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阴茎勃起功能障碍诊断方法探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 探讨阴茎勃起功能障碍 (ED)的诊断方法。 方法 对 186例阴茎勃起功能障碍患者分别采取国际勃起功能评分 (IIEF 5 )、阴茎海绵体注射 (ICI)试验、血清性激素 (LH、T、PRL和E2 )测定、阴茎彩色双功能超声、阴茎海绵体造影及球海绵体肌反射潜伏时间等检查。 结果 有186、71、2 8、4 5、2 1和 17例患者分别接受了上述检查 ,诊断心理性ED 4 6例 ,动脉性ED 6例 ,静脉性ED 15例 ,内分泌性ED 3例 ,神经性ED 3例 ,混合性ED 10例 ,原因不明 10 3例。 结论 ED是高度个性化疾病 ,针对患者不同情况采取相应的诊断方法 ,有利于选择高效、经济、安全的治疗方法。  相似文献   

血管性勃起功能障碍病人阴茎血流动力学的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的分析血管性勃起功能障碍(ED)病人阴茎血流动力学的变化,提高对该病的诊断和治疗水平.方法对52例血管性ED病人分别采取海绵体内注射试验和阴茎彩色双功能超声等检查,分析其血流动力学变化.结果52例血管性ED(动脉性ED 14例,静脉性ED 26例,混合血管性ED 12例)病人在阴茎勃起的充盈、勃起、充分勃起和强直勃起期均有明显不同的血流动力学变化,表现为充盈、勃起期延长,充分勃起和强直勃起减少等.结论血管性ED会发生明显的阴茎血流动力学变化,了解该变化有助于其正确诊断和采取适当的治疗方法.  相似文献   

无创性动态阴茎海绵体测压初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 :初步评价VISER软件进行无创性动态阴茎海绵体测压在ED诊断中的应用。 方法 :采用AquariusXLT型尿流动力学仪配置的VISER软件 ,辅助眼镜式影像仪听觉视觉性刺激 (AVSS)或阴茎海绵体内血管活性药物注射 (ICI)进行无创性动态海绵体测压 68例 ,其中ED病人 4 8例 ,正常对照 2 0例。 结果 :正常对照 2 0例均可通过AVSS诱发勃起 ;4 8例ED病人中 ,18例单纯通过AVSS可诱发勃起 ,占 3 7.5 % ;3 0例单纯AVSS无效者 ,给予罂粟碱 10mg海绵体内注射 ,其中 19例出现勃起 ,占 63 .3 %。VISER检查结果表明 ,除受ICI影响 ,ED罂粟碱组的勃起平均时间延长外 ,勃起数据和峰值数据中的其他多项指标ED各组均低于对照组 ,尤其表现为勃起和峰值总能量降低。 结论 :VISER具有精确的动态阴茎海绵体测压功能 ;辅助眼镜式影像仪有助于增强AVSS的效果和减少阴茎海绵体ICI剂量 ;由于VISER检查具有无创、准确、便捷等优点 ,有望成为今后ED诊断的首选方法。  相似文献   

前列腺素E1与西地那非治疗ED的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 :比较口服西地那非与阴茎海绵体内注射前列腺素E1(PGE1)治疗勃起功能障碍 (ED)的疗效。 方法 :5 4例ED病人随机分为两组 ,A组口服西地那非 ,B组行海绵体内注射PGE1,均治疗 4~ 9个月 ,平均 6个月。结果 :A、B两组的有效率分别为 80 0 %和 83 3% ,两者差异无显著性 (P >0 0 5 )。A组 6例无效病人经海绵体内注射PGE1治疗 ,2例获得满意勃起 ;而B组 4例无效病人经口服西地那非治疗 ,无 1例勃起。 结论 :口服西地那非与海绵体内注射PGE1对各种病因所致的ED均有良好的治疗作用 ,对西地那非治疗无效者 ,可试用海绵体内注射PGE1,有时也能获得满意的效果  相似文献   

