complaints and concerns were systematically discounted and this happened in a gendered fashion. Whereas the females emphasized how their complaints were actively disregarded by their superiors, males (and some females in male-dominated work settings) described how they stifled their complaints in order to appear mature among their (older) co-workers. Comparisons with qualitative studies of adult workers suggest that accepting some risks and injuries as "part of the job" is not peculiar to young workers. The implications of these findings for improving workplace safety for young workers are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Personal Assistance Services (PAS) workers provide essential support to disabled and elderly individuals living at home rather than institutions. Occupational injury risks are known, but limitations in occupational injury surveillance prevent assessing injury prevalence. Changing employment arrangements adopted by publicly funded programs may complicate the classification of PAS workers. METHODS: We surveyed state workers' compensation agencies and Financial Management Services organizations used by state Medicaid programs. RESULTS: Changing employment arrangements pose further barriers to classifying and documenting injury, and accessing workers' compensation coverage. Workers' Compensation coverage varies according to employment arrangements of the PAS workers. Financial Management Services organizations vary in their roles for reporting injury. Most frequent activities were providing written information about injury reporting, and reporting injuries to appropriate agencies or insurance companies. CONCLUSIONS: Current limitations undercount the prevalence and consequences of PAS-related occupational injuries among agency workers and largely ignore independent providers. Policy and research recommendations are presented.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between health risks and workers' compensation (WC) costs. The 4-year study used Health Risk Appraisal data and focused on 1996-to-1999 WC costs among Xerox Corporation's long-term employees. High WC costs were related to individual health risks, especially Health Age Index (a measure of controllable risks), smoking, poor physical health, physical inactivity, and life dissatisfaction. WC costs increased with increasing health risk status (low-risk to medium-risk to high-risk). Low-risk employees had the lowest costs. In this population, 85% of WC costs could be attributed to excess risks (medium- or high-risk) or non-participation. Among those with claims, a savings of $1238 per person per year was associated with Health Risk Appraisal participation. Addressing WC costs by focusing on employee health status provides an important additional strategy for health promotion programs.  相似文献   

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