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谈社会经济发展状况与人群健康的双向作用关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代社会中,人类的健康不仅受自然环境与生态因素的影响,而更重要的是受社会因素的影响,尤其是社会经济发展状况对人群健康的影响,现浅述如下。一、经济发展与人群健康1、社会经济的发展是人群健康水平提高的根本保证。社会经济的发展,反映了一个国家或地区的生产力...  相似文献   

姜小飞 《职业与健康》2008,24(8):747-748
食品安全是一个重大的公共卫生问题。在当今社会,食品安全已不仅仅是一个国家的问题,而是所有国家面临的一个根本的公共卫生问题。食品安全不仅直接关系人类的健康生存,而且还严重影响着经济和社会的发展。随着经济的发展,科学技术的进步,人类生活条件的改善,食品安全并未得到相应的保证。卫生部推行的食品卫生监督量化分级管理,对合理配置卫生人力资源,  相似文献   

对社区健康教育的认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李玉芝 《健康大视野》2005,13(11):107-108
健康是人类宝贵的财富。随着社会经济的迅速发展及人们对健康保健需求的日益提高,与健康有关的问题明显增多,为尽可能满足居民生活方式的转变带来的健康需求多样化的要求,健康教育在社区护理工作中日益变得越来越重要而有实际意义。  相似文献   

作者从经济学的角度,讨论了与社会卫生发展有关的战略思想。发展指经济与社会进步变化的过程。发展首先是人类自身的发展,并且最终由人类自身的发展来检验。健康发展和智力发展,是人类发展最重要的两个方面,应成为经济与社会发展的战略目标,应该选择一系列的指标,来综合反映人民享有的福利水平。健康经济学研究经济与社会发展投资的健康效益,研究社会经济资源最健康地生产、分配、交换与消费。它可以研究健康与生活质量变化的经济原因,制定提高健康与生活质量的经济措施。  相似文献   

试论健康教育在我国环境保护与可持续发展中的积极作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人类社会的可持续发展 ,决定于人类的个体发展和社会群体发展意识。而人类的社会发展意识 ,则决定于人类的社会统治地位 ,经济地位以及社会文化环境。其中 ,对人类身心发展影响最长远、最深刻、最持久的往往不是政治或经济条件 ,而是由社会的传统文化、文化思潮、文化精神所支持的人们的身心健康意识和生存意识。人类的发展历史中 ,人的生命是第一位的 ,身体健康仅次于它排在第二位。由于这种生存意识本能的根本性影响 ,往往凝结为人们对社会的现实态度。因此 ,人们对身心健康的向往和追求 ,可以说是人性最本质、最直接的反映。我国健康教育…  相似文献   

孙继红 《中国校医》2023,(7):555-558
性与生殖健康是人类健康的重要组成部分,对个体和社会的健康与幸福有着深远影响。随着社会的发展,性与生殖健康教育在高校教育中日益受到重视。高校作为年轻人的集中地,承担着性与生殖健康教育的重要职责。本文旨在探讨构建一个有效的高校性与生殖健康教育体系,通过分析教育现状,强调提高学生性知识水平和培养健康态度的必要性;讨论教育体系的关键要素,包括明确的教育目标和多方面的教育内容;提出多元化的教育方法和策略,以满足学生的需求,并对教育体系进行评价与反思,强调评价的重要性和未来发展的展望。通过加强高校性与生殖健康教育,为学生提供必要的知识和技能,促进身心健康和全面发展。  相似文献   

张健 《中国学校卫生》2000,21(2):160-161
健康是人类社会永恒的主题,一切对人类健康有促进的事业必将随着人类社会的发展越来越被人们所重视。那么,与儿童少年健康成长联系在一起的中小学卫生保健所,也将随着人类社会的发展和自我的不断完善,越来越显示出它的重要作用。现就沈阳市中小学卫生保健所建所20年来的点滴经验和所取得的成绩介绍如下。1保住所的建立和发展过程文革结束后,我国进入了一个拨乱反正、改革开放,并以经济建设为中心的历史新时期。随着经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,人们对健康的需求也不断提高。正处于长知识、长身体时期的中小学生正是我们中华民族…  相似文献   

社会立法是社会诸要素中对人类健康产生重要影响的因素之一。随着社会的发展,其影响日益显著。一、法和社会立法法是一种社会历史现象。在漫长的原始社会没有法,只有当社会生产力发展到  相似文献   

健康是人类社会全面发展的基础,健康状况的改善对社会发展和经济增长的贡献是多方面的,投资健康已经成为世界各国公共支出的优先领域。中国政府历来高度重视国民健康和医药卫生事业的发展,  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展及物质生活的丰裕,糖尿病发病率逐年攀升,糖尿病患者人群逐渐扩大,糖尿病目前已经成为人类健康的主要敌人,与心血管疾病、癌症共同构成人类健康的杀手。  相似文献   

