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Immunohistochemical study of substance P receptor (SPR) in early human placenta
引用本文:姚兵,黄威权,孙岚. Immunohistochemical study of substance P receptor (SPR) in early human placenta[J]. 中国人民解放军军医大学学报, 1998, 0(4)
作者姓名:姚兵  黄威权  孙岚
摘    要:SP,oneoftheneuropeptidesthatwerediscoveredearliest,playsanimportantroleinregulatingbloodcirculation[lj.PreviousstudieshavefoundthathumanplacentalvilliarecapableofexpressingSPandSP--mRNA,suggestingthathumanplacentacansynthesizeSP[ZJ.WeconductthisexperimentofSPreceptorlocalizationinplacentalvillitoinvestigatewhetherSP--targetingcellsexistintheplacentas,andtoprovidefurthermorphologicalevidenceforthefunctionalsignificanceofSPinplacentalandfetaldevelopment.MATERIALSANDMETHODSReagents…

Immunohistochemical study of substance P receptor (SPR) in early human placenta
Yao Bing,Huang Weiquan,Sun Lan,. Immunohistochemical study of substance P receptor (SPR) in early human placenta[J]. Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China), 1998, 0(4)
Authors:Yao Bing  Huang Weiquan  Sun Lan  
Abstract:We sought to determine whether substance P receptors (SPR) exist in human placenta and if do their cellular localization in placental villi, and to supply morphological evidence for the functional significance of SP in placental and fetal development. Methods: Immunohistochemical ABC method was used in the experiment. Results: Both syncytiotrophoblasts and cytotrophoblasts, stromal cells, capillary endothelium, lymphocytes in capillary cavity, and all blood islet in cells early human placenta showed SPR immunoreactivity in cytoplasm but with negative nuclei. Conclusion: SP produced by placental villi mediated by SPR might be responsible for the synthesis and release of placental hormone, the development of capillaries and the regulation of microcirculation in placental villi and fetal immune function.
Keywords:substance P receptor  localization human placenta  immunohistochemistry
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