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Distribution of PDE8A in the nervous system of the Sprague-Dawley rat
Authors:Kruse Lars Schack  Møller Morten  Kruuse Christina
Affiliation:aDepartment of Neurology, Glostrup Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Nordre Ringvej 57, DK-2600 Glostrup, Denmark;bDepartment of Neuroscience and Pharmacology, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 3, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark
Abstract:Phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are essential regulators of cyclic nucleotide signaling. Little is known of the distribution and function of the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) hydrolyzing PDE8A family.Employing immunohistochemistry and Western blots this study maps the distribution of PDE8A in the brain of adult male Sprague-Dawley rats and in the trigeminal ganglion.PDE8A was confined to neuronal perikaryal cytoplasm and to processes extending from those perikarya. The neurons exhibiting PDE8A-immunoreactivity were widely distributed in the forebrain, brain stem, and cerebellum. Strongly immunoreactive neurons were located in the olfactory bulb, the septal area, zona incerta, and reticular nucleus of the thalamus. Less immunoreactivity was seen in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Intense staining was detected in both the substantia nigra and the sensory trigeminal nucleus. In cerebellum PDE8A immunoreactivity was located not only in the Purkinje cells, but also in the granular cells as well as the parallel fibres in the molecular layer. PDE8A immunoreactivity was represented in the epithelial lining of the choroids plexus, the dura mater, and the neurons of the trigeminal ganglion.The localization of the cAMP degrading PDE8A may indicate a role for PDE8A in cAMP signaling related to pain transmission, motor function, cognition and olfaction.
Keywords:Abbreviations: AM, amygdala   AOP, anterior olfactory nucleus   pars, posterior   Ap, area postrema   CA1, CA1 region of hippocampal gyrus   Gr, nucleus gracilis   Gi, gigantocellular reticular nucleus   Cu, nucleus cuneatus   DC, dorsal cochlear nucleus   DLG, dorsal nucleus of the lateral geniculate nucleus   EPl, external plexiforme layer of olfactory bulb   Fr, frontal neocortex   fr, fasciculus retroflexus   GP, globus pallidus   HDB, diagonal band of Broca, horizontal part   ic, internal capsule   icp, inferior cerebellar peduncle   Ion, inferior olivary nucleus   Igsc, intermediate gray layer of superior colliculus   IMM, intermediomedial cell column of lamina VII   Ipn, interpeduncular nucleus   Lar, lateral reticular nucleus   lo, lateral olfactory tract   Mo, motor cortex   Mrn, medullary reticular nucleus   MS, medial septal nucleus   Mt, mamillothalamic tract   NX, nervus vagus   Och, optic chiasm   Opt, optic tract   PAG, periaqueductal gray   PBG, parabigeminal nucleus   Pc, posterior commissure   Pir, piriform cortex   Pn, pontine reticular nucleus   Rn, red nucleus   Sc, superior colliculus   Sn, substantia nigra   Soln, solitary nucleus   sp5, spinal trigeminal tract   Sp5n, spinal trigeminal nucleus   Rt, reticular nucleus   STR, striatum   VC, ventral cochlear nucleus   VDB, diagonal band of Broca, vertical part
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