从健康水平、妇幼保健、卫生机构、卫生人力、卫生床位、医疗服务、传染病疫情、卫生经费等多角度分析广西卫生事业发展现状,并与全国平均水平进行比较。结果表明,近年来广西卫生事业发展水平不断提升,居民主要健康指标总体优于全国平均水平;卫生资源总量持续增加;社会资本办医成效显著,民营医院发展迅速;卫生筹资结构在不断优化,个人卫生负担有所减轻。但也面临妇幼保健体系有待完善、卫生人均量不足、基层医疗卫生资源利用不足、医疗费用持续上涨、法定传染病报告发病率上升、社会卫生筹资不足以及农村居民人均医疗保健支出增长过快等问题。因此,广西卫生事业发展综合水平还有待进一步提升。  相似文献   

The most important forces operating to lower morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases during the past 100 years have been economic and social changes, environmental control measures, immunization, health education, and other public health activities; treatment services have played a secondary role. Similarly, the contribution of medical care to lowering mortality and morbidity from noninfectious diseases is useful but limited; although curative in some, it is only partially effective or ineffective in most of these diseases. The second epidemiologic revolution has provided the scientific weapons for the conquest of leading noninfectious diseases through preventive measures. These will have three basic components: control of the environment, screening, and health education. It is estimated that an effective preventive program will entail minor costs in comparison with the major benefits resulting from the prevention of illness, disability and death, and reduction in the costs of medical care.  相似文献   

浅议边疆民族地区传染病防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传染病防治工作是一种重要的社会公益事业,是关系到人们健康和生命的必不可少的事业。边疆少数民族地区由于受自然环境、历史发展、地理位置、经济条件、群众素质等因素和口岸建设及改革开放后带来的新问题所制约,孟连县的传染病防治工作纵向比较发展快,横向比较差距大。如何搞好新时期边疆少数民族地区传染病防治工作,该文就提高对传染病防治工作重要性的认识;加大经费投入力度;加强防治单位的队伍和基础设施建设;加大立法力度,完善流动人口、出入境人员的管理;改革乡镇卫生管理体制,确保防保为主等五个方面探讨,以供同道参考借鉴。  相似文献   

人类对于呼吸道传染病的认识仍有限, 尤其是新发、突发的急性呼吸道传染病。然而这类传染病一旦大流行, 可对健康、政治、经济和社会产生巨大的危害。人们希望通过监测及早发现传染病异动并及时发出预警。症状监测作为传统监测的有效补充, 已在公共卫生界得到越来越多的关注。本文概述了国外传染病监测系统的现状, 对我国的急性呼吸道传染病症状监测体系及应用进行了综述, 并对未来急性呼吸道传染病症状监测预警技术的发展进行了探讨。  相似文献   

二十一世纪初中国的主要健康问题浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
进入21世纪,人民群众所期待的卫生服务水准和追求的健康目标,正随着经济状况的改善而不断提高,社会主义市场经济制度要求构建与之相适应的卫生体系与运行机制。总体来说,目前中国卫生事业的发展滞后于经济发展,卫生改革滞后于社会主义市场经济发展进程所带来的相关体制变化。当前面临的主要卫生问题包括:多数人口缺乏基本的健康保障;医疗费用上涨超过居民收入增长和承受能力;政府卫生投入显著不足,卫生资源投入不公平、服务分配不公平及由此带来的健康不公平现象日益突出;因病致贫现象仍较严重,构成了社会不稳定不和谐因素;中国既面临仍在蔓延的传染病和地方病,又面临伴随城市化和人口老龄化的慢性非传染性疾病快速上升的双重负担,而政府和卫生系统尚缺乏足够的应对能力。这些问题同国家经济发展和社会进步息息相关,如果得不到妥善解决,将对构建和谐社会、保证社会公平稳定、巩固经济发展成果及促进人的全面发展造成严重的负面影响。  相似文献   