阴茎勃起功能障碍治疗方法探讨   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的 :探讨阴茎勃起功能障碍 (ED)的治疗方法 ,提高该病的治疗水平。 方法 :对 2 2 7例ED病人分别采取心理治疗 (31例 )、雄激素补充 (30例 )、万艾可口服 (12 1例 )、心理治疗 +万艾可口服 (16例 )、比法尔尿道滴注 (8例 )和海绵体血管活性药物注射 (2 1例 )等治疗。 结果 :治疗后 ,14 2例 (6 2 .6 % )病人勃起功能改善。其中心理治疗 12例 (38 7% ) ,雄激素补充治疗 9例 (30 0 % ) ,万艾可治疗 91例 (75 2 % ) ,心理治疗 +万艾可 13例 (81 3% ) ,比法尔 2例 (2 5 0 % ) ,海绵体注射治疗 15例 (71 4 % )。 结论 :ED是一个高度个性化的疾病 ,针对不同病人情况采取相应的治疗方法 ,有利于其接受高效、经济、安全的治疗方法  相似文献   

目的探讨宝石CT阴茎海绵体造影在静脉性勃起功能障碍中的诊疗价值。方法通过阴茎彩色多普勒(CDDU)初步检查怀疑静脉性勃起功能障碍的126例患者,行CT下阴茎海绵体造影明确是否为静脉性ED,评估阴茎海绵体静脉漏的位置及范围。结果通过CT阴茎海绵体造影图像显示:105例患者均有不同程度的阴茎海绵体静脉漏,根据每个患者不同的静脉漏类型,制定个性化治疗方案,82例采取保守治疗患者,治疗前和治疗后1~6个月随访勃起硬度均有不同程度提升。23例保守治疗无效患者采取手术治疗,10例行阴茎海绵体静脉漏介入栓塞术,13例阴茎背深静脉结扎术。术后3个月随访,行阴茎海绵体静脉漏介入栓塞术10例患者,7例患者阴茎勃起充分,2例勃起硬度稍差,1例治疗无效。13例行阴茎背深静脉结扎术患者,8例勃起硬度较前有明显改善,5例勃起硬度无明显改变。结论宝石CT阴茎海绵体造影可更清楚的显示阴茎海绵体静脉漏病变区域及范围,既能为静脉性ED的诊断提供提供解剖学依据,还可以对静脉行ED治疗方式选择提供重要的帮助作用。  相似文献   

美蓝染色法提高静脉性勃起功能障碍手术疗效观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 :探讨美蓝染色法提高静脉性勃起功能障碍 (ED)手术疗效。 方法 :78例静脉性ED在美蓝染色标识下切除和结扎回漏静脉 ,采用国际勃起功能指数 5 (IIEF 5 )得分对手术效果进行评估。 结果 :阴茎背深静脉切除 +属支结扎 2 6例 ,有效 2 0例 ( 76.9% ) ;背深静脉切除 +阴茎脚静脉结扎 3 2例 ,有效 2 5例 ( 78.1% ) ;背深静脉切除 +尿道海绵体分离和阴茎头静脉结扎 13例 ,有效 5例 ( 3 8.5 % ) ;单纯脚静脉结扎 7例 ,有效 3例 ( 4 2 9% )。术后随访 1~ 12个月、13~ 2 4个月和 2 5~ 3 6个月的总有效率分别为 67 9%、4 1.0 %和 3 3 .3 %。IIEF 5得分从术前的 ( 4 .8± 0 .5 )分分别提高到 ( 19.5± 0 .5 )分、( 18.6± 0 .5 )分和 ( 18.6± 0 .6)分 ,P值均 <0 .0 0 1。 结论 :阴茎海绵体注射美蓝染色可以提高静脉性ED的手术疗效。  相似文献   

目的:通过Toshiba320排动态容积CT动态成像技术,探讨320排CT对诊断静脉性勃起功能障碍(ED)的应用价值。方法:门诊视听刺激检测仪筛查诊断为ED患者33例,阴茎海绵体局部注射酚妥拉明2 mg+罂粟碱30 mg诱发勃起后,先后从静脉、阴茎海绵体注入碘比醇,分别作320排CT动态容积扫描采集动、静脉期阴茎海绵体图像,并进行图像后处理。结果:33例患者中29例有不同程度的异常引流静脉,所显示的静脉漏分为背深静脉漏7例(24.1%)、脚静脉漏6例(20.7%)、背浅静脉漏3例(10.3%)、间静脉漏1例(3.5%)、海绵体静脉漏2例(6.9%)、混合静脉漏10例(34.5%)。10例患者选择手术治疗,行阴茎背深静脉结扎2例、阴茎背深静脉包埋+脚静脉结扎4例、阴茎脚静脉结扎4例。术后8例获3~12个月随访,2例勃起改善,6例勃起功能基本恢复正常。结论:320排动态容积CT动态造影是诊断静脉性ED的可靠方法,可准确显示静脉漏的部位,指导临床治疗;相比于阴茎海绵体造影有更清晰的诊断图像、更少的放射剂量及对比剂量、更短的检查时间。  相似文献   

