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Brain electrical activity (quantitative EEG and bit-mapping neurocognitive CNV components), psychometrics and clinical findings in presenile subjects with initial mild cognitive decline or probable Alzheimer-type dementia
Authors:R. Zappoli   A. Versari   M. Paganini   G. Arnetoli   G. C. Muscas   P. F. Gangemi   M. G. Arneodo   D. Poggiolini   F. Zappoli  A. Battaglia
Affiliation:(1) Servizio di Neuroradiologia, Fondazione C. Mondino IRCCS, Università di Pavia, (Italy);(2) Direzione Medica, Market Company Italia, Pharmacia, Milano, (Italy);(3) Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche e Psichiatriche, Seconda Clinica Neurologica, Università di Firenze, V.le Morgagni 85, 50134 Firenze, Italy
Abstract:Clinical, neuropsychological and neuropsychophysiological data (Q-EEG, ERPs and CNV/RT activity) were obtained from 24 patients who had more or less severe presenile primary cognitive decline without depression, and compared with similar data from 10 age-matched healthy volunteers (mean age, 59.4 years). All of the patients (15 M and 9 F; mean age 59.6 years) were selected according to the DSM III-R, ICD-10 and NINCDS-ADRDA criteria and underwent CT and MRI scanning, in addition to a standard clinical examination, a battery of psychometric tests, spectral EEG, and bit-mapped CNV complex and RT to S2 analyses. Twelve of the 24 patients presented an initial presenile idiopathic cognitive decline (PICD) but did not wholly fulfil the clinical and neuropsychological criteria for primary dementia or for a diagnosis of probable AD; the remaining 12 patients showed characteristic clinical signs and symptoms of a very probable early stage of presenile Alzheimer-type dementia (PAD). ANOVA, correlational and discriminant analyses of the neuropsychological test scores, and the neurophysiological and RT to S2 data revealed 22 highest-ranked between-group discriminant factors (all with a significance level of p<0.01). The conclusive discriminant analysis retained 13 of these factors as final canonical functions, and these showed a 97% grouping accuracy (33 of the 34 subjects examined); the same percentage of correct classifications was also achieved using only the 15 best indicators in the group of CNV/RT findings. Using both of these sets of highest-ranked discriminators, all of the normal subjects and all of the PAD patients were correctly classified; only 1 PICD patient was misclassified as normal when the first group of 13 factors was used, and another PICD patient was misclassified as PAD using the second group of 15 factors. Our findings suggest that, providing they are correctly performed and interpreted, these non-invasive techniques may be an important tool for identifying incipient stages of presenile Alzheimer-type dementia.This investigation was supported by National Research Council Grants (Aging Program Project: CNR No. 02854.04; 00394. PF40; 00467. PF40; Code No 954569).
Keywords:psychometrics  Q-EEG  ERPs  CNV complex  presenile dementia  presenile Alzheimer's disease
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