引用本文:魏敏 李亚超 曾子倩 薛清萍 陈卫中.基于在线课程的“2+1”对分课堂在医学统计学本科教学中的应用[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2020,19(1):37-41
Application of "2+1" PAD class based on online course in medical statistics undergraduate teaching
中文关键词:  高等教育  对分课堂  教学效果
英文关键词:Higher education  PAD class  Teaching effect
魏敏 李亚超 曾子倩 薛清萍 陈卫中 成都医学院流行病与卫生统计学教研室 610500 
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      目的 探索基于在线课程的“2+1”对分课堂在医学统计学本科教学中的应用效果。方法 将2017年春季学期选修医学统计学的临床医学专业326名本科生随机分为普通班和试验班,普通班140名学生作为对照,采用传统方法授课;试验班186名学生,采用基于在线课程的“2+1”对分课堂教学,将在线自学、课堂授课、课堂讨论等有机结合。比较两个班学生的评价信息以及考试成绩。采用SAS 9.4进行定量资料描述及t检验、轶和检验。结果 相较普通班,试验班学生认为基于在线课程的“2+1”对分课堂,更注重学科交叉(P<0.01),对能力培养有帮助(P=0.008),更利于从事科研(P=0.012);试验班学生综合满意度更高(P<0.01)。试验班学生在课终考试中综合案例分析题得分更高(P<0.01)。结论 基于在线课程的“2+1”对分课堂教学效果优于传统模式,值得在高校教学中应用和推广。
      Objective To explore the effects of "2+1" PAD class based on online course in medical statistics undergraduate teaching. Methods A total of 326 clinical undergraduates who took medical statistics in the spring term of 2017 were randomly divided into experimental group (n=186) and control group (n=140). Students in the experimental group were taught by "2+1" teaching method, which included self-study on line, classroom teaching, discussion and so on. While students in the control group were taught traditionally. Feedbacks about the teaching progress and effects from the students in the two groups were compared. SAS 9.4 was used for quantitative data description, t-test and rank sum test. Results according to the students, the online-based "2+1" teaching method paid more attention to interdisciplinarity than traditional method (P<0.01), and the new teaching method was more beneficial for the improvement of students' capacity (P=0.008) and more conducive for students to engaging in scientific research (P=0.012). Students in the experimental group had higher overall satisfaction scores (P<0.01) and better ability for solving comprehensive problems (P<0.01). Conclusion The "2+1" PAD class teaching model based on online courses has more advantages than traditional teaching methods does, which should be recommended and adopted in undergraduate teaching.
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