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Differential seeding of injected hemopoietic precursor cells in the bone marrow and spleen of irradiated mice
Authors:Harald von Melcher  Donald Metcalf
Affiliation:Cancer Research Unit, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, P.O. 3050, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Victoria, Australia
Abstract:The seeding efficiency was determined of syngeneic granulocyte, macrophage, erythroid/mixed and megakaryocyte colony-forming cells (G-GFC, GM-CFC, M-CFC, E/Mix-CFC, MEG-CFC) in the femoral bone marrow and spleen of lethally-irradiated C57BL mice. The overall seeding efficiency of CFC's was similar to that for multipotential stem cells (CFU-S) in the marrow but in the spleen CFC seeding efficiency was ten-fold lower than for CFU-S. Two and a half hours after transplantation of 107 bone marrow cells, the relative frequencies of E/Mix-CFC's and M-CFC's recovered from the recipient marrow were higher than in the injected marrow population. However the relative frequencies of CFC's recovered from the spleen corresponded closely to those of the injected marrow population.
Keywords:Colony forming cells (CFC)  seeding efficiency  Colony-forming cells  Granulocyte-colony forming cells  Granulocyte-macrophage colony forming cells  macrophage colony forming cells  Erythroid/mixed colony forming cells  Megakaryocyte colony forming cells  Spleen colony forming units
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