无创性动态阴茎海绵体测压的临床应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 初步评价应用VISER软件行无创性动态阴茎海绵体测压在阳萎 (ED)诊断中的作用。 方法 采用AquariusXLT型尿动力学仪配置的VISER软件 ,辅助眼镜式影像仪听觉视觉性刺激 (AVSS)或阴茎海绵体内血管活性药物注射 (ICI)进行无创性动态海绵体测压 39例 ,其中ED患者 32例 ,正常对照 7例。 结果 正常对照 7例均可通过AVSS诱发勃起 ;32例ED患者中 ,13例单纯AVSS可诱发勃起 ,占 4 0 % ;19例单纯AVSS无效者 ,给予罂粟碱 10mg海绵体内注射 ,其中 13例出现勃起 ,占 6 8%。结果除ED罂粟碱组勃起平均时间延长外 ,勃起数据和峰值数据中的其他多项指标ED各组均低于对照组 ,尤以勃起和峰值总能量降低明显。 结论 VISER具有精确的动态阴茎海绵体测压功能 ;辅助眼镜式影像仪有助于增强AVSS效果和减少阴茎海绵体血管活性药物注射剂量 ;VISER检查具有无创、准确、便捷等优点 ,有望成为ED诊断的首选方法  相似文献   

阴茎异常勃起的诊断和治疗   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
目的 :探讨阴茎异常勃起的诊断及治疗方法。方法 :对收治的 12例阴茎异常勃起病人进行回顾性分析。结果 :12例病人经治疗后 ,9例 (75 % )勃起完全消退 ,1例 (8% )部分消退 ,2例 (17% )无效。其中 4例 (33% )并发勃起功能障碍。 结论 :阴茎海绵体穿刺抽吸血液行血气分析、彩色多普勒以及造影检查在阴茎异常勃起的诊断和鉴别诊断中有很高价值 ;选择性海绵体动脉栓塞和阴茎海绵体阴茎头分流术分别是治疗高血流性和低血流性阴茎异常勃起的可靠方法。  相似文献   

勃起功能障碍诊断方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨ED的诊断方法。方法:对365例11个民族拟诊为血管性ED的患者分别采用阴茎海绵体注射试验、阴茎-肱动脉血压指数测定、阴茎彩色双功能超声、阴茎海绵体造影、阴茎数字减影血管造影及阴茎动、静脉血池显像等检查。结果:有365、204、168、228、142、136例患者分别接受了上述6种检查。诊断动脉性ED82例,静脉性ED132例,混合性ED57例,原因不明ED94例。不同民族间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:ED是高度个性化疾病,针对ED患者不同情况采取相应的诊断方法有利于选择高效、经济、安全的治疗方法。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a disorder with a high prevalence that increases with age. It is estimated that 18.9% of men's between 25 and 70 years suffer it in Spain. Most cases have a multifactorial origin and it is admitted the influence on its pathogenesis of systemic diseases, different kind of drugs, psychogenic factors, cardiovascular, endocrinological and neurological diseases. Neurologic cause erectile dysfunction may have its origin in the central or peripheral nervous system. Among possible process of neurogenic erectile dysfunction of central origin would be tumors, cerebral vascular accidents, encephalitis, Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis and other demyelinization diseases, dementias, olivopontocerebellar degeneration and epilepsy. Myelopathies of any etiology may be, depending on their localization and extension, cause of erectile dysfunction. At the peripheral level, disorders of the sensitive tracts constituting the afferent limb of the erection spinal reflex, and the efferent vegetative or somatic tracts mediating arterial vasodilatation, cavernous smooth muscle relaxation or pelvic floor striated muscle contraction. The aim of this work is to review in detail the most relevant causes of neurogenic erectile dysfunction, their etiopathogenic mechanisms and therapeutic approaches currently considered more adequate for each particular case. CONCLUSIONS: The correct diagnostic approach to patients with erectile dysfunction passes through identification, if possible, of the etiopathogenic factors implied. Regarding this, detection and identification of a possible neurogenic risk factor will contribute to a better understanding of the physiopathologic mechanisms, and more adequate diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic approaches, mainly in those patients refractory to first line therapy.  相似文献   