The last 40 years has been a time of rapid demographic, social and economic change in most countries of the world. In Europe, the ageing of the population, a decrease in household size, and the reduced importance of parasitic and infectious diseases along with an increase in chronic and degenerative diseases are some of the most notable results of industrialization, urbanization and medical progress. These developments lead to changing demands not only for the services of hospitals but upon the health care system at large. Most recently, and in addition, these changes have had to be faced under resource constraints resulting from decreased economic growth. This article focuses on the similarities and differences within and across the health care systems of European countries, and on their efforts to respond to the changes which have taken place and are likely to continue in the near future. In so doing, it relates the various demographic, social and economic changes taking place in these countries to the structural changes noticeable in the hospital sector. The results obtained by statistical analyses of empirical evidence lead us to conclude that demographic and social variables may better explain the differences in hospital use within a given country over longer stretches of time than across countries at a given point in time. In the latter case, economic variables--differences in gross domestic product (GDP) per capita--serve as major explanations of the cross-country differences found. Changes in demographic, social and morbidity factors are also mirrored in the relative importance of hospital departments, at a given point in time and also in changes over time. Major changes have taken place within the health care systems. Hospitals are losing ground to other forms of health care: for instance, to institutions providing pre-hospital and post-hospital treatment. The need for more caring patterns of service, rather than for more curing, accounts for yet another overall trend. Hospitals have started to respond to this need by offering more 'semi-stationary' and part-time health care facilities. These developments go hand in hand with the establishment of closer relations between hospitals and other facilities within the health care system, and with improved non-stationary health care services.  相似文献   

Despite the economic crisis, the immigrant population of Spain continues to be high, with 5.7 million persons (11.4%). This population, whose health needs are similar to those of the general population, is more vulnerable due to their exposure to worse social determinants (living and working conditions together with a higher risk of exclusion from social services). In this article, we analyze how the economic crisis affects or can affect the health of the immigrant population in Spain by examining distinct population-specific or institutional factors that influence the effects of the crisis and the available data. The available evidence is limited, but several effects can be identified: firstly, some social determinants, such as higher unemployment rates and worse working conditions, have deteriorated, which can be expected to lead to a worsening of health status. These consequences have already been described for mental health or have been estimated for infectious diseases. Secondly, political decisions have had a direct impact, excluding–with some exceptions–undocumented immigrants from the right to health care. Finally, the lower priority given to adapting health services to the specific characteristics of the immigrant population (most of whom are documented) together with the introduction of new barriers, has hampered or will hamper access to health care. As a result, the economic crisis can be expected to have a greater impact on the immigrant population.  相似文献   

近年来多种新发和再现传染病以及各类生物恐怖事件严重威胁人类健康、社会稳定和经济发展,也充分暴露出我国在防范突发公共卫生事件的机制上存在诸多薄弱环节,尤其是缺乏一个全面覆盖各类突发公共卫生事件的完整预警和应对系统。HACCP体系是一个成熟和完善的食品安全的预防性控制体系,其基本原理具有科学的管理学基础,并且是经过实践检验的。将HACCP原理应用于突发公共卫生事件预警和应对机制的构建。基于HACCP基本原理,对突发公共卫生事件预警和应对过程进行7个环节的分解和优化,构建科学化、规范化、系统化的突发公共卫生事件预警和应对机制,以期提高突发公共卫生事件应对体系的效率和效果,完善我国的突发公共卫生事件应对体系。  相似文献   

Despite the many scientific achievements realized in recent years, infectious diseases still remain the main cause of premature mortality worldwide. It is also growing increasingly difficult to fight infections. Tuberculosis and malaria are making a comeback, cholera and yellow fever are making new inroads into countries where they?ve never been before, other diseases are developing resistance to antibiotics and have in some cases become incurable, and new diseases such as Ebola-induced hemorrhagic fever and Hantavirus pneumonia are being observed. These infections and resulting diseases are having major adverse impacts upon both human health and countries? economic development. However, hygienic measures can largely prevent the transmission of infectious agents leading to such diseases. Obstacles to prevention include widespread poverty and human misery, population growth, war-related population migrations, and economic crises in some countries, which render their healthcare systems ineffective. Regarding such problems, the World Health Organization?s three priorities are to continue with efforts already in place to eradicate a number of diseases, to attack longstanding diseases like tuberculosis and malaria, and to engage in an international coalition against infectious diseases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite the many triumphs of biomedical research over infectious diseases, human pathogens continue to impact profoundly populations deprived of social resources. Correspondingly, health researchers have advocated a social determinants approach to the study and prevention of infectious diseases. However, it is unknown whether this call has resulted in an increase in the number of studies examining social determinants of infectious outcomes. METHODS: Research on social determinants of infectious diseases was systematically quantified by assessing temporal trends in the published literature using MEDLINE, PsycINFO and ISI Web of Science. RESULTS: Results of the literature review spanning 1966-2005 show that socially related citations increased an annual average of 180.3 for neuropsychiatric conditions, 81.9 for chronic conditions, 44.7 for sexually transmitted diseases and 18.9 for non-sexually transmitted infectious diseases (p<0.0001). Of the 279 publications found to employ the term "social epidemiology", 15 (5.4%) investigated infectious outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the literature review suggest a paucity of social research on infectious diseases. There is a need for increased dialogue and collaboration between infectious disease epidemiologists and social epidemiologists.  相似文献   

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