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A Case of Post-Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Bile Leakage from the Cystic Duct Treated by Endoscopic Nasobiliary Drainage without EST
Authors:Yasuo OHTANI  Yutaka TANAKA  Kenichiro GOTO  Masaru TSUKUI  Hiroyasu MAKUUCHI  Tomoo TAJIMA  Toshio MITOMI
Abstract:Abstract: The patient was a 45 year old female with cholelithiasis who had undergone laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Bile leakage was detected from the site of Penrose drain insertion immediately after the operation. As no improvement of bile leakage was subsequently observed, ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) was performed on the third postoperative day. Neither choledocholithiasis nor choledochal stricture was found and the diagnosis of bile leakage from the cystic duct stump was made. A 5Fr ENBD (endoscopic nasobiliary drainage)-tube without EST (endoscopic sphincterotomy) was inserted into the common bile duct, and bile leakage disappeared completely on the third day after insertion of the ENBD tube. Additional laparotomy, EST or biliary stenting was thereby avoided. Choledo-chography, via the ENBD-tube, showed no leakage of contrast material, the ENBD-tube was removed and the patient was discharged. ENBD should be considered as a method of treatment for management of bile leaks from the cystic duct stump.
Keywords:laparoscopic cholecystectomy  cystic duct bile leak  endoscopic nasobiliary drainage
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