目的探讨双功能超声(DU)、阴部内动脉造影(IPA)在外伤动脉性勃起功能障碍诊断中的应用。方法7例骨盆骨折外伤引起阴茎动脉供血受损致勃起功能障碍患者进行DU和IPA检查。结果DU检查提示7例患者阴茎勃起动脉血液灌注血流动力学受到损害。IPA检查显示7例患者有阴茎动脉血供受损解剖形态学上的变化,包括阴部内动脉断裂、阴茎动脉主干断裂、阴茎动脉主干狭窄和髂总动脉假性动脉瘤病变。结论DU和IPA为阴茎动脉功能和解剖形态学“金标准”试验,DU提供了阴茎勃起动脉血供受损血流动力学改变的客观数据,而IPA显示了阴茎动脉受损解剖形态学上的变化,对损伤病变部位进行定位。对于外伤所致动脉性勃起功能障碍的患者首选DU检查。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study was to determine the pathophysiological factors which cause erectile dysfunction (ED), as well as the risk factors in different age groups in Turkey. METHODS: A total of 948 patients with ED who were admitted to three andrology clinics were evaluated in terms of etiological factors. They underwent a multidisciplinary diagnostic evaluation. Erectile dysfunction was classified as primarily organic, primarily psychogenic, mixed or unknown in etiology. RESULTS: Psychogenic ED was diagnosed in 65.4% of the patients and organic ED was diagnosed in 34.6% of patients overall. In patients under 40 years, the rate of psychogenic ED was 83% and the rate of organic ED was 17%, but in the patients over 40 years, the rate of psychogenic ED was 40.7% and the rate of organic ED was 59.3%. The causes of organic ED were identified as arteriogenic ED, 40.5%; cavernosal factor (venogenic) ED, 10%; neurogenic ED, 12.5%; endocrinologic ED, 1.8%; mixed type ED, 11.8%; and drug induced ED, 4.5%. CONCLUSION: Our data represent a higher ratio of ED in patients under 40, which are mostly psychogenic, This finding potentially results from local social and cultural differences.  相似文献   

Electrocavernosogram in erectile dysfunction: a diagnostic tool   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Corpora cavernosa (CC) evoke electric waves that appear to be of diagnostic significance in evaluation of erectile dysfunction (ED). We investigated the hypothesis that electrocavernosography (ECG) exhibits different patterns in the various types of ED: neurogenic, vasculogenic, and psychogenic. Electrocavernosography was performed in the flaccid phase in 16 neurogenic, 28 vasculogenic (15 arteriogenic, 13 venogenic), and 24 psychogenic patients with ED, and in 15 healthy volunteers (controls). Two needle electrodes were introduced into the CC and the EMG activity was recorded in each of the 2 CCs of the same subject. Two 20 minute recording sessions were performed for each subject. The controls recorded slow waves (SWs) with regular rhythm and identical frequency, amplitude and conduction velocity from the 2 electrodes of the same subject. Random action potentials (APs) were superimposed on or followed the SWs. The ECG in the neurogenic ED recorded no waves in 14/16 patients and occasional irregular waves in 2. The SWs of the arteriogenic ED had irregular rhythm and variable and low parameters compared to those of the controls. The ECG of the patients with venogenic ED was similar to that of the controls, while the ECG of the psychogenic ED exhibited SWs with irregular rhythm and higher parameters than the controls. The study has revealed various ECG patterns in ED: "silent" in neurogenic. "bradyarrhythmic" in arteriogenic, "normal" in venogenic, and "overactive" in psychogenic ED. We suggest that electrocavernosography has the potential to function as an investigative tool in diagnosing the type of ED provided further studies are performed to verify the described findings.  相似文献   

目的 分析脊柱或骨盆损伤后阴茎勃起功能障碍(ED)的可能病因.方法 回顾性分析2005-2009年收治的67例因脊柱或骨盆损伤后ED患者资料.年龄18 ~64岁,平均32岁.伤后时间3~144个月,平均38个月.其中骨盆骨折56例(84%),脊柱外伤11例(16%).患者自诉受伤前性功能正常.患者在未服用或停用PDE-5抑制剂的情况下进行IIEF-5评分、夜间勃起监测(NPT,Rigiscan系统,连续检测3晚)、阴茎彩色多普勒超声(CDU)检查.NPT检测夜间勃起<3次,每次阴茎头部勃起硬度<70%,时间< 10 min诊断为器质性ED.阴茎Ⅳ度勃起情况下,CDU检查峰收缩期速率(PSV)< 25 cm/s诊断为动脉性ED;PSV> 25 cm/s,舒张末期速率(EDV) >5 cm/s诊断为静脉性ED;排除其他原因的器质性ED诊断为神经性ED.结果 62例患者在6个月内未尝试性生活,5例患者IIEF-5评分5~8分.NPT检测证实62例患者均为器质性ED,其中骨盆骨折患者中神经性ED 24例(43%),动脉性ED 22例(39%),静脉性ED 10例(18%);脊柱外伤患者均为神经性ED.结论 骨盆骨折或脊柱外伤可导致器质性ED.骨盆骨折导致的ED可能合并血管性因素,而脊柱外伤所致ED为神经性.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Erectile dysfunction is a common sequel of pelvic fractures, particularly those associated with posterior urethral injury when it can be neurogenic or arteriogenic due to damage to the cavernous nerves or branches of the pudendal arteries. We studied erectile function of patients with posterior urethral injuries due to pelvic fractures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients referred for posterior urethral reconstruction and strictures due to pelvic fractures were evaluated before reconstruction. All patients underwent nocturnal penile tumescence testing, and if those results were abnormal, penile duplex ultrasound with intracavernous injection was performed. Patients with normal vascular function on duplex ultrasound were diagnosed with neurogenic erectile dysfunction. Those patients with abnormal arterial function on duplex ultrasound underwent arteriography to further define the extent and location of arterial damage. RESULTS: The study included 25 consecutive patients with posterior urethral strictures and a mean age of 28.6 years. Of the patients 18 (72%) had erectile dysfunction as demonstrated by nocturnal penile tumescence and all underwent penile duplex ultrasound. Ultrasound confirmed normal vascular response in 13 of the 18 patients and they were diagnosed with probable neurogenic erectile dysfunction. The remaining 5 patients (28%) with erectile dysfunction had an abnormal arterial response, and significant arterial pathology was confirmed by arteriography. CONCLUSIONS: Erectile dysfunction is common in patients with pelvic fractures associated with urethral injury. We believe that erectile function should be assessed and documented in such patients before attempting urethroplasty. In the majority of these patients erectile dysfunction is caused by disruption of the cavernous nerves with sparing of arterial inflow.  相似文献   

Corpus cavernosum electromyography (EMG) and its evolution: single potential analysis of cavernous electrical activity (SPACE) seem to be promising diagnostic methods in the evaluation of erectile dysfunction and smooth muscle integrity [4]. Our study concentrates on the role of EMG in the evaluation of corpus cavernosum smooth muscles, using it as a noninvasive technique for demonstrating autonomic erectile dysfunction through their influence on recording SPACE and consequent proper selection of patients for different therapeutic modalities. A total of 80 male patients were examined for the feasibility of transcutaneous registration of cavernous electrical activity with a 2-channel electrophysiological unit (Evamatic 2000, Dantec) with two surface electrodes bilaterally placed on the penile shaft. Ten patients had normal erectile function, but complained of other urological symptoms. They served as the controls for normal electrical activity. Fifty patients with organic impotence of nonvascular (neurogenic) or vascular (venogenic, arteriogenic) aetiologies were subjected to EMG in both the flaccid and the erect state. On the basis of the EMG patterns the patients were divided into the following groups: 34 patients having normal tracing in both the flaccid and the erect state, and 21 patients showing abnormal patterns of waves with evidence of autonomic neurogenic dysfunction and incomplete smooth muscle relaxation. Of the latter 4 had long-standing diabetes mellitus and 4 had spinal injuries.  相似文献   

心因性勃起障碍影响因素的对照研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用对照研究方法研究了心因性勃起障碍(psychogenic erectile dysfunction, ED)的主要影响因素。我们采用自己编制的勃起障碍评定量表(erectile dysfunction rating scale, EDRS)、Bem 性别角色调查表、状态-特质焦虑问卷和自己编制的影响心因性ED 的性心理问卷对ED 患者和正常受试者进行测评。所有研究工作均在计算机上进行,测试结果直接由测试软件转移到统计软件后作统计分析。结果表明,性操作焦虑、性别角色认同不当和交流差是心因性ED的主要影响因素  相似文献   

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